Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This was a cute video, and while it may seem
to be a female/male thing, it is more of a
human thing.

We all communicate differently, and are often
attracted to our opposites. Remember that
the next time you think you're about to fight.

You may have heard something right, but
misunderstood it any way.

1 comment:

  1. Blogger Isis_The_Enchantress said...

    Sorry...Thora...but I disagree. I think that it is easy to stereotype (and sometimes even fun and humorous) however, I do believe that people communicate and hear things differently, and that has nothing to do with one's chromosomes.

    Like I said above, "You may have heard something right, but misunderstood it any way," and that is not a fault of someone, but rather a facet of the uncertain nature of communication.

    So there. :P Sorry, not willing to let you discredit yourself that much. Hope I'm not taking away all your fun. :)
