Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

How far is too far?

At the core of hypnosis done by some there is something that happens that abolishes something - or everything - of the self to be replaced by what another desires. For the most part - and more often than not - if you are OK with it, it is OK. But as I always say, if you are uncertain you owe it to yourself to re/consider what you pursue. Going along with the tide is easy the longer and stronger the tide. If you are swept away you better be damn sure it is what you want, otherwise you may wind up paying a price that you can't afford.

(And don't ask me what it is, as there is no way to know what will happen and what will be acceptable or not. The best you can do is pay attention to where and how you are at the moment, and figure out what is best based on what you currently know and recognize.)

You need to be responsible to yourself, as no one else can know what you need or be able to plan for every possible contingency, and having a "back up plan" of some sort would be advisable.

Is it ever "too" late to stop or change something? I could decide to drive to California right now and during the trip think I may want to come back to the east coast. I could be in the middle of PA and think about it, but keep heading west. I could be in Indiana, and think about it more and keep heading west. I could be in Illinois, and still think about it, and still head west. The farther west I get, the longer it will take me to get back east, should I choose to go back.

I will always have the option of turning around, even after I get to the west coast, but the thing is is that once I get there, I might just forget about the east coast and never return. I might not miss a thing, not realizing what I gave up. I could even forget what wonderful things and people I left on the east coast as I focused on what I found on the west coast. I may have even thought that I wasn't even leaving anything on the east coast, downplaying and minimizing the importance of what was.

I can likely be OK, if something or someone tells me to be, and tells me what to focus on, but if it affects others that know me, it might be a very sad thing for them. There might also be a part of me that wishes for what once was, but it could be buried so far deep, it could seem like a long ago dream that makes no sense in my current reality so I am unsure or unable to reconcile what I feel without someone's help and perspective.

I might also not have the financial means for a return so to do it, I will really have to want it, and be willing to do whatever it takes to get there. It might mean walking, it might mean sleeping outdoors, it might mean dangerous or difficult conditions that might, at times, seem impossible. It might seem so difficult, I may even want to give up, or give in.

The problem is that if I wound up in the middle of the country and felt the need to give up, I will no longer be in the west or the east coast, and everything that I knew would be no where near me which would create a whole other difficult scenario.

That is why we often stay where we are comfortable, to avoid the discomfort of the unknown, and even in our comfort zone we may be uncomfortable, but the familiarity gives us comfort, so we aren't necessarily willing to leave. We'd rather the discomfort we know to the discomfort we don't.

What happens in life is all about the choices we make moment to moment. As I always say, choose wisely. No one can take care of you the way you need to be taken care of, even if there is an illusion of that for a time.

How do you know when you've gone too far?
Too far for what?

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1 comment:

  1. I have to say Your thoughts are truly remarkable Goddess. Thank You for sharing :)
