Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, July 26, 2010

Empathy for Escape

I once was an observer to a conversation between another
erotic hypnotist and someone who enjoyed being hypnotized.
The latter was asking the former about how some hypnotists
are affected by their own work. She suggested he not believe
the "hype." Based on what I observed, it seemed to me that
she wasn't much into being hypnotized herself.

I find that interesting, as I believe that the more I can
understand about a person's experience hypnotically, the
better I am a a hypnotist. While I am unable to experience
everything, and every nuance of an individual's experience,
it gives my perspective an added dimension.

Is she a good hypnotist? Apparently some think so, so
perhaps it isn't necessary to walk in the other person's
world to be effective in affecting them.

However, when I can relate to another, my approach benefits
a person more I believe when I can understand more of why
a person feels and acts the way he does. I remember someone
I know once telling me long before I got into this type of "work"
that he liked to be submissive at times because he had a lot
he had to be in control of.

It is a common thing that I hear. I heard it, and it made
sense to me logically, but a greater understanding of it
came in time when I got to have my own experiences of
feeling overwhelmed by the things that were going on in
my life. I wanted to just get away for a while. It wasn't
the first or the last time that it would happen, but given
the comment I was able to identify it differently than I
had at other times.

One possible problem with this type of coping mechanism
is that it can overtake a person, and instead of it being a
vacation, it becomes a permanent destination.

It is a fine balancing act we must do as human beings.
And the key is to balance. The problem is that perfect
balance is practically impossible to obtain, and even
when it is, even the slightest thing can cause a dip to
one side or another.

I suppose how we handle those moments is the difference
between a tip and a dip. When you are feeling the need
to escape, it is likely things have been building up for
quite some time, and it is equally likely that a time like
that is a time that you will be taking a sizable dip. In
a way, it makes sense, as you've gone so far to the other
side, you have to take a huge step in the other direction.
It is also a time you are most likely to REACT to a situation,
and that creates its own set of dynamics.

It is likely best to have outlets along the way. I know that
certain people's voices have a calming effect on me.
One time one of them even said, "Everything is going to
be alright," and in that moment, it felt like all was right
with the world, even though in daily life there was much
that was questionable. It was an amazing gift, and it
wasn't so much the words, but the feeling behind them.
That person was taking a stand for me in that moment
giving me some strength when I didn't feel so strong.

Sometimes it is nice to have someone be our strength,
however there are some who would turn that around
and use it to weaken you. Just because you have
moments of weakness, doesn't mean you are weak.
Just because you have moments of wanting to let go,
it doesn't mean you are submissive.

It's very easy to collapse things, and those collapses
will often serve one person or another. Even allowing
yourself to believe things about yourself that aren't
true serves you. In some ways, it allows you off the
hook. The thing is, that you are trading a part of
yourself for it and you might want to ask yourself,
is it worth it?

Ultimately we need to find our own way and strength,
and sometimes it takes another to help us recover
and discover what we have within, especially since
it is capable of hiding so well in times of stress.

Some say that time spent with me, and listening to
my voice, is soothing and supportive. If I can help
you in any way, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. very nicely stated you have always helped calm me in my overwhelmed days
