Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Dance Me to the End of Love | Video

Several years ago I took off some time from work to "find myself.'

It was a relatively short period of time, but I wanted to
see if I could make a go at a different type of job and
career. I wanted something outside of the 9-5.

That was the first time that I could get up when I wanted
and do what I wanted for work, and I spent a lot of time
out and about. One day I was in a McDonalds, and I
struck up a conversation with a woman.

She was a Holocaust survivor. It was an incredible
conversation that we had, and when she shared what
she did, I could feel the pain of what she survived,
and the pain of the life that she had following her
experiences. It was a very profound moment in
time that I will never forget.

How in the world do you respond to something so
tragic that you haven't experienced personally? What
can you possibly say that won't sound lame? I listened
a lot that day.

I am reminded of her today because of the controversy
surrounding a survivor of Auschwitz. Apparently his
daughter wanted to create something that would have
an impact for people, and she filmed her father and his
grandchildren dancing at Auschwitz.

Some people think that what he did trivializes what
happened, or at least that there is the potential for
that. Others are supportive.

Just like anything in life, I suppose.

What I think it shows is the resilience of a man who
was not beaten. I think it shows that he chose to
celebrate life, instead of focusing on the pain and
what he lost.

Life is about the choices we make. Many are not based
in something as horrific as this man's experiences, however
little things can sometimes whittle away at our soul, and
the bigger ones can call our attention for a time to the
things that really matter in life. They can shake up things
and shake us out of the trance-like experience that we
are having that can pull us down.

Sadly, I don't think that woman I met that day had the
experience of being victorious over life like this man
seems to. Perhaps there is something positive in this
for us all...we just have to allow ourselves to see it.

IF our life is created through our focus, it would seem to
me that this man's take is one that could empower us
moving forward.

The video below isn't the one that caused so much
controversy, but it is a part of the series, and I think the
song is beautiful, and that the overall message is a
celebration of life and love.

Come dance with me.

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