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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Giving up or Going on?

I recently read that Lucille Ball's mom was told
that she was wasting her money sending her to
acting school.

Can you imagine what would have happened, if
Lucille Ball had just given up?

It is interesting how life twists and turns.
For one person a failure at one thing might
mean a success at another. For someone else
a failure at something will make them work
just that much harder at being a success.

Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've
just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

How does someone know which way their own
life and opportunities are going? I am
guessing they don't. Some would say if
there are a number of obstacles, perhaps
you're going the wrong way. But how do
you know that those obstacles aren't
preparing you for what is to come?

If there was a key, I would suspect it has
to do with being as much in touch with your
gut as possible. The problem is that
sometimes fear does a good job of masquerading
as your gut.

There have been many times in my life I
thought I was acting IN SPITE of the fear
("feeling the fear, and doing it any way")
when in actuality, what I had done was have
fear make my decisions for me.

It is very sneaky that way.

Knowing yourself can not be underestimated.

I was thinking recently how I spend a lot of
time talking to people about their "stuff,"
and while I find it to be something that
suits me, the thing that I am often offering
to them - the possibilities that come from
knowing oneself - is something not easily
come by because it takes a willingness and
an effort to look at oneself.

Ironically, it seems to me that I am just
as guilty. I am so focused on others, that
I don't look so closely at myself. I think
I do; but if I really step back and look,
I see how it is easy to be distracted by
what others say and do.

The world we live in is one that certainly
does need our help and our awareness, but
if we don't have a strong sense of who we
are we are building on a hollow space.

This is not to say that good isn't good,
but more to say that good with a firmer
internal sense of self, is even better.

LOL. Or so it would seem to me.

I am more acutely aware now of what it
means to start with one's self when
wanting to make a change in the bigger
picture. It is waaayyy too easy to
focus on what is going on with others.

It makes me think that news and
entertainment and gossip and games
and all kinds of things have become
great diversions from who we are,
in the guise of being the opposite.

It is no wonder, as I consider this,
that many are sadly disappointed by
what others don't seem to do in
the world in which we live. There
is only a shaky foundation, if there
is one, at all.

It would also seem to me that if I
was to extend this, that we have
gone so far to be distracted, that
we have gone into debts of all kinds
for our distractions.

Kinda gives a slightly different
feel to what is going on with the
economy here, in the States, don't
you think?

As usual, I am looking to stir
the pot. I don't think I know
what "THE" answers are, although
I sure wish I did. I'd be raking
in the bucks!!

It comes back to you and where
you are in relation to your
own self and your own life.

Are you willing to look? You may
not want to see what's there, but
at the same time, you can't clear
out what you aren't aware of.

If you're not, then you're not.

People are wherever they are.
Try to force something, and there
is likely to be a disastrous
outcome. At the same time,
when it is time for a change,
one step at a time is a possible,
and likely best, way to go.

Your ego and conscious self is
desperate to hold on to what it
knows, and it knows all too well
not to put itself under too much
scrutiny. So changing needs to
be done with great care and
consideration and love for the
part of yourself hanging on for
dear life.

It is a juggling act that we do,
and one can only hope that we,
like Lucille Ball, find ourselves
carving out a path that not only
works for us, but is also the
expression of the gift we have
for others.

I bet your gift is great.

If you need any support or help
with direction, hypnosis may help.
That, of course(?) means I may
be able to be of assistance,
as well.

Have a great (and inspired!) night/day.


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  1. Specifically about distractions, Isis, I'd have to say you are correct. I've seen this for quite a while in observing popular culture over the years. It's always been a distraction but the persistence, pervasiveness and intensity of the distraction has increased in the last decade, I believe. Witness "Reality TV". It's the same formula in each of these shows (doesn't matter what the topic is) and yet they keep airing them and people keep watching them. They are geared to make you think you're better than the people on the screen, or make you wish you were the people on the screen. And they're designed to keep you from actually examining yourself to figure out what you really need from your life and what you really have to offer.

    Obstacles can be thought of as crucibles for purifying one's intent, methods and goals. Or they can be true warnings against going in the wrong direction. It takes a sturdy sense of self and a willingness to honestly look at and appraise one's life to be able to tell the difference.

    Just my thoughts...



  2. Thanks for your thoughtful input, cdb.

    I would like to think that much that happens is not intentionally manipulated to be a certain way, but rather an ignorance of what lies under the surface.

    Like I said, I would like to think. I don't know how much of that is the case, but as with many things I talk about, awareness is a key to jump starting oneself and/or changes.

    I recently read that our biggest competition and obstacle is our most worthy opponent - ourselves.

    Have a good night.
