Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Saturday, May 11, 2013


I recently posted this elsewhere. Now I thought I would share this here. In some ways, I feel relieved. I wasn't sure for the longest time that I wanted to take the steps I am now taking, but life is making it clear that it is time. The words that eluded me up until now flowed as I wrote the following.

As you read it, you will become clear about where I am these days. I am not clear about exactly what happens next, however if you are interested in staying in touch with me, you can contact me and we will see what we can do to arrange an on going connection. I have thought for a while that there may be some of you that I met this way who might want to be a part of what is next. If you are one of those, just email me and let me know. You can use the gift card address in the graphic in the right column to communicate.

Please know that NF prohibits me from taking current customers to a new platform, so if we were to connect in a way that was financial, that will still be the place to do it. The email is not a way for us to skirt my agreement with them.


It is incredible to see how life sometimes has a mind of its own and takes us in unanticipated directions. I wasn't sure a year ago what I would be doing at this point, however, I am not entirely surprised by where I have wound up.

For some time now, I have debated about what to do regarding erotic hypnosis. I was never the type to pursue people, and given my gentle approach, many otften found themselves elsewhere. Good for them, if their choices made them truly happy.

When I first started being Isis, it was a role I played. Isis has always had parts of me in her, but "Isis" as a Domme was never truly who I was. I came to it as something fun and sensual, as something enjoyable for both me - and for the person I would hypnotize. I never imagined how twisted things could become. To say I got quite the education the last few years would be an understatement of significant proportion.

It has often been disheartening for me to watch some so caught up in the fetish that they lose sight of themselves. I find that so many people have so much to offer the world, and whatever that is can often be buried, sidelined or forgotten in the erotic hypnotic quest. I have often appreciated the fact that the role that I assumed allowed me to be helpful to those who were open to the help that I could offer. Some declined. Whatever the reaction, it was always respected, as I recognize that people are wherever they are for whatever reason they happen to be there.

Some I have spoken to have stretched my limits. I never went farther than I was comfortable, but now that I have been away from it for a while, my comfort level has rolled back significantly. I no longer want to play the role that many would like of me to the extent that I used to, any way. Even if there is a place some would want to be, I am uncomfortable being the one taking them there.

It may sound like I am judging what some do. The fact is that the only judgment I am making is the one that involves me. I am judging where *I* fit. I never really felt like I fit before, and now I don't feel like I fit at all. Add to that what is going on in my life at the moment and I don't have it in me to play at that level any more and I want to "play" at a dfferent level these days. I see how amazing life can be for those who are ready to go past a level of horniness, and it is an amazingly beautiful thing. It is my belief that the world needs people to be involved and engaged and I have seen way too many lost to the suggestions of others and lost to themselves. I wouldn't blanketedly say it was a "bad" thing, but many have come back to me and have told me that it was/is bad for them.

Given how I feel I do not see how I can continue as before. I could have just left and not said anything, but from what I hear there are those silent ones who care about me and what is going on with me. And despite the fact that I have said others could be in touch with me, many have chosen to remain silent, so there really isn't an easy way to let those who care know what is going on.

I have been gradually building to this point, and I suspect that my Isis Internet Tent will one day fold. The one thing that will stick around will be much of my outside blog because I am proud of what is there. I may go through and prune at some point or I may keep it as "historical record." I don't know which yet. I imagine in time I will know, though. However I will not be coming back to announce it. I have always found it odd when a hypnotist says she's having a "going out of business sale." Why would I encourage you to buy my recordings when I won't be around like that any more (which really is all the more reason for me to fold up things at some point)? I have always wanted you to be in touch with me if you wanted to appreciate my work. I always had an interactive model, and since part of that interaction will cease, the rest doesn't really work any more.

A part of me is sad. There was a lot of time and energy put into the myriad of things I have done. But, in some ways, it feels like a different person did them. And, actually, it was. The me of a year ago and before no longer exists. It is definitely time to move on. To those who have stuck by me, and have continued to be in touch, it will be "business as usual." To anyone else, thank you for the time that we spent. Thank you for allowing me into your mind and heart in such an open and intimate way. Thank you for your respect of me and my craft.

While I may be closing the door on Isis as she once was, I am not closing the door on the people who want to be in touch to say hi. And especially if anything I have said resonates for you and you would like to enhance yourself in a different way than the current offerings of those here, I invite you to be in touch.

I truly feel blessed by the many thousands of people I have spoken to over the years. I don't know that I would have had the opportunity to meet many of you if it wasn't for this fetish and environment. If I would have had one wish, I would have wished that we "met" under different circumstances as I believe there are many pieces of the dynamic that doesn't foster the best connections. However there are many types of relationships we have in life that serve different purposes and for what was, it was pretty awesome.

It feels like a good bye in some ways, and good byes often are melancholy for me. But it doesn't have to be one. If you want to be in touch in a "person to person" type of way, the next move is up to you. I wish everyone here all the best and that enjoyable times are what is most often had by all parties concerned.

Play (& Stay) Safe,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

It Has Been a Long Time

It has been a long time. Almost a year since I posted here. I have thought occasionally about coming back and saying something, but was never really sure what to say.

I am still not sure. But it feels like the time is right.

A lot has changed in my life in the last year - most of which was not planned, nor intentionally created or desired. Sometimes life has a way of throwing curve balls, and if we're fortunate enough we know how to either catch them, or avoid being hit.

I used to wonder if I just "disappeared" one day if anyone would notice - or care. In the time that I have been Isis I have seen many people come and go who were hypnotists, and many who were those who liked to be hypnotized.

I have seen many things, many more than I ever thought I would, and many more than I would have liked to have seen. There have been many times I have been at odds with the "establishment," if not because of what I believed in terms of hypnosis and its effects, at odds with what people thought I should be.

It may seem odd to say this, but it has been wearing on me. It is difficult to be in the environment that I, as Isis, stepped into. Unlike many who seem to do the type of work I have done, I have never done it because I get of on controlling or manipulating anyone. To my dismay, I have seen instances where if I was a different type of person, I might have found myself sitting comfortably, living off of other people's money and efforts.

Instead, I have often opted for an approach of respect. I have opted to treat those who come to me as someone who deserves respect - even if for a while they want to choose to be in a lesser role. The key word here being "role." I have never wanted anyone to feel like they were forever tied to me - if that is not what they truly wanted. And even then, I approached the hypnosis responsibly, just in case anything unexpected would ever happen.  I would not want someone to have any problems due to anything that I had created with him.

As a result, many have found others to hypnotize them. If that makes them happy, so be it. I have never had the desire - nor the energy - to chase after anyone. I have also never really had the energy or desire to help someone who does not help himself. However I have spent more hours than you might imagine trying to help those who have gotten into situations they did not want to be in.

In what has happened in the last year, I have been able to step back and look at what I have been doing. And I question whether or not it is a good idea to continue. While I have done my best to live by my own rules, I am not sure the rules I have lived by still apply.

In the last year I have seen how life can just be taken away, just like that. It is nothing anyone anticipates or expects, and yet it is the path we all are on. Over the years, I have seen way too many people on tracks that aren't healthy or helpful for them. I have made it a rule never to judge someone for their choices, as we all have the paths we must tread, and the choices we must make. However it is not in me to contribute to that type of thing any more - even indirectly.

I have always believed that what I do needs to enhance someone's life,
but if not that, at the very least, not detract.

On the other side of this coin are those I interact with. Some are so sweet. So wonderful. So generous. They are the ones I have missed. They are the ones who have treated me with respect - without me having to demand it or even bring it up. They are the ones I never felt I had to tolerate.

In the time that I have been away, I have never said I was out of touch, and yet very few have reached out or tried to communicate with me. That is more than fine. But it is just an observation about the dynamic that I seem to have with those who have crossed my path. If I was more than a fix or a trance, then one would think that there might be some reaching out.

While I realize some may have stepped back to give me space, I think there are many more who have just not said anything because they haven't. And that makes me sad. While I realize I am not going to be the best of buddies with those who call me through a phone sex line, and that it isn't always going to be possible, or appropriate, I would like to think that I was/am more than "just" a voice on the phone.

It is possible some do care more than their actions have expressed. I wouldn't be surprised. Many times we do not tell the people who matter to us what we really feel about them. Do you know how many people in your life would love to hear from you how much you care about them, and what they mean to you? They may intellectually know, but that is not the same. There is something pretty special about hearing about who you are to someone and about what a difference you make for them.

Just today I was talking to someone who had a good friend who just passed away. The friend was diagnosed with a type of cancer than was not only terminal, but swift. The friend was dead within only a few weeks.

It just so happened we spoke right after the friend was diagnosed, and I shared some things with him in the hopes that it might help him and/or his friend. Situations like that are impossible, at best. Well, as it turns out, he took my advice and had an incredible conversation with his friend that I think was to both of their benefit. Today this person was thanking me for what I was able to do for him.

Whether or not I got feedback from him, and whether or not we spoke about it, I still would have done what I did. However knowing that what I did helped, was greatly appreciated. It just so happens this person is someone who knows me as Isis, and is still in contact with me because a part of him knows that I care about the person behind the trancer.

I personally desire a greater connection with those I interact with, and it is not something that I can fabricate, nor would I want to. I have always desired anyone who was interested in me, or doing something for me, want to do it first and foremost. At which point we could harness it and make it quite delicious.

I know some hypnotists will demand that those they hypnotize them tell them "I Love You." The person who says it doesn't want to, and doesn't really mean it, but it is all a part of the Power Game. If someone ever told me that he loved me, I would want it to be because he really did, and just wanted to.

All reasons, it would seem, this environment no longer suits me.

But that doesn't mean I am not into erotic hypnosis. There are a few who are still in touch with me, and they still get the hypnotist in me. But we have the kind of dynamic that really works for me. So am I through with erotic hypnosis? I can't say that. But I am not really sure what I can say.

If any of what I have said speaks to you, maybe we should talk. Maybe there is something we could create. But you can't be flaky, and you have to be clear about what you want, as we will compare notes and see if there is a fit. I do not have the time to be playing games, and I am being quite picky what I choose these days.

As always, I wish you well, and hope that you always have safe and enjoyable adventures.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Skip the Orgasm"

Hey there :)  So glad to have your attention.  :P

I hope this finds you well.

I miss writing here on a regular basis, and
am wondering who might also be missing
my regular contributions.

Given what is going on in my life, there
are a number of things that are up in the
air.  At the same time, I have been doing
sessions with those who have the ability
to be flexible, and the desire to continue
with me.

So if that is you, and you have been
staying away or silent...you should get
in touch with me so we can see what
might be created.

At the same time, I should tell you that
I am looking at what is next.  As I don't
really know yet what that is, I can't tell
you.  At the same time, there is a turn in
the road that aligns with much of who I
am.  If you read my blog closely enough,
you are likely to have a hint of what that
could mean.

I am a great believer in what hypnosis
has to offer people.  At the same time,
I am saddened by what it can do in non-
productive ways, too.  I realize that
people need escapes, but what I am not
sure is that they always realize what they
are getting themselves into.

A temporary escape is one thing.  A
lifelong one is another.

I want to be able to work with people
who might be scared of erotic hypnosis
because of what they see from those who
are into it who are also dominant or
submissive.  There is a lot to enjoy
personally, or with a partner.

Just to be clear, this is in addition to those
I do work with, who consider themselves
submissive.  There is a lot of opportunity
with flexibility.  I believe that hypnosis
should never take away from who a person
is, but add to them.

I have never been one for humiliation or
degradation.  I have never been one to
be into pain (physical, or otherwise).
At the same time, life is about learning
and what better way than with contrasts?
(Which is to say that I am open to certain
types of things - depending on the person
and the circumstance.)

On top of everything, I do not consider
myself a Domme.  Rather, I play the role.
For some, that means they would rather
go elsewhere, and it is likely a good choice
on their part.

As for others, my gentle caring, leading
style that can be "dominant," or at the
very least controlling, can be the perfect
choice for a person looking to explore
without having to make a lifelong
commitment, or fearing the consequences
of their interest taking over their life.

I get how powerful pleasure can be.  I
get how wonderful the rush must be of
those wonderful hormones when those
buttons are pushed.  At the same time,
consider that there are other things in
your life that might be minimized or
affected by those diversions.

If you are OK with it, then it *might*
be OK.  I used to say if you were OK,
it was OK.  The problem can sometimes
be that one who is deeply affected can
not always see the forest for the trees.

From time to time it is likely a good
idea to get some perspective, to see
if where you are is where you want to
be headed.  I have known of people who
were not happy with where they were
hypnotically tell me how happy they
were about where they were hypnotically
before they were able to clearly see what
was going on.  The pleasure they felt,
and the suggestions they were given
were driving their "ship," and they
didn't even realize how affected they
were by what another said and wanted.

In some ways, I am a broken record on
this, and for those who don't appreciate
it, I am sorry.  But it is something that
I have seen way too many times.  I have
seen really good people get lost in the
pleasure so much that their relationships
lose out.  I have seen them distracted
from the things that matter most to them.
I have seen them lose sight of themselves,
and what they have to offer the world.

Of course what happens starts out as
your choice...which is why I always
say be careful.  But after choice sometimes
comes things that may look like your
choice, but actually be someone else's
choice for you.

Interestingly, one way that people use
to gain control, interest, desire of
another is through another is orgasm
control.  I saw something today that
explains why it can work.  You can
read it/see it here.

Sometimes knowing what is happening,
or what can happen, can be beneficial.
So many have no idea the power of those
things that look seemingly insignificant.

As always, I hope you are well and safe,
and that if what I say speaks to you, you
stay in touch.

Have a great day.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

It has been a while...


I hope this finds you well.

It has been a while, and I know there may be a few of you
who are wondering what is going on.  While I am not yet
ready to share, I thought I would clarify something about
what you might expect from me during this time.

I would say there is nothing that you can "expect," except
perhaps the unexpected.  That is one reason why I haven't
been taking any live calls outside of the ones that are arranged
ahead of time.  Due to the nature of what is going on, I need
to have a good relationship with those that I have
communication with.

At the moment I am not fully able to be the role of Goddess
that you would want.  As a matter of fact, I am that for only
a few at the moment.  However I have decided that if there
is anyone who is reading this who isn't happy with their
erotic, hypnotic situation and wants to change it, I will do
my best to help you find a situation you want to be in.  It
does not mean me becoming your Domme, but you finding
your personal way and clarity around what you want and
who you are.

I have found that too many find themselves confused once
one or more hypnotic Dommes get into their head.   This
is something that I have addressed more than once, and in
varying ways.  Many times those affected will justify their
actions based on suggestions given - if they even remember
what they did.

I always think that it is best to be able to talk to the person
who is hypnotizing you, and see if they will work with you,
but the "problem" sometimes is that they will think you want
to be twisted.  Other times they just might be twisted enough
themselves not to care about you want (it is after all for some
the "nature of the game.").    However having said that, if
you are up for it, that might be something to consider before
doing anything else.  It is a judgment call on your behalf, and
you have to have trust in the person you speak with that they
will be willing to listen - and do - what you ask them to do.

There have been those I have helped who were at one
moment totally enamored by someone one moment, and then
the next in a "what was I thinking?" place.  The more that
you wonder about and the more that you question things
and the more concerned you are - the more you should be
paying attention to these things.  Issues that you are
potentially steamrolling are seldom resolved successfully.

Yes.  I know you likely feel good.  The hypnosis is
designed to do that.  But it doesn't mean that you can't
feel good without causing yourself other issues.  There are
other options.

I may not currently be able to be that person you are
obsessed with and can call and think about all of the time
right now...but that doesn't mean you can't get something
pretty wonderful by giving yourself freedom around what
you want, and the clarity to get it.

If you do not currently have some version of what you
want without conflict or feeling at odds with yourself or
your situation, odds are you may never find it.  It is very
rare the two roads will ever cross.

If this speaks to you, get in contact with me.  You can
reach me on Niteflirt, or you can email me at IsisWantsYou
at my Yahoo address if you aren't on Niteflirt.  I will see
what I  can do.  Please be patient, though, and if you do
not hear from me in a few days, feel free to email me again.
I WILL respond.  It just may take me longer than we both
would like.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

I realize that this won't be for everyone, but I DO know
that it fits a number of those who will be reading this.
If I hadn't already spoken to a number of those like you,
I would never have written this.

Please be well...and play and stay safe!

Friday, June 15, 2012

An Update (of sorts)

There was a time that I wondered if I suddenly disappeared,
if anyone would notice.  Try as I may to show myself as
more than "just" someone you can get off with, it
would seem a majority of those I interact with are looking
for the quick "fix."

I can't say I blame those who want this, as most that I make
contact with are through a phone sex site, after all.  However,
I have consistently tried to show you more, and hope that the
parts of you that are more than just your cock respond.

I know some of you think that when I get quiet, I may want
to be left alone, and your lack of saying anything is a type of
respect for me.  At the same time, I have often said otherwise,
and am never sure how to convey things, except to say them.

There is more to me, as I expect that there is more to you.
I realize this is not the best forum for that to be expressed,
acknowledged, or acted upon, but the fact is that I have always
tried to remain true to myself as it gives the both of us the 
best possible experience.  That is why I never do things that
I perceive might be of more harm than good to you.  

My life took a turn recently.  The destination of the curve is
one that I do not yet know.  The irony is that in life we often
may think we know where we are headed, but often we are
surprised.  There is so much that is unknown...and yet we
play and act like we DO know.

I would like to think that there are those of you who I have
truly connected with.   I would like to think that no matter what
happens, you are interested in where I go and what I do next.
I would like to think we connected in more than just one way,
so I very much would like to think that.

At the same time, I realize that there are those of you who are
wanting something from me that you can't currently have, and
for that reason you will likely go (or already have gone) elsewhere. 
If that is the case, I wish you well.  I will, as always, tell you 
to stay safe.  

Read my blog.  Educate yourself.  Be careful.  There has been
a lot of shit I have seen over the years, and believe me when I
say you do NOT want to be a part of anything like what I have
been a witness to - even if your fantasy thinks it does.

Now...For anyone who is interested in sticking around -
and especially for those who care about and respect me...

Recent events are NOT ones that I have chosen.  As a result,
they are leaving me in an uncomfortable position in more than
one way.  For the few that I have told what is going on, they
have wanted to help financially.  I realize that if you don't know
what is
 going on, you may be uncertain as to whether you
want to help,
 or not.  It is completely understandable.  If you
would like to
 know, just email me and we will schedule some
time to talk,
 and I'll even send you some free minutes to do that
- provided you are on NF.

I have always wanted to really relate to those that I connect
with here, and this is a chance for us to potentially do that.
As far as calls and cams go, for now they are hit or miss.
If you can catch me and/or schedule with me, we can do a
session.  However, at the moment, I will tell you it is likely
to be a slim chance that it will happen.

In time, I will be explaining all.  If you are truly interested in
me, you will discover what has happened.  You will also learn
more about me.  This abrupt turn has turned things on their
head, and I am fairly certain my life will never be the same.
I know; it sounds so dramatic.  Well...in some ways, it IS.

I think this will be all for now...

Except if you want to be a good boy for me.  I am always
grateful for your clicks and your efforts, however, during this
time it is even MORE so.  If you would like to help, please
either click a button below, or send a payment of your choosing.
Want something for your money?  You can always choose to
buy a file. 

As always, thanks for being a part of my world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I am writing this on Monday, as I do not yet know
what the week will bring.  If you see this, I have
had an unexpected situation arise (I know - how
can it be unexpected, when I plan for it?  I will
try to explain at a later time).

While I have been kind of quiet lately, I have been
out of touch the last few days because of circumstances
that have been beyond my ability to control, and I am
hoping to return shortly.

I am writing this because unexpected time off/away
isn't always a good thing, and I thought that those 
who support me would want to know that this is a
particularly good time to do something to please me.

While just tributes are always welcome/helpful, I
thought perhaps I would highlight my
Handled withPleasure Video.  You can get it here for $25.  
Of course, you could also contribute in another way
by buying any of my other files.

I don't often do things like this, and am never one
to demand (despite those of you who wish I would
be more so :p) because I believe it is much better for
both of us if you do what you do because you WANT
to do it.

As always, please know that I appreciate your efforts,
small and big, if you are doing what is right for you
and what you can.  I especially appreciate them now,
with the recent, unexpected events.

It will all be helpful.
And when you see me available, call!
I want to hear from you.

Be well, and be safe,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Some Humor

Lately life has gotten a bit on the serious side,
so I thought I would share a couple of smiles:

"Had a big mix-up at the store today.
Apparently when the woman said,
'strip down facing me,' she was
referring to my credit card."

"All guys hate the words DON'T and
STOP - unless you put them together."

Have a good night, and please feel free
to make a humorous addition below.

Sweet dreams.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Would like to be Wrong

Sometimes I think I am the only person in a boat
that is sailing in a certain direction.  So often
when I talk about the things that happen to people,
it is met with a certain amount of skepticism and
disbelief.  Apparently everyone knows better than
I do about what I think I "know."

I realize that there is a certain amount of "game
playing"when it comes to the fetish and the
players, but the problem is that there are either
some really good actors, or there really is a certain
amount of sh*t that happens to those who are

I wrote a blog entry about someone who had been
hypnotized by someone and was headed down a
path that he did NOT want.  It wasn't like he came
to me to help him, but once he was hypnotized, it
was apparent that there had been things happening
that were NOT what he wanted.

I knew of the hypnotist involved, but knowing
that some think highly of her, I thought let me
check into her some.  When I did, I found something
that said she had a de-programming recording,
and that she would utilize it if she - or the person
she worked with - thought it was necessary.

I reconsidered my stance.  Perhaps I had been
unfair in my assessment.  Perhaps she really was
one of the "good guys" in this fetish.  So the
next time I spoke with the individual I was trying
to help, I asked how he felt about speaking with
her directly about what was happening and his
desires to stop things, and mentioned the recording.

He said he knew of no such recording.  In
addition, he had asked her more than once to
turn things off, and her response was to trigger
him and off and running he was even more.
He indicated concern about ever having any
additional contact with her.

Once again, my wheels turned.  Either the
hypnotist had misrepresented herself, or she
had changed.  Neither thing to me was - or is -
particularly appealing.

Well...to make matters now more interesting,
out of the blue I get a message from the individual
who tells me he spoke with her (based on our
conversations, NOT something he would have
initiated) and not only that, missed a day of work
so he could have 2 cam sessions with her, and
soon a 3rd, so she could make everything right.

Yeah.  Likely HER version of right.  He even
signed one of the repetitive, robotic responses
to my emails in a way that tells me she again
has him heading off in a direction that he had
no desire to go in.

The way he worded things it is fairly clear to
me that he is being "fixed" so that he will never
do this again.  While I want to give this person
the benefit of the doubt, given the tone and tenor
of conversations I had with the person involved,
I am fairly confident she is doing things that
fall in the range of "against his will."

People are NOT pawns to be played with.  I
realize in this fetish many people get power
off of their power plays...but doing cr*p like
this to someone is just despicable beyond

I do not intend to name names.  After all, there
is more than one side to every story, and there
may be details that I do not know, and may
never know.  But what I do know are certain
characteristics and certain signs that mean
certain things.  And while he may tell me that
she has removed all programming, my guess
it is any other than hers.

If I am indeed in this boat alone, I may just
go down alone.  At the same time, it is my
hope that my words and the things I say have
value and provide a wake up call for people
who need it, or give a protective barrier for
those who didn't even know they needed one.

Others in this "profession" do not talk about
this, but I can't help but wonder if there are
things they have seen and just blinked and
perhaps kept going - or perhaps believe it to
be a non-problem, given the current culture.

I know no one wants to hear about them...
but given a choice between hearing and being
a person who is greatly (and perhaps adversely)
affected, believe me, you are likely to want to
be a person who listened.

By the way, one side note about deprogramming
recordings.  They may not do what they say,
if you even know/remember that they exist,
and you have to know that there is a problem
to want to deprogram to listen.

Apparently this guy was a hybrid.  He knew
some things were too much, and wanted to stop,
but he didn't even know about the more potentially
harmful things; so even if everything else
was fine and dandy, he wouldn't have known
that there was any reason to request the
recording to stop.

There was a time I would never have even
considered posting something like this.  There
is a myriad of reasons for that, but with seeing
so much of what I have seen lately, I feel I
cannot be silent.  Part of the problem that
the world faces in many ways today is too
much silent agreement.  There is even a term
for that "Sheeple."

I can not possibly take a stand in every regard
that I see a problem, but this is one that seems
best suited to me at this time.  I never want 
someone to rob you of who you are.  Whether
or not you choose to listen to, or believe, me I
invite you to consider standing up for something
you believe in with a PASSION.

It would be my hope that as a result the world
will be a better place, and someone, somewhere
will be better off for it. 

Have a good night.