Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Being a good neighbor

Recently someone called me and he was looking
for a submissive experience. He sounded
resigned. Apparently he felt that the way
things had been the last several years were
the way they would need to remain, but didn't
seem too happy about it.

When I heard his resignation, I suggested that
perhaps hypnosis could help him OUT of what
he was in. During the conversation he made
the point that he felt "responsible" for
continuing his actions, given he was asking
for the treatment that he was describing,
and couldn't blame, or hold responsible, those
he was asking to treat him that way.

I thought it was great that he saw his
responsibility in the situation, however I
felt it my responsibility - given the way he
sounded - to point out things that he might
not have been aware of or considered, and
perhaps no one else had mentioned.

As I have discussed before, I believe
responsibility is more than one party's
concern. Interestingly, it seems that our
society, in general, isn't exactly of the
same mind.

I was reading how BP did not do a Safety Case
for their rig in the Gulf
. (A Safety Case
outlines how the risks will be managed).
The reason? It isn't required in the US.

Now, besides the fact that I am wondering why
it isn't, I look at BP and wonder why (other
than perhaps greedy and expedient reasons)
when something is so important to the well
being of those in their employ, and those in
the region, not to mention those the effects
of an event would have a ripple effect on,
they didn't just take on the idea that it
would just be the responsible thing to do.

If there are ways that we can be responsible
to others, it's my opinion that we should do
whatever we can. Just because someone asks
me to do something doesn't mean that I should.

Yes, I likely could. But just because
something could be done, doesn't mean it
should be done. Just because BP could do
without the Safety Case doesn't mean that is
what should have happened.

I realize this is not the "usual" way of
looking at things. I don't know about you,
but I am not sure that the "usual" is what
we need right now.

What do you think?

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