Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Got Questions?

First, I want to thank the two,
who as of this moment,
commented on my first post.

I often debate with myself
about how open I want to be
with the world at large.

There are a few reasons for this.
I won't go into them. However,
I am a person who thinks that
being informed is a wonderful gift.

There was a slogan I've heard
that I have always remembered,
and I think it, in some degree,
speaks to how I look at, and
approach, things.

It comes from Syms.
Their tagline/slogan is:
"An educated consumer is
our best customer."

The more you know what to
expect and the clearer you are
about the potential pitfalls and problems,
the more likely you will be to make
better choices for yourself,
hypnotically, or in any other way.

I never mind when someone
uses me as a resource, and then
decides to go somewhere else.
If that happens,
I figure that someone else
is more suited to what he is looking for.
If he stayed with me,
then he would likely wind up dissatisfied.

The more you know about the subject,
or the more questions you have,
the better. You might be surprised to know
there are a number of people who
essentially call with a "Do Me" attitude.

While I appreciate the openness,
and willingness,
knowing something ahead of time
can be quite beneficial since
a generic request can wind up in disappointment.

There is a reason people call me back,
and I get good feedback, and
I believe that atleast part of it
is that I never willingly play a "role"
that isn't me,
and I am as clear as I can be
about myself and the process.


I was thinking about this blog,
and thought that perhaps
it would be interesting if you
wanted to ask questions about me/
about what I do, and then I could
potentially answer them here.

I say "potentially" because
I always tell people they can ASK me
anything...the question really is, though,
will I answer? Smile.

I can tell you this: I may not answer
everything...however, when I DO give
an answer, you can take it to the bank.
I will always give you the best answer
I have to give at that time.

Does that mean it can change?


I retain the right to change my mind
frequently and often.

Do I?

Not really. However, others would
have to be the judge of that.

I would suggest that you do the same.
Keeping in the same mind all of the time
can sometimes be limiting or destructive.
Nature changes, so why shouldn't we?

Thus ends entry number 2.

Have a wonderful day, and thanks again
for stopping by.


PS Do you know about my Yahoo Group?
You're welcome to join...just make sure your age
is in your PUBLIC profile (a requirement
of Yahoo's Adult Group members).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thoughts on what I do...

Thanks for being interested in hearing what I think, and have to say.

First and foremost,
you should know...
I like men.

I know this isn't likely to be
what you expected, but
I really do like men.

In the time that I have been doing sexual/sensual hypnosis
in the last couple of years, I have come to really appreciate
the place that anyone who is male is in.

I actually find it to be a sad state of affairs
in the US that men and women both (in my opinion)
have no idea who they are supposed to be.

Women's Lib had women claiming that they needed to be
"equal" to men.
While I believe that people
(regardless of how one is packaged)
should have the opportunity to pursue what they would like to in life,
I think the ideas of the time also created the "myth"
that the only difference between men and women was the
differences in their body types.

Since that time,
there have been many "experts" who have explained
why men and women are different.
No where is it more clear,
than when men and women attempt to relate to each other.

While these differences
can be taken by some
and used to create chasms
between the sexes,
and reasons for discrimination,
they can also be harnessed
for the good of all.

(Just like anything, really.)

I have found through the extensive contact
I have had with many men of many types
in the last few years that there is a lot of confusion
about what is "OK" or "RIGHT" for a man to believe
and/or act on.
There seems to be a lot of guilt and shame.
There also seems to be a lot of silence
around the issues.

There also seems to be a climate
in which (some) men feel it is okay to be belittled,
to be used, to be taken advantage of,
to be put in impossible situations.

Men, it seems, like to do things for women.
They like to please them.
They like to solve problems.

The problem (it seems to me)
is that this desire to please
has taken a turn that,
instead of empowering a man,
has left him feeling disempowered.

To me,
there is nothing sexier than an empowered man,
even if that empowered man is
choosing for a moment to let me
tell him how things are,
and how they should be.

Why is that OK?
Because, the way I see it,
it is a CHOICE
that is made,
and it is for the moment.
Choices in the moment,
for me,
are quite empowering.

Beside which,
I believe we all have
two sides
(with lots of shades of grey)
and these sides need expression
from time to time.

I can totally understand
the pressure to have to perform all of the time,
and the resulting desire to have
a place that one can give oneself over to.

We all need balance.
We can deny it,
but denial has interesting effects
and consequences.

Somewhere in this mix
is also a culture of denial of oneself,
in many ways,
but in this case I refer primarily to
the sexual side of things.

Where is it safe to talk about oneself?

Where is it safe to be oneself?

I think these are two very good questions,
and when someone calls me,
I believe it has a lot to do
with safe self expression.

The call is an "exercise" for a man.
It's a place where he can be safe in
being true to himself.

The only thing is
that when one presents herself
as a "Domme"
there is an impression
that she is "above" men,
that she wants to humiliate men,
or cause pain,
or discomfort,
an impression that she is out for herself.

And, while there are some that
do believe they are above men,
want to humiliate men,
cause pain,
and discomfort,
and are very much out for themselves,
I learned a while ago that there are different types
of submissives and Dommes.
The type that appealed to me was the "sensual Domme."
For me, Domming is about creating pleasure,
guided by my caller's desires.

I realize that that is not likely
what is true for the Domme culture,
which is why I have never truly
immersed myself in it.

At the same time that I respect people's choices,
and desires, I will never use my abilities and knowledge
in a way that goes against who I am and what I believe in.
I will never use my abilities to cause harm to another,
and go out of my way to do whatever I can
to create a pleasureable (and rewarding)
experience for anyone who trusts me enough
to hypnotize them.

I take what I do seriously,
and will be very careful.
I have been even criticized on occasion
for my concern for those in my "care."

It may not be in my best interest
to care so much,
but I could never live with myself
if I ever stopped considering
the effect I could have on someone's life.

I could never have pleasure
at someone else's expense.
I have been given gifts and money,
but have always been clear
that pleasing me comes only
after someone takes care of what
he needs to, and what is done
can only be what one can reasonably afford.

Does this take some of the "charge"
out of the experience?
For some, absolutely.
Some will never call for that reason,
and for a few that do,
the call will end within moments.

I have found that many who call me
want to explore,
but don't want the extreme treatment.
I have found that many who call me
are sensual,
and appreciate a sensual experience.
I have found that many who call me
value the fact that I like men,
and care about those I interact with.

For those men, I am
a perfect fit,
and they will call me
many times.

There is more about me than
being a "hypno Domme,"
and occasionally,
a caller may find that part of me
appealing as well.
unless the opportunity presents itself,
or the person expresses an interest in
me as a person, vs me as a Goddess,
that part of me is likely to
remained unrevealed.

Whenever I see ads on Niteflirt
that are mean to men,
I cringe.

I just typed that sentence,
and wonder if I should be so honest.

However, it says something to you
about who I am. If those ads
about being humiliated and taken
down appeal to you, you know
that I am not the right person
for you talk to. If you were
to call me, I might even suggest
that you consider what has you
thinking you deserve to be
treated that way.

Yup. I would.

Welcome to my world.
I mix "reality" with fantasy.

The concoction can be intoxicating.

You would be surprised at how
effective it can be with the
right approach and an open mind.

I know what people SAY they are calling me for.
After all,
they're calling through an adult site.
having an open mind when speaking with me
would give you some amazing experiences
and surprises.

So, I have been wanting to write about this for a while.

Now it's out there.

What happens next?

Hmmm. I don't know.

That, for me, is one of the best parts of truly living.

To be able to live for right now is one of the greatest
gifts we can give ourselves.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me
a little better.
