Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

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People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Answering a Question Asked

Recently in my Yahoo Group I received the following
message/question. Since it seems to be a topic
worthy of sharing for the benefit of others, I am
sharing the question, and my response, here.

If you have anything you'd like to know, I am more
than happy to address it...just ask!

"After some time listening to a hypnotherapist' s recordings, I've noticed a change in my overall attitude. I seem to be angrier, more agressive, and that's not at all like me. So far it hasn't affected my behaviour, but if it's affecting my attitude, it may soon translate over to how I act. There have been positive changes, I'm getting more done, I'm generally more active, it's just the attitude change that's bothering me. Should I write to the hypnotist to inform them of this? Should I wait a while to see if the attitude change resolves itself? Any advice would be welcome."

Hypnosis has a lot to do with relationships.
It could be that something happened about
the same time you began to listen to the
recordings, and because of that you associate
the two when in actuality the only connection
is a perceived one.

This is not to say that they aren't connected,
but rather that there are other possibilities.

Since I know nothing about the recordings I
can't say too much however, depending on how
suggestions are worded, there could be an inner
conflict that the suggestions are creating.

I spoke with someone recently who had heard
his whole life that he would go to hell for
being with another man, and yet he wanted to
'be with another man. Any guesses as to why
he would refrain from it?

If a part of you felt you were going to go
to "hell" for following the suggestions,
there could be inner conflict which could
result in the behavior you are concerned
about. Of course, for you it might not be
"hell," but it might be your unconscious'
own version of what that might be. Our
unconscious strives for what is known, even
when it isn't something that is beneficial
for us, and can work at odds with what we
desire consciously. In a way, a desire to
change something known (whether it works,
or not) can be a form of "hell," as it screams
to maintain what it thinks is beneficial for
some reason. Oddly enough, because of any
association your unconscious has, it really
is trying to do something good for you by
attempting to maintain the perspectives
and behaviors.

Recordings can be good for us, however,
how something is dealt with can be key.
Interacting only with the behaviors isn't
interacting with the causes of those behaviors.
Unfortunately recordings are not often able/
equipped to be able to do that.

It's good that you are having some positive
results, however, it seems that a deeper cut
might be warranted/a good idea. Do you have
a "relationship" with the hypnotherapist that
transcends the recordings? It definitely might
be worth exploring your experience with that
person. Even if you don't, it might be worth
expressing your experience, just in case there
might be some effect that the recordings are
encouraging. However careful someone might
be creating a recording, the mind of the
listener can always make up its own "stuff."
I have seen it happen many times.

Any which way you go, since it seems that your
concern continues to grow stronger, I would
suggest that you consider doing something about
the anger and aggressiveness so that you stay
away from doing something you might later regret.

Let me know if you have any questions about
the above, or if there
is any way that I can help.

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