Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, March 26, 2010

Be Caught in Isis Web of Pleasure

"This may be your best recording yet! "

That is what someone said about
Isis Web of Pleasure
when it was first published.

While several more have come since,
I'd say it is still one of my best and
strongest recordings, even though
it is relatively short at 14-minutes.

It comes with an animated .gif that
you should watch while listening,
for best effect.

"This session is the most powerful
and sublimely addictive mp3 I have
ever listened too. Its influence is
broad, deep and amazing. Thank You Isis.

It is a recording about strengthening
our connection and the feeling of
sweet surrender. It is a recording
about control. The effects of the
suggestions are subtly present once

It is also a recording that is best
listened to by someone hypnotized
by me previously, however it is
one that is crafted in a way it might
just work for those who haven't had
the pleasure of a live session with
me just yet.

"escape isn't a possibility and
why would you want to. If you want
a truly awesome controlling deep
hypnotic experience you have
arrived at your destination.

From now til Sunday evening, 9PM PST,
I am offering this recording and .gif for
just $5. However, why would you wait
a second longer than you have to to
get it?

After the deadline, the button below
will be at the full, regular rate of $19.95.

"mmmmm definitely another winner"

As always, if you have questions,
please ask and ENJOY being
caught up in
my web of pleasure

If you have this MP3, and would like to
comment about it below, it would be
appreciated. :)

Thanks! and we'll talk soon,


  1. i just picked this up last night. :)

    Ms Isis once again surpasses Herself, skillfully taking you into Her silken domain of pleasure and devotion to Her. If you've previously enjoyed Her trances, this little number will definitely bring you a deep blissful ride. Grab this one while the special's on. you won't be disappointed!!

  2. Ms Isis I listened to your sexy voice and found myself stuck in your sticky web of pleasure. It is a great recording.

  3. It feels so good being here. I am very intrigued by the way this recording has affected me.

  4. It's one of my favorites...for many reasons. Love how y'all are enjoying it so much!

  5. This recording should come with a big warning sign:"Will cause sweet, sweet surrender!". Then again, a warning would imply something unwanted, but why on earth would anyone want to resist the power of Isis?

    I got caught in Isis Web of Pleasure, and I'll be stuck here forever, with a smile on my face :)

  6. My first listen , i want to hear your voice over and over again Isis, feel so relaxed and so your good boy, unable to resist so much pleasure, red strands each so strong, binding the pleasure deep within the web. have to listen again.

    Thank you Isis My Goddess

  7. the amazing thing about this recording is its after effects. i find that when i have a slow moment i sense myself being wrapped in her sticky silky web. i can literally feel it and within this i sense Isis presence. i find this experience exciting and want very much to listen to it repeatedly to reinforce this intoxicating feeling, this is my favorite of Isis recordings. thank you Isis. wonderful
