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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Friday, June 17, 2011

"Right" Vs. Desire

Have you ever noticed that what is "right" can
sometimes be in direct opposition to what you

Have you ever noticed that what is deemed "right"
has an ego and control component to it? That it
comes from a logically based place?

Many times people will talk about the head and
the heart as though they are in opposition to
each other. In actuality they could be partners,
but in a world in which the logic and ego dominate,
there seems to be an inevitable conflict between
the two, with the logic declaring itself superior.

Why is it that we have such a hard time allowing
our heart to have its way? It is kind of ironic
that the head has to work so hard to make sure
that logic wins out, don't you think?

So many times when my heart acted, it was much
easier on my head as a result.

In the "fix it" world that we have created, we
seem to think messes are inferior to having
everything just so. Anything that is a threat
to the seeming superficial peace we have is
something to be guarded against.

As a result, the soul of who we are tends to
get muffled and sometimes buried. The more
conflicted you feel, or the more numb you are,
the more likely you are fighting off the desires
of your heart (soul).

Being willing to step into those desires can be
very uncomfortable and very messy, but they can
also be some of the most rewarding actions you
will ever take.

We as human beings have many pieces and parts
and they can all work together. The problem is
when we isolate them, and try to destroy what
doesn't seem to fit. The more we try to ignore
something the more it either deadens us, or the
more it tries to get our attention in any way
that it can.

If you are finding yourself living in your
logical and rational conversations it is
possible you are separated from the desires
of your soul. You are possibly finding yourself
confused, and likely treading water in the
status quo of your life.

The logic likes the status quo. It wants to
keep you there (remember homeostasis?).

The best way to empower yourself is something
that likely seems illogical: Surrender.

Surrender to the feelings and the emotions.
Let them coexist in their conflict. Let them
speak to you. When you surrender you will
likely surrender all of those things that
others told you was "right," and what you
should believe. Once you are able to do
that the way to go will become much clearer
and much more peaceful.

When you know something is truly right for
you it is much easier to choose your actions
than when you grapple with the type of right
you come to via a logical argument.

That is when Right no longer is VS Desire,
Right is Desire.

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