Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hypnotic Quandry

On and off I hear a cry for hypnosis legislation. I hear about
people who want to make laws that can get the people who
abuse hypnosis reported, and legally affected in some manner.

Every time I hear about something like that, I have to wonder
how in the world they could do such a thing. It would seem
to me that those who would be "up to no good" would likely
be smart enough to fly under the radar. It also occurs to me
that it is possible that someone could be reported for doing
something that they never did, and how in the world would
anyone truly know?

The mind is an incredible thing, and one never knows what is
"real" and what is a "dream." Have you ever been convinced
that something happened a certain way, but it didn't? Or
forgotten something that was so vivid in another person's
mind? Perhaps one day there will be a way to tell. At the
moment, though, hypnotic memories are so sketchy, that courts
will not allow testimony based on what comes from a hypnotic

A few years back, I had a conversation with a police department
regarding a situation. I was curious what they might say about
an event that I knew of in which it seemed someone was taken
advantage of. What I was told was that it would likely be
difficult to prove anything. Who's to say that the person didn't
just do what they did, had remorse, and decided to say otherwise?

Sadly I know of more than one event in which if there was
some recourse, the person involved might have attempted
to do something about it. I say might because in several
of the cases, the situation was too embarrassing and/or
painful to do anything about it, except just go on. I am
sure that some of these people are concerned about what
the fallout would be, and would prefer to be quiet and, if
need be, suffer in silence.

I got to thinking about this again (for the umpteenth time)
because of news item about a woman in Pennsylvania
who is suing her previous employer because of alleged
sexual assaults under hypnosis that occurred while she
was employed
. (Click for link to story).

I will be curious to see what the outcome of this will be.
I use the word "alleged" only because there is no way for
me to know what happened, and in this country the
courts need to determine if alleged is "true" or not.

It is possible that she could be disgruntled and
making up her allegations. It is also possible,
should some pictures turn up, that she agreed to pose
for them, and now is embarrassed that she did. At the
same time, what she describes seems more than feasible
to me.

I read mind control stories that are works of "fiction."
However from some of what I know, I would believe that
there are possibilities that something similar could have
happened, or could be happening, somewhere to someone.

The only way to prevent people from being taken advantage
of hypnotically is if people were isolated from one
another. While we like to think the law can help us,
sometimes I think we need to seek more to interact with
things at the point of cause instead of the symptom.

Hypnosis can happen any number of ways - through text,
through IM, through a visual, through something auditory.
Not all things will work for all people at all times, but
the possibilities are endless, and don't always require
a trance state. Anyone who wants to manipulate and take
advantage will find a way to do it that looks "innocent"

In the meantime, it is difficult to know what can be
done in regard to the abuses that occur. I wish I knew
"the" answer, but the best I can come up with is to
make people as aware as possible of the possibilities,
and hope that they're able to do what they need to to
stay as safe as possible. Plus the more that we can
talk about this, the more likely someone who needs
help will be able to find a way to talk about it without
a fear of being ridiculed or ashamed for what happened.

I do, though, know of one instance when someone was in
over their head with one person only to find another who
was supposedly going to help him. Yeah, they helped
him, alright...into an even bigger mess.

What exactly is happening within people that is having
them desire to care so little for another and that
person's desires or, on the other end of the spectrum,
have others feel that they deserve to be treated so

While I have seen abuse, I have also seen the amazing
power of the mind to help itself, when it has a belief
that it deserves better than what it is getting.

Interestingly that applies even without being entranced
maliciously by someone. We are entranced by life and
the events that happen to us, and can do things we'd
rather not be doing.

If you believe you deserve better, you have the ability
to awaken yourself to better things. Will it be easy?
Probably not...but worth it? Hell yeah! :)

Need some help? Let's talk.

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