Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Questions to Ask Yourself

Those who get interested in Erotic Hypnosis
find that there are a myriad of hypnotic
works and hypnotists to choose from.

A percentage of those will not realize,
until it is "too late," that they are more
likely to find themselves in a place they
don't want to be.

For that reason, I would recommend that you
consider the following things as you wander
the internet hallways:

If you were to feel compelled by a certain
person and work...

is it the kind of person
you want to be in contact
with daily?

is it the kind of person
you would be willing to
share yourself and your
hard earned money with?

does that person make you
feel good about yourself,
who you are and what you
do? If not, are you OK
with never feeling good
about yourself? As there
is a chance that could
happen as you stay influenced.

will you be OK if that person
suddenly disappears? How will
you feel if that happens? Do
you have a plan?

will that person be willing
to let you go if you want
to be let go? Would you know
how to walk away?

will that person consider
the whole of who you are,
or be focused on all of
what s/he wants from you
and wants you to be for
their benefit?

are you willing to live
conflicted - saying/thinking
one thing, doing another?

is that person likely to
interfere with your real
life? are you OK with that?

is that person respectful
of your real life and
real life relationships?

will you be OK if that
person alters the way you
answer these questions?

what does your GUT say about
what you experience of this
person? Excitement is one
thing, but "Danger Ahead"
is quite the other.

are you using the virtual
situation as an escape from
a real life one? If so, you
might want to consider waiting
until things are better in real
life, or make sure that the
person you involve yourself
with doesn't make things worse,
or create a whole new problem
for you.

These types of questions actually fit
any dynamic you have in the erotic
hypnosis world, the phone sex world,
the real world.

While some of these things may seem
extreme, or unlikely, you might be
surprised at how they could happen.
It is also not to say that all things
that happen are maliciously intentional.

Being human certainly does have a
way of mixing things up, and
complicating them with unexpected
events. That is why it is good to
realize that much of what we do and
who we are has to do with hypnotic
types of events that shape who we

The only way to really be OK is
to know these answers long before
you ever need to know. They will
be a way to guide your interactions
with those you choose to interact

I have known of cases where mindsets
have been changed, and the person
seems to be quite happy, but I am
not always convinced that they truly
are - or just saying they are.

Life is a lot like that. We never
quite know what our reality is, as
it can be so mutable.

However you choose to proceed is
obviously up to you. My suggestion
would be to never do it with a
cavalier, careless "what the heck?"
kind of attitude. You might wake
up with the equivalent of a nasty
hangover that is difficult to shake.

Any other questions you ask yourself
that I have missed? Please feel free
to add them below in the comments.

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(or found it helpful)
please click below:


  1. Spot on, Isis! I completely agree that having the answers to those questions is important in exploring this realm. Just knowing that there you have to think about these things, even if you don't have the answers just yet, puts you ahead of the game. I'd also add "Do you have goals in mind and will the hypnotist respect and try to help you achieve them?"

    This is an excellent post and I hope everyone who drops in here reads it. It can save us all a lot of difficulty down the road -- hypnotists as well as subjects.

  2. Thanks for the additional question cdb.

    Anyone else have an addition?

    Have a great night!
