Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Truth and Context | Video

How we see anything often has to do with the
perspective we have. It is something
that I can appreciate more than ever as someone
who pays a lot of attention to words and context.
And my appreciation of the perspective of
perspective is why I can appreciate Colbert.

See if you might have the same appreciation
once you are done viewing the video below
(sorry it doesn't look the best, but I
couldn't get the code to cooperate with my
limited understanding of it, LOL).

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Lube Job
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

Big News (about Wonder Woman!)

Wonder Woman gets a change in costume.

This is news.

I realize that it may seem like a big
deal for some, and seem pertinent.

However, I can't help but wonder what
kind of world we have when we have to
have "news" of this kind to fill our
already overflowing minds and

I value distractions sometimes as a
way to help balance things, however
when we have a steady diet of things
that distract, it can bring on its
own form of imbalance.

Children who are ignored become loud
and persistent. Is is possible that
some of the issues we're facing now
we're facing because they've been
ignored for so long, and they're just
trying to get our attention?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Never Know | A Tale of 2 Bus Drivers

I saw this article about 2 bus drivers are
about to be laid off in NYC while they are
serving in the military

Many in the article are up in arms about how
terrible it is that they're "serving their
county" only to come back home without a
civilian job.

One goes as far as to say he was "guaranteed"
a job when he got back.

According to the law, those in the military
are supposed to be able to come back to their
jobs - if there is one.

In this case, the City of New York is having
lay offs, and they fall within the cut.

The outcries are all from making meaning
where there technically should be none.

I look at this, and what I consider is how,
if they wanted to, perhaps there could be an
exception made, but then what does that mean
for those who don't get the exception?

They could also see if there might be someone
who was able and willing to give up their job
instead (I heard of a woman doing that in some
community so that someone else wouldn't suffer
from what would have been some dire circumstances).

If they really want to make meaning, it would
likely be best for all concerned to work within
the environment. I am not going to say that
exceptions should never be made, but to force
them into something because of pressure from
one side might not be the best way to go.

Nerves are frayed these days, and wallets slim,
and instead of trying to force things to happen
out of fear, why not try to see what we can do
to be creative and compassionate?

In the end, one never knows when something that
looks bad could actually be good. I was laid
off of a job and was devastated. I didn't know
what I was going to do. About a year and a
half later I took my first hypnosis class, and
was on my way to being who you know today.

Had I kept the job, I think there is a very good
chance life would have gone a different direction.
I'd like to believe that what I do now is more
rewarding and better suited to me than the
previous alternative.

So I win...and it came from losing.

You just never know, you know?

B & W Beauty | Cleavage Jpg

B&W image.
Lacey and Black.
Heart Necklace.
Curls & Long hair.
Romantic. Sensual. Steamy.

578x480 Jpg Image only | $3.50

McNuggets contain what...?!!?

I hear things, and they make me wonder.

Did you know that flouride is a poison
that supposedly is good for your teeth?

(this video will give you a few things
to consider regarding flouride consumption)

I bring this topic up because we as a
society seem really good at saying "oh,
this chemical thing is OK for us to
consume," and people go, "oh, OK."

Reportedly, McNuggets have some of the
same chemical ingredient that Silly Putty has.
You can read the story of the Silly Putty
Nuggets here
, and not only that, but it is also
more fattening than its UK counterparts.

I can see how some people would get
nuggets, thinking that it's chicken
and better for you than another option
might be. All I can think is YUCK.

I am not one for eating them. Not
even sure the last time I did. However,
I am fairly certain I have eaten them
for the last time.

I wonder what else we should be questioning.
What information are you aware of? There
is a commercial for high fructose corn syrup
that made me cringe.

The cringe part was the "fine in moderation."
Ever go to the store and check out the
ingredient labels? High fructose corn
syrup is in MANY things. One day I wanted
to buy cookies without it. I couldn't find
one single one that didn't have it. It's
in breads, rolls, condiments, cereals, ice
cream, crackers, and on and on and on...

If it is in so much, how is it possible to
have in moderation?

In case you don't know, it is an ingredient
that is used for sweetening, and while the
body knows how to process sugar, it doesn't
know how to process the high fructose corn
syrup. As a result it has been reported to
cause cravings, and affect blood sugar levels
adversely, among other things. I am no
expert in it, and "getting the facts" can
be a good idea.

Interestingly, I think it is Hunt's Ketchup
that recently decided to go without high
fructose corn syrup. It might be a good
thing, however I don't know yet what their
substitute is.

As always, just a few somethings to think about.
I've only mentioned three things. Imagine how
many more there may be that we don't yet know

(edit 6/30 ever wonder about
what's in your
Diet Coke? Check this out.

Can we start a trend?

Have you tried Dominos Pizza since the revamp?

I have to say I am appreciative of their
"upgrade." If you are, too, and you like to
take pictures, do you know about this
contest for Domino pizza images?

I think what they're doing is great, and
it all started with being able to look at
what they had with an honest eye, and not
pretend that they were something they
weren't, and refraining from hiding what
they (and others) didn't like.

Being true to oneself might be ugly, but
it allows for change and growth in a way
nothing else can. It's not easy, but it
often can be worth it.

I wouldn't mind a trend like this one...
what about you?

Have a great day!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

PPS Rumi wrote a poem...

I found out that Rumi wrote a poem that
seems to be what the commercial in the
previous entry is built off of:

Some Hindus have an elephant to show.
No one here has ever seen an elephant.
They bring it at night to a dark room.
One by one, we go in the dark and come out
saying how we experience the animal.
One of us happens to touch the trunk.
"A water-pipe kind of creature."
Another, the ear. "A very strong, always moving
back and forth, fan-animal."
Another, the leg. "I find it still,
like a column on a temple."
Another touches the curved back.
"A leathery throne."
Another, the cleverest, feels the tusk.
"A rounded sword made of porcelain."
He's proud of his description.
Each of us touches one place
and understands the whole in that way.
The palm and the fingers feeling in the dark are
how the senses explore the reality of the elephant.
If each of us held a candle there,
and if we went in together,
we could see it.

Previously I said wasn't sure that
it was possible to see the "whole."

I loved what Rumi said,
"Each of us touches one place
and understands the whole in that way."

So maybe we can understand the
"whole," however it would seem
that what another person believes
to be the "whole" is a whole other
story, and perhaps that is something
to remember and consider as well
when interacting with others and
reacting to what we believe to be
true based on our potentially
limited perspective.

Your thoughts?

The "Complete" Picture? | Video

Is it ever possible to get the complete picture?

Interesting concept for this commercial.
It shows women beside a rhino, with blindfolds,
and guessing what they're touching.

I'd say much of life is this way. We often
only have a guess at what we think we know,
and how often might we be wrong? On top of
which, how often might what we think we know
blind us, or cause some sort of blinder?

Is it ever possible to get a "complete" picture?

My guess is that even if we think we have one,
it isn't truly possible, as all things we think
we know have a level of biased perspective.
There is very often likely to be something we
don't know.

What do you think?

(PS In case it isn't apparent, I shared this
more for the delivery of the message than the
actual message itself).

Surrounded | Animated Cleavage Gif

Lace Up Black Top with Leather tie

Animated Gif Image 864x781 only | $6.00 Special Price $3.50

Sexy Samba | Video

There is...

Something very sexy about dance.

Something very sexy about
music that moves you.

Something very sexy about
two bodies
moving in unison.


(and for those who love shoes,
there are some pretty sexy ones in this
video, but blink and you'll miss 'em).

Think you're in control?

On Access Hollywood, Eminem said, "The biggest problem is
admitting that you have a problem. Nobody wants to admit
that they're not in control."

He was speaking of his addictions, however I can see what
he is saying in how people respond and interact with me
and their hypnotic experience.

Many "think" they're in control, when their ability to do
what they need to do for themselves may be slipping.

I promise you when fantasy meets reality it isn't always
pretty, or desired. Be very careful with the games you
play in your mind, and ever mindful of your ego's desire
to always be right - even when it's wrong.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

3D Porn Got Me Pregnant. Hmmm.

Just read this story about a woman who claims
that she got pregnant watching a 3D Porno

If there was a positive DNA test it would
certainly make one wonder. But who's to
say she didn't just get "busy" with the star?

But still...if there is any credibility to this
story at all, can you imagine what a great
fertility method this could be? So inexpensive,
the medical profession might want to jump on the
"ban porn" bandwagon (at least any 3D versions).

It also makes me think that 3D could be
dangerous, if it is able to make the mind
believe that something is real. If it
could get someone pregnant, what other
unintended effects could it have for
unsuspecting movie watchers?

The mind is quite powerful. Someone in
Hypnosis could believe their hand was being
touched by something hot, and develop a
blister. Some women use it to assist them
to get pregnant in more "conventional" and
intentional ways.

Undoubtedly there are unexplored/unknown
possibilities. While this story may be
difficult, if not impossible, to believe
I would say that a good thing to take away
from this is the idea (and conversation)
that our mind is much more powerful than
we realize, and that while we may think
we know a lot, there is much that we
haven't yet gotten a clue about.

If you look at it that way, the possibilities
are staggering, and can get one's imagination
working overtime! I don't know about you,
but I think we could use a little less "known"
these days, and a little more creativity, as
I suspect the things we think we know have
gotten us to where we are (and don't want to
be) as a culture and society.

We need a way out.

And as Einstein said, "The significant problems
we have cannot be solved at the same level of
thinking with which we created them."

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Me? A Phone Sex Operator?

I received a call from a first time caller
today. I knew it wasn't going to go well
pretty quickly.

For starters, he asked me my "real" name.
When I told him I go by "Isis," he said
that was disappointing because he liked
talking to "real" people.

At that point I actually encouraged him
to go elsewhere, because I already had a
feeling things weren't going to click,
however he said he might be OK, depending
on how good I was. He also made a point
of telling me he wasn't submissive (not
a big deal, really, but I was getting the
feeling he was anything but).

He started to tell me how freaky he was,
and it seemed as though he didn't know
I was a hypnotist, so I clarified that
point, and that was when the call pretty
much abruptly ended.

I've had several calls like that recently,
and it has gotten me thinking about the
arena of phone sex, in general.

For a long time I have been told that I
have a "voice for phone sex." That was
before my voice ever showed up on any
phone sex sites.

I have always said that I would never want
to do phone sex, and have never considered
what I do to be phone sex, at least not in
a "traditional" (kind of an ironic word in
this context, don't you think?) sense.

This is not to put it, or those who do it,
down, or make any judgments of it, but
rather just a personal assessment of what
I believe is expected in contrast to what
I believe I can deliver. I never prolong
a conversation in which the intended
outcome is something I am unable to
accommodate - in any context - hypnotic,
or otherwise.

And...in a "traditional" phone sex situation,
I guarantee you, I would suck - lol - and
not in a good way, for those whose mind just
went in "that" direction.

I know labels help us to know how to
interact with someone, and help us to know
what to expect, but it is that same
"knowledge" that can get in the way of
effective communication.

Maybe someone knows what he wants, and
what he likes, and I can appreciate that,
however it is unfair to expect me to
conform to what he thinks I should do,
and how I should be. I could hang a sign
out that says I cut hair, but I guarantee
you just because I have that label, doesn't
mean you're going to like what I do for you.

If you've read my blog for a while, or have
spoken to me at any length, odds are you know
how I feel about labels. Maybe this is a
label I need to deal with and accept, however,
it needs to be on my own terms.

It did get me wondering, though, how others
experience/view things.

So...for those who know me, and have called
me, I would like to ask you three questions:

Do you consider what we do "phone sex"?
Do you consider me a PSO (phone sex operator)?
How do you define phone sex?

I'd like to know whatever your answer may
be, privately or within the comments, it's
up to you. As always your comments and
thoughts are welcome.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thanks Enchanted | Customer Feedback

Great call. Isis has a wonderful,
sultry voice that will
catch your attention.
Polite, knowledgeable,
kind and professional.
I can't wait to call again.

- Enchanted

I look forward to it, too!

Imagine... | jpg

Monday, June 21, 2010

Living by a Different Set of Rules

There are times that people ask me to take
advantage of them, and there are times that
they "hint" at it, instead of being direct.

When I don't go that route, they usually are
gone pretty quickly. I get some who try to
manipulate me into manipulating them, and
they're often quite unsuccessful.

I have had opportunities to take advantage
of callers, and as tempting as some might
think it would be, I wouldn't be able to
live with myself.

If I knew that I was contributing to some
behavior that was detrimental to another or
important people or things in their life,
I wouldn't be able to be OK with it...and
it doesn't matter whether it was deserved,
or asked for, or any other thing one might
come up with to justify it.

Whenever someone is generous with me, I
always make it clear that it can't be to
their own detriment. When I do that, I
wind up passing on some "opportunities"
for "gifts."

Kermit used to say "it's not easy being
green" well, sometimes it's not easy being
me. I sometimes sit back in awe as I watch
those who are willing to take advantage of
others doing quite well for themselves,
and watch while some people that have come
to me at one time or another do things that
are self-destructing.

The pull toward the "negative" is incredible
to me. Some would say it is pain, self-
loathing, a need to punish oneself. The
negative, sadly, feeds off of itself. One
who feels a need to be punished hurts himself
more to only feel a greater need to punish
himself for more perceived wrongs.

I won't pretend to understand it all, however,
what I DO know is that the cycle can be broken,
and that anyone caught up in it IS WORTHY of
better treatment and capable of different
behavior. Notice I didn't say "better" behavior.

I do my best to refrain from judgment of the
choices of others, as some might be just fine
with the results. The only place I take issue
is when I know that a person who is doing
what he is doing is unhappy about it, being
guided and encouraged by another to do it,
and suffering in the process

Some who are in my shoes won't take the time
to find that out, and if they did, they
wouldn't care.

My rules are different, and I will always seek
to find out how someone feels about what I am
doing, and even if he doesn't care, I DO.

I truly would like to believe that no one really
wants to hurt themselves, and if they're not
going to look out for themselves (or aren't sure
how to help themselves, or have difficulty making
choices more suited to would be a better personal
choice), I am unwilling to help them dig a bigger

We're all hypnotized all of the time, and are
affected by our stresses and interactions with
others. Sometimes we can't see the forest for
the trees, and eventually if that is the case,
a person will hide in the forest in shame.

Please know if that is you, you aren't alone,
and you don't need to hide. There is at least
one person in this world who would do their
best to help you see things more clearly for
yourself, and in that one moment when you are
desiring to make that change, pick up the phone
and call me.

The time to act is in the moment of the thought
of the action, and never a second later, as you
will talk yourself out of it each and every time,
and talk yourself back into more of what is
causing you pain. If this is you, the pain is
comfortable in that it is familiar, so it will
always beckon you back.

If you are in pain or feel conflict, my heart
goes out to you, however there is nothing I
can do from here, unless you are willing to
make a change, and reach out to me.

The choice is yours, and I respect whatever
it is. However, if this speaks to you, let's
talk, and see what we can create together.

(By the way, in the erotic phone sex world
often someone will offer "help," only to turn
around and "use" what they know to further
bury a person. Just in case there is any
question in your mind (or hope) that this
is what that is, let me tell you, it's NOT.
It is anything but a bait and switch.)

You might be amazed at what is possible, if
you're willing to step out of your uncomfortable
"comfort" zone.

All the BEST to you,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Help Someone Out | Little Things Add Up

Today I saw a news story about a woman
who wanted to help a cab driver in LA.

Amazingly, the night that the Lakers
won the championship, "fans" burned up
a taxi driver's way of life.

I don't understand things like what
happened, but what I do understand is
the power of the "little things."

This woman checked into how to help
this man, and she suggests that anyone
who sees the story send just $1 to the
guy. I think it's an awesome idea, and
mine is on its way.

Can you spare a buck to help someone
who really should never have needed
help in the first place? If so, check
out the story and get the information
on how to help here

So often people take "big bites" or
no bites at all. Considering how
little things can add up, it might
be worth considering some intermediate

Whether you help or not perhaps this
might have you consider something a
little bit differently, and if so that
is pretty awesome, too.

Have a good night.

Want a Laugh?

Atleast *I* found this humorous.

I received an invitation from someone on NF
to speak free for 5 minutes. It was from
another hypnotist, a male - someone I have
never spoken to, or even knew of, til now.

His message to me was:
"I look forward to hearing from you soon, now, ok?"

Yeah. Uh-huh. Very soon. OK?

Amazing to me that some people just don't get
how they come off. I'd like to give him the
benefit of the doubt, but I am not sure that
I can.

Oh well.

The Value of Making a Connection

I read the following today, and it made me
think about something that I have been told.

Often those I hypnotize appreciate the fact
that I care about them. Care about their
lives. Their finances. Their relationships.

Not everyone does. Some come with a "do me"
attitude. We can still have fun, we just
don't connect in the same way as those who
actually care that there is a person behind
the voice, and like that I look at things the
same way.

In today's world it is very easy to go through
life without ever having to connect with anyone.
It's amazing that not everything is "self serve,"
but we seem to be inching closer to that as
a possible reality.

I'm not sure it's a good thing, and often it
would seem to be labeled "convenience." However,
for anyone who sees things as I do, you may be
able to relate to this tale:

"Mamie Adams always went to a branch post office
in her town because the postal employees there
were friendly.

She went there to buy stamps just before
Christmas one year and the lines were particularly
long. Someone pointed out that there was no need
to wait on line because there was a stamp machine
in the lobby.

'I know,' said Mamie, 'but the machine won't ask
me about my arthritis.'"

I don't see any attribution with story, but if
someone knows there should be some, please do
let me know.

Be well.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Dad's Day!

(I know it's a wee bit early, but...)

To anyone who is a dad...
I hope you have a
great day with your child(ren).

To anyone who has a dad...
I hope you have the kind of day
you want to have with your dad.

To anyone missing their dad...
I am sorry for your loss, and
may the best of who he was live on.


Some Perspective | Humor

"Ah, yes, divorce, from the Latin word
meaning to rip out a man's genitals
through his wallet."
- Robin Williams

"I believe that sex is one of the most
beautiful, natural, wholesome things
that money can buy."
- Tom Clancy

"You know 'that look' women get when
they want sex? Me neither."
- Steve Martin

"Having sex is like playing bridge.
If you don't have a good partner, you'd
better have a good hand."
- Woody Allen

"Bisexuality immediately doubles your
chances for a date on Saturday night."
- Rodney Dangerfield

"Women might be able to fake orgasms.
But men can fake whole relationships."
- Sharon Stone

"My girlfriend always laughs during
sex - no matter what she's reading."
- Steve Jobs

"My mother never saw the irony in
calling me a son-of-a-bitch."
- Jack Nicholson

"Clinton lied. A man might forget where
he parks or where he lives, but he never
forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is."
- Barbara Bush

"Women complain about premenstrual
syndrome, but I think of it as the only
time of the month that I can be myself."
- Roseanne

"Women need a reason to have sex.
Men just need a place."
- Billy Crystal

"According to a new survey, women say they
feel more comfortable undressing in front
of men than they do undressing in front of
other women. They say that women are too
judgmental, where, of course, men are just
- Robert De Niro

"Instead of getting married again, I'm
going to find a woman I don't like and just
give her a house."
- Rod Stewart

"See, the problem is that God gives men a
brain and a penis, and only enough blood to
run one at a time."
- Robin Williams

"Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool
with a rope."
- George Burns

California Gurls | Katy Perry | Video

This video is interesting
for so many reasons...
have you seen it yet?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Awaiting You | Leg & Foot Jpg

Black Stockings.
Black Skirt.
Legs. Feet. Dreamy Effect.

Jpg Image 576x768 only | $3.50

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Make Our Birthdays Special...

Looking to
be a good boy and treat me
for my birthday...
this recording is for you*.

This file is offered via a Payment Request
(So it is FREE, if you want it to be)

My birthday is coming up in August,
and you will find that best results will
come if you listen to this recording
a few times before then.

Click Below for more detail:

*Designed for those hypnotized by me "live" ONLY

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis

Why do people say that?

Below is one reason why, which can translate
to the bigger picture of Hypnosis as a whole.

Often when I speak with someone I will tell
them that erotic Hypnosis is a Rabbit Hole -
you never know where you will wind up.

I tell people this because once the door is
opened, one's mind has a tendency to sometimes
take liberties.

On occasion I have had someone tell me that
I told them something, when in actuality I
know it is something I would never say.

If a person hears me in their head, for some
that is as good as speaking with me. If he
hears me speaking in his head, he could
interpret the words as a suggestion - one
that he is ultimately giving to himself.

Hypnosis is a partnership, and when I play
the role of hypnotist I need full disclosure
from the person I am hypnotizing, and I need
that person to be honest with me.

When someone withholds, or thinks that
something isn't a consideration, he might
be incorrect. I always ask how a person is
when I speak with him, and I want to know
what is going on. Occasionally these
conversations will lead to tweaking of
suggestions, and sometimes turning them
off all together.

Speaking of which, I have a Safety Valve
recording and a Turn Off Recording that
I make available to those hypnotized by
me (I would offer it to others, but they
are designed to work primarily for those
affected by me).

I suggest that everyone listen to the
Safety Valve Recording, and use the
Turn Off recording, as needed.

Interestingly, several will not listen
to the Safety Valve, as they feel it
will take away the edge. However, it
is designed (as best as anything can be
of that nature) to keep you from crossing
into territory that you wouldn't want to
be in.

I tell guys all of the time that if they
are to be my good boy they MUST look out
for themselves first. To do something
for me or in my name that could be
detrimental or compromising to themselves
in some way would never work for me.

I tell them this over and over, and yet
there are occasions when "self hypnosis"
will take them other places.

Occasionally someone wants "permission"
to be someone or do or say something
that they wouldn't normally do, and I
am OK with helping that along, ONLY if
it is in a way that is safe and without
potential harm or compromise, and ONLY
when I know of my direct involvement
in what is occurring.

However, occasionally a suggestion could
be attributed to me when someone I have
hypnotized is in a horny state (as it
can be quite a suggestible state), a
suggestion that I never gave (nor would
ever give).

I do my best to cover the bases when I
hypnotize someone, and be as responsible
as I can be for my part of our play.

Those who play with me need to realize
that they, too, have a responsibility
to themselves and their own well being.

I know that may take away some of the
"evil" feel that some are looking for.
However to know me is to know that I
will be the first to alter a suggestion
if I know that something unintentional
is occurring as a result.

For me Hypnosis is meant to be fun, and
I want to keep it that way. It is the
best for all parties involved, and that
is why all parties must take an active
role in being responsible for that
experience. That is why I have this

**By reading any of my listings, or
listening to any of my recordings, or
calling me, you acknowledge that you
This is meant for fun and pleasure.
If you call any of my recordings,
or read my listings, you should
be aware that it can have lasting effects.
You may have an initial effect which
you acknowledge is your responsibility
because you have made the choice to do so.
If you get interrupted listening to any
of my hypnotic recordings, or decide to
hang up, or we get disconnected in a
live session count up from 1 to 5, and
count yourself out of the hypnotic state.
PLEASE do this for your own safety.

As always,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sensual Perspective | A Sensual Poem

I came across this work recently...
and thought it might be appreciated.

written by Ayngel Adaams

I stand silently relishing its weight in my hand
before lifting it towards my mouth.

I pause as it brushes my lips, needing to say no,
but I’ve already come too far.

My mouth is flooded with liquid anticipation,
guilty pleasure consuming me.

Slowly I allow it to slide into my mouth where
it comes to rest gently on my tongue.

Still I hold it there until
I can stand it no more.

Silky and velvet smooth, its firmness
surrendering to the warmth of my mouth.

Conforming first to my tongue then
slowly sliding down my throat.

I'll start my diet tomorrow...

(The title of this piece is Sensual Chocolate.
I would have told you sooner,
but wanted to see where your mind went
as you read the words...so where did it go?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Know What You Want | animated gif

black silky slip
white crocheted top
long hair and curls.

It'll get your mind going...

Animated Gif Image 720x504 | $6.00 Special price $3.50

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lucky | Video

I love the video that goes with the song Lucky.
(For some reason, they won't allow me
to embed, so click title to see it for yourself).

As I was watching it, something interesting
occurred to me. It is apparent that Colby
and Jason are no where near each other, and
yet they share an experience of each other
than is quite powerful and beautiful - and
is just like anyone that I connect with.

It doesn't matter where you are. If we
connect, we have something special that
transcends time,

Isn't that a beautiful thought?

A Cautionary Tale | Jen 2.0

Sometime last year I became aware of a woman
who had gone through some incredible experiences
hypnotically. Some fun, but there was also a
darker cloud that surrounded her experience.

I know at one time she had planned to take
everything down in part due to all the
scrutiny and judgment and assessments of
others in regard to her experience.

What she relates is likely to be an unusual
set of circumstances, however there are pieces
that are possibilities for anyone who is opened
to the idea of trance and control.

The most recent entry that I saw of hers was
one called What Hypnosis Did for Me. It is
something worth checking out. There are also
links in the side bar, if you want to learn
more about her ordeal.

She makes a point in the entry about how she
could have benefited from trance without
having to have all of the negatives that
ultimately came along with her experience.

So many times people get involved with trance
as a way to cope with things in life that
aren't working for them. Trance can feel
wonderful, and it can cover up and distort
the original issue.

She is a brave woman to tell her story,
and I for one, am glad that she has
continued to tell her tale. Often people
believe "it's nothing," or that they are
unable to be adversely affected. Her
story says otherwise.

Is her experience likely to be that of
many others? Probably not. However, even
one more is two too many.

As always,

All Buttoned Up | Hypnotic Gif

Happy Saturday to you!

Perhaps this will
add a lil something to your day.

sweater with
lacy cream bra,
long hair,
hypnotic heart necklace

A fan of my cleavage
will most certainly
find this more than yummy.

Animated Gif Image 576x817 | $6.00

Some fun: JibJab & Star Wars

Have you ever heard of JibJab.com? It's a
pretty cool idea: You put your face on some
image that moves around on the screen.

They have three versions currently
that are Star Wars themed. Here is
one of them

You might be able to have some fun with it,
by including pics of you and those you know.

I just saw this news article about gay men being
banned from giving blood
. I had no idea that
there was such a ban.

I find this an intriguing idea because I have to
wonder how anyone would know if a person lied.
Is there something that can be verified if a
person claims to be straight?

What about the straight man who has an experience
with another man? He isn't likely to admit to it.
Given the many calls I have had with straight men
who have had this experience, or are tempted, there
would be many more in this category than most would

This is one of those times that labeling doesn't
seem to be helpful, at least not to me. Anyone
out there know something I don't know?

Anyone can get anything at any time. It is the
nature of the sexual roulette game we play. It's
nice to think that we can stay healthy, that only
the healthy contribute to the banks, and/or we
can test out those donations that are unsafe,
however one just never knows.

At the same time, blood donation is an important
and life saving thing for someone to do, and there
are always requests for more donations. I'd like
for the blood supply to be safe, however I have
to wonder if a ban like this truly makes any kind
of sense.

Anyone know?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Golden Find: At What Cost?

A few years ago someone I knew had to write a paper,
and he chose to write about the Diamond Industry.

What he told me about his research was ghastly. He told
me how poorly those who dug for diamonds were treated.
He told me how poorly they were paid. He told me about
deaths and people being maimed.

He told me how the industry "protects" its interests, and
about how diamond dealers can lose their ability to get
new diamonds if they buy diamonds back (or something
like that).

It was enough for me to know that
I never wanted to own a diamond.

Today I heard about what is happening in Nigeria, and
how those who are digging for gold are finding lead, and
how it has killed many of the village's children. Apparently
the $23 they can make on an gram of gold has had them
go searching, and discover a most unfortunate find.

News like this gives me pause. I have never really been
one for jewelry with precious gems. I am amazingly happy
with costume jewelry, and stories like this have me definitely
thinking that I am making the right choice for myself.

If you're unaware of this information perhaps it will give
you some pause, too. Do we really need to go after these
things? What do they give us that is so valuable with that
little exterior shine? Is it worth the life of another just to
have it?

It makes me wonder.

Have a good night.

Monday, June 7, 2010

How do I talk about my sexual interests?

Many guys that I talk to would love to be able
to talk to their significant other about their
interests, however it seems to feel like a live

It is difficult enough to tell someone new about
your interests, how do you tell someone who thinks
she knows you, and who you've been with a while
(and in some cases a good long while)?

If you come out of no where with it, it may seem
like you are saying something is wrong with your
current relationship. People are great with
making things mean things that they don't. And
while you may see nothing wrong with it, and see
it more as a way to spice up things, she may not
have the same experience.

When communicating something, it is important to
be able to consider:

what you want to say
why you want to say it
what the other person could hear
what the other person does hear

For those reasons, how you communicate initially
and right after will likely help to determine
what the "success" of your conversation will be.

It would also be important to know what outcome
you are wanting, and know how important it is for
you to have that outcome. Presumeably if you are
having the conversation, it is likely one that is
very important for you. However, if you are in
a relationship for the long haul what if, despite
your best efforts, your conversation goes no where?

Are you going to be OK with an outcome that doesn't
meet your desired results? If you come from the
"right" place in the conversation, express yourself
in a way that is complete, and have a committment
to your relationship, then the answer would likely
be a YES.

Coming from the "right" place includes "I" language.
Ever notice how defensive you can get when someone
says something like "You never..." Framing what
you have to say in a way that can be heard by the
other person is going to be important for you to
get what you desire.

Do you have to be perfect before you say anything?
I don't believe it is possible for that to happen.
The best you can do is walk into the conversation
as prepared as possible, and be willing to dance
with your partner's reaction. You may think you
know what it will be, but you may be surprised.

Before I was ever "Isis," I was with a guy that I
wanted to explore with. I was nervous about how
he would react, so I did some hinting about some
of my interests. Well...he didn't seem receptive,
so I dropped it.

Come to find out long after it no longer mattered,
he was freakier than I was, and he never wanted
me to know because he was afraid of what I might

I once heard someone give the advice to tell every
dark and questionable thing about yourself on a
first date. If the person was still there afterward,
then you knew you had a potential winner. It's
very unorthodox advice, however it would seem to
me that if something is truly who you are, and it
is something that you would feel compelled to
uncomfortably hide over time, and would keep silent
at the risk of losing something that you have come
to value, it would be a wise choice. Otherwise
you run the risk of compromising yourself and/or
your relationship.

Even if it is too late for this first date advice,
realize that behind the closed doors of people's
minds there are likely to be things that a person
is unwilling to admit outwardly and openly for a
fear of rejection, and the longer those things are
unsaid in an important and enduring relationship,
the harder they might seem to be to approach. A
person may feel threatened by a new revelation,
however being aware of that possibility can help
you to listen for those kinds of concerns and be
able to address them before they are even voiced,
or at least be prepared should there seem to be

Standing on the edge is never comfortable.
However, isn't it better to know where a person
stands? Even if you have that conversation, you
might find out that there is no interest or desire,
but you've said what you needed to, and now you
don't have to wonder "what if...?" You now know.

Plus, best case scenario, you may plant a seed,
or open a door you didn't even know was there.
Who knows? Maybe that person will be given
permission to explore other sides to herself.

Does it seem overwhelming? Maybe it seems like
the elephant in the room - too much to consume
at once. Do you know how to eat an elephant?
One bite at a time. Do you know how to speak
to someone you care about about a previously
unexpressed interest? Slowly and with care.

If you want some specific help, or clarification
on what I have written, give me a call, and let's
see what might be possible. Sometimes bouncing
it off of someone objective can be helpful.

Call Button

How do I last longer in bed?

According to James Bassil, editor-in-chief of
AskMen.com, this is one of their readers' most
frequently asked questions.

I wonder what they tell the guys about the
how tos...I may have to look it up.

However, I know how to have someone last longer
in bed - have them talk to me and discover the
pleasures of Hypnosis.

Seriously. You'd be amazed.

Have a great day!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Pleasure Principal | cleavage Jpg

3rd Picture in a series.
Lacey black lingerie.
Velvet red gloves.
Dare to be near cleavage.

yes, you want this one, too..

Jpg Image 720x540 | $3.50

Ever Heard of a Thinking Woman's Orgasm?

In July's Cosmo, there is an article called,
"The Wildest Orgasm We've Ever Heard Of."
It is an orgasm by only thinking.

Some people find this to be a wild and
unbelievable concept. The article only
addresses women, but I can tell you that
men can also have this experience.

Coming without touching oneself IS possible.

They quote "scientific evidence" that says
that thinking can create what the body needs
for a physical response. However, there
is uncertainty in the scientific community
as to why what is happening is.

Daniel Amen, MD is quoted as saying "The
brain see and feels what we imagine."

Sound like hypnosis, anyone?

Now some would say it isn't hypnosis.
However what people who don't understand
hypnosis may not realize is that much of
what we experience in life is indeed
hypnotic. It may not be a trance, but it
has hypnotic properties attached to it.

In addition, there are some who are aware
of what the study of Tantra can do for one's
sex life, and part of that is the manipulation
of the sexual/sensual energy. Ever notice
when you orgasm how the energy moves in
your body in a particular way?

Some would say there was a channel that the
energy moves through on its way to orgasm.
Since it is energy, and not a physical body
part, it might be difficult to understand or
grasp, and may be considered too woo-woo
for some.

In the end, it really is about what feels
good, and most won't care how they get there,
just that they do. However, you would be
amazed at the possibilities for sex that you
may never have considered. If you have an
open mind, you may just open yourself up to
unbelievable and difficult to describe
pleasures - with, or without the assistance
of a hypnotic trance.

Should you want the assistance of a hypnotic
guide, give me a call, and let's have some fun!

Call Button

How we deal with things says a lot...

I was just reading an article about Americans'
frustrations with many things
, and there were
many interesting pieces in the article (Read
it for yourself

However there were two particular things that
stood out for me.

The first was the following quote of Obama's
from Larry King:

"I would love to just spend a lot of my time venting and yelling at people. But that's not the job I was hired to do. My job is to solve this problem, and ultimately this isn't about me and how angry I am."

Say what you will about the President, and what
you think of how he is doing his job, however
recognize that this statement is a VERY powerful
one. He recognizes that being angry doesn't have
to correlate to what action he takes or doesn't
take and how he interacts with what he needs to
deal with.

Many times anger and other emotions will do a
great job of clouding and collapsing issues into
tangled threads that are difficult, if not
impossible, to un-knot. The most powerful place
we can come from is one that recognizes the
emotion, but doesn't give oneself over to it

The other piece that stood out to me was the
following quote:

"It's hardly just about Obama. Many Americans, and people in other developed countries, too, have become accustomed to believing that technology and smart thinking can bring manmade calamities under control and help guide a nation's destiny."

For a while now something that gets to me is the
arrogance of human beings. I remember after
Katrina I was speaking with someone who is very
intelligent. He has several degrees, including
a Law Degree, and is certainly no dummy.

I was saying something to the effect that I
couldn't believe that New Orleans was being
rebuilt. What about the risks of another
storm? Wasn't there already enough of a
travesty for those involved? Enough damage?
Costs that go beyond measure?

His response was that they just build up the
levee walls bigger and stronger.

I didn't have it in me to dispute it at any
great length or depth. How do you argue with
someone who is determined to believe that a
human being is so smart as to be able to
overcome any obstacle?

Maybe a human being is...but at what cost?
Is it worth it? Sometimes I wonder about
the questions being asked. Might there be
better ones.

(Just for the record...I have never been to
New Orleans, but I hear it has been a great
city with an incredible culture. I am not
in any way suggesting that the culture be
wiped away without rebuilding. However even
with rebuilding there is no guarantee that
it will ever resemble its former self.

Putting that aside, I question more the
decision years ago that was made to create
a city under sea level, and in present day
any reactive measures that again put people
in possible harms way).

As always, just a lil sumthin' to think

Have a great day!

You Know When...It's Time | Cleavage jpg

Lacey black lingerie.
Velvet red gloves.
Irresistible cleavage.

This image complements
"Simple Delicious"

I promise you...you want this one, too!.

Jpg Image 720x634 | $3.50

Another Satisfied Caller

"I had one phone session
with you Isis,
and i am hooked!!
WOW! i dont know
what you did to me,
but i get chills just
thinkin about it.


Until next time.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Simply Delicious | Cleavage jpg

Lacey black lingerie.
Velvet red gloves.
Irresistible cleavage.

Are you a cleavage fan?

I promise you...you want this.

Jpg Image 720x633 | $3.50

Gift of Isis | jpg & gif | feet & legs

Legs (calves) in
pale pink stocking socks with bow.
Image Measures 576x678

jpg AND animated .gif | $6.00

jpg ONLY| $3.50

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sexy in the Citi

There's always more than 2 sides to any story,
and in the case of Debralee Lorenzana, an
attractive ex-Citi employee, one may never
know what THE truth is.

However, there is something about this story
that I can speak to, and that is her claim
that she was often asked to dress differently.

More than once in my working career my clothing
was commented on, and not favorably. Being a
woman with curves, it is difficult to be able
to find attire that doesn't fit the curves.

Until we can find a way to interact with our
sexuality in a balanced way, it would seem to
me that there will continue to be issues in
the workplace regarding attire.

As for me, there were times when things said
did make me uncomfortable, and yet there were
other times when I could just tell a guy was
just "being a guy," and I took it in stride,
and even as a compliment.

Whether we're working or not, we are still
a sexual being, and while it may be that
certain things are better in a more discreet
context, the more we try to stifle that part
of ourselves, the stronger it will be, and
likely in seemingly inappropriate ways.

Guys are already pretty discreet in their
fascination and work fixations. I had some
idea when I was still working in corporate
America, but it was minimal. I have gotten
quite the education from those I have spoken
with, and am now convinced that what I was
aware of was only the tip of the iceberg.

As with anything, I don't know what the
answer is, however I suspect it isn't in
the attempts to control things. Have you
ever heard of the example of a hand full
of sand? The harder you try to hold on
to it, the more it falls through your
fingers. When you gently cup it, you have
a much better hold on things.

The more tightly we try to regulate something,
the more possible it might be to make things
worse. The more I "rolled" with the comments,
the less likely they were to be an issue.
Sometimes I even surprised guys by how I
reacted, often observing things - but without
judging them.

I wonder what people will take away from
this story, as it would be easy to get caught
up in the superficial dynamic of her looks
vs. how effective she was in her job. For
her that may be what it comes down to.

For the rest of us, it might be a way for
us to get some perspective on sexuality and
the workplace, and something constructive
could come out of it.

Sadly, I think the tendency will likely be
the former...but I will hope for the latter,
if that is OK with you :)

Have a great day!

(PS Here's what some men had to say about
Debralee and her attire
. Interestingly,
in my case it was almost always women
who had something to say about how I
dressed, but not in a good way. I
suspect there might be a gender divide
in reaction, although I want to acknowledge,
as always, that I don't believe in absolute
statements, and while there may seem to be
a tendency to go one way, it won't be 100%
of the time with 100% of the people.
For me it is interesting and valuable to
step back, observe and ask questions to
get to the core of a debate).

What does it mean?

I have a cumulative 26,000+ rating points
on my live listings on Niteflirt.

As far as I can tell, I have more points
than any other hypnotist on the site.

I have taken over 7,000 calls, give or
take a few, as Isis in the 6 years that
I have been doing erotic hypnosis.

I create an erotic and sensual experience
for those interested by establishing a
connection via "live" calls, MP3s, videos,
pictures and, when possible, chat.

I have been told by some that this is a
rare thing to find in the erotic,
hypnotic world.

So what does this all mean?

Would love to know if it means anything
to you. I suppose I could make it mean
a few things, however, I am curious if
there is any inherent meaning in it for
an observer of/participant in the

Would love to know your thoughts
privately or publicly.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things that make you go hmmmm... | Video

I am trying to figure out what I want to say
about the following McDonald's ad.

Somehow there seems to be a disconnect of
sorts for me about the message.

The disconnect occurs in two parts that are
pretty much related to what the commercial
is intending in the unstated background.

Take a look at it, and then read below for
my two observations, and let me know if you
agree and/or your thoughts.

The tag line says, "come as you are" and
yet there is a withholding of who this kid
is. He doesn't say anything to correct his
father's statements/thoughts.

I suppose they do come as they are in that
regard, as it is apparent that his being gay
is a secret kept from his dad, and they're
just being who they are.

However that leads me to point number two.
Apparently a spokesperson for McDonalds in
France says "We wanted to show society the
way it is today, without judging...there's
obviously no problem with homosexuality
in France today." If that is true, then
why the secret?

Is it just me, or do these questions occur
for anyone else?

In the end (just as the Lane Bryant ad did)
there is a lot of attention being shown to
McDonalds, and the money spent is being
returned by the response received.

A friend of mine who is becoming a personal
trainer told me that one thing she is
learning is that not all exercise is good
for the body. The important questions to
ask are, "What does this exercise do for the
body part affected? What is it supposed to
do, and does it do it? Does whatever that
thing is have a point, and is it helpful or
potentially harmful to the body?"

The question that comes from this for me is,
what exactly was McDonalds trying to say
with this ad, and did they accomplish it?
Of course, if I would ask them, I am sure
the answer I get would be well crafted, and
potentially biased.

Your thoughts?

Sometimes it might just pay to be selfish

"Louisiana isn't the only place that has shrimp."

I believe that is the quote. If not it's close.
If anyone can confirm the actual quote, please
let me know.

Have you ever considered how things fit together?

Have you ever considered how those clothes that
you wear come together, and how many people are
involved? The designer, the materials, the
threads, the people and machines that make the
clothes, the distributors, the boxes the materials
are shipped in, the materials that ship the
clothing to the distributors, the materials that
ship the clothing to you (if bought online), the
marketers, the energy used to produce the clothes,
the companies that create the energy, how the
communities in all of those areas are affected?
How those people use that money to buy food which
has its own chain, how that food comes from grocery
stores, from shippers, from growers...

And on and on it goes.

When we are disconnected we don't realize how many
connections there truly are in the world. And...
whether or not there is shrimp in other places does
not help the people whose livelihoods depend on the
shrimping industry there
. It doesn't help the poor
shrimp (and other types of ocean critters) affected
by what is happening in the gulf at the moment.

It doesn't help the ocean which has its own chain
of effects that affect things that we may not be
aware of but DO matter to us.

I am really sorry to hear him make this comment.
However, perhaps it is a good thing, IF it helps
people to become more aware of things outside of
their limited perspective and perceptions.

Hypnosis of any type will minimize our attention.
It's time to pay attention. The things we take for
granted are at risk when we assume that it will
always be that way, and that everything will be fine.

Ever see the site StoryofStuff.com? If not, check it
out, it may give you something to think about.
It is amazing how cheaply things are made today,
and how they are made to fail. It'll also make
you more aware of what this approach is costing
us, in more ways than one.

What is a solution here? I don't really know.
However having conversations,
and asking questions
can't be a bad place to start.

Complacency and a
willing ignorance
is the enemy
of us all.

We can't know everything,
but we can recognize that
there is a picture bigger
than what we can see.

And within that picture
are things that can affect
our fellow planet dwellers,
and that alone should give
us a reason to consider
what we do.

However, if we put that
aside, just because all too
often people can be caught
up in their own self interests,
one has to begin to realize
how things outside of their
own scope can have a unpleasant
trickling effect the result of
which could land smack dab in
the middle of their seemingly
untouchable world.

In some ways taking care of
others, and this planet is one
of the most selfish things we
can do...and in this case, it
might just pay to be selfish.

"Pure Love"'s Effects on the Brain

The New York Times posted about a
study done on love, and its effects on
one's brain

It concludes by saying,

"“I think what we take away from this is that
love is not merely a cultural construction,”
Dr. Aron said. “What the study does suggest
is that love is a powerful force in human life.
What is going on at the deep level of the brain
is pretty much the same everywhere. But of
course how we talk and think about it, what we
do to show it to others, etc., may well be shaped
by culture.”

What is seems the researchers are saying is that
the things we attach to love may vary from culture
to culture, but there seems to be a purity in how
we respond to it in our brain as human beings.

They also say they need to replicate the results
to feel "OK" about what they mean. Perhaps there
are different results to be had, however, if one
is in touch with the purest form
of something, would the results vary?

I created a recording called Pure Love: The Gift,
and those who have listened to it, have often
listened to it many times. I would say we are
all looking for something that nurtures us, and
accepts us for who we are, however when it seems to
come in the form of another person or thing (which
is really love and this person or thing collapsed
into one), it could be scary, as we might lose it.

The beauty is that that thing - that feeling of
being embraced by love and acceptance - is already
inside of us, awaiting our awareness and focus.

Maybe what the researchers have found are people
who are aware and focused, and the brain just
proves it because it was there all the time.

Maybe all we need to do to
feel love is turn it on,
and the love that others
help us feel can help us
do that through our

It's the difference between being the light,
and the action it takes to turn it on.

There are light switches everywhere,
but not every light is always turned on.

To read the full referenced article:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Relationships & Power | Trust | Off Broadway

This is one of those times I wish I still
lived in New York.

A play called Trust which is about
power and relationships will be playing
on Off Broadway the later part of the
summer. It is a comedy, and it looks
pretty interesting to me (interesting
publicity pic, too).

If anyone reading this is there, and
you go to see it, please let me know
how it was!

Hypnosis Regulation & Finding a Hypnotist

There is often a lot of talk about
Hypnosis and Certification and Licensing.

I find many don't know that there is
no "official" licensing of Hypnosis in
the United States. As a matter of fact,
there is zero Licensing at all.

What there is is Certification, and
various institutions and people will
offer Certifications. However, short
of some research on the Web, it would
be difficult to tell the ones that were
more reputable than others.

There are also state regulations that
will affect those who practice Hypnosis,
and they can vary from state to state,
with California considered by some as
one of the most liberal states of those
who have guidelines (see this page for
Hypnosis Laws in the States

Recently Indiana, which had the strictest
regulation regarding Hypnosis, altered its
course on who could practice Hypnosis and
what role the state played in its regulation.

I sometimes wonder how Hypnosis could be
regulated. After all, it is everywhere.

The only thing that might be judged would be
a trance state however, hypnosis can happen
even when a person isn't in an induced trance
state. We are in hypnotic (suggestible state)
at least two times a day and likely more,
if stressed.

The only way that people could be unaffected
by another's Hypnosis would be to be completely

Hypnosis can happen via "regular" conversation
via IM, via email, via advertising, TV, movies.
It can happen via touch, and without a word
being said. It can happen pretty much anywhere
at any time, and those who would do it for
nefarious means would be the ones that would
likely do it without the legislation of license.

Some of the worst examples of things that have
happened to people have happened from those who
just have learned what "works" without learning
necessarily that it is "Hypnosis."

As with anything, there is another side of the
coin. While some would believe that a licensed
person is a person who knows what they're doing,
that isn't always the case.

In the case of Hypnosis, I know of examples of
those who have gone in person to see highly
credentialed professionals (in other helping
professions) certified in Hypnosis who could
not hypnotize them/help them obtain what they
desired hypnotically, and yet I was able to
hypnotize them over the phone effectively.

This is not to say I am great, but rather that
results will vary depending on the individual
style and skill of the Hypnotist, and how it
interacts with the person being hypnotized.

To take this a step further, people can fake
their credentials. (I know that is hard to
believe, but still...). So when you are
looking for a hypnotist, and going by their
certifications and training, how do you know
who the best person is to turn to, and
potentially turn your mind over to? What
about the person who doesn't tout their labels?
Is that person any good?

I know you may like for me to give you "THE"
answer, the one that makes it totally clear,
and takes away any questions or doubts or
concerns because "THIS THING" is the thing
you KNOW you can trust, know, and believe in.


You may not like the answer I have to give,
and then again, it may be THE one, and only
one you need.

It is the one that I often point to when
speaking with people, and especially a first
time caller wondering if he should proceed.


The answer is a question.

What does YOUR GUT say?

I think I just heard a "ugh," or two.

You know how your gut tells you things?
Sometimes you listen, and sometimes you don't,
and later you're sorry that you didn't listen?

That is the part of you that you need to listen
to in every facet of life, and especially in the
world of Hypnosis, and even more so in the world
of erotic Hypnosis. Anyone can tell you anything,
and you gotta have that BS Detector on when you
read the things said, hear the words said, and
whenever you interact in any way with the person.

Does it feel "right" to you?
Do you think this is a good choice for you?
Does it do more than turn you on?
Are you reacting to what is said? If so,
how does it feel? Is there a part of you
that is wanting to stop?

If anything feels "off," you may chalk it up to
fear or uncertainty, however you must be very
careful about that. All a reasonably good
hypnotist needs is one time with you to get to
you in a way that won't work for you, and even
a not so good one could affect someone detrimentally
that is highly suggestible (an example of which
could be someone who has been a successful
stage show participant).

Some people may even think they're not hypnotizeable,
when in actuality, they may not have yet been
exposed to how hypnootizeable they truly are by
an effective hypnotic technique.

Not all hypnotists are created equal. Not all
styles are effective for all people. The hypnotic
journey can be an organic one for many...a discovery
of what works, and what doesn't.

Whoever you choose will be an important part of
that process. I suggest you choose wisely and
with caution. The possibilities can take you down,
or build you up, and it may not be up to you which
way it goes.

Dopamine and Oxytoxin and Phone Sex

In the time that I have been doing this work,
over 6 years now, there is only a few people
that I still have regular contact with.

People come and go for various reasons, however,
I suspect that part of it has to do with hormones.

Dopamine is the hormone that makes you want to
be sexual and "crazy about" someone, and it is
the first one that comes into the scene when
you are first attracted to someone.

Over time another hormone, Oxytoxin, begins to
increase and that is the one that sends you to
the comfort zone. It can often having a lulling
effect which can be "bad" for that feeling of

I suspect that many who call me are "serial
callers." They go from person to person looking
for that passionate "high." They go from telling
me they love me to disappearing.

This is said without judgment. It is just an
observation on my part. There are some that go
away for a time, and then come back, and that
is one thing that can increase the Dopamine

Another happens within communication. The parties
involved just have to "shake things up." If I
know that someone wants to have a certain outcome,
it is something I can work toward. If someone
loses their interest, and says nothing, then nothing
can be done, as I do not ever try to trap anyone
into being something undesired. I could do that
given what I know, but what fun would that be?


The next time you think something might be wrong
with you because you seem to be flittering around,
realize that it is just nature taking its course,
and that what happens next can happen by default,
or you can play a role in creating something new.

Ever wonder why things might feel shallow after
a while? This idea might explain it. You never
last long enough with someone to make more than
a superficial connection, and when the Dopamine
wears off, then what? You might feel like you
need to go find something again...like you need
another "hit" for your "addiction" (which you'd
likely never label as that, of course).

I would suggest that there would be nothing more
special than someone that you could connect with
in both ways, and nurture and play with it over

The bad news?
It takes some work.

The good news?
You could possibly have an
incredibly rewarding and enduring
relationship on more than one level.

The "work" could be fun!

I did start out referring to phone sex.
However, I am sure you can tell there
is a "real life" component to this
conversation, as well.

As always, just a little
something to consider.

A little knowledge
can go a long way
in helping you find
what you are looking for.

Have a good one!

Does this "ring" true?

I recently saw an ad for Simon G Jewelry
which had a ring and an attached tag that said,
"I'm much cheaper than a therapist."

I realize that I might be taking it a wee bit
seriously to comment on it, however, I believe
that the things that we don't question can all
too easily and all too often become a part of
what seems to be "natural" or "normal."

I am not going to "pick on" therapy or the
purchase of jewelry, but instead question
the things that we do.

Do we try to mask or cover up the things that
don't work by offering a diversionary tactic?
If so, I would suggest it likely has a minimal
effect and/or becomes a reinforcement for
behavior and/or future ways to interact with

If a ring means love, does that mean that if
a person doesn't give you a ring there is no
love? Does it mean it the person who owns it
loses it that love is lost?

In either case, the answer could conceivably
be true, however to attach the meanings to
the idea of love can diminish love itself.

A person could easily love someone but not
be able to afford a ring, or even have the
desire to express love in that way. A person
who loses a ring could be heartbroken over
its loss because of what it represents (consider
this story about a World Series Ring).

(On the other side of things, just because
someone gives you a ring, does that mean
that s/he loves you?)

The motivation of our actions (with the
recipient aware and understanding of the
actions) is the most important thing to
focus on, not the involved objects

Now, if you feel like the way you want to
deal with conflict is to cover it up, that
is up to you. Just recognize that is what
you are doing, and realize that it could
potentially come back to bite you in the
butt, or conceivably up the future cost of
maintaining the peace/status quo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Flowery Delight | Animated .Gif


This may be a smaller image, however, it is Big on Impact.
Animated Gif Cleavage Image 549x255 | $3.50 (Special Price)

Position of the Day (Sounds like fun!)

Cosmo has an app for the iPhone that gives
you a Sex Position of the Day. Wouldn't
our great grandparents be amazed at what
has made its way into our phones?! I am
sure there would be a blush or two, LOL.

You can visit the App Store on your iPhone
and search for key words Cosmo Sex Positions.

If you get it, let me know. I want to
hear more about it and...I have an idea,
or two, floating around in my head to
make things more interesting for you.

Have a great day.

Cool Site | CustomizedGirl.com

I saw this site advertised in Cosmo,
and thought what they offered was
pretty awesome.

Perhaps you can customize something for
your own enjoyment, or to spice up things
with your wife or girlfriend.

The ad in Cosmo offers $5 off if you use
code: COSMO3 (it also says offer ends


Better Together | Video

A musical interlude