Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Be Careful

I spoke with someone recently who is an incredibly
good hypnotic subject. While he thought it had
been a year since he spoke with another hypnotist,
it had been much less than that.

In addition, it turns out that he was doing things
that he didn't remember doing, and didn't know
why he had done them. According to him, there
was nothing really going on, when it actuality
there was quite a bit, and not things that he
necessarily wanted.

I say "necessarily" because while a part of him
was intrigued by the idea of what he was doing,
it went further than he might have taken it on
his own, and without his conscious awareness.

When we got done speaking he said that if he
was to ever do it again, he would do it
because HE wanted to, and he'd do it the
way HE wanted to do it.

I am never sure why things like this happen.
I know some might get off doing things like
this to another, but sometimes I wonder if
people know what they are doing to someone
else when they "hide" certain things from
their conscious awareness.

It is apparent to me that in many cases it
is not a good thing, as it is unsettling and
disturbing for the person in some way.

If these people knew what they were doing,
would they still do it?

Putting them aside, please be careful about
the things YOU choose, as some choices may
be made for you, and they may not be the
choices you would make for yourself.

I know that is a turn on for some, but if
a part of you is in conflict with other
parts of you, it will often not be a good
thing, with repercussions that you might
never even be aware of, or ones that are
detrimental in ways that you can't even
begin to imagine at the moment.

Even if you think you're not a "good subject,"
and think you are without potential in
this regard, please realize that things
can happen in ways that are unexpected,
and if you continue to chisel away over
time, those individual drops may be a
whole bucket load of trouble.

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