Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

"have you loved for real, in a total and undefended way?" | Arjuna Ardagh

"have you loved for real, in a total and undefended way?
If not, and here’s where you have to be honest with yourself,
is that ok with you?
Is it ok to die one day without the heart’s gift haven been fully given?"

Yesterday I wrote about how I feel many people
might be looking for love when they call me.

Today I came upon a wonderful blog entry called
Why it is Wise to Worship a Woman by Arjuna
, the author of the above quote.

What he writes about is something that many talk
about in erotic hypnosis and in the Femdom world,
however his form of worship (it seems to me) has
a different, more complete, more respectful

I thought what he wrote, while long, is beautiful,
and that is why I wanted to share it with you
(just click on the title of the blog to read it
for yourself).

He says that his entry was prompted by a Facebook
entry about his wife that he posted before going
to bed:

"'I have had many many great teachers in my life.
A super abundance. No one and nothing comes close
to the woman who is now asleep in my bed. My
marriage has become the sat guru, the salvation,
the muse, the crack through which the divine shines

What beautiful words that are beautiful because
they come from deep within. So many will give
lip service to ideas that sound good, but will
ring hollow. When you truly feel something, it
is something that just flows easily, and the
beauty is that you don't have to convince, or
train, yourself to believe it.

He addresses phone sex, "For $1.99 a minute, you
can see her breasts, maybe her vagina, and you can
stimulate yourself in a sad longing for deeper
love." To some degree I suspect he may be
talking about what I was yesterday. He says
phone sex stimulates a longing, when in actuality
I wonder if it's the longing that sends someone

Any which way you go, I'd say it's something to
think about. There is beauty in people, and there
is beauty in both genders and what they can offer
each other.

There is nothing greater than the profound
connection that we can have with another,
and I suspect it is what drives us to find
it. The thing is, though, I think we want
the connection so badly we seek to create
it, when it is actually something that
creates itself, and what we're supposed to
do is recognize what has been uncovered.

I wonder if we might we sometimes miss
access to the wonder of this dynamic, too
busy trying to create something that is
right in front of us.

What do you think? Would love to know your
impressions of Arjuna's blog.

Have a great day!

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