Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some Thoughts on Global Warming and Hypnosis

I just saw this story, and it made me want
to give my few cents on the topic of global

An Island Disappears

There is so much talk about global warming
these days. One of my clients figured that
I believed in the concept, and wouldn't
like her thoughts on the subject.

She was surprised to hear what I had to say,
and that was that I didn't know if it was
"true" or not, but what I do know seems to
be true is that we are doing things to this
planet that are unhealthy and disruptive
with little more than a shrug. If believing
in global warming gets us to think more
about what we're doing (and more importantly
gets us to act differently), then I am all
for it.

I sometimes look at the conversations, and
wonder if people realize what is happening.
Both sides want to be "right," all the while
the "true" problem is that the planet has
issues, and it is possible that it is in part
because of how we interact with it.

In my opinion it is reasonable to believe that
we are affecting the planet and our ability to
coexist with it. Yes, there may be things that
will happen on their own, however to disregard
our cumulative ability to affect the planet,
I believe, could be to our collective detriment
at the rate we're going.

I could be wrong...however, is a disregard of
the possibility going to make it any less of

In case it isn't clear, I am not disputing
whether global warming as a man-made
phenomena exists, but rather making a case
for us to take better care of this place we
call home.

I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt to
those on both sides of the discussion that
if they were to consider the possibility that
we could be adversely affecting the planet
with our contribution (no matter how seemingly
small) that it would be worth considering what
we could do to treat it with the respect and
the awe that it deserves.


You may be wondering what does this all have
to do with hypnosis?

A couple of things come to mind:

1. Hypnosis is about focus. One is so focused
on what is suggested he never sees anything else.

While everyone is so focused on global warming,
the core of what is at stake is missed.

2. When one is at the effect of hypnosis, he
reacts. He has an inability to ACT and reason
out his response.

Are those who are most passionate about this
conversation reacting or acting? There is no
judgment in this, as I couldn't possibly know,
however it is a question worthy of being asked.
How it is answered will say a lot about where
the person's argument comes from, what is said,
and what is ultimately possible.

I leave you with these thoughts of Carl Sagan.

Other links that may be of interest regarding
living in the world community:

4/4 Sea Disappears
3/26 Coral Reefs Disappearing

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