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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sex, Evolution, & Innovation | Video

I just love TED talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design).

They always have interesting topics and speakers. The
talks are short, and packed with thoughtful tidbits.

This one with Matt Ridley is about When Ideas Have Sex.
He speaks about how we have evolved over time, and
how it has allowed us to become more specialized.

He doesn't judge it, however it would seem to lean in
a positive direction. While I think it is good to see how
we are not as independent as we may sometimes we
think we are (as there are many who are involved in the
production of even the simplest of things) it is something
I wonder about.

In some ways I think technology is having us feel more
separated from the things in our life, and are separating
us from life itself. There are many more "things" and
therefore many more diversions.

I won't blame technology for what is happening, however
I do see it as a piece of the puzzle. How can we know
who we are, if we're either unwilling or unable to look
through all of the stuff that surrounds us?

Simpler often seems like it's the "poor man's choice."
However, chosen simplicity can be its own reward.
Have you see this video of Jay Shafer's little home?

As always, I don't know what THE answer is...there
are so many more questions. However, I'd say it's
something to step back and consider on an individual
basis. Is your stuff empowering you? burying you?
supporting you? overwhelming you?

It's no fun to look at the things that don't work,
however it seems to be a starting place for a change.
A problem unrecognized continues to be fed.

The good thing is you only have to look at it long
enough to make a change, because once you recognize
it for what it is, you can focus on what you truly want

Watch, and let me know what your thoughts.

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