Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Wishing for a Miracle?

"The secret behind miracles
is that the one performing them
begins without any knowledge
whatsoever of exactly how they
will succeed, yet still they begin.

When you move, I move -
The Universe

Once again, taking action
saves the day."


There is a site that has "messages
from the universe." The above
quote is one of them.

You can get on their mailing list
and receive the messages daily.
The story behind the site is likely
to be an example of a "miracle,"
given that the person who created
it had no idea what he was creating
as he went along.

I don't know about you, but it seems
I often don't know where I am going,
until I get where I am headed, only
to be going on to the next place.

I am never settled for very long.
I can't be, it seems. Every time
I think I am "there," it lasts for
only a moment, often leaving me
with questions and sometimes
frustrations, as I don't always
know what I am "supposed" to be

If life is a miracle unto itself,
which I would say it is, then the
act of living also is which means
that everything we do is in some
part miracle.

I know of many people who feel
stuck, and don't know what they're
"supposed" to be doing, either,
and yet there is a good chance
that whatever they're supposed
to be doing is exactly what they
are doing. Countless times I find
that my moments of questioning
offer me much needed perspective
or a foundation for a future date.

Given that I know this it doesn't
mean that those times of questioning
have stopped. It seems that it is
a part of being human. It seems to
be a part of the process of life.

Aren't we lucky?

Okay, so that was partly sarcastic
(that lovely New Yorker in me).
Seriously, though, it can really
suck at times. But maybe what sucks
is our need to figure out things
rather than the things we feel we
need to figure out.

I have found that much that I have
enjoyed in my life are things that
I never figured out, but they came
as a result of me continuing to put
one foot in front of the other, and
living life the best way I knew how
to at the time.

I read something today about timing,
and how sometimes we try to rush it.
Maybe the thing you are struggling
with at the moment is something that
has its own timing, and when you have
gotten whatever you need to from it,
you will know exactly what to do, and
the way will be clear.

In a relationship that I have spoken
about previously the end should have
come long before it actually did.
However, the end seemed to be something
that occurred over time. Even as it
still seemed to have life, it was in
the process of dying. When it finally
was dead, I knew it. I had known it
the times before, but didn't want to
know it. I kept putting the relationship
on life support. But when it was finally
over, it was clearer than ever, and instead
of fighting it in some way, it was a
huge relief.

As I look back on it now, it seems a
lifetime ago. It also is an experience
that helps me to understand where others
might be in their experience. It helps
me to speak in a way that might be heard.
If I had gotten married young, and was
happily married for years. Because mine
had an ending more than once before the
actual finale, I was able to relate to
those who have ended relationships only
to continue them.

Oddly enough I am grateful for what things
like this have brought to my experience
of life for others - as well as myself.
It helps me to see things in ways that
are richer and with more depth as a result.

I thought I knew a thing or two in that
relationship, but now that thing or two
has much more depth, plus I know a thing
or two more.

Miracles in life are built upon the actions
in the moments leading up to them, and in
some way it is a miracle that I am sitting
here now talking to you. Had I stayed in
that relationship odds are better than great
I wouldn't be.

Here's to the miracle that brought us
together! Cheers.

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