Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't Feed the Animals

A friend of mine was telling about a visit
to some of our national parks. He told me
that park rangers were telling visitors
not to feed the animals, and they were
explaining why it was not a good idea.

The reasons had to do with what might not
seem obvious, but are detrimental and
undesirable results.

1. If bears and other threatening animals
were to get used to human food, they would
come after it more, and come closer to
humans that they could hurt. When that
happens, apparently they have to shoot the
animals. Not to mention that people have
been hurt/attacked because bears are
comfortable around people, and are looking
for food.

2. If birds that feed off of seeds in
trees were being fed by humans they wouldn't
do their "thing" with the seeds that ultimately
helps the forest to continue, as part of it
has to do with seeds that wind up planted and
growing into new trees.

3. If the animals get used to being fed
human food they will not do what they need
to do to survive the winter, when humans
are not around to feed them. They become too
dependent on a behavior that is short sighted,
and will ultimately cost them their life.

In addition, human food is not good for the
animals, any way.

People who visit the parks are told these
things, and then guess what many of them do.

They feed the animals!

It seems to me a bit like how our unconscious
and conscious minds work. We may know something
is not in our best interest, but we do it any
way because there is something about what it is
that gives us something (very much in the way that
feeding the animals gives us something, it also
takes away something in the process).

It also occurs to me that when we are challenged
it helps us to grow. If someone makes it easy
on us, we may not do what we need to do to grow
ourselves or be able to do what we need to do
when we need to do it.

Some might even encourage dependence for some
self serving reason that could be conscious or
unconscious. From everything in life we get
something. If we didn't get it, we wouldn't
do it.

Maybe it pays to take a step back every now and
again and see what we are doing that might not
be so great for us or those we love. Then, if
we do recognize something that might be worth
changing, considering doing something about it
before we are attacked or die (metaphorically
speaking, of course).

We like to act like things don't matter. But
we could be wrong. We could be very wrong.
Is the cost of our self centered actions
based on little more than arrogance - and
potential denial - worth it?

This is not to say that everyone is this way
in regard to everything. But every day there
is news of those things that didn't matter
having adverse effects for those who are near
enough to be affected. One might think if
they're not near, they're safe. But we're all
connected, and sooner or later the effect could
trickle down. So why not reconsider some of
our assumptions and make some changes before
it's too late to know what "suddenly" hit us?

I don't know about you, but it saddens me to
see that collectively in some way, every day
we are whittling away the world with our shrugs
and myopic vision. And yes, some may say otherwise,
but tell me: is it an argument worth winning when
it may often be difficult to tell the effects of
today's actions today, and tomorrow may be too late?

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grabbing onto the Moment | Video

I have come to really appreciate country music in
the last few months. Some have said country doesn't
sound so country these days. Maybe that is why
something I never used to pay much attention to
now has my interest.

Any which way, I do feel that country songs have a
lot to say. The video below is about not letting
something slip through your fingers. The video is
about a man and a woman, but it is a message that
could apply more broadly to opportunities in your

See what you think.

Beautiful the Way You Are | Video

I was reading an article about how The Voice
is the Anti Idol
. It raised some interesting
points, and as I thought about it, I came to
a few of my own thoughts about how the two
shows are in many ways representative of how
we "do" life.

In many ways Idol is how we try to manipulate life,
and how we try to get it to fit into the boxes
and labels we want it to be.

The Voice seems to say, "This is who I am. Take
me or leave me." Interestingly, it seems as though
people are taking to those who are making it into
the finals.

It seems to be one of the paradoxes of life that
we try to make everything fit so neatly, and yet
when we can truly be who we are, and see those
being who they truly are, there is a connection
that can be made that can't be manufactured.

I would bet that The Voice is successful (at
least in part) because despite the fact that
it doesn't "fit" the perfect mold, what it
does fit, in some way, is who we aspire to be
without the pressures to be something and
someone we are not.

The following video is one of the contestants
with a song about perspective. See what you

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At what cost?

He is married, with one child.
He had split from his wife,
but had gotten back together
with her.

He admitted that, in some ways,
he took the easy way out. He
had a lifestyle that was more
than comfortable, and wasn't
sure he wanted to jeopardize
it. He had also been with his
wife for years, so he was going
with what he knew. He didn't
like the idea much about dating
again - even though he and his
wife were rarely - if ever -
having sex, even after their

He said he tries not to think
about it. That also seemed easier,
and yet here he was talking to
me about it. He noticed that
despite not wanting to think
about it, it was often lurking
under the surface.

He isn't happy, and he knows it.

But he doesn't know what to do
about it. He feels stuck.

I can appreciate where he is -
to some degree. There was a
relationship that I had that I
was in and out of more than once
before the final break. The
reconciliations did nothing to
change things. Words were
exchanged, and maybe it seemed
as though things might be different,
but I think it was more wishful
thinking, and not be willing to
see things as they were that
brought me back those times.

Interestingly, when it finally
ended it was a RELIEF.

And...I wasn't even married to
the guy, and there was no child

Interestingly when this guy spoke
of his wife, he said "polite" things,
but he said nothing about why he'd
want to stay with HER. It was more
about the child, the lifestyle.

When I pointed this out, he recognized
that I was right. I asked him how
he'd feel if someone was staying with
him because of what she could get from
him. I asked him wouldn't he want
someone to want him for who he was
than what he had to offer.

I asked him if he was really doing his
child any favors. I have known of
situations in which the parents were
so unhappy - but stayed together "for
the kids" - which were troubled and
troubling situations for more than one
reason. Sometimes pretending everything
is OK and staying together will do more
of a disservice to the children.

If two people have a child's well being
in mind when acting, they will find ways
to take care of the child - at a distance.
The key is to have the core desire to
focus on helping the child, rather than
using the child as a ploy (which I have
sadly also seen more than once).

Those who are for "family" will argue
that family comes at any cost. Of course,
they won't say it that way, but they'll
have a family that superficially "works,"
on the surface, but that's it. The good
(acceptable?) appearance of things, though,
in situations like that is at great personal
expense to those who are in the

How much are you willing to "pay" to stay
in a situation that doesn't work? To stay
in situations that don't fulfill your
most basic needs? To stay in a situation
that demoralizes you?

If you re-read that paragraph, you might be
able to tell that it can apply to other types
of relationships as well. When you are so
focused on holding on to what you got, you
may not be able to see what amazing things
you might be coming into - if you just let go.

There are no absolute answers, despite what
some may think. What is right for you might
go against what others think is right. I
know someone who says they're concerned for
how their spouse will be treated by their
family if there is a divorce.

This is not to say that the feelings of others
should not be considered. However, if they
are acknowledged to your own detriment, consider
that the value of those actions may be diminished.
Also consider that you are not responsible for
another person's experience of life, or how
another interprets the things that happens in
their life.

Many times when staying together seems to be
difficult, it is easy to look anywhere but
within. The reason for this is that if we
were willing to really look at ourselves, and
listen, we might have to make choices that
rock the boat. Ironically, if you are unhappy,
what you haven't likely noticed is that the
boat is already rocking.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Only Worry in the World ... | Video (Music)

I love this line...

"The only worry in the world
is the tide gonna
reach my chair"

Wouldn't it be great if we
had a world that was even
remotely close to being that?

Here's to all of those
wonderful get lost,
peaceful moments.

Want one of your own?
Call me!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy July 4th (Almost!)

A few years ago I created a recording
called Isis Fireworks, and it is designed
to make the night of your 4th erotically

(Click Below to Buy for $1.00!)

It is designed only for those hypnotized
by me. If we've never spoken, and you're
interested, you still have time to plan.
The more you listen to this recording
between now and then, the better (and
more powerful
) its effects.


Gender Bias

I was just reading an article about a preschool
in Sweden that takes big efforts to gender
neutralize everything

The idea behind it seems to be to give
children the opportunity to just be
themselves without feeling "compelled"
(my word) to be the expectations of
their gender.

While it seems to me that we certainly
have room for improvement, it would
also seem to make sense to identify
with one's gender to see, if nothing
else, how it "fits."

Perhaps a girl will identify more with
the boys, and a boy will identify more
with the girls, but perhaps it would
be better to have a more informed and
tolerant world that allows for self
discovery, and the forging of a path
that works for the individual rather
than one that society deems appropriate.

We seem to have enough trouble as it is
sometimes figuring out who and how we
are. Hopefully those whose children
are enrolled are helping them to distinguish
which choices seem to fit for them within
the gender roles without negating their
own, or the other, gender.

We have genders. There is no getting
around it, and it seems to me that a
avoidance of it (if that is what this
is) is no more helpful than an avoidance
of anything else.

It seems geared to help kids, but I can't
help but wonder if it is potentially misguided
as it would seem it is the adults who have
the gender bias issues, not the kids.

I would be curious to know your thoughts.

Focus & Enjoy (New Video)

Let me know what you think!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Trying to Please Everyone? (Read This)

You're never going to please everyone.

You might be one way, and a person
will feel wonderful around you.

You might be around another person
and be the same way, and that
person feels uncomfortable.

When you don't know who you are,
or feel insecure or not confident,
it may be easy to be swayed by the
winds of another.

Don't do it.

I suggest you don't do it.

The more willing you are to take a
stand for who you are, foibles and all,
the more likely you will find the people
and situations who will like you just
the way you are - give or take a little, LOL.
(No one's that perfect).

For a long time I had difficulty being
who I am, as it seemed that I didn't
really "fit." I was often the odd one
out, and yet, it seemed that people who
took the time to pay attention to me
one on one seemed to appreciate who
I was.

It is easy to wonder "what is wrong
with me?" when you don't have a clear
sense of not only who you are, but that
who you are is just perfect the way
you are.

It has taken some doing, and now I
can finally say I am OK with who I am.
It sucks when it doesn't fit, but
at least I don't try to make it fit,
try to change, and I lose less energy
over it because I can walk away faster.

Coming to that place has helped me
when carving out my place in the
erotic, hypnotic world as well as
in personal ways, like when I have
profiles on dating sites (where
all kinds of anonymous guys have
given me "helpful," conflicting
advice, and where I am told how
wonderful I am in one email and
how scary I am in another, LOL).

Sometimes I am even at the point
of laughter when someone tries to
tell me how to be (a complete
stranger, mind you) in the guise
of being helpful.

Interesting how - without awareness -
the world in which we live we believe
to be THE world. Of course then it
would help if the world would conform
to our way of looking at things.

Why is it that we haven't yet gotten
the idea that there is no ONE world
and no ONE way of looking at things
that works for everyone? Why does
that seem so difficult to attain?
We have example after example of how
that DOESN'T work.

The wind's blowing yet again...are
you going to be blown by it?

Have a good night.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Want a Better Birthday?

This file is offered via a Payment Request
(So it is FREE, if you want it to be, or
you could do something nice for me and
pay for it.)

My birthday is coming up in August, and
if you've had a live session with me
previously, and plan to do something
for me for my birthday, and would like
for your birthday to be more special,
this recording is for you.

Best results will come if you listen to
this recording a few times before my
birthday, August 8.

Click Below for more detail:


Giving & Receiving

Some that I speak with think that I would
enjoy sitting back and receiving from
another without giving anything in return.

They don't say it quite like that, but
that is the essence of it. Some people
just love to give, and occasionally
a constant desire to give can be a way
of avoiding or ignoring the fact that
there is nothing coming back (among
other things).

The thing is, though, that often we are
best if we are in balance, and it is as
important to know how to receive as it
is to give. When we deny the opposite
of something it can be to our detriment.
Sometimes a denial will just bring the
thing denied closer to the surface.

There are all kinds of ways to give and
receive. For two people it may be two
different things, but as long as it
works for those involved, it can be a
good thing to help with balance.

At one point in my life I was definitely
the one who gave more, and looking back
it is clear to me that it wasn't what
it appeared superficially and it was
only superficially satisfying (although
at the time I was so far removed from
what I know now, I didn't have a clue).

The more someone can appreciate who you
are, what you do, and what you have to
offer the more satisfying those experiences
will be and the more likely you will enjoy
life overall.

By the way, this includes the relationship
you have with yourself. I am reminded of
this today as I spend time nurturing myself
and making things for me that I enjoy.

There is a domestic goddess inside of me
that can be quite happy when doing things
that nurture someone - even when it is
"just" myself (and I really need to get
better when it comes to that relationship
...sound familiar?)

I hope you do things for yourself, too.
If you haven't done anything recently,
what can you do to give to yourself?
What can you do to nurture yourself?

When you figure it out...you know what
the next step is, don't you? :)

Enjoy what's left of your weekend!

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Such Silliness...

I just got a call with "one minute remaining" as
I picked up the phone.

I had no idea what was in this guy's beady
little brain, or the big one for that matter.
But he wasn't saying much.

I asked what he wanted in just a few seconds,
and he said he wanted to see how I was. Not
sure what he could determine in just a few
seconds, but apparently I wasn't the right
one for him.

So often when people call they will ask me
if they're interrupting anything. It's a
funny question, as if you think about it,
you are always doing something else when
the phone rings. So, if you've ever wondered
if you are interrupting anything, wonder
no more. :P

For that reason, I have to say calls like
this are like flying gnats. Some will be
happy to take the few cents from the guys
who are like this, as every penny counts,
but for me there are other costs that are
considered in instances like this that
aren't worth it to me.

At the same time, if you actually have taken
the time to read this blog, and to try to
get to know me ahead of time, you and I
will be in much better shape should you
choose to call, or perhaps decide that
someone else is better suited to your needs.
Of course, those who are the ones who really
need to read this probably won't, LOL.

Any way...some of you have wondered what
it is like in a "day in the life" for me,
and this is just one of those types of
things that I occasionally deal with.
It will be interesting to see if he leaves
feedback, any guesses on the type it will be
if he does? I know what the odds say, but
I would always welcome being wrong in a
case like this.

I wonder how one could go about carving
out a way for people to get what they
need in this world without the extremes.
So many people talk to me who have no one
else to talk to. There is a huge void
between what a phone sex line offers and
what is possible in therapy or with friends
and family.

I even had a guy once tell me that he
wanted to talk about sex with his therapistS,
but felt that he couldn't. He was able to
get more from speaking with me.

There really should be more types of things
available, don't you think? Why is it that
being something that is natural to being
human - being sexual - needs to be pushed
off to the side, and dealt with in hushed
tones and secretly?

I suspect I've gone off topic...but as you
can tell, this is something I have thought
about ALOT...and still have no answers.

Until then, you know that I am sitting by
the phone, awaiting YOUR call, don't you? :P

Have a great weekend.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Gee...Wonder what they were thinking... | Video

when they made this commercial.

Fix It | Video

So often we go looking to someone else to
"fix" things for us, or tell us how to
fix it for ourselves.

There are a few problems with this, as
first of all, who says a fix is needed?

Secondly, who says another's fix will
work for us?

There are so many people making money
these days by telling others about the
ultimate of fixes. It could be financial,
to lose weight, to stop stress, to be
successful. You name it.

People are told that the way to make
money is to fix another person's problem.
The problem is that if those fixes truly
worked then there really would be no more
problem to fix. Besides, you have to
show/convince them they have a problem

And yet, there is book after book, video
after video, guru after guru telling you
how best to be and live your life. Those
who do the best job making it seem like
they're fixing your problem will likely
get your attention, but they also might
be a part of your disappointment when
it doesn't work, or part of your
rationalization when it doesn't work,
"I must have done it wrong," "what's
wrong with me, it didn't work, but it
did for others."

What if there was nothing wrong in
the first place? What if the failure
really was a lack of acknowledging
the self while paying attention to

Those who will tell you the answer is
within you will likely frustrate the
hell out of you if you are in a place
of "I haven't got a clue!" At least
that is what has happened to me on more
than one occasion.

There have been times I have been desperate
for an answer, but there was no one who
could give it to me. The worst thing
someone can do for me is to try to give
me an answer that isn't for me. Ever
have that experience? You often know
what the answer is not, even if you don't
know what it IS.

Sometimes I think I give people the impression
that I know a lot, and perhaps I do. But
there are so many questions I have myself
about the things in life that just don't
seem to work.

What I am coming to realize is that we've
been hypnotized into believing that there
is an answer for everything. We have been
hypnotized to believe that things that don't
seem to work need to be fixed. We have been
hypnotized to believe that where we are in
this moment is not the right one, when in
actuality, it might be the perfect one.

Yes there are ways to look at things that
can help us move and do and be different -
if that is what WE want to do. But maybe
the key is to know - at least in some small
way - when it is a time to be in that place,
and bathe in it. Maybe we are exactly
where and how we need to be to get exactly
what we need. Some of the more challenging
times of my life have become some of my
greatest gifts.

In the midst of something you are struggling
with no one is going to be able to tell you
"this is a gift," and you suddenly are going
to go,"Oh, yes. You are right. I need to
be different now." If you did, the gift
would never arrive, as it is the process of
working through wherever you are at that
moment that will be the gift, and it is
nothing that anyone can give you.

Perhaps the key is to know that within you
is the answer, but to use those things outside
of yourself as guides. Go ahead and listen
to people, and read books, and view videos,
and listen in a way that you measure it
against who you are and who you think you
want to be. See if what another says rings
true for you, or if it seems to be at conflict.
Bounce it around, play with it, and see what
you come with. Maybe your Slot A is best
filled with Tab D. Maybe Liquid X mixed
with Liquid Y is volatile.

Maybe life is about learning to listen to
ourselves, and learning about ourselves.
Maybe the best way to learn is to have
those things we can compare and contrast
ourselves with. How in the world could
something outside of us know the answer
better than something inside of us? It
doesn't really make any sense, does it?
And yet countless times, without thinking,
we will find ourselves letting someone
else guide us to a place that may not
ultimately be to our benefit.

Maybe it is time that we were willing to
take a look at things in a different way.

Maybe it is time to consider that who and
how we are is the person that we need to
be, and that who we do become will be a
person that is built upon the foundation
we have built with all of its cracks and
seeming imperfections.

Maybe it is time to consider that all
answers aren't immediate, and that some
take more time and patience than we want
to have, or think we should have.

Maybe it is time to let ourselves flounder
a bit; perhaps jumping into things isn't
helping us, but rather taking us away
from the things we need to learn.

Maybe a possible mistake we make is thinking
that someone knows us better than we
know ourselves.

Maybe who we are is just perfect,
and perhaps we can let ourselves
relax, just a little.

And, maybe...

What I have written doesn't do anything
for you at all. Maybe you think otherwise,
and it works for you. If so, it sounds
perfect to me. :)

Last, but not least, here is a bit of
humor on the "fixit" mentality. I think
it speaks to what is really going on
under the surface of the illusion that
we always know how and what to fix and
how best to fix it.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Friday, June 24, 2011

Feeling at Odds? The Many Parts of Who We Are

When speaking with those who call me I find
that there are many parts to who they are:
the responsible adult, the young child who
wants to be in wild abandon, the father,
the son, the boss, the employee, the dominant,
the submissive, the protagonist, the antagonist,
the procrastinator, the creative, the artist,
the processor, the...the list goes on and on.

What can happen (and often does happen) is
the different parts of a person can wage an
inner war, and one part can feel attacked for
who and how it is, especially if it seems
that that part is causing trouble.

Interestingly, there are parts of us that
will be lured into "trouble" because, in
some way, it might be good for us. That
part of us might be taking us to a place
that we need to be. However, it doesn't
mean that it will always be a calm, neat
and tidy - and often, probably, quite
the opposite. Many times it might
create an event that can be difficult
or painful, but then it is revealed how
much of a gift the experience truly was
as more of life unfolds.

So much of life these days is about "fixing"
things, not the least of which is who we
are. Perhaps it is time to consider that
we are who we are, and that who that is is
perfect for us to be the unique person we
are meant to be, and not the carbon copy
of someone else.

The more unique you are, the more likely
you are being true to yourself and your
journey in life. Perhaps the moments of
uncertainty and questioning and even of
darkness serve to bring us into the light.

So many times in my life I have had moments
that have been devastating for who I was
at the time. When I look back, I see how
these times have molded me and shaped me
as the person others seems to appreciate
today. Without those things you'd be
speaking to another version of me, if you
were even speaking with me at all.

One never knows when the storm is
actually bringing peace. For that
reason, when you are struggling with
those parts of yourself that seem not
to be in synch consider giving them a
voice, and finding out what they need.
Perhaps you need that inner child to
stamp his feet for a bit.

The different parts of us never go away.
We just develop new ones which now have
to co-exist with those parts that have
come before. It is something - unlike
other things - we often never learn to do.
However, if we are able to get anywhere
close to it, those parts of us can be
at odds but still work together as part
of a whole in such an incredible way
that it can bring us a kind of peace that
we can't have or enforce by attempting
to squash parts of ourselves.

Consider being nicer to yourself. Those
parts are only trying to do their best
for you.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


It's Relative | Video

Much of our experience of life
comes from the perspective(s) we have.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Human Experience (A few thoughts from a Documentary)

I just watched The Human Experience. It is a
documentary that touches on a few things that
are profound.

It has gotten some mixed reviews, and a few
awards, and I personally feel a bit mixed
about my experience of it. However there
were some very pointed and poignent moments.

Two things that stuck out to me were:

One of the guys featured in the film looked
straight at the camera and was talking about
a kindergarten teacher. He said that he
was unable to color in the lines, and for
that reason the teacher basically told him
he would amount to nothing.

He said this while in Africa.

It made me think about how we as adults have
adult versions that tell people that they're
"nothing" or that they'll never get anywhere.

Interestingly, it seems as though he may have
(even in small part) been spurred on by what
she said, so who knows? Maybe it was something
that was meant to be, and contributed to whatever
he winds up doing. We are, after all, motivated
by things both "negative" and "positive."

The second thing was something that a Rabbi
said. I am guessing it may have been said
some other place, perhaps in a similar way,
but what he said was something I had never
heard before.

He spoke of a metaphor of all of life to a
musical composition. He suggested that each
person was a note in that composition waiting
to be played, and integral to the piece.

So what does your contribution "sound" like?

The film is about how we are connected and
how we all matter. If that type of message
speaks to you, it might be worth a view.

Have a great night.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Inspired by Isis

Today starts month 2 of "Inspired by Isis."

If you'd like to join, it isn't too late - yet.

If you haven't yet acquainted yourself with
the Plan, you should take a moment now.

Have a great night.

Sexless Marriage?

I often speak with men whose relationships
(married, or not) seem to have a minimal
amount of sex. I sometimes think they
they they are unique. Not to burst that
bubble, but it is much more common than
anyone may realize, and it goes both ways
despite what some may think.

I just read an article about a marriage
of 16 years in which the two partners never
had sex
, and it was the woman who was the
one who wanted it, but the husband who found
reasons not to, and ways to blame her for
his lack of willingness/desire.

It is amazing how we can sometimes
creatively turn things around. I
would imagine there may be a few men
whose partners are good at saying
things in a similar way that might
have a negative effect on one's own
self esteem.

I used to be in a relationship where the
guy I was with was really good at that.
Because I wasn't how I am now, I would
constantly question myself, wondering if
somehow he might have a point.

Not to say he didn't at times, perhaps,
but I am certain that there were issues
that he had that he deflected on to me.

The more you know yourself, the less likely
someone can manipulate you. The more you
know yourself the more opportunity you have
to communicate effectively and ultimately
decide if the situation you find yourself
in is one you want to remain in.

You can likely convince yourself of anything.
Are the things you've convinced yourself
about really worth it? (HINT: the answer
might be a dubious yes, especially if you
are unsettled or are unhappy about it for
an extended length of time) If not, it may be
time to take a good, hard look at things.

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:


Sunday, June 19, 2011

On the Subject of Love Relationships & Will

I recently watched the movie "When in Rome."

If you don't like spoilers, don't read any
further, as I am going to talk about the plot.

The movie in part asks the questions,
"What is love?" and "Love," at what cost?

The main character, Beth, takes coins from
a fountain while in Rome. According to the
story, it apparently makes all who threw
those coins in the fountain fall in love
with her.

As impossible as it would seem, and as
plausible as only a film script could be,
she suddenly has what seems to be five
men obsessively chasing after her back
in NYC, where she lives.

She is told that she can reverse the "spell"
if she gives the coins back to those who
put them in the fountain.

Before she has a chance to, though, she
has 4 of the 5 show up at her apartment,
and the conversation ensues about what
love truly is, and that if the four of
them truly love her, even if she doesn't
love them, they should help her get what
it is that she wants. After all, isn't
that what love truly is about?

So the four get her to where she needs
to be, and she gets the coins back so
that she can return them to their owners,
and three of them have a Wizard of Oz
moment, of sorts (LOL, at least that is
the way it seemed to me).

One says he never did magic in public,
until he felt the way he did about her.
One says he missed (I think) his wife,
and he knew he couldn't replace her,
but how he felt about the main character
helped him to find a similar, love-
filled feeling, and the third had had
a desire to be an artist that was
awakened - and acted upon - in a big
way because of how he felt.

Maybe that is what love is about, too,
bringing out the best in who we are
because of how we feel for another.

Then there is the the 5th guy, the one
the main character appears to love, and
she believes she also has a coin to
return to him, and when it is returned
she believes the spell on him will also
be broken, but instead he says he loves
her, and that nothing has changed. The
next thing you know, they're off getting
married, but on her wedding day it is
discovered that she gave him the wrong
coin. So as she is about to marry him,
she has to decide if she wants to be
with someone under her "spell."

At the altar she returns the coin, and
runs from the church, and back to the
fountain, and apparently seems grateful
for the adventure she had been on when
the groom comes to her and tells her
that he never threw any coins into the
fountain. It turns out that they were
someone else's.

Interestingly, it made me think about
conversations I have had with some
who think that I would be interested
in hypnotizing someone to be in love
with - and mesmerized by - me.

In an odd way, what the movie "makes
up" could potentially be a reality if
a person who knew hypnosis knew how to
use it to manipulate another. While
that can be a whole other discussion,
the point I am wanting to make is that
I would never want to be with someone
who didn't want to be with me - because
he wanted to be with me. It just so
happens that includes those who want
to be controlled by me outside of an
intimate relationship.

I have no desire in "making" someone
be something they're not, or don't
want to be. In my world, a
relationship of any type is a
partnership and is going to work for
the best interests of those involved.

So while there may be magic involved,
in this world of mine it is the most
magical when those affected are
already enjoying the "show," and the
hypnosis is a(n) bonus/enhancement.

So...what do you think? Would you want
someone to love you because they love
you, or love you because something else
tells them to? Could you love someone
who couldn't return your love and
affections the way you would desire?

My inquiring mind wants to know.

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Happy Father's Day! | video

As I sit here and write this, I find
myself wondering what my father would
have thought of what I do with all
you horny boys. :P

If it wasn't for him, odds certainly
say I wouldn't be here, or at the
very least, wouldn't be who and how
I am as everything that we are and
are not has everything to do with
those who parent us.

Relationships with others are a
mixed bag, and for some there may
be a father figure that one can
appreciate, even if you don't share
the same genetic material.

To those who have a reason to
acknowledge this day, I hope
you have a wonderful day with
your kids and/or your "dad."

And to anyone who reads this, a
special thank you in spirit goes
from me to your dad for his making
a place for you in the world.

I have to believe the world is
benefitted in some way by your
contribution to - and presence
in - it. (If by any chance
you don't believe that, then we
should certainly speak!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Look at these pictures of the Miss USA
(I know it will be
difficult for you, but consider it
a favor for me).

I would be curious to know what
observation you might make from
them. There is something specific
that I noticed, and am wondering
if it stands out to anyone else.

Put any comments below. Thanks.

Friday, June 17, 2011

"Right" Vs. Desire

Have you ever noticed that what is "right" can
sometimes be in direct opposition to what you

Have you ever noticed that what is deemed "right"
has an ego and control component to it? That it
comes from a logically based place?

Many times people will talk about the head and
the heart as though they are in opposition to
each other. In actuality they could be partners,
but in a world in which the logic and ego dominate,
there seems to be an inevitable conflict between
the two, with the logic declaring itself superior.

Why is it that we have such a hard time allowing
our heart to have its way? It is kind of ironic
that the head has to work so hard to make sure
that logic wins out, don't you think?

So many times when my heart acted, it was much
easier on my head as a result.

In the "fix it" world that we have created, we
seem to think messes are inferior to having
everything just so. Anything that is a threat
to the seeming superficial peace we have is
something to be guarded against.

As a result, the soul of who we are tends to
get muffled and sometimes buried. The more
conflicted you feel, or the more numb you are,
the more likely you are fighting off the desires
of your heart (soul).

Being willing to step into those desires can be
very uncomfortable and very messy, but they can
also be some of the most rewarding actions you
will ever take.

We as human beings have many pieces and parts
and they can all work together. The problem is
when we isolate them, and try to destroy what
doesn't seem to fit. The more we try to ignore
something the more it either deadens us, or the
more it tries to get our attention in any way
that it can.

If you are finding yourself living in your
logical and rational conversations it is
possible you are separated from the desires
of your soul. You are possibly finding yourself
confused, and likely treading water in the
status quo of your life.

The logic likes the status quo. It wants to
keep you there (remember homeostasis?).

The best way to empower yourself is something
that likely seems illogical: Surrender.

Surrender to the feelings and the emotions.
Let them coexist in their conflict. Let them
speak to you. When you surrender you will
likely surrender all of those things that
others told you was "right," and what you
should believe. Once you are able to do
that the way to go will become much clearer
and much more peaceful.

When you know something is truly right for
you it is much easier to choose your actions
than when you grapple with the type of right
you come to via a logical argument.

That is when Right no longer is VS Desire,
Right is Desire.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Be Careful

I spoke with someone recently who is an incredibly
good hypnotic subject. While he thought it had
been a year since he spoke with another hypnotist,
it had been much less than that.

In addition, it turns out that he was doing things
that he didn't remember doing, and didn't know
why he had done them. According to him, there
was nothing really going on, when it actuality
there was quite a bit, and not things that he
necessarily wanted.

I say "necessarily" because while a part of him
was intrigued by the idea of what he was doing,
it went further than he might have taken it on
his own, and without his conscious awareness.

When we got done speaking he said that if he
was to ever do it again, he would do it
because HE wanted to, and he'd do it the
way HE wanted to do it.

I am never sure why things like this happen.
I know some might get off doing things like
this to another, but sometimes I wonder if
people know what they are doing to someone
else when they "hide" certain things from
their conscious awareness.

It is apparent to me that in many cases it
is not a good thing, as it is unsettling and
disturbing for the person in some way.

If these people knew what they were doing,
would they still do it?

Putting them aside, please be careful about
the things YOU choose, as some choices may
be made for you, and they may not be the
choices you would make for yourself.

I know that is a turn on for some, but if
a part of you is in conflict with other
parts of you, it will often not be a good
thing, with repercussions that you might
never even be aware of, or ones that are
detrimental in ways that you can't even
begin to imagine at the moment.

Even if you think you're not a "good subject,"
and think you are without potential in
this regard, please realize that things
can happen in ways that are unexpected,
and if you continue to chisel away over
time, those individual drops may be a
whole bucket load of trouble.

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Trying Something New

Often I am asked what someone can do for me.

Sometimes it is the little things that
mean so much. Cliche, yes. But so very
true in my world.

People also tell me they enjoy reading my
blog, but there is no way for me to get
a sense of the reach of what I write when
there is no feedback.

For these two reasons, and others unnamed,
I thought I would try something new.

From now on, there is going to be a button
at the end of some blog entries that looks
like this:

If you enjoyed this entry, please click below:

What it is is a Payment Request for $1.

It is also a way to show your appreciation
for my efforts, and to let me know that
you like and enjoy what I am doing. It
is also an easy way to do something nice
for me when you visit my blog, or feel
so inclined.

Obviously, since it is a request, there
is absolutely zero obligation on your
part, however, if it pleases you to do
it for me, then it most certainly pleases
me to be a recipient of your gift.

If you have any questions, as always,
just ask!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Travelling through Yourself

I recently saw the movie Eat Pray Love with Julia Roberts.

It's the story of a woman who spends a year
travelling through Italy, India, and Bali.

Some of the things that happened in the movie
and some of the lines said I thought I'd share
with you.

The main character is in Italy on Thanksgiving,
and is preparing a traditional US Thanksgiving
feast. However, one of the people who is a
friend of hers is supposed to take care of the
turkey. While most of the meal is close to
being prepared, the turkey hadn't even been

They wind up eating the rest of the meal, and
then in the morning, when the turkey is done,
they sit down to eat it.

How often do we get upset when things don't
work out the way we want them to? How often
to we get angry, stomp our feet, leave the
party? How often do we just go "with the
flow" and allow ourselves to have turkey for

The place that Julia stays at in Italy is
falling apart, and so are various ruins that
one day were vital to those whose world it
was. The comment made is that "all falls

How often do we act as though what we have
will last forever? How often are we devastated
when something we thought would last, doesn't?
Somehow we seem to think we are the exception
to the "rule."

If we could see life and all of its various
pieces as temporary, perhaps we could appreciate
the various moments that we have as long as we
have them...whether it is a few minutes, a day,
a year, or a lifetime. Instead we often hold
on to things for dear life, and the more we
hold on, the more likely we are to suffer,
be dragged, be hurt.

Maybe there are times we are meant to just
"let go." Even writing that, I feel a twinge.
Letting go can sometimes hurt, and often we
don't want to hurt. Why are we so quick to
want to "fix" things? Why is hurting such
a "bad" thing? Could there be a type of
beauty in the kind of pain that comes from
the soul?

At one point, Liz (played by Roberts) writes
(maybe?) "God dwells in me, as me."

Isn't that beautiful?

Maybe who we are is perfect in God's eyes
(putting aside various religion and religious
conversations that might neuter the beauty of
this statement). Even without a belief in
God, what if we could consider the idea that
within us dwells something wonderful that
can have us be wonderful, just as we are.

"The only way to heal, is to trust."

If you trust someone or something you are
in the process of discovering and uncovering
if what you have placed your trust in will
be as you expect, or hope, it to be. There
is no way to know if it will be going in,
so in some way trust itself is a process.

When we heal it would seem that it is
something that occurs over time as well.
A wound might bleed, but over time it
scabs and heals. In the end there may
even be a scar, a reminder of what was.

I don't know about you, but I remember
what gave me the scars on my body, more
than I remember every bruise or scratch
I ever had.

Might the process of healing and scarring
be one that could be conducive to the
development of who we are and are in the
process of becoming?

I suppose it's like anything: it is in
how we look at it. A scar could be a
gentle reminder of something that we may
never want to do again, or of something
that was fun or beautiful.

"Smile in your eyes, in your mind, and
in your liver."

Anyone can smile at any time, but the
kind of smile that truly resonates for
another is the kind that comes from
within, and comes from all of who you
are. A smile could be shallow, or it
could be the beginning of the greater
smile. Try smiling and you might feel
better than you did before the smile
crossed your face. Consciously let
the feeling spread throughout your
body, and you may even smile wider.

"Sometimes when you help yourself,
you help 'tutti.'"

In the story, Liz helps a woman and
her daughter "Tutti." It just so
happens that tutti also means everybody
in Italian.

It is a cool play on the words. But
it also happens that Tutti's mom is
a doctor type who can help many others
as a result of the help that Liz is able
to offer.

It happens while Liz is in Bali, helping
herself by taking the journey she is on.

Perhaps as we take those journeys that
make us who we are - even the uglier ones -
the process of becoming who we are makes
us better able to help others in being
who they are.

Maybe everything means something. And
then again, it may mean nothing at all.
I often question things, and come to
various conclusions, which occasionally
are subject to change. However there
are things I don't always know what to
make of.

There are things we will likely never
know in this world and the dimension
we live in. But that doesn't mean that
they don't exist, or affect us. At the
same time, there are those who live in
the "Show Me" state, and would say

I am not sure either one of us would be
correct since there is really no way to
know what we don't know. The best we
can do is to keep asking questions and
see where our paths take us.

If you get a chance to see Eat Pray Love,
check it out. See what you might get out
of it for yourself.

In the meantime, thanks for walking this
path with me. I have no idea where it
is headed, but it certainly can be fun
at times when you're involved.

Have a great day!

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Be Inspired

Have you seen "Be Inspired by Isis"?

The first month is winding down,
and the next one begins on the 20th.

Click below for more details,
and to be included.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

History in the Making | Video

Just wanted to share a song/video I enjoyed.
Perhaps you will, too. :)
Each moment creates - something.
Some somethings more special than others.
Here's to those special somethings.

The Trip that is Life

Just for fun...anyone know where this image was taken?

As I was driving to spend
some time away from home I
started to think that the
trip was a good metaphor
for life in a few ways

1. I went through a tunnel, over
bridges, around curves.

2. I paid a multitude of tolls

3. I used my car and gas

4. I didn't have my computer
with me and had to depend on
another's computer, which had
different programs and platform
than what I am used to.

While these may seem like simple,
basic, and obvious things, it got
me thinking that in many ways it
is very much like life.

Where we start is often not as
comfortable as where we end.

The journey through life will
take us under and through and
over the many events and emotions
in our lives.

Sometimes we will pay with our
energy (gas) and sometimes we
will have to pay extra (in terms
of things like time) to get to
where we want to go.

We use our "car," - our body
to get where we are going.
Like a car, there are several
settings our body has, some
more comfortable and some more
adjustable than others.

The journey is sometimes taken
alone, but when we get to where
we are going, there will be
people there who are ready for
our arrival. They may have been
able to meet us part way, but
perhaps the reason we're going
is to be where they are, and
nothing short of the end
destination will be satisfactory.

Sometimes when we get to where
we are going, there is an
unfamiliar environment, and yet
we may be able to call on the
familiar. There was a time
my friend was trying to figure
something out with his computer,
and I was able to help him, not
because I knew how, exactly, but
because I was able to call on
something familiar in my past
experience. The same thing
happened when I was trying to
figure something out for

It wasn't perfect, and if I
needed to have something more
for the long haul, there would
be a bigger curve to round to
make the things i wanted to
have happen, happen.

It would, of course, then be
up to me to settle without,
or find a way to make it
happen. At the time, I
settled, as I didn't want to
expend that much "gas" driving
around in an unfamiliar place,
potentially in circles.

Sometimes it could be worth it,
but it is all about choice.
At another time, in another
place, it might just have
been worth it.

When I return, while things
may be familiar, they aren't
the same because I am not
the same. I have journeyed
outside of myself and have
come back with perspective
and experiences that were
out of my range from where
I started.

There may be an immediate
comfort upon returning home,
to the familiar, but there
may also be something that
now says, "a change is
necessary." The familiar
may have ceased to be
comfortable any more.

That actually happened to
me last year. I had visited
a friend at length, and when
I went home, I was no longer
happy to be there. It was
the beginning of the end.

Now that the end of that
time has come and gone, I
am finding uncovering and
discovering new comfort
zones, and deciding what
comes next.

In familiar territory, there
are inherent limitations.
In unfamiliar territory, there
are costs. In the familiar
can come security, in the
unfamiliar there can be reward.

Life is always, ever, evolving,
and it is what we choose to do
with it that will have us
feeling good or about what
we are exposed to.

It really does come down to
the choices we make. Some
more uncomfortable than others,
and also potentially more
rewarding, as well.

While I didn't have any
detours to take, life can
sometimes be like that.
We think we know where
we are going, only to
be seemingly derailed.

Sometimes we may feel like
we aren't making the choice,
because the only choice we
have at the moment isn't of
our own design. Sometimes
life is like that - it seems
to have a mind of its own.

However, if you pay attention,
you might just find an
unanticipated pleasure as
a result...something you
would have missed, had you
stayed on the road you intended.
You may have thought you knew
how best to find what you wanted,
but you may have just found
what you needed, instead.

Life certainly can be a trip,
can't it?

What are your life's travel plans?
Do they include me? My exits are
clearly labelled, and even if
there is construction, the detour
and effort will most certainly
be worth it: caves, waterfalls,
rides, pleasures yet to be
experienced await you, and
unexpected delights of all kinds

See you soon. :)

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Want a Sign? | Video

A friend of mine brought this episode of "My Ghost Story"
to my attention. Who knows what to think of things
like this. I watched the whole first segment, and
there was one thing in particular that stood out.

The video below is queued for that piece:

For anyone who might not be able to view it,
there is guy who is researching some events,
and asks for the "energies"/ghosts present
to give him a sign. He thinks nothing happens.

However, he is filming the whole thing, and
when he reviews the video he sees at the time
he asked for a sign there was a large ultra
violet light that shows up in front of him.

He makes the observation "How many times do
we say 'Give me a sign?"" and suggests that
maybe signs occur, but we're just not able
to "see" them.

Regardless of what he did or did not experience,
it is still a good question, as how often might
we get an answer, but it just not look the way
we expect it to?

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Looking to Escape? Have you considered this?

Interestingly, and perhaps not surprisingly,
guys often want to know what I will do with
them before I do it. For many hypnosis seems
to be a tool, like a car, to get to destination:

While destination Orgasm is certainly a good
one, there is a whole journey that is missed
when the destination is focused upon, and
every detail scrutinized.

I remember one caller who was amazed said to
me, "I am so aroused, and you're not even
saying any dirty words!" He couldn't believe
how much pleasure he was feeling, as he felt
there had to be something much more obvious
creating his state of arousal.

So many who love erotic hypnosis seem to be
on a mission to be mindless, robots, slaves,
and so on. They seem to want a clear
blueprint with milestones so they know
it is "working."

For those of you who are like that, consider
that you might be missing something very
important in the process - YOU.

I know the goal is in part to do just that,
but the thing is is that the part of you
that is deep within, the "soul" part of
you has, perhaps, a different idea of
what life is supposed to be. When you
go about trying to shut it out, you wind
up closing off a part of yourself. Is
that really what you want to do? Even
if it's walled off, it's still there.

The soul part of you isn't so regimented.
The soul part of you may even have you
find yourself in messy and/or uncomfortable
situations because it doesn't box things
in the way the conscious part of you seeks
to do.

While it may be uncomfortable and/or
scary to allow your soul its full expression,
the rewards can be great. Often if someone
is trying to lose themselves it can be
because there is some discontent with who
oneself is. If you were to pay attention
to yourself you could potentially find an
inner peace that exceeds the pseudo one
you think you have as a robot or slave.

Obviously, if this is you, odds are you
likely think otherwise. It's OK if you
do, and it might be just right for you.
I would never presume to know what is
best for another, as I couldn't possibly

But what I do know is what I have seen/
heard/been a witness to, and all I will
do is pose the questions for you to
consider, if you are willing.

From what I have seen, it is amazing
to see what can happen when the soul
of a person is free to express itself,
uninhibited. So perhaps it is something
to look at or consider if there is a
part of you that in any way questions
what you are doing.

Attempting to silence that part of you
forceably by other recordings and
hypnosis may leave you feeling even
worse than when you started.

If there is that voice, odds are there
is a wonderful you that is looking to
get out. The good news is that the
hypnosis that was taking you away is
effective at bringing you back - even
better - and more peacefully - than

As good as escapist pleasures may
feel, imagine how good it could be
if ALL of you was fully engaged.

As always, play (and stay) safe, and
have a great night.

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Can You Get Enough? | Video

Recordings Vs Live Sessions | Video

A short video about why
I approach things as I do.

Come Deeper Into My World

Hypnosis: Pleasure & The Rabbit Hole

Recently I was speaking with one of my callers
and he was telling me that a song was going
through his head, and he wondered if I had
anything to do with it.

I wish I could have taken credit for it, but
I could not. I explained to him that I have
often found that people who have been hypnotized
by me wind up hypnotizing themselves on my
behalf. It can often be fine, but there have
been times I have had to make some corrections,
as the path they're headed on may not be the
best choice.

It is one reason I call hypnosis a rabbit hole.
You never really do know where you will wind
up. Your mind will find creative ways to
enhance the things you enjoy.

This same person also told me something that
was kinda cute/funny. He was talking about
a feeling that I create that is quite erotic
and arousing, and he said the experience of
the feeling was like, "oh no, there's that
feeling again...oh yesssss....there's that
feeling again."

Yummy. :)

I so do enjoy what I do,
as long as we are
both happy.

I hope your week is off to a great start.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Comfort | Quote

Comfort is the worst kind of
slavery because you're
always afraid that something
or someone will take it away.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

In the Clouds | GIF

Hypnotic Heart Swirl Pendant.
Long, curly hair.
Black corset like slip.
Hypnotic Animation.

604x800 | 1 Image GIF | $6.00


"Widening Choices"

In the following snippet Paul McKenna admits to
"widening the choices" of an ex-girlfriend via
a form of suggestion/"manipulation."

When he is called on the manipulation, he says
he is used to the "paranoia" reaction. Interesting
way to turn things around.

He obviously had no issue with what he did, and
says nothing about how his ex responded, other
than to say that she now enjoys curry (the thing
he was manipulating).

I recall another hypnotist referring to hypnosis
as a "tool" and called upon those he was trying
to sell to to use it responsibly. Interestingly,
in the way he worded his pitch, it sounded like
he didn't want those who wouldn't use it responsibly
to buy it, but the underlying message was to BUY.

So...while it sounded to someone who didn't know
how to listen the way that I do like he cared and
was being responsible himself, he was really only
being responsible to himself.

As I have said previously, an argument can be
made for pretty much anything, which means that
what Paul did is totally defensible within a
certain argument/conversation.

Is manipulating someone for their "own good,"
OK? How does one know what another's "own good"
is? How can one make that judgment for another?
Interestingly, with or without hypnosis and
with or without permission we are often
manipulated by another's version of what is
good for us.

Some would say hypnosis undoes what the
"natural" hypnosis of our lives creates.
Paul even makes reference to that in what
he says, as he says his ex had been hypnotized
to believe she didn't like curry.

Whether or not what he did was ultimately a
good thing doesn't seem to be as much of an
issue as the fact that he did it without
her knowledge prior to making the change.

Btw, in the interview Paul explains how
he did it, so I am pretty much giving you
the keys to the car. What are you planning
to do with them (if anything)?

In general, I am uncertain about sharing
certain types of things because what can
be used for "good" can also be used for
"bad." However, if you are aware of how
things work, perhaps you will realize when
someone is manipulating you.

Curious about what you think. How would
you feel if someone manipulated you for
"your own good" - without your knowledge
and/or permission. Would you do what he
did to someone? How would you feel if
you found out someone had done it to you?


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Slow, Sensual, Sexy | Video

Definitely a mood maker or enhancer

Is Giving to Another Giving to Ourselves?

I was reading an article about how some tennis
players have been playing in France
. Apparently
they have given their competitors points that have
won games. It is possible that those who are the
line men could have made different calls, but the
players were willing to be OK with calls of their
own that weren't in their favor.

The author of the article mentions that that type
of behavior isn't likely to happen in a sport like
basketball. Not sure that it even could, given
the dynamic. But the idea that one would give
another even a momentary advantage is something
I think we could use more of in the world.

Wouldn't it be something if we let another
occasionally have the "advantage?" I'd say in
the end, we all likely would benefit from the
positive ripple effects. I could be wrong, but
I sure wouldn't mind trying the theory out.

Given the world we live in - I'm not sure we'd
have much to lose.

Fun with Language & Meaning

Sometimes I have fun playing with words
and their meanings. I thought I would
share a few with you. Let me know what
you think:

Dating site says "Date 50+ men."
WOW. Who has the time to date that many?

Looking for a Professional Woman.
Hmm. What are the qualifications to be
a "Professional Woman"? How does one
become a professional woman?

Me: Is Joe there?
Other Person: Joe's out to lunch.
Me: That's not a very nice thing to say.

John: To be honest...
Me: What if you were dishonest?

"I am an attractive guy, and am looking for the same."
So why are you contacting me, a female? LOL.

"I am a single male."
Can you be a double, too, so we
could have a threesome?

"I like hanging around."
As long as you are not hanging up there.

Friday, June 3, 2011

+1 | A Way to Tell Others You Like What I Do

I just noticed a new function of Google: +1
If you like what you read/see, I'd appreciate
you +1'ing it. (See below this entry, there
is an icon that says +1).

I believe it will be helpful to me in some
way, and perhaps for others as well.

Check it out, and see what you think.
Maybe go back and "+1" some of your
favorite blog entries.

Thanks, as always.

If this is true...Yikes! | Selling Oneself

There is a story about a 17 year old who was
given the equivalent of approximately $3,000
for a kidney. According to the story he
wanted an iPad 2

For some it would seem preposterous that
someone would do something like that.
At the same time, people in general sell
parts of themselves for the things they
want: a bigger house, a more expensive
car, nicer clothes, "toys" they want.

People get in over their heads or into
situations that are difficult to extricate
oneself from without some consequence to
those superficial things. As a result,
many who want to make changes, don't -
and to a greater expense than the one they
think they are avoiding by maintaining the
status quo.

In another Twilight Zone episode that I
recently saw, a guy was given 3 wishes,
and warned that with anything he chose,
there would be consequences. For dramatic
effect, the consequences were quite dire.
However, it does highlight the fact that
anything we do will have ripple effects
of some sort.

It might be good to recognize that fact
when we are busy looking the other way
hoping that everything will work out.


Got to Get You Into My Life | Video

Communication can be tricky. A person could know
exactly what s/he means, but it can come off
sounding like something completely different to

Do you know what is being sung about in this song?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mirror, Mirror (Leg Edition #2)

Here's another image from
the "Mirror, Mirror" Series:
Stocking leg with nude heels &
a black skirt with a sexy slit,
reflected in a mirror.

580x800 | 1 Image JPG | $3.50