Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Making the Ordinary Extraordinary | JPG

clingy top.
To tantalize
and tease.

Imagine what it would be like
to be out and about
and see me in this.

566x544 | 1 Image JPG | $3.50


Who Knows Best?

I was speaking with a friend today who
was advising another friend (that I
don't know) on how to do something.

What she told the friend was in
direct opposition to what a "so-called"
professional had told her to do.

I say "so-called" because while some
would say experts are supposed to
know enough to know better than others,
it isn't absolute.

I remember reading a book by a hypnotist
who was doing Past Life Regressions and
when he started, he didn't even know
what was happening. In his book he
suggests/recommends that people only
work with those who know what they are

Anyone see a potential contradiction of
sorts there?

I have taken a slight detour here, talking
about experts, but it fits the ultimate
point of this post.

How does anyone know who knows best/better?
There might be some cases where/when one
might, but how often is there contradictory
information that is supposed to be right?

The key - as I see it - is to find the
solution/path that works for the person.
No wonder my friend's friend might be
confused. Someone she sees as an authority
is in opposition to what her friend
emphatically believes to be true.

It is easy to be swayed by others, if what
we are doing doesn't seem to be working, or
if someone comes along and convinces you
that you are wrong. Are you truly convinced,
or are you just swept up in their logic?
Perhaps you just want to please them, or
avoid conflict.

As often is the case, there is a cost with
not following the tune of your inner piper.
There may things that work for others, but
not for you.

Some people can smoke heavily their whole
life, and never have any lung or respiratory
issues. Some people may drink regularly
and never have any liver issues. Some people
can eat everything in the fridge and never
gain an ounce.

Some people.

I am not sure that there is a "one sized fits
all" approach to life, and yet there are some
who would say otherwise. If it works for them,
and especially if it works for many others,
then it has to work for anyone who tries it.
If it doesn't, the person may not be trying
hard enough. What's wrong with them?

Things like this happen in a grand scale with
those who market and sell things, or in a
more intimate way with those who are close
to us.

It takes a special effort and willingness to
carve out your own best way, and it may even
be a hybrid of others' best ways. It might
also be that your best way aligns with what
another believes to be true - in direct
opposition to what another says.

It may at times be easier to let someone
else tell you what to do, but the results
may not be so easy to live with. The next
time you feel conflicted about what is
best to do, consider taking a step back
and looking at the pieces, and see which
ones truly fit YOU.

Sometimes it is difficult to get clear
about what those things are. If clarity
is an issue, hypnosis and I may be
of some help. Just give a call.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Inspired by Isis | Video | Audio

Just thought you might like a sampling of
one of the MP3s I have created for my
Inspired by Isis Program.


If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Non Flash Chat

In the right column of this blog there
is a chat box that is of the Flash
Species :).

Now that I am a part of the iPad
contingent, I have discovered that
it is unusable and unreadable by
devices that don't use Flash.

As a result, I am trying out this
new chat. I am not removing the
other one yet, as I want to see how
this one works/goes.

I will try to be in both places
when I am online so that those
who want to find me can. However,
if I happen to be on my iPad, the
only place you will be able to find
me is here, so if you are looking
for me, it might be good to check
both places (there will be a link
to this entry below or above the
chat when I am done writing this).

I hope it makes sense.
Fingers crossed. :)

If you have any questions,
feel free to ask.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Friday, July 29, 2011

Have You Noticed?

Have you noticed that you can now get
one of my files for only $1.35?

If not, check out the information
about the Mystery File. In the
future you can find the page by
clicking the box in the right
column that says (appropriately
enough) "Mystery File."

As always, if you have questions,
feel free to ask.

How do We Find Solutions for a Complex World? | Video

Yet another great TED talk.

If you have the time to watch,
I'd love to know what you got from it.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Do you have a Smart Phone or iPad or Tablet?

Do you know what a RSS Feed is?

Both my blog and my YouTube pages
have RSS feeds.

What they are is a list of activity/
entries that you could access through
an app that brings them together in
one place for you to keep track of
my activity.

If you have an iPad, there is a
MobileRSS app that works with a
Google account.

The app is free.

There is a search feature that
helps you find the feeds/types of
feeds you might be looking for.

To find my blog, just type Isis
The Enchantress, and add YouTube
to my name in the search box for
my videos.

I highly recommend coming to the
blog itself, as there are always
additions and changes in the right
column, however, an app like this
might make things a bit easier if
you are trying to keep up.

If you have any questions, I am
not sure how much I can help if
it's not an iPad, but I will see
what I can do, if you need the

Even if you don't want to do the
feeds for my sites, it might be
helpful to you for some other
subject matter...so you might
want to consider checking it out.

Have a great night. :)

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If you're going to take a stand..

I was reading that many who elect Tea Party
candidates insist that they stand on whatever
principles they stand for, whatever the

When I heard that, the song by Kenny Rogers
came into my mind: "You got to know when to
hold them, know when to fold them, know when
to walk away..."

There's more to the song, too, saying that
every hand can be a winning hand, if you know
how to play.

While what is going on with the wrangling
in DC is not like playing poker, it is
certainly a form of game playing and gambling.

It would seem to me that what the song says
is helpful in the context of other things
in life. I would imagine that there are a
few things that are never worth compromising
on, however is this truly one of those things?

When so much is at stake, it would seem to me
that there has to be a way to broker a
compromise. Some say that things sometimes
have to break all the way for them to get
fixed. Makes me wonder if this is one of them.

When things break, there is no more bandaging.

When things break, people start to look at
other things.

When things break, what is happening has to
change, as by the nature of the breaking, it
already has.

At the same time, there are things that if we
care for them can last a pretty long time.
Some might even say "forever," or at least it
gives that appearance. The key is "taking
care of them."

Have we taken care of what we have?

When a person or ideology says "I am RIGHT,"
at the expense of other persons or ideologies,
there are going to be upset parties involved,
especially if those who say they are right
stand in the way of those who think they're

It is difficult to know what is right or
wrong here. The hole we are in is deep.
We will however be at the effect of those
decisions for a long time to come.

I kinda feel like this is like a ship that
is on the waters. People are on it
because it can carry them. Ships and boats
are made to carry people. But then, the
ship begins to sink. The principle of
staying on the boat is no longer valid,
and someone who was adamant about everyone
staying aboard because - in principle -
ships float is going to go down and
bring everyone with him.

I know it's not exactly the same, and
if it wasn't for the standing for
principles of our forefathers we
wouldn't be here. So there are times
we must take a stand.

So my question of those who support the Tea
Party candidates - and what their desire is
from their representative - is - with so
much at stake, is this really one of those

What if we truly believed that every hand
is a winner? Might there be another
way to go?

This, by the way, is not to pick on the Tea
Party, but rather is just used as an example
of someone who stubbornly refuses to make
any other choice but the one s/he is making.

In the end, we all will have those moments
in life. And it would be wise, perhaps, to
take a step back and truly consider if the
choice is an action to be taken, or a
reaction to something undesirable. If it
is a reaction, it might be leading in the
wrong direction. Actions are much more
powerful than reactions because they have
a core from which to build and refer.
Reactions can sometimes leave one swinging
in the air. Of course, an initial reaction
can create the foundation for an action.

As always, awareness can be a helpful
first step to a successful and satisfying

I am guessing one way or another things will
work out. I just hope that those of us on
this ship don't have to sink in the process.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Her Way? | Video

I wonder what type of person created this site,
and what type of men and women have profiles
there. The premise has some interesting

It would seem to me to be a place for some
possible confusion, as well as some possible
contentment, depending on the people, and
what their expectations and desires are.

What do you think?
If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Monday, July 25, 2011

To Cause an Effect

Here's another TED Talk. Given what is going
on in the world economy, it is a very timely
topic. What Kevin Slavin speaks about has a
lot to do with the financial world, however,
what he speaks of transcends that world, and
can have application in other parts of our
life experience.

I am fascinated by the fact that there are
algorithms that are affecting our environment,
even creating it. Kevin speaks of a company
that you can run a movie script through to
see how successful it might be. One who uses
that would likely write to have the greatest
impact, based on what the algorithm says.

He points to how our world is becoming more
and more the result of an unseen - and perhaps
even unknown and not understood - algorithm,
one that could go awry and we'd never know,
and then what?

It seems due to these algorithms, people are
less and less creators of the equation, but
more likely to be at its effect
. We are
doing more and more to give this unknown more
and more life and breath, even to digging up
and destroying parts of our world.

I wonder if people stood back and really looked
at what we were doing, if we'd still be doing
it. Wouldn't it be better to be at the cause
of something than at its effect? And yet, as
we seek to cause something (such as an action
taken in the name of money), and give it
importance, it would seem that it has more and
more possibility to have us in dilemmas we may
not realize we are in and/or in dilemmas with
far reaching consequences in which there is no
turning back.

I would have to guess there is some good in
there somewhere, but at the same time anything
that takes us away from ourselves and others
I can not imagine is - in the end - going to
be a good thing.

I wonder what we can learn from this.

I wonder what we can do to reconnect
to the core of who we are as people.

I wonder what questions we should be

Once again, here is a case where an
argument could be made for or against,
and and once again, I have to wonder
what exactly we are arguing for. Do
we even know, and therefore is it
really, truly worth it?

What we don't know that we don't know
can really mess with us when we come
to know it. Perhaps true promise and
success comes from discovering what is
within, and yet we spend so much time
focusing on what is without, finding
more and more diverse ways to distract
us from ourselves, adding complications
that further separate us from who we
are as individuals and as humans as
a whole.

How many of those who are reading this
actually know who they are? Maybe if
someone could explore the inner
algorithm, people would be more curious
to find out what's in there. It occurs
to me that even those who consider
themselves "spiritual," can even find
themselves more distracted than when
they started on their journey.

We may all be here on this planet, but
how many of us are truly HERE, truly
present, focused, aware,
or just think we are?

Hypnosis at its best.

If you enjoyed this entry,
(or found it helpful)
please click below:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Key to Surrender: Full Assault :P

Black leather,
LOTS of cleavage.

You WILL love this.
Maybe it'll be a new favorite.
It is one of mine!
If you don't love it,
ask for free minutes.

1024x768 | 1 Image JPG + Bonus animated GIF | $10.00



You are taking a trip, and hit road construction.
You may never get to travel the new, smooth road,
as it the creation of it will be completed after
you have gone, but you can still say you
travelled that road. Each traveller experiences
the road by its conditions at the time of travel,
and therefore each traveller may have a different
experience of the road.

If you need to get somewhere, you check the maps
and your options, and then you choose the path
that seems to be the best. Even if you just use
a GPS it, too, is choosing which option seems
best. However, you never know until you get
on the road just how things will be. Some
obstacles may have been averted, while others
are just there, waiting for you.

Life is like the road. We make choices hoping
to avert certain obstacles, but we still find
ourselves in the middle of one. And, like
travelling the road, the only way through it
is to just keep going. We're all travelling
the road called LIFE. Some of us find the
road smoother, some bumpier, for some there is
an occasional storm that obstructs our vision.
As long as we live, we need to be checking our
life map, planning, and changing plans, as

In addition we often think that our experience
of the "road" is the same as others, even though
it may be quite different. New exits could be
added to the road that weren't there when we
were. We are unable to judge how another person's
experience of the road was, even though in life
we often assume that we know, and as a result
know what option is best for another.

Most road trips have a specific destination.
Life is perhaps not as clear cut. But like
the highway, there are signs that give us
direction, and sometimes we are forced off
the road onto another, and sometimes we have
a choice, and sometimes the choice precedes
being forced off the road.

The question rarely is whether or not we
should travel the road, but rather what
choices will we make along the way. The
choices made will determine how you wind up
at the end: Will you be irritable and
exhausted, ready to give up, or will you
be grateful for all the sights, sounds,
and experiences along the way?

If you enjoyed this entry (or found it helpful),
please click below:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Passionate About Isis (wmv file)

Since it is so hot outside, I thought maybe I would
give you something pleasurable to enjoy inside...
not sure it will cool you down, but you might just
enjoy yourself enough to forget the heat.

Well, maybe. :P
It might make you generate some heat, though.

The file is usually $15, for now it is a
SPECIAL at $6. If you want it, snatch it up now.
No tellin' how long this offer will be sticking

To buy, click the image below:

this video has one of the strongest
effects i've ever felt."

Get this short, yet very strong,
video that features my eyes,
and be drawn into my world.

That Person May One Day Be You

I have been hearing a lot lately about
age discrimination. Coming from a
society that prizes youth, it should
not come as a surprise, I suppose.

However, I can't help but wonder when
we as a community of people will get
over this prevailing, detrimental
attitude that we have about age.

After all, the fact is that if those
who are young are fortunate, they
too will one day be in a position
of being the "older one."

Even Paris Hilton recently was
interviewed and walked out because
someone had asked her if her time
at come and gone. And she is 30!
years old.

I remember once having to do an
exercise for school in which my
classmates and I had to discuss
who we would "save" on a deserted
island. I forget the demographics
of all represented, but one I do
remember was someone who would be
classified as a senior citizen.

Everyone but me was ready to
let that person be "cut." I
argued that there was a possibility
that that person knew something
that others didn't, that there
might be some wisdom offered by
that person that might not otherwise
be available in the limited society.

I don't really remember the way it
wound up, and I don't even remember
the point of the exercise, but what
I do remember was strongly I felt,
and how alone I was in that feeling.

Our society is aging. There are
more who are getting closer to
Social Security age than there
are children being born - many
more. That means that how we
interact as a society, and how we
treat those who are older will be
in the hands of the minority of
the younger segment of our society.

I've heard it said that a society
can be judged by how it treats its
seniors. I think a society can be
judged by how it treats anyone -
but especially those who are in

I am not saying that we need to
start handing out things, and I do
believe that people need to be as
responsible as they can be to
themselves and others, however
there are times that we as people
do need each other.

Life has an interesting way of
showing us things. Sometimes the
one in control can one day be the
one in need. It might be good to
remember that, and to teach that
in a way that means something,
although perspective isn't an
easy thing to teach. Look at the
often repeated mistakes of history:
perspective ignored.

Someone recently told me that as
a child someone told him that it
didn't matter how big he got, he
could be shot down in an instant
by a gun.

There are different ways to be "big."
Those who are in control have the
illusion that they are "big," and
as such they make decisions impacting
many without much thought or
consideration sometimes. They're
also the ones that can be shot down
suddenly by another in an unexpected
way, especially when they think they're
so big, they're untouchable.

Unfortunately, like many things we
seem to have difficulty seeing something
or appreciating something until we are
directly affected. It would seem that
one key to life is to take what we can
from other's learning, while simultaneously
seeking our own, best route. Another's
experience won't always be our own, but
sometimes it does pay to listen.

I am not sure where and how and when
things could change, but I would like
to think that we can be better as a
whole than we are being.

Anyone agree? Anyone doing anything
about it? Would love to hear about it,
if so...maybe it will inspire something.

If you enjoyed this entry (or found it helpful),
please click below:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Key To Surrender

If you'd like the above image in wallpaper size, click it :)

If you like what you see,
please click below:

and with that, I wish
a wonderful, safe, cool
night to you all.

Sweet dreams.


Going Down?

If you like what you see,
please click below:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

on Truth | Quote

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up
and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
- Winston Churchill

I thought this quote a complement to
yesterday's blog entry. You never know
what you are missing when you are always
looking to get somewhere else.

If you enjoyed this entry
(or found it helpful in some way),
please click below:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Have you ever seen yourself sad?

Have you ever been sad, and looked at yourself?

I know that is an odd question, but today I
was sad, and was taking pictures of me sad,
and with tears in my eyes.

It made me think about how easy it is not to
see something, unless we are faced with it.

Yes, we will feel the sadness, but unless we
"bathe" in it in some way, we may soon be off
to the next thing, ignoring the way we feel.

It seems to me that maybe the reason life gives
us speed bumps in the form of things we have
to pay attention to is because we didn't choose
to pay attention before we absolutely HAD to.

Maybe if we were more willing to see what was
really happening, and see how we were really
feeling, the choices we would make would be
different, and we'd be in a much better place.

Or not. LoL. Who the heck knows? I certainly
don't. But I think it is good to ask the
question at least because maybe the answer
will be meaningful in some way.

I don't know anyone who walks around taking pictures
of their sadness. But at the same time, it seems
that I was one today, and I share this with you
because we all have moments of being human that
aren't always the prettiest, or neatest, or
sanest, but they all count.

That is what I got out of this today. Perhaps in
my sharing it, you got something out of it for
yourself, or you just think me all the stranger
for it. Personally, I hope it is the former, but
if it happens to be the latter, oh well. :P

I suspect if more people were open (& felt they
COULD be open) about their hidden/seemingly
inappropriate sides, we would have a much more
tolerant and kinder and gentler world.

What do you think?

I hope you're having a good day/night.

If you enjoyed this entry
(or found it helpful in some way),
please click below:

Monday, July 18, 2011

What to do?

There are countless articles and resources that
will tell you how "women" are or how "men" are.
While there may be some valid points, it would
seem to me that heeding these articles (often
even contrary to one another) can mean more
problem or difficulties.

I wonder why it is that we haven't considered
that maybe people are just different, regardless
of the sex of the person. If we would consider
stopping taking things for granted, and start
communicating with those who matter, we would
likely find what the "truth" of the person's
reality and situation is rather than putting
someone else's assessment and opinion as an
overlay, and interacting with that.

The next time you consider reacting to a woman
a certain way because she is a woman, consider
that you might be better off stepping back,
and asking some questions. You may get looked
at like you have two heads, and it may take
some patience, but in the end the ability to
truly understand and communicate can't be
undervalued more by those who think they have
the "absolute" answers.

The only way we're going to truly be able to
understand each other, and determine whether
or not we can work with their framework is to
determine what it truly is - not what someone
else has told us it is.

Sadly, I think most of us have been hypnotized
to believe otherwise, and as a result we often
will find ourselves swimming against the tide.

If you find yourself tired of fighting, consider
you may not know all that you need to know,
or that what you think you know is incorrect,
and consider starting anew.

You might find that what you thought you knew
isn't that at all, and what truly is works less
for you than what you thought you knew.

There is also a chance you might just be
pleasantly surprised.

If you enjoyed this entry (or found it helpful),
please click below:

Be Inspired

Have you noticed my Inspired by Isis Program, yet?

If not, and you...
want to reinforce how you feel about me
want to reinforce our dynamic
want to reinforce the best of what your life is
want to get regular MP3s from me
want to get more of me/from me

You should definitely check it out, and NOW.

The next cycle starts in 2 days.

You don't know what you're missing...do you really
want to be left out? You get more than what you
pay for, and who doesn't like that - especially
when it comes with me and pleasure attached

Pure Love: The Gift | MP3

Expectations always change
things, and when it comes
to Love, there is almost
nothing worse, or more

The problem is all of the
things that get attached to
Love, and in the process
"become Love."

She couldn't possibly love
me, or she would understand.

He couldn't possibly love
me, or he would get me
flowers, or jewelry
(or whatever).

It is with this idea in mind
that I created a special
recording that is all about
Love...Love in its purest
form...Love that we can have
for another human being...
for someone in our family,
a friend, a stranger.

Love in its purest form never
discriminates. Love just IS.

This recording is non-sexual.
My guess is that you might
find it sensual, especially
if you already influenced by
me in some way.

Some people get squeamish
about this four letter word.
However, in its purest form
there is never anything to be
squeamish about. And, better
yet it is an incredible gift.

I hope you'll enjoy.

I hope you have had a wonderful
day...and focused on the parts
that have meant most to you.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Love Power and Control

I keep hearing about the issues that our
government is having about the debt ceiling.
While I know that there can't be any easy,
quick fixes for the dilemma, and I also
can't possibly know what all the facets
are, there are a few things I do know.

What I do know is that when people are in
power people will likely either act with
compassion, or they will act to control.
I don't get a sense that much of the
current wrangling is about compassion.

With compassion comes appreciation. What
we have a appreciation for, some would
say appreciates. We have had an incredible
country, one that people have died to give
us, and one that other people have died to
get to.

It seems to me that somewhere along the
line we have lost sight of what we have.
To protect what we have, we must appreciate
it, and we must come from a place of Love.
With Love can come power, but power alone
can be tyranny and destructive.

"There is no reality except the one contained
with us. That is why so many people live
such an unreal life. They take the images
outside them for reality and never allow the
world within to assert itself."
- Herman Hesse

Where is the HEART in the budget talks?
It seems to me that we are trying to solve
a problem mechanically, and without heart;
it is no wonder we don't seem to be able
to get anywhere fast.

Human beings seem to really need and want
LOVE at the core of who they are, and yet,
like Herman says, they interact with the
world outside of themselves in the process
of living their life.

So many things we do seem to be destructive,
unhealthy, unhelpful, and yet an argument
is presented to the contrary. So wonderful
that we are so creative, but at what cost?
Is it really worth arguing, supporting, and
fighting for a solution that might only be
a band aid to a bigger problem that needs
to be addressed?

We want a better world and better life,
and yet we keep looking anywhere but within
OURSELVES. Mother Teresa was once asked
for something that would change people's
lives. Her answer: "Smile at each other.
Make time for each other. Enjoy each other."

What if we took the time to really explore
our heart's desire, and better yet, ACTED
on it? Confucius (and I am sure others over
time have) identified the chain that ties
all of life together, starting with our heart.

Our heart -> Our family -> Our city ->
Our state -> Our country -> Our world.

And there are even more ways this could
break down, if you think about it.

In speaking with as many people as I have
the last several years, it is clear to me
that MANY are not living heart based lives.

As a result, there is much unhappiness in
their lives and in their homes. Is it no
wonder that the state of affairs in this
world that we live in is hurting as much
as it is?

If we do not come from heart, we do not
come from Love, and if we do not come from
Love, the only power we will wind up
interacting with is the kind that will
seek to control.

If you truly want to effect a change in
your life, start within. Start with your
heart. Ask it what it wants, and then
LISTEN. After the heart speaks is time
for the knowledge, not before.

Knowledge has a way of denying the heart.
We are so creative, odds are good if you
listen to your heart first, you will find
the way to use your knowledge to get you
where you want to be.

We are using what we know to minimize
our reality more and more every day.
Imagine what it would be like if we
could use it to expand our possibilities,
and create fixes instead of temporarily
bandaging our wounds.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

Having Challenges? | 17:39 & ONLY $5.00!

"This file is a seriously great find.

Isis uses her amazing skills to
motivate and push
you gently while under,
building a sense of confidence
to deal with whatever obstacle
has come up in your life.

Very professional sounding work.
I loved it.


While most of my recordings are
for those previously hypnotized
by me live, this one could be
for anyone, of any gender.

"I look forward to experiencing
more of your magic.
- Pliable

It is non-erotic, and for those
who might be having challenges.
It helps in regard to how
challenges are interacted with/

As always, if you have any
questions, please ask.

"Soothing. Relaxing.
The perfect trance to
just zone out too while
it helps make you feel
like you're on
top of the world.
I imagine many will
love this trance.
- Geekzombie

If you listen,
please let me know
what you think!

Have a good night.

Sweet Dreams of Isis | Cleavage

Close up.
Black lacey bra.
Long pink/red nails.

(cdbtoo: remember that image
you wanted large? This is it,
but slightly different, and
made into wallpaper)

If you don't like it, and
you are a caller of mine
(or want to be one), let me
know and I'll send 5 free
minutes to compensate for
money spent.

You have nothing to lose.

1024x768 | 1 Image JPG | $10.00


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mystery File

*On Haitus*

Starting now, in the right column of this blog
you will see the following image:

Whenever you click on the image in the
right column it will bring you to this
blog entry.

When you click on the image above, you will
have an opportunity to receive one of my
many files for ONLY $1.35

This is one way I am going to choose to be
even more mysterious than ever, and perhaps
even non-predictable or inconsistent.

I MAY change the file sometime on Monday,
and then again, I may not.

You may already have the file, and then again
you may not.

It may be an audio file, a movie file, an
image file...you'll never know what you will
get. If you want to leave a comment about
what got, please be generic, or give it to
me privately. Let's keep everyone guessing.

Anyone game for some mystery?

Click above.

and then...| Leg JPG

Stocking Legs,
Red shoes,
Isis gorgeousness.
What more could you ask for?

530x800 | 1 Image JPG | $6.00


Trees and Perspective

I recently was reading a column by Ed Lowe,
writer for Long Island Newsday. It was
dated December 21, 1986.

In it, he described a man who had the
responsibility of getting the tree for
the family - by himself. No one wanted
to go with him.

When he came home after his adventure that
was a bit more like an ordeal of sorts,
he felt "triumphant," but was met with
disappointment. His wife even said,
"'That is the worst tree I have ever
seen in my life.'"

He mentioned how no one wanted to go
with him (good for him, as many would
grumble without pointing out that fact),
but decided that after a nap they
would find something else. When he
awakened, it was to a "stunning and
elegant" tree. In the end, they regarded
the "'tree as the best we ever had.'"

I share this for a couple of reasons.

As often can be the case, people will
leave something up to another but
then not appreciate their efforts. If
someone is going to do something for you,
it would be wise to appreciate what they
do, and/or be a part of the process. People
often do the best they can, but they may
have a different idea of what "success"
looks like.

In addition, it also occurs to me as
an example of how things aren't always
what they seem to be, how sometimes we
discount something be the way it "looks."

It was the same tree. The difference didn't
come from the tree, it came from the
perspective of those who were interacting
with it. It can go in more than one way.
It can be that something is better than
it appears, or that shiny object is only
superficially attractive, and how you
interact with it has everything to do
with you.

Life is showing us things all of the time.
The next time something happens that
appears less than desirable, consider
stepping back and looking at it, to see
what it may have to offer you. There may
be many things that are teaching us, but
we may need to step back to observe the

Here's to the magnificent trees in
your life. :)

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Friday, July 15, 2011

time to call, yet?

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Never Shortchange Yourself

I wrote this to someone several years ago.
Because so many things seem to have threads
that speak to others, I am sharing it with
you. Perhaps it will speak to you, too.

Do not shortchange yourself.

While you may have questions about who
you are...remember that who you are is
not what you do. You deserve
love beyond your wildest dreams and desires.

You deserve the respect that goes
along with it. You deserve someone who
is a true partner, someone who will not take
advantage of - or take for granted - your willing
nature, and someone who knows how to balance all
of aspects of you and your relationship, without
expecting you to compromise who you are.

You believe in yourself professionally, and it
is just as important to believe in yourself

People make the mistake of believing that what
they deserve has to do with what they have or
haven't done. The mistake you would make
would be to be one of them.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You may want to give it a second (or third) thought...

Previously I have written about HPV. Many
people have told me they don't know anything
about it. At the same time, it is something
that people should be aware of. In its worst
forms, it is what is responsible for cervical
cancer in women. It is also speculated that
it can cause oral cancer. And...it is
something that there is often no physical
sign of infection. And...it is something that
is transmitted from genital skin contact, so
a condom won't necessarily protect you from
getting it.

Now there is a new gonorrhea "superbug" that
seems to be making a name for itself.
Apparently when one is first infected there
may be no symptoms, so you may not know if
that person you are playing with is infected.

Once infected, it is untreatable, and can
cause some serious health problems that
could lead to death, according to one source.

I am sad that there are things that can
minimize the pleasure of something so
wonderful as sex, but I am even sadder
when I see some people throw all caution
to the wind and play a game of Russian
Roulette. I even had a guy once who
wanted me to encourage high risk behaviors
hypnotically. I wouldn't, but I have no
doubt there are some that would.

If you are in a relationship, and care
about the one you are with, or aren't in
a relationship and think you may one day
want a special someone to care about, I
ask you to please consider what you are
doing sexually - before you do it.

There are some serious implications that
might be worth taking a step back. As
much as I believe physical, intimate
contact is one of the most beautiful
things we have, another beautiful thing
we have is hypnosis. You can experience
a lot safely under hypnosis. If you want
to experiment, consider doing it in an
erotic, hypnotic context.

I even know of someone who had a health
scare so he went back to the safety of
hypnosis. It's not a place to hide, but
it can be quite complementary playing
with your desires, safely.

When I first got sexually active with
someone without using a condom I remembered
thinking that I was even more vulnerable
than ever. When a woman and man trust
each other enough to have unprotected
sex, there is a lot more at stake than
an orgasm.

You will do whatever you do, however
perhaps consider that what you do may
have more far reaching consequences than
you'd like for it to have.

I hate to be so serious. But occasionally
someone has to talk about the things no
one wants to talk about.

Be safe.

(to find out how gonorrhea is
transmitted click here

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At what cost?

I watched another Twilight Zone episode last
night. It was an episode I have often thought
about, as I have seen it before.

In it one man bets another man $500,000 that
he is unable to be silent for a year. The
second man can't seem to stop talking, and
is always asking for money, so the first man
figures he'll take the bet, but only last a
few weeks - at most. He considers it an easy
bet to win.

It is discovered that the second man also
has financial difficulties, and a wife
who apparently buys jewels the way other
women buy groceries so it only adds to
the reasons why the man would be an easy mark
for the bet that he could never likely win.

The second man is wise enough to ask for the
money ahead of time, but the first man acts
insulted, and says of course he has it; the
other man has to trust him.

The second man is to live within a glass
enclosure for a year, and you see him day
after day, month after month not talking.
The first man offers him $1000 at one point
to walk away, and then $5000, but the man
won't do it.

Finally the year is up.

Any guesses at what happens?

The first man says the second was better
than he, and he is now forced to admit that
he does not have the money everyone thinks
he has, not even close.

The second man is speechless.

But before I say why, I thought I would
share with you a few of my thoughts about
this episode.

1. The man says he loves his wife. It
would seem to be part of the reason he
agrees to the bet. Does he really love
his wife? If so, is giving up a year of
his life worth the cost? Would his wife
agree? If so, does she really love him,
or what he can give her? Is loving her
really about giving her what she wants,
and is the cost of doing that worth it?

2. There never seems to be a signed
agreement. Why was the second man so
willing to give up so much without any
assurance that he would get what he was
told? How often do we give up parts of
ourselves in the expectation that we
will get something in return, only to
be disappointed? There are no guarantees
in life, but it makes sense to choose
wisely where we give our resources (time,
attention, energies) especially if the
dynamic is inequitable or there is a
possibility of no return. Not to say we
never should do things that are inequitable,
but just that we should be aware and mindful
of our choices and the related costs.

It turns out the reason the man was
speechless was because he didn't think
he could win the bet, so he had his
vocal cords cut.

It would seem to me that when we do
what another wants us to do we can
sometimes lose our own voice, just
like this man did. He did it willingly,
for what he perceived as a reward.

We may also lose our voice - also
willingly - by bowing to another's
desire, thinking in some way we are
gaining something when in fact we
could be losing everything.

That man's life would
never be the same.

Just like how when you don't
speak up for yourself and
you lose your voice; your life
will never be the same, either.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

More Than Words | Video

Do actions "speak louder than words?"

Some people would definitely say so.
The writer of the song below would
seem to agree.

I, however, am of the school of thought
that different things work for different
people. Knowing your own "language"
helps immensely, as well as knowing the
language of those you care about.

For me - words are nice, but they don't
mean nearly as much as words backed up by
actions. As much as I would like for
words to be the gold standard, it takes
more than that for me to really feel
what a person's words intend.

The lyrics of this song convey a message
I could easily say to someone who wanted
me to feel how they felt about me. If
he really wanted me to "get" how he truly
feels, he would be a wise man to pay
attention, and even if he spoke a different
language or dialect learn to speak mine.
I, of course, would see what I could do in
regard to his, as well. I think the best
relationships either share the same language
or have the partners multilingual, both
speaking the other's native tongue, as

What is your "language"?

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's About Right Now | Video

The following video is likely to be something
of a stretch for some to listen to. It will
sound, at times, new-agey, talking about
"vibrations" and "source."

At the same time, it has many delicious nibbles
which one can find helpful and practical about
the nature of being human, and the nature of
the life we live.

If you think there is somewhere to get to, and
you feel frustrated this is likely a video that
might make some sense to you, and help you feel
better about where you are.

There are all kinds of reasons to watch/listen,
and should you take the time to do that, I am
pretty sure you will find a thing, or two that
makes sense to you and/or is helpful to what
you may be thinking about/dealing with.

You may have to swim through some language
that is "out there," but I am pretty certain
if you are inclined to listen, you'll find
it worth it.

If you decide to spend the time, I would be
curious about what your experience with the
content is.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Your future is too BIG to waste time
fighting battles with small-minded people.

- Joel Osteen

Choose Wisely | About Me

I hear stories about men who will deny
their wife or girlfriend sex because
he is saving himself for the person he
is speaking with on the phone. If the
person is a hypnotist, hypnosis may even
contribute to what does or does not
happen. I know of at least one case
where someone had to ask permission of
the person hypnotizing him before he could
have sex - with his wife.

(To be clear, the last example was NOT
something he wanted, but what came to be
from an unfortunate series of events.)

Whether a person consciously chooses this
type of behavior, or it is chosen for him,
it is something that I do everything I can
to avoid. It is my personal feeling that
any relationship you are in, you are in
because it is important to you, and that
it is what you want. That being the case,
I am not interested in messing with it in
a potentially detrimental way.

It may be that you want to get out of the
relationship, but don't know how, so you
find yourself getting into scenarios with
greater and greater risk. If you want out,
I would prefer to see what we might do
together to help you make the choices that
are right for you than to have you feeling
guilty and/or getting yourself into a whole
lot of trouble.

I will always respect your right to choose
what you want, but that doesn't mean I
will choose to be a willing partner. If
that means you exercise your ability to
choose another hypnotist, then I wish you

Just be careful. What you wish for you
might just get, and then what? Reality
isn't always as pleasant as the fantasies
you have woven.

Choose wisely.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

This is fun...for a few reasons... | Video

Watch til the end.

If this is true... | Video

If this video is of something that isn't fake
(as some claim), it is pretty cool. However
it makes me wonder, if they can do "anything,"
can they do people, too?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

When in Rome...?

I was reading an article about how NYC has
a rule about signage being in English that
hasn't really been enforced
. However now
they feel it would be to the benefit of
those in the neighborhoods and in the fire
and police services to have the signage in
a way that can be understood by those who
speak English.

It raises an on-going question about language
in this country. I remember walking through
a part of Queens in the NYC area called Astoria
a few years back, and you wouldn't have known
you were in the US. It was (and maybe still
is?) a VERY Greek neighborhood.

Another time I was on the subway, and I over-
heard approximately 4 conversations on my
ride, none of which were English, all of which
were different. At the time I marveled at how
all of these people from different places
could come together in a place like NYC.

I also spent some time in Europe at one point
and was around people who didn't speak English.
While I appreciated those who did, I tried to
learn a few words to be able to communicate in
the language of the land.

While I know there are some who might take
great objection to what I am about to say,
it seems to me that when in Rome, one should
do as the Romans do. Or, in this case, when
in America, do as the Americans do.

Of course, there will be some who will say
they are American, and not speak much English
at all. However, the country as we know it was
founded with English speakers, and has had Englist
as a predominant language for quite some time.

At the core of what I believe is a necessity
for us to be able to communicate effectively
with one another. If I was going to go live
in France, I would expect to learn the
language so I would know and understand
what was going on, and how to communicate
with others.

It just makes sense to me that we have a
difficult enough time communicating with
each other in the same language we don't
need added complications of different

I am not saying that people should forget their
own language, or stop speaking it, but when
out amongst others, it would be really great
if we had some way to communicate effectively
without having to go through hoops and
legislative and politically correct dances.

As with anything I say, my mind is open to
other possibilities. I just don't know what
they are at the moment, and present my case
based on my own experience and perspective
as well as a desire to be able to communicate
with those around me.

Interestingly, when I was in a Home Depot in
California, I was looking for something, and
couldn't find it. I asked someone for help,
and he only spoke Spanish. I could have
found someone else, but I was attempting to
step up to the challenge, and was seeing if
I could communicate in Spanish what I needed.

I was unsuccessful, and also grateful that
there was someone I could speak with and
effectively communicate what I needed.

As a tool, I'd say language has an ability to
either pull us apart or help us come together,
and it isn't so much the language itself as it
is those who use it.

If those who use language had more of a desire
to be able to be understood by (and to understand)
others, I think we could find a way to make things
work without having to resort to the negativity
that surrounds this topic. When living in the
NYC area, I had friends who spoke Spanish.
Occasionally I would try to speak to them in
their language (to help me keep what I knew and
learn more) and at times we'd speak English, and
I'd help them to better learn the language.

In this country we have freedom, and perhaps it
is in part because we are able to have a common
and understood (well, mostly) framework in which
to work. If we can't understand each other,
how well can it work, really?

I find sometimes that divisions only divide us.
I am not saying we shouldn't appreciate our
differences, but when we come together it would
seem to be to our benefit to be able to find
a workable middle ground, and that doesn't
always mean we'll be balanced. Sometimes it,
like any relationship, will seem to favor one
or the other party. Done right, though, the
resulting balancing act will be to the benefit
of all.

At least in my opinion. What's yours?

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

She Knows How to Use Them | JPG

If you enjoyed this entry, click below:

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday USA

Just like people, countries have their
quirks. Just like people, countries
have things that can empower and build
up and things that can tear down and

It is often easier to focus on the
troubling things than it is to focus
on what is good. It is often easier
to focus on our fears than it is to
cherish the safety we do have.

On a day like this, it might be worth
taking a moment to consider that every
moment is a choice. Some choices
will weigh more than others, and
seem more significant, while others
maybe not so much.

The fact is that every choice is an
important one, even the ones that may
seem small. If it wasn't for those
seemingly small moment to moment
choices made by those who came before
us, we might not be standing here now.

The future depends on
what we do in the present.
- Mahatma Gandhi

They were able to see that true
independence came from their willingness
to think it, believe it, act on it,
and acknowledge it by their choices.

It might not have been in that order,
but all pieces came together for there
to be a United Stand.

We can do that in all facets of our
life and our world, if we are willing
to find those things we believe in,
think it, believe it, act on it,
and acknowledge it with our choices.

Some would say "United we stand,
divided we fall," perhaps that
applies on a much larger scale than
most people would realize. Because
we are so connected these days to
the world, perhaps the rise and fall
of countries, leaders, and beliefs
have a much greater benefit - or
cost - than we have ever considered.

Birthdays are a time to acknowledge
those we love and care about. But
it is just one day a year. The other
364 (and sometimes 365) days matter, too.

What can we do every day to take a
stand for those we love and care about,
not the least of which is OURSELVES?
After all, as we go, so does our
country, and ultimately the world.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Please Me | GIF

You know how good it feels to please me, don't you?

You know how I never want you to do something
that could be detrimental, humiliating, embarrassing.

So why not please me?

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


"A" is for All

I was thinking it might be interesting to make
an Isis World themed Alphabet Soup. I am not
sure how this will go, but going forward I will
have blog entries that are themed by letters in
the alphabet.

As you read what I write, feel free to add and/or
chime in on what is said.

Today I thought I would start with "A," as good a
place as any to start. Although some might think
"I" should be the beginning, LOL ;).

"A" stands for the fact that I am interested in
ALL of you:
Your Mind, Your Body, Your Soul;
Your Family Life, Your Romantic life,
Your Relationships, Your Work Life;
Your Interests, Your Dreams, Your Fantasies.

It's not that I have to know every detail of who
you are, but rather that I want our time together
to throw a positive shadow over the life that
you live when we are together, or apart.

I never want what we do to get in the way of
all of those things in your life that are
important to you, and being aware of these
things help me to balance what I do with your

"A" can also be for ALWAYS. As I will always
be mindful of what I do when working with you,
because I believe that you are another "A" which
is AWESOME, and I would never want to detract
from that, but only enhance, should there
be a reason/opportunity to do so.

Wishing you ALL the best for the Holiday,

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Have you found joy in your life?

Tonight I watched the movie The Bucket List.

In it, there was a scene in which there was
a discussion about what Egyptian's believed
happened when you got to heaven. Apparently
it is believed that two questions are asked,
the answers of which determined whether or
not you would be admitted to heaven:

Have you found joy in your life?
Has your life brought joy to others?

It's an interesting set of questions. Sometimes
we are so focused on others, we lose sight of
ourselves and what makes us feel good. Sometimes
it seems easier to focus on others than it is to
look at our own life and what really works for us.

The irony is that we are likely better able
to bring joy to the life of others if we
feel it ourselves, first.


Have you found joy in your life?
Has your life brought joy to others?

If not, what can you do to make that happen?
If you're not sure, maybe I can help. Talk
to me about it the next time we speak.

Have a great night.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Time is Running Out...

If you haven't seen (or taken advantage of)
this yet...you have a bit more time, but it
is running out...

A few years ago I created a recording
called Isis Fireworks, and it is designed
to make the night of your 4th erotically

(Click Below to Buy for $1.00!)

It is designed only for those hypnotized
by me. If we've never spoken, and you're
interested, you still have time to plan.
The more you listen to this recording
between now and then, the better (and
more powerful
) its effects.


Tantalized & Tied (Wallpaper)

Free minutes for the asking
if you don't enjoy this image.

You have nothing to lose!

Pale Blue image with close up cleavage.
It will fill up your screen and your mind. :)

1024x768 | 1 Image JPG | $8.00


Saturday, July 2, 2011

There's Always More.

My friend, who went to a National Park, was
telling me some more stories of things that
happened in his travels.

One interesting tidbit was when he was hiking
one day. He had spent 7 hours hiking up, and
was on his way down. He was tired, wet (there
were some beautiful waterfalls) and sweaty.
He was in a hurry to get to where he could
take a shower, relax, and take care of himself.

He passed a couple with a young child, and
as he passed, going pretty quickly, the
woman made some snide remarks about how
beautiful things were, and about how one
couldn't take the time to actually look,
"of course" referring indirectly to my

Now while she may have had a well intentioned
point, and while there may be some that will
ignore the surrounding beauty and plow through,
that certainly wasn't the case with my friend.
He even had 100s of pictures to prove that he
had taken his time and enjoyed the beauty.

It made me think about perspective, and how
we can be so sure of another person's
experience when, in fact, we haven't got
a clue. But that doesn't stop us from treating
a person according to our perception.

As common as this is, it is something that is
often overlooked when we are caught up in our
own head and own perspective. If she had
known what my friend's experience was, and
how he was feeling at that moment she may have
not been so quick to judge, and may have even
been glad to know that he had had such a great
day and would have been glad to know that he
was getting to where it was best for him to
be as expediently as possible.

It makes me wonder how often we assign negativity
to something that actually is quite positive.

I wonder if you caught something about the
situation and what I wrote. To some degree
the representation of the events makes it seem
like she was the "bad" guy, while what she
said may have not been targeted toward him
at all, but rather a coincidence of timing.

There is no way to know, and that is part of
the point. However, there may be times we
could be correct, but in times like those,
I seriously doubt a snide comment is going
to have a great impact on another - at least
not in a positive way.

If a person's intention is to be heard, it is
best to speak in a way that another would be
willing to listen, and making someone feel
guilty or bad or wrong for what they've done
may kick in the defense mechanisms. It could
also have a deafening effect or create the
antithesis of the desired result.

I suppose the point is to take in more than
just what is perceived in the moment. There
is likely to be more going on in that person's
world and mind than is readily apparent.

Perhaps it should be even taken a step further.
Perhaps it is none of our business what is
going on in that person's mind and world -
unless they want us to know and/or care what
we may have to say or do about it.

Funny thing is, though...if that was the case,
there wouldn't be much news to report, no gossip
shows or media websites. Wow. We might find
that we need to focus on ourselves and our world
instead. Wouldn't THAT be something?

(Yes. I know there is more to the picture.
There always is.)

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Brighter than the Sun | Video

Here's a catchy song to start your weekend
off with. In addition, it is my wish for
anyone who may be struggling in a relationship,
or without one. We all deserve to have the
wonderful feelings that love shares with us.

And I probably don't have to mention how
easy Colbie is on the eyes. :)
