Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Making an Exchange

Today I was talking to someone who seemed so
excited to be talking to me, and thought that
he had hit the jackpot.

When I asked him if he realized that I charged
for sessions, he seemed surprised.

For quite some time now I have wanted to write
a blog about what I do for a living, but haven't
been sure how to go about it.

In the several years that I have been doing
this there have been lots of conversations
about it, and some hypnotists that challenge
the pay for play structure - especially when
it comes to recordings.

While I know that some find playing hypnotically
way too intimate to consider paying for it, I
respect it, and at the same time think about
how in some countries pay for sex play, prostitution,
is legal, and people in those countries seem to be
just fine with the convention.

I think there are a few issues in this regard.
One, I think is the "pay for play" resistance
and another is the fact that it would seem to
be a recreational thing to do, and as such it
shouldn't cost anything, should it?

I am sure there must be other things involved,
depending on whose perspective you go by, but
I would think that these two things come to
the top of the list.

While it would be awesome to have the wherewithall
to be able to be as recreationally active as some
must think I am (given their approach that I am
not paid for what I do) it would not be possible,
unless I was either independently wealthy or had
others who were able to pay for the things that
I need, including the roof over my head.

To put the time into things that I do, making
pictures, videos, recordings, taking calls,
blogging etc means logging many hours each
week. There is no way to do what I do without
spending time to do it. There is no way that
I could do what I do and give what I do give
for "free," if I was working a full time job

We have an interesting way of looking at things
as humans; if it doesn't affect us, and we can't
see it, then most assuredly it doesn't exist,
or shouldn't exist. I spend a lot of time
making the types of things that you spend your
time so freely enjoying.

Our current culture also seems to devalue products
that are intangible. Most people would think
nothing of sharing a song with another, instead
of there being two purchases, there is just one.
They think it is no big deal, and it is the way
that things should be. Why would the companies
get so upset?

Most people I would say who have this mentality
are not ones that have to earn money from their
creations and their work. They likely go to
work every day, and get a paycheck whether they
do any real work, or not.

Doing what I do for a living, if I stopped doing
it, I would quite possibly stop making money.
Someone I once knew thought I was "lazy" for
the life I live which is kind of funny, as I
do not have the time to be lazy.

My mind is constantly going, and my day could
easily last from morning to night, if I let it.
There is always something to do. It is, at
times, overwhelming. I am my everything. You
do your individual taxes, and that may be taxing
enough, but imagine if you had a business and
had to keep track of everything. Imagine if
you didn't have an IT person to call to fix
your computer, an office manager to order
your office supplies. If you had to move the
office you now work in into your home. Imagine
if your internet went down, and you could
effectively be out of business, and not just
inconvenienced for a few hours.

This conversation likely takes some of the
magic out of the illusion of what you think
you are getting when you speak with me, but
at the same time, it seems that for some it
is a conversation to at least be entertained.

Every person I talk to I value, and that
value often transcends the paid conversation.
I have extended myself on many occasions when
it seemed to be the right thing to do. Extended,
without pay. Fortunately it was pay that I
received in other ways that allowed me to do
just that.

It isn't an easy balancing act working in this
way. If I could do what I do for free, I would
in a heartbeat. I love what I do, and I love
most of the people I interact with, and I do
my best to be available as a resource as well
as a hypnotist. It isn't easy.

It is harder for me to do what I do now than it
ever was when I used to have a J-O-B. But it
is worth it, given what it seems to give, and
what I give back.

While it might be difficult for some to grasp
the economy of this world in which I exist, I
would suggest that what I do is no different
in some ways than what any other service
provider provides. I would think you would
expect to pay the person who cuts your hair,
the plumber who takes care of your leak, the
builder who builds your home, the grocery
store that provides your groceries.

All of these things are environments that are
set up in a way in which there is an exchange;
you get what you want or need in exchange for
giving the other party money. Occasionally
there are ways to barter, but for the most
part the only accepted currency is money.

When energy is put into something, it has value,
and money is a way of showing appreciation for
that value. While I can and do respect some
who would question making that exchange, I
ask you to consider the things I have said.

Perhaps I said something you haven't considered,
and maybe next time you are inclined to judge
what someone does, and how they do it, you
may find yourself willing to see a different

Of course, you may feel that what you feel is
what is right for you, and it is something
that is non-negotiable. I understand, and if
that is the case, that's more than OK, because
it just leaves more of me for those who
appreciate what I have to offer, and are willing
to make an exchange that works for both of us.

Isn't it great how things work out sometimes?

Have a great night.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

HypnoTouched By Isis

Who wants to be hypnotized when they can be hypnotouched?

This image has some gorgeous hand jewelry made in India.
If you think you like it small,
you will know how much you love it
as a large 1024x768 wallpaper image.

Click the above image to buy.

Playing with Pleasure Update

Thanks to those who have given me their
feedback regarding Playing with Pleasure.

I just wanted to tell you that I have
created a web page you can bookmark and
with a graphic for you to play easily when
you are inclined.

I also added another page that adds a bit
more mystery to the process. The graphic
looks the same as the first, but you don't
know what you are clicking when you click
the area, so you won't know what you are
getting before you get it. There is an
added dimension as well, as all 4 pieces
could have the same pay button. You never
know what you might find there.

To enhance the mystery of it, I suggest
that you only go there when you are committed
to acting on whatever you get. Otherwise,
what's the point, right?

Of course, it is up to you however you find
to keep yourself entertained. :)

It is meant to be fun, nothing more or less.
Of course, though, we can use it when we
play together. There are always options.

The new page is

You will be able to find a link to the blank
graphic there as well.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Love Feedback Like This!

"Wow! This woman is the real thing.
I don't know what certifications
she has or how many degrees in
this or that. In 15 years of hypnosis
this is the best hypnosis I have EVER
experienced." -jabar4021

Playing with Pleasure

Want to play a game?

Playing with Pleasure
(Bookmark for future use)

Sometimes guys I talk to want me to control
things like whether or not they're allowed
to play or come, and how they go about it.

So I thought it might be interesting to try
a game through NF.

It will work like this:

You will start with a button that says
"Permission to Play." If it says No you
will be able to click another button and
try again. If it still says no, you will
need to try back another time.

If you get a Yes, then you have permission
to play. You can then click on how long
you need to play at a minimum before you
can come.

You can also click the button that tells
you if you can come or not.

You can also click a button that will
give you some guideline how to go about it.

Do what it says, and the rest is up to you.
It may be one thing, it may be a few things.

Each button can stand on its own, so
depending on your mood, you could just
click any one of them and follow what
it says when you find yourself wanting
to play, or you could play all the

Periodically I will likely change the
prices and the content of the email.

Obviously you will be on the honor system,
as there is no way for me to know what you
did, or didn't do. However, if you'd like
an added dimension, click the same payment
button 2 more times as a "penalty" for not
following my directions. For instance, if
you click the how long button, and it says
15 minutes, and you only last 5. If that
button was $2.00, you would then click it
two more times for an additional $4.00 in

Also See Update Here.

Questions? Just ask.

I will be curious to see what you think.

Let me know, and have fun! :)

Permission to Play

How long minimum

Permission to Come

What Should I Do?


"You never cease to amaze me Isis with your creativity...
I love VIVID more each time I listen!"

This recording is for those who have been hypnotized by
me previously. There are reasons I say that so I suggest
you test out your curiosity a different way, if we have not
yet spoken.

Vivid is likely to surprise you. It also has the potential
to have you forget what you listen to...if you don't, it's
no big deal, and if you do, all the better for you. It is
recording that will help you even more greatly appreciate
our connection.

Ask me how your experience of this can be customized.

Click here to hear a sample

To buy at a Special Blog Only Price,
click the image below

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sweetness | Cleavage Image

Close up cleavage

686x511 | 1 Image JPG | $3.50


The Financial Fetish & Me

Just a few minutes ago someone I have been
talking to for years bought me a necklace
and earrings (a necklace you will likely
see on me at some point).

I love those who are generous with their
time and money when it comes to me, and
generous doesn't have to be defined by a few
thousand dollars; it could be just a few

I know some have a financial fetish, but when
it comes at the cost of the money that one
doesn't have, or at the expense of a
relationship, it is not something I would
want to be a party to.

I realize that people have their own choices
to make, and need to be as responsible, or
as lacking, as they see fit, but they don't
need to bring me into a potentially
destructive and disastrous situation with

It is for that reason, I am cautious who
I do anything remotely financial with.
In addition, I always make it clear that
I never want someone to do more than they
reasonably can, and that I will get zero
enjoyment out of someone who compromises
themselves in the process of doing something
for me.

I never used to even touch things like this
when I first started, despite there being
what seemed to be an eager market for it.
But one day I realized that situations like
this can be advantageous for both parties.
When done right, both parties get what they
want, and feel good about it in the process.

I'd like to think that if someone has a need
or a desire to do something in this way, the fact
that they can do it relatively safely and sanely
with me, it might even be of some greater benefit.
Of course, it could just seem like a justification
for what some would consider objectionable behavior,
who knows?

At the same time, I know what is in my heart, and
I do my best to respect what is in another's
heart and experience. We all need outlets, and
some are better or worse than others. Perhaps
if you do something in a way that doesn't destroy
you and isn't destructive you will even get
to a point when you feel like you've "been there,
done that." And if that was ever the case,
wouldn't it be nice to know that the person
you've done it with wishes you well, and doesn't
make the act of leaving difficult, if not

If, by any chance, what you are doing you know
isn't good for you, and you don't want to do it
at all, it is probably best to stay away from most
on NF who say they will help, as they will
likely help you, alright, right into a bigger
mess. Of course, it feeds right into what some
people say they want, in which case this
conversation may not be for you.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you want
to stop, hypnosis at its best can certainly be
an aid. I am happy to help, if you think I can.
(You can certainly check me out, and see if I
am for real, after all, I could say anything).
However, there are those who hypnotize in the
vanilla world who could likely help as well, so
there are options.

You get something from what you do, and there is
a part of you that will do anything to preserve
it, no matter the cost. Worst part is that it
somehow thinks it is doing you a favor. But you
CAN change things; you just need to be willing to
take the steps along the way. Stopping may seem
impossible right now because it is too big and
unwieldy in its totality, but take it one step
at a time and you may find it not only to be much
more manageable, but you may also find much safer
and better alternatives along the way.

As always, your course is made by the choices you
make...so you may want to think about what you
do before you do it, and what the repercussions
could be.

I once received a message from the wife of a man
who had spent some money on me. I wouldn't say
it was a lot, and I was always telling him the
things I have said here. However, it was apparent
from his wife's "note," that he had spent
thousands of their family's money on people
like "me." Likely it is needless to say she wasn't
happy, and it sounded like their marriage was over,
and who knows what effect it had on the kids.

I never knew any more, as I never heard from him
again, but I have always hoped that he was OK.
In many ways he seemed to be no different than
many of those I have spoken with, so I know that
the chances of others having a similar outcome is
not that improbable.

I am sure she saw me as one of the bunch, and for
that I am truly sorry. However, while I don't
believe that to be the case, a portion of what
was spent, was spent on me. I am fairly certain,
(but have no way to be sure) others were happy
to help themselves to whatever they could get
their hands on.

As with anything in life, we can't always - and
shouldn't always - be responsible for the choices
of another, but that doesn't mean we should not
consider how our interactions play into the
unseen/unknown mix. For some that may be a
minimal consideration, if even one. For those
who draw lines, given the complexity of people
and situations, many may be drawn in murky waters,
so be careful where you go swimming; you might be
in the deep end before you know it.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Sunday, August 28, 2011


It wasn't as bad as it could have been.

I was thinking about how some people
are concerned that events like this
will have people not responding to
future ones. It is quite indicative
of how we as humans "do business,"
from the past.

While that may good for learning how
not to burn our hands, or do things
that could mortally wound us, we
would likely be better off if we
could at times live and choose from
the present moment.

I know that for myself I would have
missed some very wonderful things
if I had based my actions then on
my fears and concerns that were
germinated from past events.

In a case like a hurricane, faced
with evacuation, what is the worst
thing that could happen if you
listened? Each situation is unique,
and while it could be better than
predicted, playing it safe may just
be the way to go.

Notice I said MAY. The difference
is are you reacting to your past,
or acting from your present when
making your decision?

Most of us have a strong internal
guidance system, but we need to
listen to it to get its benefits.

Thanks all for your concern, and
good thoughts. Who knows how much
they may have contributed to the
lessening of the storm?

Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Whole lotta shaking going on...

and it's not an earthquake this time...
wondering if electricity will go out.
There are reports of many outages.

The wind has been reported at 50mph.

It is amazing outside, I am sure, but I don't dare go
out there. It will be interesting to see how things
fare when all is said and done. I am concerned for
everyone who is in the path of this storm. It seems
to be quite a monster. Perhaps an overstated monster,
but a monster, none-the-less.

I was supposed to be in NY this weekend, but Mother
Nature apparently disagreed with that plan. Not sure
where I would rather be, but thought it wise to cancel.
I think I am glad that I did.

I am going to be signing off the computer here, shortly,
and hope to return soon. Please think some good thoughts,
should you read this.

When I know what's up, you'll hear from me again -
hopefully in just a few hours.

Sweet dreams, and be safe - wherever you are, in whatever
you do.


Helping Others

There is another erotic hypnotist who has
been having some serious financial
difficulties due, in part, it would seem
to unexpected and uncovered health issues.

There are times in life when it would
seem that many are asking for a helping
hand, and it is sometimes easy to be
fatigued by the requests. At the same
time, I think that small amounts of
support are greatly underestimated.

I know if I was in a position like this
person is, I would appreciate the help.
I read something yesterday about a young
boy and his brother fighting over a Teddy
bear they were supposed to share when he
saw news of a disaster, and of a little
girl who had nothing. What he did next
inspired a non-profit that helps in times
of disasters.

There are big disasters, but the smaller
personal ones can be (or at least seem)
just as catastrophic.

If you would be able and willing to help
this person - even if in some small way -
I will give you my newest file for $5.
If you have already helped her, let me
know, and I will extend the offer to you
as well. If you already bought it, I will
give you This is so Intense for $5 instead.

There is no obligation to ever help
another - especially a stranger - but
I would like to think that opportunities
like this that are taken (when it personally
feels right for you to take them) help to
make the world a better place.

I can only hope.

Here is who and how you can help:

Stay safe.


PS I am in the line of the hurricane, so if
you do not see an immediate response from me,
please be patient.

PPS Time is of the essence. If you are going
to act, please do so by September 4th.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Doing What Comes Naturally | New MP3

It might be a bit ironic that my newest MP3, which is
the first in some time, comes with a title that fits
what nature is doing at the moment.

The hurricane, though, in its acting upon its nature
is likely to be destructive for many. This recording,
on the other hand, will have you do what comes
naturally in relation to me, without personal detriment.

When I create recordings I listen to them myself when
they're complete. When I listened to this one my phone
rang, and I didn't move. I didn't care to. It felt so
nice to get lost in it.

Here's its description:
almost 10-minute MP3 (with a layer of binaural sound) that helps you do what comes naturally in relation to me. It may be easy to underestimate its effectiveness by its short length, but it would never be advisable to do so.

If you enjoy it, and desire a longer length, looping would be quite pleasurable.

While most of my MP3s are for those previously hypnotized by me, this is one that might just be effective for someone who has not previously had that pleasure. As always, for best effect, we should have a live session. In addition, it is designed for those who would like to have an interactive dynamic with me.

One other suggestion to enhance its effectiveness:
listen at the end of your day.

almost 10 minutes | 1 file MP3 | $10.00


Luscious & Lacey (Cleavage)

You'll want this image if you
1. are a fan of my cleavage
2. are a fan of lace
3. enjoy red lingerie
4. like my long, curly hair
5. enjoy images with pendants

6. trust me when I say
you'll love this...
because YOU WILL.

I think it could be one of my
top favorites...perhaps it'll
be the same for you, too.

667x502 | 1 Image JPG |$4.95

Additional Options:

Luscious & Lacey 2
667x502 | 1 Image JPG |$4.95

Luscious & Lacey 3
667x502 | 1 Image JPG |$4.95

Luscious & Lacey Trio
667x502 | 3 Image JPG | $10.50 (Save $4.35)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

The East Coast is Welcoming Me Back...

in a big way, LOL.

It seems to want to remind me of everything that
I was missing on the west coast.

I don't know yet how much I will be affected,
but I do have a back up phone plan, so I am
hoping to still be taking calls, even if the lights
go out.

So you can possibly hang out with me in the
dark, LOL.  If you see I am available, never
hesitate to call, no matter what time it is.

Sometimes people are apologetic calling, but
there is never a reason to apologize.  If I say
I am available, odds are good I will be.

I can tell you right now if the storm knocks
things out, I will definitely want to talk to you,
as there won't be much I can do otherwise. :)

To anyone in any of the affected areas, I hope
that you and your loved ones will be safe, and
get through seamlessly.  Oddly enough, I will
likely enjoy the storm, as I love the wind and
rain, but at the same time hope that it isn't
wreaking too much havoc.

So...if you don't see much of me for a few days,
you'll now likely know why.

Have a great night.

PS  Want to surprise me?  If I wind up offline
for a while, I'd love to come back and see
how you bought a recording, an image,
sent a tribute, a gift card...such wonderful

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Have a Heart



There are some people who say they are not interested
in being hypnotized. There are some who do not believe
it "works." Many times people do not realize how
affected they are by others, hypnotic trance, or labeling,
or not.

Whether one believes, or wants to believe, isn't really
what matters. What matters is the effect/the outcome
of what does happen - not so much how one gets there.

Case in point: Woman wrongly diagnosed with Alzheimers.

It just goes to show that what others say and do can
influence us, and what our life experience is as a
result. And, of course, the same holds true in
reverse: consider the effect you can have on others.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Who Knows What These Words Have in Common?


Be Touched

A caress of a touch
A caress of a voice
So many delicious ways to
caress and be caressed...

If you enjoyed this entry,
please click below:

How Isis Relates to Isis

I have been asked about the origin of the name
I use. As I have discussed before, when I was
considering names, there were things about Isis
that I felt fit me.

Every now and again I see new things that are
interesting to me, as I have to wonder if Isis
lives within me, or if we just happen to be
very much alike.

It is also interesting to me from the standpoint
of the other hypnotist who uses the Isis name,
but is nothing like her - or me. I guess it is
like with anything: we get to choose from the
myriad of possibilities of who we are and want to
be. We all have the same options, but we make
our own mix.

But back to me...

I love the idea that the Enchantress Isis of
lore and I stand for some amazing things.
The following is a list from Wikipedia.
The bolded (and red) items are the ones
that stand out for me.

In the Book of the Dead Isis was described as:
She who gives birth to heaven and earth
She who knows the orphan
She who knows the widow spider
She who seeks justice for the poor people
She who seeks shelter for the weak people
She who seeks the righteousness in her people

Some of Isis's many other titles were:
Queen of Heaven
Mother of the Gods
The One Who is All
Lady of Green Crops
The Brilliant One in the Sky
Star of the Sea
Great Lady of Magic
Mistress of the House of Life
She Who Knows How To Make Right Use of the Heart
Light-Giver of Heaven
Lady of the Words of Power
Moon Shining Over the Sea

The last bolded item is the one that stands
out the most to me. In everything that I do,
I am all about "heart."

What do you think? If you know me,
would you agree? What's your experience
of me? Comments below, or to me directly,
are always appreciated.

Thanks, and sweet dreams (day or night).

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Who Knows What This Means?

Hypnosis for ALL of You

What I have found is that human beings
can be very single minded in their focus.
While there may be times that could be
a good thing, there are times that it
certainly lacks.

Things are done without much thought
of what the repercussions are, but since
they seem to be somewhat helpful in the
moment, we act on them.

When things are done without the
consideration of the whole in our
actions, the other things may come
back and bite us in the butt.

If we focus so much on how good our
body feels we may neglect to notice
what the pleasure is doing to our mind
and soul.

If we focus on what our mind wants,
we may be unaware of how it is affecting
our soul and body.

If we focus on what our soul wants,
we may find that it affects our body
and mind, too.

Of course, the repercussions can at
times being good ones, but I'd say a
majority of times it is likely to be
in ways that are less than desirable -
or conscious.

There are times that people come to me
with a "Do Me" attitude. They don't
really care what I do, or how I do it.
I am not always certain that they understand
what they are asking for. I think
sometimes people think they know something,
but they don't have a clue (myself included).

Before you go off on some hypnotic tangent
consider that you may not know what the
ripple effects will be. If you get what
you say you want, it may not be what you
really want at all. Consider that having
someone who is willing and able to pay
attention to all of you might be a good
thing, because then you may really get what
you want - and need.

Also consider that the more driven you are
for a certain outcome, the more likely you
would benefit from an approach that takes
all of you into consideration. A single
minded approach may leave other parts of
you wanting, and you might be in a worse
place than when you started.

As always, if you have questions, just ask.
You can sometimes find me in chat in the
right column of this blog. You will also
want to check the other chat as well (see
link above the chat) as I may sometimes
be there instead.

Have a great one!

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Red Dreams | Wallpaper | GIF

long nails,
lots of delicious,
dreamy red.

More than enough to
whet your appetite.

1024x768 | 1 Image JPG | $10.00 Special Price! $3.95
(Free to those who are a part of "Inspired by Isis")


Friday, August 19, 2011

Have you Noticed...?

the Mystery File yet?

Don't know what I am
referring to?
Click Here.

Change | quote

We believe that change is going to make
the difference in our situation. Our
problem is that often changes coming
into a situation means that we, too,
have to change. When we are no longer
able to change a situation, we are
challenged to change ourselves.
~Victor Frank

Are you looking to make a change?
Enhance a situation?

Perhaps "Inspired by Isis" can help
with that. It is meant to enhance our
connection, and get you focusing on
the things that mean something to you.

It is a work in progress...just like
you are. And it is a great deal in
more than one way.

Tomorrow the new cycle begins...are
you going to be included? Check
the upper right column of this blog
for details, and to join.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Timing is Everything?

In the last few days there have been two stories
that I have read in which tragedy has been
averted by timing, as well as by choice.

The first story was about the stage at the
Indiana State Fair. While the events were
tragic, and 5 people died, there could have
been more deaths, had the performing act
been on stage at the time of the wind gust.

The second story was about a man in New Mexico
who, thanks to an unlikely series of events,
was in the right vicinity to save a little
girl from a kidnapping.

In both cases, timing played a role, but so
did choice. The manager of the group is the
one who told the performers to stay off the
stage, even after they were given the go ahead
by others who were present. The man could
have seen the events and done nothing about
it, however he chose to pursue the van and
man who was kidnapping the girl.

What if life is full of moments that have
the perfect timing, but we don't choose to
act? What if the times we feel stuck are
those times that decline to act in regard
to the situation in front of us?

I find sometimes people who feel stuck say
they don't have a choice. While it might
be difficult to consider, there is always
a choice - even a choice to do nothing is
a choice. Just because we don't like the
options doesn't mean they don't exist.

A baseball player can choose to swing at
a pitch, or not. But he doesn't even have
those choices available to him until he's
up at bat. What he may be able to do
will have to do with his timing. He may
get a single, and be the first one on
base, or he could come up with the bases
loaded and walk. Either way his choices
get him on base, however the timing
contributes to what the ultimate outcome
is going to be.

If you hit a ball that goes to the
outfield and is caught, you may be
the last out of the game, or you may
be responsible for the winning run.

There are lots of possibilities, many
of which are dictated by the timing.
Some of which are more preferable than

What are you going to do the next time
you're at bat? How are you going to
see what you have done? What if winning
isn't dictated by a particular outcome,
but rather by the fact that you just played?

So maybe it isn't timing that is everything.
Maybe it's Timing+Choice+Perspective that
makes us who we are and has everything to
do with why we sometimes feel stuck or
motivated. And just maybe it is the choices
that we make that create the timing we have.

Maybe it is not HOW life happens that is
important, but rather that it DOES.
And maybe it is not so much about what
happens, as much as it is about how we
view our world and ourselves as a result.


Just a thought to nibble on, or not.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tempting Twosome

If you are looking for some new recordings to enjoy,
I have two that are perfect together: Release and
Isis Web of Pleasure.

Because of that, I have decided to package them
together for a special blog only offer. In order
to receive this special, this will be the only
place it is offered.

So lucky you if you found it. :)

We'll see how long it stays up. Might be for a
short time, or a long while. I guess ya just
never know.

It is one of those things that is probably best
acted upon when seen, if it sounds interesting
or intriguing to you.

Click below to receive offer:

Friday, August 12, 2011

"L" is for Laughter

For a long time I didn't hear what others
heard in my laughter. I don't have the
most feminine of laughs, and yet it seems
there is something about it that turns
many guys on.

One guy recently told me that if I didn't
like him being turned on by me, I would
have to stop laughing around him, LOL.

Just like with my voice, the fact that
I don't get it doesn't mean I don't
appreciate what it can do for others.

I also appreciate that my laughter seems
to put others at ease, in part because
it is genuine, and those who talk to me
realize that who they're getting is the
genuine article.

"L" for laughter also means to me that
there is fun to be had. Life - and erotic
hypnosis - can be wayyy too serious at
times, and I love to find opportunities
to make someone have some of their own

My sense of humor can be rather dry
sometimes, but when someone gets me
it is good for a snicker, or two,
at least.

To close this blog, I am going to quote
Tenker who just recently said, "she's
got the most charming laughter ever :D"

My laughter has been called many things,
but I think that might be a first for
"charming," and I must say, with his
comment, I am charmed.

Thanks Tenker, and thanks to all of
those who make me smile, and let me
do that - and more - to you.

Have a great night.

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Webbed Bliss | Wallpaper

Classic B&W

1024x768 | 1 Image JPG | $10.00 Special Price! $3.95


Trying to Make a Decision?

This morning I caught a piece of a radio
show in which a woman was asking for advice.

Her 36-year-old boyfriend had asked her to
move in with him - and his mother.

Apparently he is of a different culture,
and it isn't unusual for there to be
multi-generations to be in one house.

This woman seemed to be wanting some
reassurance that if she did it, it would
be OK.

What she got instead was a negative picture.
She was told that odds are she would be
in competition with his mother. It also
seemed that the person giving the advice
was negatively judging a grown man living
with his mother.

I mention this here because I think there
are pieces of this that are helpful for
general conversation.

First, this woman was doing what many of
us do - looking for something outside of
ourselves to in some part tell us what
to do. As a result she sounded kind of
confused. While confirmation can be a
good thing, what is often better is
internal clarity. If what was being
said went against what she felt, she may
also have gained clarity if she was clear
internally. She could have used the
conflict as a guide to determining what
was right for her.

If she had been asking me for what I thought:

I would have asked her what her gut
was telling her.

I would have asked her what her mind/
others were telling her.

I would have asked her what she dis/
agreed with.

I would have asked what she wanted
from me.

I would have asked her what the worst
thing that could happen if she did
things the way her boyfriend wanted,
and if she could live with the worst.

I would have had a conversation with
her about what was important to her,
and asked her if what was important
was being addressed and if she would
get it in the context that she was

I would have encouraged her to have
a conversation with her boyfriend
to make sure she had expressed anything
that she felt uncertain about.

I would have encouraged her to figure
out what parameters she needed to feel
like a move like she was considering
would be a success.

I might have even suggested a conversation
with his mother, to get a sense of what
she felt and thought and how things might go.

Depending on the answers, I might have
asked if it was possible to do a trial run.

While we often try to base our decisions
on what we think we know, it can limit
us. While there might be a possibility
that there might be issues if she was
to move in, after she has considered
all of these pieces and parts, in the
end she would never know what the
outcome would be unless she took
a chance.

There was a time in my life I took a
big chance, and part of my reasoning
at the time was that I never wanted to
wonder, "What if?" I knew no matter
what happened I would be OK because
I knew it is what I had to do.

While it didn't turn out the best, the
circumstances provided me a lot of
perspective, and has been helpful to
me and to others, and I can never say
I had any regret.

That was me. That is what I knew in
my heart, despite what anyone else
said or thought.

I would have shared this with that
woman, and encouraged her to find
her own way in a way that no matter
what happened she would be without
regret, and would do the best she
could do to create the outcome she
most desired.

If you are trying to figure something
out, these might be some things that
might be good for you to ask yourself,
as well.

We often already know what we need to
do - we just gotta listen. Asking the
right questions might just help you
identify what that is - or what it's not.

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The Reward of Communication

Last night I caught a show called "Plain Jane."

It was a show that took a woman who was
a "Plain Jane" and made her up, so she
could go meet with a guy that didn't
know that she liked him more than a friend.

She was used to being "one of the boys,"
and she was taken through some activities
to bring out the confident and sexy woman

What is the most interesting thing to me
about the show and its outcome is that the
guy she had been friends with for 6 years
admitted to her that he had had a crush
on her, but he never said anything. That
is, until she came out and told him how
she felt.

While he thought she looked beautiful, he
still liked her before her transformation.
He liked her without the dress, the
make up, and all of the things that came
out of her adventure to get to the point
of telling him how she felt.

For 6 YEARS the two of them liked the
other, but was too afraid to say how
they really felt to the other.

Interesting how it took her doing what
she did to be able to take the risk of
expressing herself, and to face possible

It made me wonder how many things in
life go by because we don't fully
communicate how we feel. How many
times we settle for something less
than what we might have because it
in some way seems safer.

Often I am told how wonderfully expressive
I am, and how well I communicate. The
fact is I wasn't born this way. As a
matter of fact, I used to be very
ineffective at communicating what I felt.

When I think about how I used to be, it
is even a little difficult to remember
in a way that I can wrap myself around
because it is so removed from who I have

If I think about it, it was like learning
a language. When I didn't know the
language - how to communicate effectively -
I was often frustrated and stymied, and
got no where fast. When I learned the
language - and was able to communicate
in a way that I felt I could express
myself and be heard - there was much
more freedom to handle any situations
and my response to them.

I learned that just because I expressed
myself, it didn't mean a single thing
had to change in my external world.
Communication was no longer a means
to manipulate a person or situation,
but rather an expression of myself.

And as such sometimes it worked within
a person's framework and sometimes it
didn't, and it didn't matter which
way it went. I didn't always get
what I wanted, but upon learning how
to more effectively communicate I was
was/am freer than I ever was to be
myself and a lot less frustrated as
a a result.

Just so you know, I still have my
moments, but it is amazing how much
easier things are when you can just
speak your mind. Even as I write
this, there are a few situations in
my life that need me to express myself,
and I have yet to do it.

So realize that it is a process,
and being that it is a human one,
it is likely to have less than
seemingly perfect outcomes at least
some percentage of the time.

So be kind to yourself...and do
what you can. There are no
touchdowns without throws, and
many more throws land short of
the goal than are touchdown
caliber. But every throw counts
in one way or another - even if
it shows one what not to do.

What fun would a game be if every
throw resulted in a touchdown?

Maybe that is why life is as it is.
Maybe it is the challenges that we
face that make it more interesting,
and ultimately more rewarding.

I haven't been perfect in my
communications along the way,
but my fumbles have helped to
bring me where I am today, and
help me to be the communicator
so many seem to appreciate.

As nice as the End Zone is, it
is only a temporary place to be.
Each day is an opportunity for
a new play and a new possibility
to discover what comes from
expressing yourself in the best
way you know how.

Every play has to start somewhere.

And the only place to start is
where you are - now. I can attest
to the fact that when you don't
know what you don't know I might
as well be telling you what I am
telling you in gibberish.

I can't tell you how many times
someone would tell me something
that made some sense, but when
it came to practical application
in my life, it made no sense at

That is...until it did.

Nothing about life is set in stone,
despite what we may think, or wish
for, so while you may not understand
something today in a way that is
helpful to you, there is a possibility
that a day will come and you will
wonder how you didn't get it before.

Aren't we lucky life keeps us so
entertained, and there is no
admission charge! LOL.

As always, if you would like some
perspective, or assistance you
know where to find me.

Have an awesome day!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

They're just words. Aren't they?

I know some people who will say some harsh
things and say they're just kidding.

I know some people who will role play being
humiliated, and it is just for the moment,
so what harm can there be?

I know some people who will say things to
put themselves down, and laugh about it,
and think nothing of it.

I heard quite some time ago that in words
there is power. Interestingly I'd say a
lot of the power comes from meaning we
attach to them, however, it would seem
that they do have some life of their own,

At least according to some.

Now whether or not it is "true," I wonder
if it is something worth paying attention
to. After all, if it is true, we might
want to be really careful what we say and
do, as it might create things we don't

If it isn't true, how would we know?

Putting that aside, is it such a terrible
thing to consider putting ourselves in
situations that are more positive and

The next time you think something is
"just" for fun, you might want to step
back and ask yourself if this version of
fun is something that you would want to
be a part of your life. If you are
exposed to something, it is in some
part a part of you. You may put it
aside, but it is something that is alive.

I have seen these momentary seeds grow.

There is a man, Emoto, who did some
studies with water and ice crystals.
The results are explained, in part,
in the video below. If you have a
few minutes, check it out, and see
what you think.

You may think it a bunch of c***,
and if that is the case, good for you.

Life is about choosing what works for
us, and if you have beliefs that work
for you, I think it great that you
never let something tell you otherwise.

Here you go:

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Domination without hypnosis is SAFE, isn't it?

I can not tell you how many people I have
spoken to over the course of the last
several years who have had experiences
with Dommes that resemble hypnosis.

Many times they think they're safer than
speaking with a hypnotist. But what they
do not realize is that a Domme often is
using hypnotic technique - whether s/he
realizes it or not.

I have had people tell me that subspace
is not hypnosis. The fact is that it is
either a hypnotic state in and of itself,
or it is the result of one. Either way,
the effects can be equally effective,
no matter how you get there.

I have even known of cases where Dommes
have poo-poo'd hypnosis only to turn
around and claim that they are doing
hypnosis. There was also a case of
a Domme who was affecting someone who
I had spoken to many times. From what
he described, what she did was very
hypnotic. She later came out and said
that she had been using hypnosis
covertly for quite some time.

Before I was a hypnotist with training,
I had been told how hypnotic I was.
I guess some are just more natural
than others - as I was never trying
to be hypnotic, but only being myself.

Imagine those who discover that something
works. They don't know how; they just
know that it does. Are they going to
care what name it goes by?

Probably not.

I tell you this because while there may
be some who are looking to play with
fire, there are some of you who would
rather not. That is why you might think
you are safer staying away from a hypnotist.

If you have nothing more at stake than
your own personal well being that is one
thing (which should NOT be underestimated),
but if what you wind up doing can hurt
those you love, the potential consequences
are something you should likely be more
aware of/educated about.

Whenever I talk about things like this,
I often get an "audio eye roll." Some
people think it could never happen to them.
I know of cases where there were those who
were on the other end of the phone asking
for my help that were once of that school
of thought, as well.

The more subtle things often can be the
most impactful. If it is something you
want, that's one thing. But if it's not,
the possibility that you're gonna find
yourself in a whole heap of trouble
could be larger than you might believe
to be possible.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Giving up or Going on?

I recently read that Lucille Ball's mom was told
that she was wasting her money sending her to
acting school.

Can you imagine what would have happened, if
Lucille Ball had just given up?

It is interesting how life twists and turns.
For one person a failure at one thing might
mean a success at another. For someone else
a failure at something will make them work
just that much harder at being a success.

Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've
just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

How does someone know which way their own
life and opportunities are going? I am
guessing they don't. Some would say if
there are a number of obstacles, perhaps
you're going the wrong way. But how do
you know that those obstacles aren't
preparing you for what is to come?

If there was a key, I would suspect it has
to do with being as much in touch with your
gut as possible. The problem is that
sometimes fear does a good job of masquerading
as your gut.

There have been many times in my life I
thought I was acting IN SPITE of the fear
("feeling the fear, and doing it any way")
when in actuality, what I had done was have
fear make my decisions for me.

It is very sneaky that way.

Knowing yourself can not be underestimated.

I was thinking recently how I spend a lot of
time talking to people about their "stuff,"
and while I find it to be something that
suits me, the thing that I am often offering
to them - the possibilities that come from
knowing oneself - is something not easily
come by because it takes a willingness and
an effort to look at oneself.

Ironically, it seems to me that I am just
as guilty. I am so focused on others, that
I don't look so closely at myself. I think
I do; but if I really step back and look,
I see how it is easy to be distracted by
what others say and do.

The world we live in is one that certainly
does need our help and our awareness, but
if we don't have a strong sense of who we
are we are building on a hollow space.

This is not to say that good isn't good,
but more to say that good with a firmer
internal sense of self, is even better.

LOL. Or so it would seem to me.

I am more acutely aware now of what it
means to start with one's self when
wanting to make a change in the bigger
picture. It is waaayyy too easy to
focus on what is going on with others.

It makes me think that news and
entertainment and gossip and games
and all kinds of things have become
great diversions from who we are,
in the guise of being the opposite.

It is no wonder, as I consider this,
that many are sadly disappointed by
what others don't seem to do in
the world in which we live. There
is only a shaky foundation, if there
is one, at all.

It would also seem to me that if I
was to extend this, that we have
gone so far to be distracted, that
we have gone into debts of all kinds
for our distractions.

Kinda gives a slightly different
feel to what is going on with the
economy here, in the States, don't
you think?

As usual, I am looking to stir
the pot. I don't think I know
what "THE" answers are, although
I sure wish I did. I'd be raking
in the bucks!!

It comes back to you and where
you are in relation to your
own self and your own life.

Are you willing to look? You may
not want to see what's there, but
at the same time, you can't clear
out what you aren't aware of.

If you're not, then you're not.

People are wherever they are.
Try to force something, and there
is likely to be a disastrous
outcome. At the same time,
when it is time for a change,
one step at a time is a possible,
and likely best, way to go.

Your ego and conscious self is
desperate to hold on to what it
knows, and it knows all too well
not to put itself under too much
scrutiny. So changing needs to
be done with great care and
consideration and love for the
part of yourself hanging on for
dear life.

It is a juggling act that we do,
and one can only hope that we,
like Lucille Ball, find ourselves
carving out a path that not only
works for us, but is also the
expression of the gift we have
for others.

I bet your gift is great.

If you need any support or help
with direction, hypnosis may help.
That, of course(?) means I may
be able to be of assistance,
as well.

Have a great (and inspired!) night/day.


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Some Perspective (what do you think?)

‎"...If we see more similarities than differences,
we become infatuated. If we see more differences
than similarities, we become resentful. But if
we embrace both similarities and differences
in a relationship, we have love."
~Dr John Demartini

Interesting to consider this in many types of
relationships - including the one we all have
with those we aren't intimate with in the

What do you think?

I also think it interesting to note just
because there is an appreciation of differences
and similarities and there is an acknowledgement
of love, it does not mean that the people in
our lives need to stay there. Sometimes it
is best to love at a distance.

Often the various pieces of relationships get
collapsed and as a result, actions are confused.
I think it is important to be careful not to
use a statement like this as an excuse or reason
to settle for something less than ideal. At the
same time, its perspective may allow you to find
peace in a situation that is troubling.

Your thoughts?

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Happy Birthday to Me :)

So it is just barely 8/8,
my special date.

I want to thank all of you
who have already made the
weeks leading up to today
very special.

I feel very fortunate to
have such wonderful and
generous souls around me
(and I don't necessarily
mean money).

In honor of this day, I
thought I would offer
anyone who would like
it my Pure Love:
The Gift MP3. It seems
appropriate, as I'd like
to think that at the core
of life is Love, and it
is Love that brings us
life, and it is a birthday
that celebrates that duo,
even if unexpressed in
that way.

To receive the file you
need to ask for it on NF
by midnight tonight (EST)

If you're wondering what
you can do for my birthday,
Amazon Gift Cards are
always appreciated. See
the right column for a link
to Amazon, and an address
to send it to. Please be
sure to tell me more than
a first name, so I know
who to thank!

If you are planning to do
something for me, you
should definitely listen
to my Birthday MP3 before
doing it. It will be
worth it, I am sure...
at least that is what
others have told me.

I will be around taking
calls today, as I am
celebrating at a later
time, so feel free to
give me a call to wish
me an even more special
day. We should all get
to play with those we
care about on our

Have a great day!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"V" is for Voice

For several years I have been told how
soothing my voice is, and how it would
be a great voice for phone sex.

There seemed to be something comforting
and oddly enough, erotic about it at
the same time.

Even when I had a "normal" job, many of
those I would interact with reacted to
my voice and my voice messages.

When I started to do hypnosis calls,
one thing I noticed often when
someone commented on another hypnotist
was how great her voice was. Perhaps
interestingly, I did not want to seem
to be biasing people who called me. If
they said how wonderful my voice was, I
wanted it to be genuine, and not because
I had told them how wonderful it was.

I suppose no one would ever know the
difference - but because I would know,
I stayed away from suggestions that
were to that effect.

Then one day I decided that since it
seemed genuinely appreciated by most
who spoke with me, why not use it?

After all, I am a sensual hypnotist.

Why would I not want to use the
sensual tool in a way that would
maximize someone's experience with me?

So now words that have often been used
to describe my voice: soothing,
hypnotic, sexy, smooth, relaxing,
sweet, easy to listen to, and enchanting
still apply, but are turbocharged for
those who have come to appreciate me
as an erotic hypnotist.

I know my voice isn't for everyone,
but if it is for you, it is just
the beginning. :)

Have a great night.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Too Funny

I was just looking at some of the stats from
my blog, and it told me that someone showed
up here who had used the search term,
"what do you do when the wallpaper curls."

Over 8 million search results, and my blog
showed up as the number 2 search result!

I wonder what the person thought upon their
arrival...not something you would expect
to find, I am sure!

I can help with toe curling, but don't know
anything about curling wallpaper. :P


It All Adds Up | Gif

There is ONLY ONE Isis The Enchantress

Earlier today I received a call from
someone that was quite baffling.

He was saying things that didn't make
much sense to me. According to him,
he called me for help a year ago.

I didn't remember our conversation,
so I could only go by what he was

Toward the end of the conversation
he said I was "much nicer than last

At that point I realized that he was
probably confusing me with someone
else who uses the name Isis, but is
the ANTITHESIS of me in MANY ways,
and what I stand for.

Please be VERY careful when seeking
me out. I know of a few cases in
which there was this confusion.

The keys to knowing whether it is
me, or not:

1. If any pictures show a face,
it's not me or my listing.
I never show my face.

2. My listings always play a
sound clip of my voice.

3. I always have reasonably priced

4. As of this writing, my highest
ranked listing is #2 when the search
term of "hypnosis" is used on NF.

5. On my NF homepage it says
"Member since 03/09/2004"

6. If the person seems mean, out
for herself, disregarding of you
and what you want, it is someone
other than Isis The Enchantress.

7. My name is Isis The Enchantress,
and no other combination of words
that include the name Isis.

If you can think of additional
distinctions that would help others
to tell me apart from someone who
may seem to be me, feel free to
add below to the comments.

As always,


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Don't like something? Say something.

I received a negative rating recently
for a file that is best listened to
ONLY after a session with me. The
page it is on even says as much.

The person who bought it has not yet
spoken with me. While I am sorry he
did not enjoy the file he purchased,
I would have appreciated an opportunity
to speak with him before he would have
considered leaving negative feedback.

He also left only one star, without
a comment. People do not know whether
you are talking about a session or a
file, unless you specify. So in this
case it may look like it was a call
that sucked. If you're going to
leave negative feedback, could you
consider at least saying why and what?

I only want people to have the best
hypnotic experience possible, and I
do all that I can to make that happen -
when given the opportunity to do so.

If you do not have the experience with
me or my files that you would like to
have, it would make sense to talk to
me about it. Maybe there is nothing
I can do, but then again, you never

Of course it never hurts to pay attention
to the things I say about me and my work
in the first place.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

For a Smile.

Why do men get their great ideas in bed?
Because they are plugged into a genius.

Or not.

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Is this all there is? | Video

Lately I have been speaking with more and
more people who are less than satisfied
with their life. Even in some cases
nothing seems to be "wrong," per se, but
there is an unsettled feeling that they

Is this all there is? Is this what life
is supposed to be?

It is easy to get caught up in the mechanics
of life, and lose sight of the experience
of what life has to offer.

In a previous video, it was suggested that
how we experience life has everything to
do with who we are and what we need to know
about ourselves, and has nothing to do with
another's experience. The contrasts offered
by others gives us help us to be clear about
who and how we are.

In the videos below there is a woman who
channels someone named Dr. Peebles. Before
you go running away (if that is something
that isn't quite your cup of tea) I would
like you to consider that while the messenger
might not be exactly what fits your belief
system, there might be a message worth
listening to.

S/he talks about the subject of Committing,
and within that context is a conversation
about the types of things I often speak
about myself, including love, and the
discovery and expression of what is in
your heart.

It speaks of bringing value to another person's
experience of life. If you go along with the
previous video, and about how life is about us,
then adding value to another's experience of
life is something we do for ourselves.

Perhaps that feeling you have inside is telling
you there is more to life than what you have
so far let yourself experience. Perhaps there
is an experience of life that means
experiencing others in a different way because
you are experiencing yourself differently.

The video doesn't really say "how" to do it.
That is always the tricky part. We are always
looking for the "magic pill." However, one
thing you can do - even if you don't know
specifically what you want or can do - is
figure out the essence of what you think it
could or should be.

For instance, when I got laid off from a job
several years ago, people would ask me what
I wanted to do. I was trying to figure out
what to do next. I was reading books,
talking to people, but had no idea what
"next" could be. I knew better what I didn't
want it to be, and I also knew that I wanted
to "get paid to talk to people."

Interestingly, and frustratingly, I was told
by many that it wasn't specific enough.

Well...not long after, I took a hypnosis
course (because I was curious about the
topic), and one thing let to another.
Given that you are reading this, I am sure
you figured out that I got exactly what I
wanted. I *WAS* specific in my general
statement, because I had the essence of what
I wanted to do.

Sometimes we get caught up in the details,
or in the frustrations of the details we don't
have, and find ourselves going no where fast.
If things are going to move, they have to
start somewhere, and odds are your heart
knows the essence of where there is.

So...if you have the time, check out the
videos, and see what you think. See if you
can cherry pick some nuggets for yourself.

As always, if you want to explore this idea
in a hypnotic context, we should talk.

Have a great day!

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Quote | Do you agree?

"No man is happy or complete without the
modifying influence of the right woman."
- Napolean Hill, Think and Grow Rich

OK you guys...let me know what you think
of this statement...I would love to know.
I would also love to know how you would
define "right," if you know what that is.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Treating the Symptom

I saw a news story last night about a
woman in Santa Monica who spends 20 minutes
a day cleaning up a stretch of the beach.

Apparently she has spurred others to act,
and the amount of trash collected is...

You can see this woman's blog The Daily Ocean here.
You can see the news story about The Daily Ocean here.

While what I think is being done is great,
what would be even greater is if somehow
the cause was able to be addressed in a
way that would impact others to be more
careful about what they leave behind -
if anything, at all.

Interaction with symptoms are reactions.

Not to say we shouldn't react, but what
can we do to prevent the need for reaction
in the first place? This (obviously?) goes
for more than just a beach cleanup.

When we stop reacting we have more time
to enjoy what we want to do. Perhaps
this woman's passion for a clean beach
will spur on something that will
interact with the cause, in which case
she'll have to find something else to do
those 20 minutes a day.

I don't imagine
she would mind.

How much of life do we spend being at the
effect of something we don't want rather than
being at the cause of something we do want?

I hope your week is off to a great start!

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