Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Love is a Many Splendored Thing | Video

Have you ever heard that we define what love
looks like differently?

For some love could be associated with pain.

For some love could be associated with the
things another does for you.

For some love could be denial.

There are as many ways to experience love as
there are people on the planet. Yes there
will be similarities, however the exact (and
complex) composition of what equates to love
for each individual will vary.

I mention this because love is a very primal
thing. It seems to be something that we all
want in some form or fashion, but often seems
to be elusive. It seems to be something that
when found is like a magical elixir. All
seems to be right with the world for a time.

Our hormones play a role in that process, and
can sometimes be deceiving when they stop
doing what they once did to have us feeling
the "love drug." How one experiences that
"drug" can vary as well, depending on what
dynamics trigger it.

I found myself wondering how many people who
call me are looking for the "love connection"
with me. This is not to say they want to
fall in love with me, or even have a conscious
awareness of what they're unconsciously seeking.
It is also not to take away from any current
relationships or to judge.

What it is is a thought about something so
profound that we as human beings will seek it
out, and when it is found in a way that clicks
with the person's perspective and perceived
needs, it makes me think that it is an
easy abyss to fall into.

Whether or not the abyss is a safe place or
not will depend on many things. The key is
does it work for the parties involved?

Some will call me and want to experience
pain and humiliation, and I am unable to
help them. If that is to them a form of
"love," then I am unable to love them in
the way that they think they need to be
loved. Of course, they won't likely view
it as love, it will likely be labelled as
something much less deep.

Depending on their mindset, they might be
open to a kinder version of what love can
look like, however more often than not
they're off to find someone that they can
(even if subconsciously) "fall in love"

Of course, this is all speculation on my
part, as there is no way to know these things
for sure. Most people (I would suspect) who
would find themselves in the middle of this
perspective would likely be unwilling to
address the possibility because of the
discomfort of the "attached" meanings, both
their own, and others. Since we don't live
in a void, we are often biased by what others
think should be.

Love truly is a beautiful and profound thing,
and it is something that in its purest form
is a gift. When it gets attached to people
and things it is very often when it is
confusing and can lead to disappointment,
and other not so great emotions and circumstances.

Love in its purest form is unlimited in quantity,
and is able to be shared in a myriad of ways
with a myriad of people without detriment. To
deny ourselves that perspective is to deny
ourselves of one of our most basic needs and
one of our most delicious nutrients.

This is of course, what I believe. As they say,
your mileage may vary. However, if it makes
sense to you, perhaps consideration of this
perspective will give you a gift of some sort.

For more on the subject of love, and to learn
about a MP3 I have called Pure Love: The Gift,
please click here.

Here's an oldie with lyrics that came into my
mind as I was writing. It is likely written
about a romantic relationship, but the beauty
is I believe it transcends that limited

"Love is a many splendored thing"

"It's nature's way of giving a reason to be living"

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