Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Return & Some Good News

Today I returned from my east coast trip.

Things didn't go as hoped/anticipated.

Funny how life does that to us sometimes -
actually much more than we might like,
or would allow, given the opportunity to
control things.

What did happen was pretty awesome, and
I had a great time and was glad to get
away. While I have only been back a few
hours, it already feels like I never left!

The good news is I came home to a package,
and in it was a goodie for you. A new
picture will be up in the next day, or so.

Other good news is I am looking at going
back to the east coast, so...if you
missed your opportunity to meet me, you
may have another one. (Read what one
person had to say about his session
with me by clicking here

I enjoyed the sessions I had so much,
I am extending my offer to do more
live sessions. They're still rare,
so should we meet you'll be part of
a relatively exclusive club. :)

If interested, please speak with me,
or write me at IsisWantsYou AT Yahoo.com
(typed that way to attempt to avoid
spammers) to ask questions or get details.

The picture above was taken on my return
flight, as we were going over the
Grand Canyon. I have other pics, and
may consider sharing, if there is an
interest, or a reason to.

I hope you have been well as the summer
ticks away in its final hours. For some
I know it is a big bummer. As for me,
fall is my favorite season, so you can
say I am quite happy about it all!

Have a great night.

On Access Holes

I saw this today, and thought it kind
of interesting.

You might wonder why.

If so, I'll tell you. :)

I thought about how sexually we aren't
always in the same place as our partners.
I thought about how it would be really
great if there was a way to know how
to make the things we want to have
happen, happen.

What if there was an "access hole"
and there were directions on how to
open and close it?

Now, of course, I am speaking of a
situation in a consensual environment.
So often if those who weren't in sync
were willing to be in sync, but don't
know how, knew how - would they use
what they knew?

Hypnosis is pretty cool. It can make
the soft hard. It can make spark the
seemingly unsparkable. It cam stoke
fires, and it can put them out.

Why put them out? Maybe there would
be a reason NOT to do something one
night. I know for some that might be
unfathomable. However, should that
be the case, the beauty is that it
could help the person who could
potentially feel denied or frustrated.

Hypnosis isn't a "fix all," but it
certainly is as multi-purpose as
almost anything gets.


Let's talk.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Twinkle: Cleavage Edition

If you like it small,
you'll love it at 10x10ish.

1 Image jpg | $3.50

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A real man...?

A real man doesn't love a million girls.
He loves one girl in a million ways.

(I saw this quote, but no attribution.
If you know if it should be attributed,
please let me know.)

A few thoughts on this quote:

What exactly is a "real" man?

If you're not a "real" man,
what are you?

Interesting to note the use
of the word "man" with the
word "girls" (as opposed to

What kind of love are we
talking about? Are we talking
about sex? Are we talking
about romantic love? Love
falls into many categories,
which one or ones are being
referred to?

Does it even matter what kind
of love it is?

The problem, as I see it, with
this statement is that it limits
the possibilities. What is so
wrong with the idea of loving
more than one person?



Unless one considers all of the
appendages that come along with
that love, and becomes the definition
of love. When love is appended,
then it isn't about love any more.
It is about those things instead.

There is something beautiful about
relationships that are on the same
page, and if two people want to
focus on each other only, then
loving each other (not just men,
not just women) a million ways
could potentially bring a kind
of spark that can keep things
going and bring steam to the
relationship dynamic.

To make it seem like someone is
inferior or a terrible person
because they are open to caring
about more than one person at a
time just seems wrong to me (and
I am not one usually to claim
something as right or wrong).

It isn't an easy conversation to
be had, or an easy tight rope to
walk, as it takes communication
and understanding between people
that is uncommon. However, when
two people can navigate those
roads, and allow breathing room,
one can always hope that it makes
the world a better place in the

If two people are meant to be
together, there is nothing that
will keep them apart, and there
is also nothing that can keep
two people together if they are
supposed to be apart. Trying to
keep relationships going that
should have ended in the name of
"love" is one of the biggest
errors we can make. Sometimes
loving someone means letting
that person go their separate way

The more that we can identify
the pieces and parts of what
creates the dynamics in which
we live, the less likely we
are to be at the unconscious
effect of them and the resulting

Things that are so much a part
of who we are, aren't recognized
for what they are separate from
who we are. If we were to be
able to recognize them, we
might also recognize that they
don't really fit who we are or
want to be.

What really matters is that you
find your true self and allow
yourself to be the person you
were designed to be.

Is it easy? Will everyone around
you like it or appreciate it?
Likely the answer is NO.

Is it worth it?

Likely the answer will be YES.

There will always be disagreement.
The question is what is important
to you, and is it worth taking a
stand for despite what others
will say or think?

Of course, if you're in a relationship,
the other person should matter.
But if that relationship causes
you to compromise in ways that
compromise things that are important
to you or has you doing things with
a blatant disregard of the other person
and their desires, it might be time to
look at things and decide if a change
might be warranted.

Different people are like different
cars and, with each, your mileage
will vary. There will be a lot less
difficulty, conflict and disappointment
and a lot more respect and love, if
you know who you are first, and then
find someone who is suited to your

The key then will be to remember that
people and preferences change. When
that happens, adjustments may become
necessary. As much as we want things
to remain the same they rarely, if
ever, do.

While it is inherent in the message of
the quote what the author believes is
wrong, I'd say the only thing that is
"wrong" is when one person's perspective
is perpetuated as THE truth.

Pleasure Without Touch | Video

Sometimes men call me because they want to
orgasm like women. Sometimes they want to
be feminized so they can feel what it feels
like. I tell them feminization is unnecessary if
that is the only reason they want to be feminized.

Even as a guy it is possible to have that feeling
of an orgasm over and over and over, and
never physically come.

It is also possible to come without touching.

And both can be accomplished with or
without hypnosis.

As a side note, I can't believe the inconsistency
of YouTube. They allow a video like the one
below, and ban other things that are a lot less
sexual. It makes no sense to me.

Any way...let me know what you think of this
idea and of the video!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Feedback from a Live Session

While it has been rare for me to meet with someone live, I met
with someone while in Baltimore, and this is what he had to say
about our time together:

Recently experienced an arranged live, in-person session with Isis; days later I'm still reeling from being in Her presence and being Her good boy. All the pics, audio, and video were great and helped to give a general description of Isis' beauty. I was surprised, yet I shouldn't have been, that she was even more lovely than I imagined; I don't think any description I could give would do Her justice.

As with Her audio and video sessions, I felt very excited, soothed, and safe in Her capable hands. It's hard to remember how or when She got me under first; it all still feels like a blissful blur of sensual erotic stimulus now, and the details I feel are comfortably in the back of my mind. The smile on Isis' face was an indicator that things went exactly as She wanted them to, which made me happy in making Her happy. Never have I felt so confident and empowered after a session too; I know I've benefitted more from this meeting than originally anticipated.

My first in-person session with a hypnotist was a screaming success thanks to the hypnotist with heart. I only hope there are future opportunities She makes available. This is one of the best decisions I've ever made with hypnosis - meeting and trusting in Isis.

- mechan

How do you know?

How do you know if what you are doing
is the "right" thing?

How do you know that what you are
doing is the "right" way to do it?

There are some things that can be
painfully evident when something
goes wrong, and there are many more
that are a much more difficult call.

In the guilt ridden, socially judgmental
world in which we live people are often
driven to do what is "right" by someone
else's standard, and in the process of
trying to live up to what something
"should" be wind up suffering as a result.

How do you know if something is the
right thing for YOU?

You are at peace about it. When you
know something is right, there is a
sense of calm that prevails. If a
situation you are in doesn't bring
you peace, odds are the situation is
in some way not the right one for you.

You also don't have to "try" to be
someone or something.
Odds are if you
are trying to be something, it also
isn't the right thing, or you're not
with the right person.

This is not to say that sometimes
there are things we need to look at
or change about ourselves, however
if you are trying because of what
someone else thinks you should be
or do, then it is likely not the
right situation to be in.

Chances are good in either case you
will find the more invested you are,
the more likely you are to invest
because you have already invested
(NOT because you truly want to invest),
and it is what is comfortable (even
in your discomfort) and familiar.
And the more that you invest in
something that isn't right the more
you will likely find yourself becoming
angry, upset, even passive aggressive.

Situations that we force ourselves
into often do not bring out the best
of who we are, and quite often bring
on feelings of worthlessness, unhappiness,
frustration. Being something (or
trying to be something) we're not
does no one any favors.

Change will often be uncomfortable
because it brings change. How do
you know if you are making the
right choice? Often you may not
know, however, what you do know is
how your current situation is, and
if it has you unhappy, unsettled,
and isn't giving you what you need,
you can consider your levels of
discomfort a sign to look at your
situation, and perhaps consider a

When you find yourself an environment
in which you are supposed to be, you
will likely find that you have the
greatest sense of peace you have ever had...

and wouldn't THAT be something?

(If you think about it, I bet you
know exactly what I am talking
about, don't you?)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Curves Ahead | JPG

Legs, boxer shorts
with red hearts,
close up cleavage
with red bra

Unusual Perspective
from me.

1 Image 8X10 JPG Only | $6.00

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Luscious Lavender | JPG

lavender tank top.
hypnotic effect.

1 Image 8X10 JPG Only | $3.50

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Couple of Observations

I am no angel.

However, I got a glimpse today of
how far I've strayed.

A friend (who happens to be a guy)
and I were spending time together
today, and at one point we were
going to play Wii. He told me to
get my "strap on," in regard to
the remote. However, my mind went

I am imagining - given this world
in which I spend a lot of time -
you know where my mind went.

My friend knows what I do, so he
just kinda shook his head when
he realized how I took it.

Made me wonder how sexual my world
has become.

The other observation came when we
went out for a walk. I was in his
neighborhood, and I was taking
pictures of things that to him,
were "common."

I said that the mark of art is to
make the common, uncommon. I like
to find things appealing that others
don't necessarily even pay attention
to, and bring out their beauty.

I was loving taking pictures, and
at one point I went to take a picture
between two houses, and he was trying
to get me to stop. I didn't know why,
until we were walking away.

Turns out that the house is a big
drug den that is a big problem in
the neighborhood. Now before you
wonder what kind of neighborhood I
was in, I should tell you that it
is a nice one...so nice that apparently
the drug dealers decided to move in, too.

Guess it's another way of saying
that within all things there are
dichotomies. In plainness there is
beauty. In beauty there is ugliness.

I would suppose it is all in what
you are willing to see, or where
your attention is drawn by those
things around you.

Where is your attention?

I hope you had a great weekend!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Things Can Change in an Instant | Acting on Life's Opportunities

Have you heard about Dr Frank Ryan?

Apparently he was a plastic surgeon
in Beverly Hills who had some very
high profile clients.

On the 16th of this month, he passed
away after his car plunged from a

There is speculation that he might
have been tweeting at the time of
the accident, as only 20 minutes
before he had tweeted a picture of
his dog.

I don't know about you, but something
like this makes me think about how
precious each moment of life is...as
you never know when you'll be in the
midst of your last one.

Only 20 minutes before he was seemingly
loving and appreciating life.

It is so easy to let opportunities in
life go by when you think there will
always be another moment or another

It is so easy to get caught up in the
drama, the confusion, the excitement
that life has to offer and lose sight
of something that might truly make
a difference, or have a desirable

The beauty about life is that it can
change in an instant, and it is also
the thing in life that at times can
cause regret from an experience unclaimed.

I'd say better to do the thing that
speaks to you when you have the chance
than to live in regret of an opportunity
lost. I wouldn't even mention regret,
except for the fact that all too many
people find their way to its company,
and sometimes wind up living with it
for a lifetime.

There are ways to cope with situations
like that, and you might be amazed
at what is possible...if you've ever
had something like that, and would
like to change the way you experience
it (which likely means - in part - that
you are willing to stop beating yourself
up), let's talk about the possibilities.

In the meantime, consider looking at
what life has presented you right here
right now, and imbibing all that you
find juicy and delicious.

Hmmm...how about a call to Isis? ;)
Call Button

All in a day's "Work"

Here are a few calls I had yesterday:

1. My "neighbor" called, wanting to know if I could
give him my impressions of his new bathing suit.
He also wanted me to bring over some of that
wonderful coconut oil sunscreen.

Usually I don't take calls like that (ones that aren't
hypnosis or purely sensually oriented), but yesterday
I figured what the heck? So I just went with what he
was saying, hoping that I wouldn't have to back out
at an inopportune time. He got what he needed,
and just hung up when the time ended. No personal
connection whatsoever, I was just a conduit for his
moment of fantasy. I realize this may be common
in the phone sex world but not in my experience,
as I don't do typical phone sex calls, so it was an
unusual call for me.

2. One caller wanted to be verbally humiliated.

I told him that that I was "too nice" and wouldn't be
able to pull it off. I said if it was that important to
him, he needed to find someone else. Call ended.

Even if I could "pull it off," I wouldn't want to.
I am not interested in reinforcing suggestions
of inadequacy hypnotically, or in any other way
for that matter.

3. Another person expressed an interest in hypnosis.
When I asked if he had the time, and explained how
I do things, he said yes. Right after we get the "1
minute remaining" and I tell him to be sure to add the
right amount (suspecting he might not) telling him he
could be wasting his money otherwise. He "yeses"
me and then, surprise (not), he hangs up when the
time runs out, not to be heard from him again.

I often get asked about the types of calls and callers
I get, so hopefully entries like this are helpful and/or
of interest. I would tend to think that it would give
some insight into how I am. Those it doesn't work
for will know to find someone else, those it works
for will be more sure they want to call me, and for
those who are just plain curious, it is a nibble to feed
that appetite.

Have a great day.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Never Know | Video | Wink & a Smile

"What if someone you never met,
someone you never saw,
someone you never knew was
the only someone for you?"
(Sleepless in Seattle Movie Tagline)

While it is a far fetched type of
story, the things that seem impossible
and unlikely are the ones that often
take us by surprise and run us over
like a MACK truck, because we're looking
in a different direction. Thankfully,
most times those are good things, and
"recovery" can be swift and amazing, if
we are willing to see the impossible
unfold in front of us and allow the
experience to surround us, taking us
to places never thought possible (sounds
a little like hypnosis to me).

I love the playfulness of this song
from the movie, and the analogy of
two people in a relationship being
like a "wink and a smile."


"Don't break my heart"

I had a strange dream last night.

I was dreaming about a friend of mine,
and her husband. In the dream he was
talking about how she (my friend) had
some rules for him when they first got
together, one of which was "Don't break
my heart."

I don't remember much more about the
dream, but I woke up thinking about
how as a whole people don't want their
heart to break, and how this belief
has them interact with others.

For some, it never means reaching out,
and allowing the vulnerability that
begets love. For others, when things
don't work out they blame the person
who broke their heart for not treating
the love the way they believe it should
have been treated.

The problem is that (as I have discussed
before) sometimes people confuse love
with the things that come to represent
love so when those things go away, the
appearance of love tends to disappear
with it.

Notice I said "appearance" because love
can still be present, and just not look
and feel the way the recipient wants it to.

The question might be if a person doesn't
recognize love, does love exist?

It's a valid question, and one can't look
at the question without considering the
responsibility aspect for all parties
concerned. Who is responsible for the
recognition of love?

There is also the language factor in love.
Some "speak" love differently than others.
If someone speaks it differently, one must
either learn the other's language, teach
their own language, or at least learn how
to interpret what is there so that each
person can benefit from what is available.

So many factors...it is amazing how we
manage to get along sometimes, you know?

The fact is that love can exist for another
without there having to be sex or a
relationship involved. Sometimes it is an
act of love to break up with someone if
things aren't working out.

Society in general doesn't often make these
distinctions, and when expectations that
love is going to look, sound, and feel a
certain way aren't met by someone they're
in love with, often that is when a person
feels that their heart is broken by that

And who has those expectations? The
person who feels that they're heart is
broken, not the person perceived to be
breaking the heart.

So if you ever think that someone has the
possibility of breaking your heart, you
may want to think again.

Just so you know, I know this isn't easy.
Relationships can sometimes be so very
rewarding, especially when our hopes and
desires (often translated into expectations)
are met by another we care about.

There are sometimes disappointments when
something shifts, and we no longer have
what we need. That is when it is important
to find out what is important, and when
communication is even more important than

Relationships can be forced by their
expectations, but they become uncomfortable
nightmares. Is that what you really want?

Odds are I would think not. That is why
you'd likely want to know how to separate
out the things that matter and know how
to communicate with others about them in
a way that is responsible to you and honors
the other person.

Possible? Yes. Easy? Well...like anything,
it can get easier with time and
with practice.

Sometimes love means growing together, and
sometimes love means saying good bye.
Knowing, acknowledging, and loving yourself
(among other things) will give you the ability
to recognize which is which, and even if you
were to find yourself without what you need,
you might be able to avoid the feeling that
someone has "broken your heart."

If you think about it, what you are most
likely to be feeling is a case of
disappointment that things didn't go the
way YOU wanted them to, based on expectations
YOU had, and while the other person was
involved, what is ultimately causing you
the feeling is -- YOU.

Sorry...I know it is so much better and
easier to blame the other person. Ooops,
maybe I should have warned you before you
read too far? That's OK...if that is you,
I can always hypnotize you to forget what
you just read. ;)

On the other hand, the good news is that
if anyone ever tells you you broke their
heart, you now know better.

Be well, and be loved.

PS Have you heard my recordings about love?
If not, check this out (click here) for
more on love and the recordings.

Focus on Pleasure | Images | Wall Paper | JPG | GIF

3 images (for the price of 1):
8x10 JPG
8x10 animated gif,
1024x768 Wallpaper

polished, shiny red/hot pink nails

Focus on delicious pleasure.

3 Images (see above) | $6.00

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Insecure about your looks?...You're not alone.

I speak with people all of the time
who are insecure about their looks.

If you're one of them, you're not
alone...not by a long shot.

In the superficial world in which
we live, there are those who would
like to define an ultimate sense
of what attractive is, and heaven
help someone who isn't secure within
if they don't live up to it.

I don't know about you, but in my
experience there is no absolute
when it comes to defining beauty,
despite what the media may want us
to believe.

I remember meeting someone once I
had come to care about, but hadn't
physically met in person. He was
nothing physically like "my type."

At first, I wasn't sure what I
thought, but there certainly wasn't
an immediate attraction.

However I was attracted to who he
was, and how he was in relation to
me, and I found myself assimilating
his looks with the inner self that
I found so attractive, and it wasn't
long before I was attracted to the
whole of who he was.

It wasn't the first time something
like that had happened, either.

Being open to the idea that someone
can be attracted to you for who you
are and not how you are packaged
can give you a sense of peace, if
you let it. Not only that, but your
"package" becomes more attractive,
the more the other person experiences
the beauty within you.

Before you think that I disregard the
outer wrapping, I will also say that
even the most attractive person
physically can appear quite unattractive,
if what is on the inside is ugly.

Believe it, or not, I don't think
I am "all that," but there are some
who would call me gorgeous. I may
be OK in the physical department,
but I suspect part of the "gorgeous
factor" is what they see in who and
how I am in relation to the qualities
they deem attractive.

There is beauty in each one of us,
and it is worn on each person
differently, and filtered by other
people differently.

When you are secure in who you are,
it is only natural that you will
radiate attractiveness to those who
will appreciate you for all that
you are.

Will it be for everyone?

However, the more comfortable you
are with yourself, the more likely
you will be able to allow others
to see that part of you, as your
insecurity can obscure the beauty
that is you.

Just because someone is beautiful,
doesn't mean they're attractive.

Just because someone is attractive,
doesn't mean they're beautiful.

Just because one finds another to
be beautiful or attractive,
doesn't mean another will agree.

A beautiful and/or attractive person
isn't predisposed to being capable
of, or being in, happy and healthy

That leaves a lot of open territory
and wiggle room for appreciating the
one you are with or finding her, if
you haven't yet.

PS Here is another way hypnosis can
help in a practical way. For example,
I have noticed if I am hypnotizing
someone to be more confident, I can
see their expression changing and s/he
becomes more attractive (if the person
can be seen). If I can only hear the
person's voice, the quality of voice
will change, and become more attractive.

Working with is going on between your
two ears can make all the difference
in what happens in your body and your
experience with others, and how others
experience you.

If this is of interest, let's talk!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Irresistible Me | JPG | As Promised


If you ever
wanted a picture
of my cleavage...

THIS is the ONE.

Gorgeous buckled up
red leather corset...
with LOTS to see.
Includes key necklace.

Incredible, rare angle
(as a matter of fact,
one that has never
before been seen this way).

want this one.

1 Image 8X10 JPG Only | $6.00

The logic of being illogical in a logical world | Video

We try to be logical in an illogical world.

Things that don't fit logically may get
bumped by things that "seem" to fit.

The problem is, sometimes it's an illusion.

Sometimes things don't seem make sense.

Sometimes things don't seem to fit.

Sometimes the thing to do isn't the
thing logic would dictate.

That gut feeling, the feeling that comes
from the heart of who you are, knows
what is best, and sometimes you may
risk being the fool. But odds are you
are in good company.

I bet these people were being most
illogical in their time in their approach.

Consider that a needed answer may not lie in logic.
Consider that the answer you may need to change YOUR world
may require you to be
(in the words of the video) "crazy" or
(in the words of this blog) illogical.

What do you deserve?

I see people in the phone sex and erotic hypnotic
world who get taken advantage of, and seem to
ask for it. I can't help but wonder what prompts
the openness to abuse.

I want to say they deserve better. However, when
I think about it, I wonder if they think they deserve
better. If they don't think they deserve better,
then perhaps they deserve what they get.

Frankly, I don't like the sound of abuse any which
way it is sliced, especially since I think there is a
lot that can go into it, mostly unconscious.

If you are a person who seeks that treatment, or
settles for it, perhaps you could be treated better
if you were willing to consider that you deserved
better. It will take a change of attitude to change
the atmosphere, and sometimes a change of
atmosphere will bring a change of attitude.

If you don't believe you deserve better, you will
find yourself with those people and circumstances
that reinforce your perceived position. On some
level it works for you, because it is where you are.

But it doesn't mean that it truly does work. If
you find yourself doubtful or regretful or angry
or frustrated, these are most certainly signs that
a change likely would be welcome...and, if that
is the case, know that you CAN change. It may
not be easy, but perhaps easier than you might
realize, and it most certainly IS possible.

As usual, this applies to other relationships and
experiences in other contexts within our world,
as well. The more discontented you are, the more
you might want to consider there is something
to address that you've been avoiding.

If it's time for a change, and you need a hand,
or a friendly voice, let's talk.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I am going to be posting a new pic.

This is one -
if you are a fan of
my cleavage
leather -


I promise you
you will LOVE the pic.

It even has an unusual angle for me.

You REALLY will want this.

Have a good night.
Sweet Dreams.

Anyone been to Mount Vernon?

I was thinking I might want to
visit Mount Vernon, home
of George Washington.

If you have been there, I'd love to hear
about your impressions/experience.


Destination Pleasure | JPG

Long stringed pearls.
Black bra.
B&W image with slight blue tint.

Take off to pleasure.
(Would be great as wall paper.)

1 Image 1024x768 JPG Only | $6.00

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Have we had the pleasure?

Since not everyone does the Niteflirt "thing,"
and because Niteflirt limits the number of
characters in comments, I got to thinking
that it might be cool to have an entry that
people can comment on with their experiences
of me.

Here is a chance to do something that would
most certainly please me. I always like to
share with others about what happens in a
session, and always better to come from the
"horse's mouth."

It can be a comment that is about a specific
session or recording or file, or it can be
more specific to your experience of me.
You can comment as many times as you
like, should there be a unique and enticing
reason to share.

I want this to be helpful and valuable for
anyone who might be considering introducing
themselves to me.

Commenting anonymously is OK, although
it would likely carry a little more weight if
you were to sign it in some way. It's up
to you, however you feel most comfortable
acting upon this request.

Thank you for taking the time to share. So
often I am told the reason that I am contacted
is because of what others have had to say, so
I know that those shared tidbits are vital and
likely have everything to do with why I continue
to get to meet great new people.

Your contribution is appreciated.

Have a great night!

Looking for answers...

we need to hear
what we
already know.
we need to be
reminded of
who we
already are.
we need
a loving heart
a compassionate ear
and to know who
we are is OK.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why do things happen as they do?

Sometimes things that can be terrible tragedies
can create openings for things that are their
total opposite.

I was just reading about a couple who met at an
anniversary event of the Lockerbie bombing,
and who are now getting married
. They
were both children when they lost a parent
on the plane. Odds are likely pretty good that
neither parent knew the other, and they would
never have met, had the even not occurred.

From the sound of the article, there are other
close knit relationships that have come from
the resulting bonding. It is difficult for me
to comprehend why certain things happen as they
do, and I can't help but wonder if there are
other ways that things could happen. As much
as those people likely cherish the relationships
formed, I am sure they likely would have
preferred their loved ones still be here.

(This conversation reminds me of the movie
Sliding Doors. Ever see it? If not, if I had
a list of recommended movies, this one would
most certainly be on it. It may make you think,
so don't watch it if you're wanting to avoid
having to think. ;)

In it you get to see the main character (Gwyneth
Paltrow) live out her life in two different ways,
one based on her catching a train, the other with
her missing it. There are 2 Gwenyth's that know
nothing of the trials and tribulations of the

There are times that we are very much aware of
what pain we have in our life, and perhaps the
thing in instances like that is that within
life there is both joy and sorrow, and we can
choose to focus on either one.

That above mentioned couple chooses to focus
on their love, while still acknowledging what
has come before - and even building upon it.
I don't imagine that sorrow and pain are meant
to be ignored or forgotten, and we'll likely
never know why things happen as they do.

And since events that we can't control, and
will possibly never understand, are likely to
continue to occur, it probably is not what
happens as much as what we do in relation to
what happens that matters. As a result, our
actions and how we interact with the events
will ultimately make the difference in how we
experience life and what comes next.

Be Captured | JPG

Want 800x800 of this image?
Click it.
Call Button

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I Hold the Key | JPG

curly hair
red leather corset
lots to look at

2 Image 1024x768 (wallpaper size) & 8x10 (undistorted) jpg | $10.00

Dance of the Dual Mind

There are times that people become affected
by suggestions and become dual minded.

A part of them wants the suggestion, and a
part of them wants it to stop.

Unless the part that wants them to stop acts
on the desire to stop, the part that wants
them to keep going will will.

Not only is it often is the path of least
resistance, it is also often (especially in
the erotic, hypnotic world) one full of
potential pleasure lost.

It might be difficult for the mind to
conceptualize that things can be different,
however in cases where there is a dual mind
odds are that a difference can be not only
a good thing, it can even be better than
what one thinks he has.

If you're conflicted, it might be time to
change song(s) and/or partner(s).

Monday, August 9, 2010

8 Days of Isis | The Days After

Hello there.

I hope your week is off to a good start.

I know all too often I have goodies that
people miss for one reason or another, so
I have decided that I will keep the 8 Days
of Isis
available until the end of August.

So if you'd like to give me a belated
birthday present, and help yourself to
an awesome birthday yourself, feel free
to partake after the fact.

Read here for the original details

Thanks to one of my good boys who
suggested a month long celebration.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Smile Before Sleep | Comic

Sweet dreams one and all...
thanks again for a great day!

Happy Birthday to ME!

Well...it's here!!

I hope you've
been enjoying my birthday
as much as I have!

It has been so awesome.

(If you haven't been participating,
see what you might be missing:
Read here for the original details

For the final day I have 2 options for you,
both of which have surprises included.
Since I want this to be more about what
you'd like to do for me, you won't know
what you get until you
open the Pay Email.

Hopefully the idea of the gift will make
you feel good, which means that anything
else is really just the cherry on top!

VERY IMPORTANT: There is nothing
inside for anyone who hasn't participated
all 8 days. If you want what is included
you will need to go back and participate
in the pay emails of the last week.

Pick one or the other:

Option One:

Option Two (an even bigger gift for me):
(Includes option one, plus more)

Want to really splurge?
(a VERY generous Payment Request)
(no prior participation required)

Want an alternative?
Any of these would be great
(but they would stand alone, and would
not be a part of the above 8 Days of Isis offers)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

8 Days of Isis | Day Seven

Day 7!
Wow...one more day...
and it's only
hours away...

I WILL be taking calls tomorrow.
Perhaps you want to call and
wish me a Happy Birthday.

Celebrations will come later.
For now we can celebrate together.

If you haven't been participating,
see what you might be missing:

Read here for the original details

Here is how to make Day Seven special
(click image below & accept my request)

Want an alternative?
Any of these would be great
(but they would stand alone, and would
not be a part of the above 8 Days of Isis offers)

Give Yourself a Break

When you're in the middle of beating
yourself up, there is rarely any
rational thinking.

In the midst of pain, anger, and
disappointment it is easy to be
blinded to anything helpful.

It is the times in between those
moments that we have opportunities
for perspectives that will help us
at those times when we are our most

Often we don't like that term:
vulnerable. We don't like the
idea that we can't be as strong
as we need to be. However consider
that by allowing yourself to have
support in a time of need, you are
making yourself strong.

Structures have supports that allow
them to stand, why would we think
that our structure isn't the same?

Why did we ever decide that we were
weak because we may at times be
stronger when supported?

Today I am thoughtful about this
because someone I know is having
a crisis and as I have helped, I
am reminded about how many humans
(including myself) can be.

We have trip wires that can be
counterproductive to what we think
we are doing while we are busy
beating ourselves up.

Sometimes you'll be your best self,
and it won't be "enough."

Sometimes you'll do the best you can,
and it won't be "enough."

Sometimes you'll do all that you are able,
and it won't be "enough."

Sometimes who you are won't fit the
situation in the way you think it needs
to for the outcome you desire.

Sometimes you'll want to control
everything, but feel like you control

Sometimes life sucks.

Human beings sometimes strive for a level
of perfection that could never exist. We
can never be all things to all people at
all times in all places...and yet, the
minute something goes wrong we kick
ourselves because somehow we should have
been able to be just that.

Even if we could somehow seem to be that
perfect, I suspect that there would be some
other standard above that, given the way we
seem to be wired. So odds are we would
set ourselves up to fail, as we'd never
be enough as long as there is some standard
we haven't met, that we never could meet.

Sometimes our pain and grief and anger can
play a role in getting through, and sometimes
it is destructive. Sometimes it can motivate,
other times it can make someone immobile.

I wish I knew how to "make things right" when
things seem to go wrong. But...

Sometimes life will suck.
Sometimes we will suck.
Sometimes we'll disappoint.
Sometimes we'll be disappointed.

We can demand all the certainty
we want in life. The problem is:
we live in an uncertain world.

The next time something happens
and you are tempted to beat yourself
up go a few rounds, if you must.

But realize that beating yourself
up doesn't change a thing on the
inside. As odd as it may sound,
you are always likely doing the
best you can at any given moment.

Give yourself a break.

Friday, August 6, 2010

8 Days of Isis | Day Six

Day 6!

It has been so awesome waking up to
the clicks of my good boys!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's treat.

If you haven't been participating,
see what you might be missing:

Read here for the original details

Here is how to make Day Six special
(click image below & accept my request)

Want an alternative?
Any of these would be great
(but they would stand alone, and would
not be a part of the above 8 Days of Isis offers)

What a great idea | Video | Food without soil

I have heard that at the rate that we are growing things, we are
depleting the soil's nutrients. It sounds troubling, and yet it
seems we keep going.

The video below apparently showcases an old idea that is getting
an opportunity in a 2010 setting on a rooftop in New York City.

As with anything, who knows what the good and the bad of
anything is, unless you're intimately involved, but it seems like
a solution that is worth looking into for a myriad of reasons,
and a variety of people.

Here is a case where it would seem that the change might just
do us some good.

Check it out:

Trouble Viewing? Click Here.

When Fantasy Meets Reality...

So many times I talk with guys who have a fantasy
about an "evil hypnotist" that can make them do
things, or have control over them and their orgasms,
even their ability to get hard.

What they don't realize is that fantasy can become
reality, and what one wishes for one might just get.

I know of instances when this has happened, and
while some may think how lucky a guy was for it,
it often can happen even when someone is married
or in a relationship.

Is the fantasy worth the risk that any short term
pleasure might give you? What if anything ever
happened to that domme or hypnotist? Some
guys don't know where to turn in a case like that,
or in a case where he might want to "escape" from
the situation he finds himself in, and the person
buries him even more deeply as he tries to get out.

Who would you tell? What would you tell?

If you are doing things that are potentially detrimental
to your life and well being or that is potentially
detrimental to someone, or a relationship, you care
about, that is a very important time to step back and
look at things.

You CAN have even MORE pleasure from taking care
of yourself and the things that matter to you than
setting out on a path of that might look like pleasure,
but really is likely to lead to some form of destruction.

Your mind may dispute it or question it. It may
seek to get its "hit," even as you spiral in a direction
that has an unhelpful/unhealthy dynamic.

Our wiring is meant to help us,
but often it can
be used against us.

If you're in a situation and need some help, I might
be able to help you. If you're still in fantasy mode,
please be careful, and respect your mind enough
to know that you may get a surprise at some point,
and it may not be a pleasant one.

Tornado Meets Volcano* | Video

Ask anyone who has been in an abusive relationship why they
stayed, odds are if they didn't say something like, "I love her,"
he would likely tell you he didn't know why.

Dysfunction of any type that has this "pull," seems inexplicable,
seems unable to escape or change, has its own polarity and
magnet...and it is called the unconscious or subconscious.

It is the part of the person that drives them to do certain things,
even if they are violent or hurtful to one's self or others.

I don't know that I could say this is a 100% kind of way,
however it would seem to me to be a very high percentage of
the time.

For some, love is pain. Love is arguing. Love is fighting and
making up. The definition of love depends very much on the
individual's experience of what s/he believed to be love, and
the associations s/he made. The person then makes choices
to find love in the only way it knows how.

(There are other factors, as well...hard to have a comprehensive
conversation of a complex topic in a short blog entry.)

Eminem's song/video below is intense. It speaks to the most
violent of relationships, however, there are all kinds of abuse,
and some of the worst isn't even as obvious as being mistreated
physically. Just because there is no physical experience of
mistreatment doesn't mean that a person isn't mistreated.

Some people are good at manipulating others with just their
words...and it's a form of influence, and perhaps even hypnosis
of the non-trance kind. When that is added to the mix it
becomes a form of suggestion, and makes a bad situation
even more difficult to extricate oneself from.

Some people may read this or view the video and go, "huh?"
I noticed there were some comments on YouTube, as some
didn't understand that message of the music. In some way
they may even be like those who believe they could never be
hypnotized to do something detrimental and believe that
hypnosis isn't really real, and don't understand how some
could get into the difficulties they do.

Hopefully they will never truly understand the message from
a personal experience point of view, but perhaps they can
still have some form of understanding and/or compassion
for another who knows all too well what it means.

If you find yourself stuck, you CAN get unstuck. Is it likely
to be easy? Probably not...but with enough desire, you can
find your way. Better yet, afterward you'll wonder why you
didn't leave sooner. When that happens celebrate the
perspective, and be kind to yourself...you did the best you
could with who you were at that moment in time.

*curious about the title of this blog? Be sure to watch video,
reference at 3:19.

When it gets personal... | Video

I have been hearing about how the light bulbs that we are currently
using are going to be phased out. In the back of my mind, I
imagined stocking up on a lifetime supply before they were no longer
available in stores. I also thought that the difference between the
new bulbs and old ones would only be how the top part of the
bulb looked, so I thought I would always have a choice: same
fixture, but using preferred bulb type.

I guess a part of me was apathetic about it all. It seemed to be
the way we were going, but it hadn't yet affected me.

Yesterday that changed.

Where I live there is a requirement that lighting be more energy
efficient. I had hoped that I would have a choice, that perhaps
just the bulbs were going to be changed.

Sadly, I found out that the new fixtures are made differently than
the old ones because the bulbs are made differently. It makes me
wonder if it is a way of forcing people into using the new bulbs.

I am not one for much lighting to begin with, however I am now
seeking ways to have different lighting that isn't fluorescent. Yes,
the newer light bulbs aren't as hideous as what flourescents have
been in the past, but there are two main issues I have with them.

If you break one of these new lightbulbs, you have a toxic mess on
your hands. There is an 11 step process for cleaning up the toxic
waste you now have in your home. In addition, apparently there
aren't clear cut disposal methods for these bulbs, so that mercury
is supposedly getting places where it shouldn't be. I also understand
that the bulbs are made overseas, so I cannot imagine that it is a
good thing that something that has become so crucial to our way of
life isn't even made here.

I am not sure I agree with everything said in this video, but here is
some interesting perspective on the topic:

The video below talks about the disposal of the bulbs and the dangers
of Mercury, and assures people that it is the "right" thing to do for the
planet. Wondering if they're hypnotized, or just want us to be?

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Added to the Mercury Issue, which is no small one, is the fact that
there are many people who seem to be affected adversely by
fluorescent lighting. Those who aren't affected poo-poo it, and
make fun of those who are, taking this particular part of the issue
lightly. However, there does seem to be some credence to the
possibility that lighting like this can cause issues for some, and
this law takes away the ability for there to be other options, short
of going back to candlelight, or stocking up on incandescent light
bulbs, and holding onto older lamps and fixtures.

So now I am more aware of the situation, but don't know what if
anything can be done. I suspect that there are many who are like
me who were (and are) just bopping along, and won't care much
about this until it's too late.

For the moment, I will just write about this, and my concerns, and
see if anyone out there may have some thoughts. I am all for
helping the environment. I am just not sure that this is the way
to do it, and if anything, it seems like it might potentially cause
more harm than good because we are good about not caring about
those things that are outside of what we can see. Look at how we
already handle waste.

I was told that by making these changes, I would save on electricity.
I already was only using 2 of 4 bulbs that were in a couple of my
fixtures. Perhaps if we just cut back on what we had it would help,
too. The bulb legislation to me seems to be more of a reaction, and
about money than anything else.

Of course, we need to be led to believe otherwise.

Our country was founded on the freedom of choice, and it seems
to me that - in our best interests - our freedom to choose is being
taken away little by little. I can't imagine what is motivating the
people who are making these choices on our behalf. I'd like to give
the benefit of the doubt, but this does not seem thought through
for the best all round effect.

Ignorance and apathy only feed situations like this, and unless
something happens to alter the plan, the world in which we live will
be looking much different in just a few short years from now, and
that will likely just be the beginning. I am usually a pretty positive
person, but I don't even want to think about what repercussions this
may bring in ways we don't yet know or realize.

If you want someone to do something when they're hypnotized, you
give them only the choices you want them to have...and they may
be no choice at all. You can also get them to believe that the choice
they make is theirs, and that it is the one that is "best" for them.

When we no longer recognize our ability to have other choices it
verges on too late. However there are always other choices...we just
to have to allow ourselves to see them unfettered by the fog of
limitation that is often brought upon us by someone or something

There is no question tough choices need to be made, but perhaps we
should consider that they need to be made more on a micro (personal)
level than a macro (government) one. Isn't that the way government
in this country is supposed to work any way?

Being responsible for our choices is different than being made to be
responsible. The minute human beings start to manipulate things is
the moment that other issues are likely to arise.

I'll leave you with this last thought about a bigger picture awareness
with smaller picture actions:

"Among the Indians there have been no written laws. Customs handed
down from generation to generation have been the only laws to guide
them. Every one might act different from what was considered right
did he choose to do so, but such acts would bring upon him the
censure of the Nation. This fear of the Nation's censure acted as a
mighty band, binding all in one social, honorable compact."
- Quote by Tecumseh, Shawnee Indian Tribe

How can we better honor ourselves and the world in which we live?

8 Days of Isis | Day Five

Day 5!
This is shaping up to be a GREAT birthday...and I hope that
you are enjoying the build up to my special day right alongside me.

I am pretty certain you'll enjoy today's thank you.
You'll have to let me know.

Please don't say what it is publicly,
as I'd like for it to
remain a surprise.

Have you been participating?

Read here for the original details

Here is how to make Day Five special
(click image below & accept my request)

Want an alternative?
Any of these would be great
(but they would stand alone, and would
not be a part of the above 8 Days of Isis offers)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

8 Days of Isis | Day Four

Today is Day 4.
Half way there.

Have you been participating?

Read here for the original details

Here is how to make Day Four special
(click image below & accept my request)

Want an alternative?
Any of these would be great
(but they would stand alone, and would
not be a part of the above 8 Days of Isis offers)