Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Skip the Orgasm"

Hey there :)  So glad to have your attention.  :P

I hope this finds you well.

I miss writing here on a regular basis, and
am wondering who might also be missing
my regular contributions.

Given what is going on in my life, there
are a number of things that are up in the
air.  At the same time, I have been doing
sessions with those who have the ability
to be flexible, and the desire to continue
with me.

So if that is you, and you have been
staying away or silent...you should get
in touch with me so we can see what
might be created.

At the same time, I should tell you that
I am looking at what is next.  As I don't
really know yet what that is, I can't tell
you.  At the same time, there is a turn in
the road that aligns with much of who I
am.  If you read my blog closely enough,
you are likely to have a hint of what that
could mean.

I am a great believer in what hypnosis
has to offer people.  At the same time,
I am saddened by what it can do in non-
productive ways, too.  I realize that
people need escapes, but what I am not
sure is that they always realize what they
are getting themselves into.

A temporary escape is one thing.  A
lifelong one is another.

I want to be able to work with people
who might be scared of erotic hypnosis
because of what they see from those who
are into it who are also dominant or
submissive.  There is a lot to enjoy
personally, or with a partner.

Just to be clear, this is in addition to those
I do work with, who consider themselves
submissive.  There is a lot of opportunity
with flexibility.  I believe that hypnosis
should never take away from who a person
is, but add to them.

I have never been one for humiliation or
degradation.  I have never been one to
be into pain (physical, or otherwise).
At the same time, life is about learning
and what better way than with contrasts?
(Which is to say that I am open to certain
types of things - depending on the person
and the circumstance.)

On top of everything, I do not consider
myself a Domme.  Rather, I play the role.
For some, that means they would rather
go elsewhere, and it is likely a good choice
on their part.

As for others, my gentle caring, leading
style that can be "dominant," or at the
very least controlling, can be the perfect
choice for a person looking to explore
without having to make a lifelong
commitment, or fearing the consequences
of their interest taking over their life.

I get how powerful pleasure can be.  I
get how wonderful the rush must be of
those wonderful hormones when those
buttons are pushed.  At the same time,
consider that there are other things in
your life that might be minimized or
affected by those diversions.

If you are OK with it, then it *might*
be OK.  I used to say if you were OK,
it was OK.  The problem can sometimes
be that one who is deeply affected can
not always see the forest for the trees.

From time to time it is likely a good
idea to get some perspective, to see
if where you are is where you want to
be headed.  I have known of people who
were not happy with where they were
hypnotically tell me how happy they
were about where they were hypnotically
before they were able to clearly see what
was going on.  The pleasure they felt,
and the suggestions they were given
were driving their "ship," and they
didn't even realize how affected they
were by what another said and wanted.

In some ways, I am a broken record on
this, and for those who don't appreciate
it, I am sorry.  But it is something that
I have seen way too many times.  I have
seen really good people get lost in the
pleasure so much that their relationships
lose out.  I have seen them distracted
from the things that matter most to them.
I have seen them lose sight of themselves,
and what they have to offer the world.

Of course what happens starts out as
your choice...which is why I always
say be careful.  But after choice sometimes
comes things that may look like your
choice, but actually be someone else's
choice for you.

Interestingly, one way that people use
to gain control, interest, desire of
another is through another is orgasm
control.  I saw something today that
explains why it can work.  You can
read it/see it here.

Sometimes knowing what is happening,
or what can happen, can be beneficial.
So many have no idea the power of those
things that look seemingly insignificant.

As always, I hope you are well and safe,
and that if what I say speaks to you, you
stay in touch.

Have a great day.


  1. I just wanted to say that your posts are among the most thoughtful and thought provoking on the subject of hypnosis that I have read.
    I always find ideas of real value everytime I read them.
    Thank you very much for this Blog.

  2. Hi Isis
    alot of what you wrote there rang so many bells with me currently it is quite alarming.... You know me so well anyway :) nut i do have to echo your comment on not knowing what i wanted in the first place...You have told me many times to be sure it is my desires i am tapping into and not my hypnodommes at that time.... i have to admit.. i am so suggestable i don't think i really have much idea what is my desires anymore, my love of control has led me so far down the rabbit hole i crave things common sense tells me are down right wrong !!! and orgasm control has certainly played a part in that journey down...i am not complaining here... it is my doing , mine alone to head off down the hole... i do think that once the head goes under the lip, being able to see sense dwindles pretty quick...

    thank You for another nudge into being careful..

    kindest regards

  3. Isis,

    So much of what you have to say in this post m akes so much sense to me. I wish we could connect and communicate more.


  4. Valuable information and excellent post you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time in posting an article on hypnosis.
