Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, October 3, 2011

Recording Descriptions: Can You Help?

I was speaking with someone today about MP3
descriptions, and it had me reflect on a few
things and gave me an idea.

When I began making recordings several years
ago the environment seemed different than it
is now. For starters, so few people were
publicaly doing erotic hypnosis, and making
recordings wasn't nearly as easy as it is now.

In addition, when I began wandering into the
waters, I was making recordings primarily for
those who were hypnotized by me previously
which were more likely to be what was either
requested and/or what sensually fit who I am,
what I am willing to do, and my style.

There never was much in the way of a description,
and because most of my work was sold to those I
had a relationship with, there was (and still is)
an underlying message that the person needs to
ask more questions if he wants to know something
specific and/or if there was an issue upon
listening he would need to let me know ASAP.
I often would send some free minutes and because
he had been hypnotized by me previously, any
issue would likely be a quick fix.

I have never been one to want someone to listen
to a lot of my stuff and never talk to me. At
the same time I have made more recordings in the
past few years that don't "require" a connnection
first. I have had mixed feelings about it, and
the conversation today brought them back.

The discussion centered around what is said
about a person's recording - or what isn't.
It would seem that many would like to have
more comprehensive descriptions of recordings
they may listen to, and I actually think it is
great that people are paying attention and
asking for that. I have often been surprised
by the almost indifferent approach some have
had to hypnosis in any form.

To some degree I haven't been too concerned
about full descriptions because of the nature
of the dynamic I have with most who call me.
However I feel like it is time to do things
a bit differently, and I would like to ask for
your help.

Since you are the recipient of the work that
I do, you know what it is that you want to know
in regard to a recording. You know what types
of things you want to be said, and the types of
things that would be OK if not spelled out.

For that reason, I would like to ask you to tell
me what those things are. For those who are
desirous of doing something nice for me, you
can take it a step further; you can write a
description of the recordings that you have
for me, one that would have been helpful to
you when you were looking for a recording to
listen to. By doing this you will help me and
your fellow trancers.

I want to do this because I feel that your
input is important. In addition, I have zero
desire for someone to be in a situation that
he would rather not be in. Anything that I
can do to help insure that would be a worthy

I have been fortunate to bear witness to many
who have enjoyed me and my recordings over the
years, and I would very much like to keep it
that way.

As you may guess, this is likely to be a rather
large work, and one that will be in process for
a long time to come. After all, different people
have different ideas of what is important, what is
necessary, and so on.

While I don't know that every description will be
one that I will take verbatim, I know that whatever
you have to offer will be helpful, and your
contribution would most certainly be appreciated.

In the meantime, please ask me about anything you
are uncertain about and/or is important to you
before you indulge in my work. I have purposely
tried to keep things at a minimum for various
reasons - one of which is to encourage you to
contact and interact with me. So I encourage you
to take advantage of that.

Some - many that I know of - will want you to
listen to recordings before making contact. I
am quite the opposite. If you want to have a
hypnotic relationship with me of some sort, we
should talk - long before you go down any paths
with my work. Of course I get that some prefer
to have a "preview" of the possibilities, however
I can assure you a recording a session does not
make. It is NOT going to be a representation
of what to expect with me, even though it is
likely to be consistent with the essence of who
I am. My recordings are mostly designed to
complement what we do together, and vice versa,
even though they sometimes can stand on their own.

If you have something to contribute to this
conversation in a generic way, please add it in
the comment section below. If you would like to
contribute to things in a greater way, please
talk to me about it. I welcome your input.

Have a great night!

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