Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting Ready to Vote?

I don't know if it's just the nature
of my observations as a hypnotist,
or if it is just more prevalent this
election year, but I am noticing that
there is a lot of talk about how ads
are subliminally affecting those who
watch them.

I have seen all kinds of things lately.

A few people are mentioning hypnosis
by name, others are mentioning "safer"
words, like NLP and the unconscious,
and explaining how the brain works.

Today I saw a video done by ABC News.
They were discussing how they tested
6 people to see if they were unconsciously
biased by the ads. See the results
for yourself - click here.

What it seems to me in this regard,
any way, is that there may be an
unconscious impact, however, it won't
necessarily override a conscious
decision. However, it is an interesting
point to consider and, as always, I
suggest that you be especially mindful
as you set out to vote. I would suspect
that the more conflicted you feel about
a candidate, the more unconsciously
biased by some outside force you may be.

As always, just something to be
consciously aware of.


Friday, October 24, 2008

*NEW* Recording

A new recording was released today.

Here's what one good boy had to
say about it:

"OMG! very intense...and
extremely pleasurable!
i liked the powerful message...
and the control theme
very nicely done Isis..."

Check out
I Do What I am Told
and hear what
pleasure awaits YOU.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are you a skeptic?

There are definitely a fair share of skeptics.

I can't even count the number of them who have
called me. Then there are the ones I meet out
in "real" life.

Many times people think they can't be hypnotized
because they were bumped off the stage at a
hypnosis show. Then there are those who watched
who thought that the people up there must have
just been "playing along." Of course, there are
those who have also tried hypnosis in the past
and had an unsuccessful experience, and decided
that they just weren't hypnotizeable. There are
also those who have just played along with the
hypnosis, themselves just being an act in the show
that they have concocted for their own entertainment,
or to test a hypnotist. Then there are those who
aren't certain they've been hypnotized, so they
figure they're "safe" from any potential problems.

The types of skepticism are endless, and produce
endless types of actions, reactions, and results.

The thing that most people don't realize is the
fact that hypnosis is everywhere. You are in a
suggestible (hypnotic) state before you go to sleep
at night, and when you first awaken in the morning.
You are in a suggestible state when you get lost in
a movie, and become unaware of your surroundings.
You are in a suggestible state when you are out
driving, and wonder at some point how the heck you
got to where you got to - not remembering how you
got there.

Then there are the constant barrage of advertisements
that we are exposed to every day. They can penetrate
your consciousness when you least expect it. When
you become aware of how the mind works, an how things
are best worded for maximum effect, you can see how
there is some "hypnotic" manipulation.

In the midst of this election time I saw something
recently about how some potential official shouldn't
be trusted with the taxpayer's money. The visual was
one line with his name, second line under his name,
something like shouldn't be trusted, and then slightly
differently designed with color and text with the "rest"
of the message. It was apparent, though, the message
was So-in-So shouldn't be trusted. In some ways, enough
said. Most anyone who saw that might not remember the
money part, but odds are a part of them would remember
the should not be trusted part - especially if they
weren't conscious of the message.

When someone "officially" seeks out hypnosis as a state,
oftentimes he can be guarded, and it can get in the way
of something very natural. On top of that, the things
that create the states I mentioned above are so natural
that people don't see them for what they are - a hypnotic
state...and wind up disqualifying other experiences.

The more vigilant you can become in your daily life, the
less likely someone will be able to give you suggestions
to do what they want. Of course, in the realm of erotic
hypnosis, it is EXACTLY what most want. It is the goal
of most sessions that are often based on years of fantasy
(just remember that when fantasy meets reality, it isn't
always so pleasant). However, it's one thing if you want it,
it's another if it comes uninvited.

If you have any questions about
hypnosis, or the process, as always,
please feel free to
contact me
(Isis at IsisTheEnchantress.com).

Thanks for stopping by,
and sweet dreams tonight!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Power of Recordings

I have heard that sometimes
people are uninterested in buying
recordings because they are seen
as a replacement to our time
together live - and they prefer a
"live" session.

Just in case you might be one
of them, let me share with you
a different perspective about
the recordings.

You want the best experience
possible when we speak, don't you?

If so, any of my recordings
can assist you with that purpose.

The reason is that the recordings will
enhance our time together:

*There may be triggers I don't use live,
  unless I know you have heard the recording.

*There may be triggers in my recordings
  that I used live, which get reinforced
  when you listen to my .mp3s.

*Recordings help you get used to,
  and relax to, the sound of my voice,
  helping you go deeper and quicker into
  a hypnotic state when you call which
  can either shorten the total length of your call,
  or enhance the "meat" of the time you want to spend.

Maybe you want to
consider taking a look
at what is available?

To find out more, visit
www.ListenAndObey.com (current callers only)
www.ListenAndObey.net (current callers only)

Hope you have a great week!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Have you seen it?

Check your Niteflirt email
for details for a recording
released for current callers.

If you want to know more
about what I offer,
check out my 9/14 blog entry.

Hope you're having a great day!


Friday, October 10, 2008

More Insight into My World...

Today I awakened to this comment from someone who bought one of my recordings:

"Total Rip off!!! no background sound like the trance! ...boring voice...and cuts-off before finished! Terrible!!!! I hope you enjoy my money not spent well! You got me! Great! now Remember..."What comes around goes around"!!!!"

This comment was publically placed, and he never tried to contact me regarding his dissatisfaction. Had he done that, I would have asked him what he meant by "no background sound like the trance!" and I would have asked him to try to download the recording again, as occasionally NF seems to have issues with recordings not fully downloading properly. (I hadn't heard that problem in a while, so I thought it was fixed). I would have also have offered alternatives, one of which is that he can likely get his money back by contacting NF's Customer Service.

His comment implies that I "took" him and his money. If he had taken the time to contact me he would have known - like those who have taken the time to get to know me - that I do anything but. I don't ever want someone to spend their money on me and be unhappy with what they get. That is never my intention. While a great number of people enjoy my voice and recordings, I know what I do won't be for everyone. If he truly thinks my voice is boring, there isn't much I can do about that, but it is hardly part of my "plot" to give people a product that they'll spend money on and not like.

I did write him back, and did all of the things I mentioned above, and a few more, and ever so kindly suggested that he, too, remember that "What comes around goes around"!!!! as his reaction to me and his perceived slight may one day come back to him. One day he may do something with the best of intentions, and someone may have a totally false impression of him and what he has to offer. I wonder how he will feel then?

I would say most of those who communicate with me would take the time to communicate if there was something they were unhappy with. However, if it is something you've never considered, may I suggest that before you react to a perceived slight, or seeming scam, that you at least confirm that it is what you thought it to be before slamming the person or business.

Give them a chance, sometimes things just happen and sometimes you won't be happy. However, when you are dealing with vendors of any type that care about their customers and reputation, they will do what they can to make it right - even if they don't feel like they're wrong. However, in this "instant" world of high expectations and often unrealistic unreasonableness it may mean someone take a step back and communicate their dissatisfaction and ask for an alternate resolution. The vendor is not a mind reader, so they'll never know if there is a problem if you don't say there is one - why assume that the person was trying to get one up on you?

It is an interesting world we live in...

Have a great weekend!

10-18 UPDATE
Just wanted to share the following with you. After contacting the above caller, I received a reply that said the following (in part):

"Dear Isis!

After reading your letter, I seem to think that you are sincere without intentions to scam. You have provided a viable service to others. I never know with people at some sites so I become bothered by scam artists. After review of your letters I think you are someone who has something to offer to others. I want to apologize to you for the hassle I caused..."

Sometimes things do happen...and I am so sorry that this did, all round. However, I am pleased to know that he now at least realizes that there was more to me and what I offer than what he originally assigned to me.