Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, December 31, 2010

On Procrastination & New Year's Resolutions

Since we are on the verge of a
New Year, and many may be considering
making New Year's Resolutions I
thought the following information
may be of interest/of assistance.

There is a program by Nightingale-
Conant called The Science of Self
Discipline by Kerry L. Johnson

It, like many of the company's
offerings is helpful in what it
has to offer. If you think it
might be of interest to you,
Nightingale's offers are risk
free, so if you aren't happy,
or feel there hasn't been a
benefit you can return their

The particular piece that I
wanted to point out was on

According to Kerry,
Procrastination is
a focus on the pain
of a situation.

It may include some
self doubt or a feeling
that there is not
enough information.

What Kerry suggests is
that you shift your
focus to the PLEASURE

How would it feel to
complete what you are

Once you know how it
will feel, he suggests
that you turn up the
feelings of pleasure
by enhancing how you
see that completion
through your senses.

He also suggests that
one could just do
something about the
issue immediately -
just enough to "feel
good about it."

Recognizing what you
are battling is important,
because when you recognize
the core issue you are able
to address it.

As long as you are focused
on the thing you aren't doing
and not what is attached to
it, you may not get very far.

Once you figure out what the
issue has to do with - such
as a need for more info -
you can proceed to figure
things out and move forward.

If it has to do with self
doubt, then you address that
(I am sure hypnosis could
help with that part, should
you be so inclined to use
the option).

I wish you a wonderful day
and night if you are still
in 2010, and a marvelous 2011
when you get there. (Should
anyone reading this be there
already, maybe you can tell
me how the New Year's looking!)

All the best to you,

Thursday, December 30, 2010

With Passion & Substance | Video | Music

As I have said before, when people
touch our hearts they never seem
to leave.

This is one beautiful and passionate
song that speaks to the connection
and the loss of something and someone

I bet there are many who can and do
relate. I know I can.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On Being Yourself | Quote

“To be nobody but yourself in
a world which is doing its best,
night and day,
to make you everybody else,
means to fight the
hardest battle which any
human being can fight;
and never stop fighting.”
- e e Cummings
It seems you're fine as who you
are, until you disagree with
someone who wants something
from you.

To be yourself can truly be
a challenge. And, as with most
challenges, it can be quite
rewarding to meet it.

Nobody does you better!

Failure, Success & THE END | On Relationships

In a comment from a previous blog entry,
me-chan made the comment, "While I'm not
one who'd want to see a relationship fail,
and it made me think about how we view
the end of relationships. It also made
me go look up the word "failure."

Dictionary.com has several definitions
for the word failure
, and among them are:

"an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success: His effort ended in failure. The campaign was a failure."


"nonperformance of something due, required, or expected: a failure to do what one has promised; a failure to appear."

I find it interesting to consider that
the end of a relationship is almost
always considered a "failure" of some
sort, and perhaps it is. Perhaps it
is a failure to communicate, a failure
to respect, a failure to...

However it seems to me that it isn't
so much a failure of a person as much
as it might be a failure of a function
that supports the unison. It is also
interesting to note that the word
"expected" is used.

Who determines what is "expected?"
It seems to me that "Society" is what
determines the expectation of a
relationship, but pretty much in a
void. The expectations don't often
seem to meet with the realities of
what happens.

Even if the functions experience
failure, it doesn't mean that either
one of the couple is a failure themselves,
and yet that label can - and often is -
applied to anyone who appears unable to
live up to a perceived expectation.

Part of the definition also says,
"a lack of success," success defined
by Dictionary.com as "the favorable or
prosperous termination of attempts or
endeavors." Interesting to note in
that definition the word "favorable."

It is yet another word that has some
meaning that might be interpreted
differently by different people.
Society would say it was "favorable"
to maintain a marriage. However
within that broad stroke is zero
consideration for the abuses and
unhappiness that one might have
within that relationship.

There is a very strong undercurrent
within relationships that say they
should evolve a certain way, and
be a certain way, and like under-
currents, there is a push without
any conscious thought of the

Somewhere along the line people
decided that marriage should be
forever. SOME people decided that,
and others for various reasons,
followed suit. It probably seemed
"safer" that way. People would be
less lonely and feel more supported
if they knew they could count on
someone instead of being alone.

The problem in my mind is that
while one might want to think that
that is the case, it probably has
always had its issues. Just because
someone SAYS something doesn't mean
that it is an absolute, and yet we
say things all of the time that
sound like absolutes, and when we
have a change of heart or a change
of mind, there is the perception that
something is wrong with us.

You Promised.

If you have gotten this far in life
you undoubtedly have had at least
one promise broken, and quite likely
more. You have quite likely broken
at least one promise, and quite likely
more. If you haven't, it may have
taken you great pains to keep your
promises, and it may have cost you
in other ways (but that may be another
blog entry).

Those above statements being the case,
making people feel bad about themselves
has never curtailed actions that are
less than what we would like.

People are fallible. People will lie.
People will say what others want to
hear. People will say what they want
to believe is true. People will say
one thing - they think they mean at
the moment - and then have a change
of mind later.

Nothing is perfect, and sometimes we
can dance in the imperfection and
sometimes we can drown in it. The
difference is in how we are in the
moments in our life when we aren't
happy. How do we act? How do we

When we don't know what is important
to ourselves, and we don't have a
focus it is easy to be caught up in
a tide of what is "supposed" to be.

Some might say that that is a selfish
way to be. However, when you know
you want to be with someone, you will
find a way to make things work in
conjunction with who you are at the
core. If you are unable to do that,
then to keep going could be to
compromise the core of who you are.

Is that compromise worth it? I
certainly question that it is. But
I am not you. Only you can decide
if chipping away at who you are to
benefit someone else's "should," is
going to be of value to you in some

As with anything, it is VERY difficult
to cover all of the bases in a
conversation like this. There are
many variables. However, one thing
I do know is that the variables can
become reasons to justify staying in
a situation that has run its course,
and should have ended by now.

If you end when you are supposed to
end, it seems to me to be more of
an end than a failure. To me a
failure is when you keep going to
the point in which there is a break,
and that break comes out of necessity
instead of choice. In cases like that
it is usually much messier than if
the end comes by choice.

If you push something beyond where
it is supposed to go, you run the
risk of it costing you more than
you wanted to pay.

A forced relationship doesn't heal
the relationship, it actually winds
up tearing it to pieces in ways
that are often go unrecognized. The
tears are like the seemingly small
leaks in the dam. And most of the
time those little leaks are ignored,
or not repaired properly while
attention is focused elsewhere and
when that happens, you know what
the outcome will be, don't you?

I am all for relationships that
challenge those in them to
learn, to grow, to be the best
they can be. It doesn't mean
that everything will be perfect,
and as a matter of fact things
often will be LESS than perfect,
but that is the way that we can
and do learn and grow.

As long as a relationship is
supporting the people in it,
I am all for it. The minute
that it starts to deteriorate,
and begins to whittle away the
people in it, is the minute
that some sort of change would
be beneficial - whether it is
to try to work things out, or
to say THE END.

Relationships that hang on
needlessly weaken those who
are in them. Those who are
able to stand up and say
THE END find strength where
they never knew there was
strength before.

I know it's difficult to know
when THE END has come. I have
had my own experience with that,
and it wasn't easy and I had
a few THE ENDs before the final
one. What I do know, though,
is that I tried the best I
could with what I knew and who
I knew myself to be. I gave
it all I knew I could, and
when the final THE END came,
it was an incredible relief.

I have also learned more about
myself when I reflect on what
happened. I don't know that
things could have had a different
outcome, but I do know that I
could have been different, and
with that knowledge I move
forward knowing that to succeed
sometimes one must seem to fail.

I am a better person for that
experience and for what I have
learned from it, and to that
person I will always be thankful
for the time we had together.

My experience with him taught
me a lot about myself and I
became clearer about who I am
and what I want and who I
want to be in life and in

For that reason,
I see nothing
but success.

Do You Tweet? | About Pisces

I have tried to get into
tweeting...but it hasn't
been that easy.

But that doesn't stop me
from spending time on
Twitter. So many
interesting things there.

Today I stumbled into an
account that is all about
Pisces. Not sure why the
person feels the need to
tweet about what Pisces
is about, but it is
interesting, none-the-less.

I know some people don't
take much stock in the
astrological signs, and
in some way I do understand
why. What I also understand,
though, is that there is much
more to astrology than the
superficial "Sun Sign"
interpretations and predictions.

For me, it is always interesting
to see where characteristics do
align with the people I know.

I even met a guy once who was
born the same day and month
as someone that I had been in
a relationship with. I tried
to be open-minded enough that
he could be different than the
person I knew.

Pretty quickly I saw that he
wasn't much different, and I
couldn't get away fast enough!

LOL. Sad. But true.

Any way, any Pisces I have
ever known has been an incredibly
deep thinker who has also been
a lot of fun to be around. I
don't think I have ever met a
Pisces I didn't like or couldn't
relate and talk to.

I am sure there are good things
about people of other signs, as
we all have similar characteristics,
they just play out differently,
because we're all different -
even in our similarities.

If you are interested in Pisces,
and are on Twitter, check this
account out
. You might learn
a thing or two about yourself
or someone you care about.

If you know of any other Twitter
accounts that others may find
interesting, feel free to share
with me, or share below in the

Thanks, and have a great day!

Want a Free File?

Have you
checked out
this blog
entry yet

It's an opportunity
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The deadline for
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Perspective & Humor

"You aren't a loser.
You are a character
in an epic poem
about losers."

- from Jon Stewart talking
about Bruce Springsteen's
music @ Kennedy Center

What if we aren't anything
but characters in other
people's lives? What kind
of character are you?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Science, Men & Women

Apparently science has now discovered
that there is an area of the hypothalamus
that is bigger in men than it is in women,
and has more cells. This may mean something
because it is the area of the brain that
makes us feel turned on.

The hypothalamus sends us signals that
tell us that we feel safe. For women,
that includes sending the message that
it is safe and comfortable to have sex -
which can (in general) take a while.

Combine that with the perceived fact
that testosterone is 10 times more
"effective" in males than it is in women,
no wonder there seems to be a disconnect
once in a while. ;)

According to the article in Cosmo (1/11)
that explains these facts, a massage can
help a woman by helping to release oxytoxin,
a "feel good hormone." Another suggestion
is to get some "romantic exercise" like
dancing, as it increases the testosterone

As I read this, and share it, I wonder if
guys consider things like this as "work."
Sometimes it seems that guys are ready to
"shoot when (they're) ready," which often
may not take much prep or effort.

Not to say this as in something is "wrong,"
but rather as an observation of what the
dynamic may be between two people with
disparate physical functions and needs and...
a consideration of the potential maze of
other things that seem to come into play
in regard to the sexual dynamic. As with
anything, I think the more we are aware of,
the more able we are to navigate the waters
of territory we think we know, and uncover
things we didn't know.

Still...sometimes it is a wonder we manage
to get in sync at all, don't you think?

What if every day you had to choose...?

I have often said that relationships
are a choice, and that when a person
feels committed to another, instead
of recognizing the commitment, the
person sometimes feels as though s/he
no longer has a choice and - in some
cases - sets out to prove otherwise.

The fact is that there is always a
choice, and the choice may be to simply
affirm the choice already made.

I got to wondering if we had to daily
make the choice to be in a relationship,
or lose it by default, what would happen.

Would people feel compelled to make the
choice from a place of fear? Would they
freely choose it? If things were going
badly that day would they let it go
without much effort to work it out?

Would they choose the relationship they
committed to because it is a relationship
they wanted to be in?

In some ways our life is set up with
default settings any way. Our lack of
action and choice will often give us
our experience of life, and the inaction
will be a choice by default.

Is it comforting to know that choices
are made without your conscious consent
and with your lack of participation?

I guess that would depend on the outcome.

While I am speaking about relationships,
this conversation could work for all
kinds of things, and non-romantic
relationships, as well.

If you're brave enough, you might want to
ask yourself if you had to choose the
people and things in your life all over
again, right now, would you?

If the answer is "yes," then you can
choose them again, and reinforce their
presence in your life.

If the answer is "no," then you might
want to consider what it is that is
lacking so that you might be able to
"add it in," and therefore make a
different choice.

If you're unable to "add it in," then
you might want to consider that it is
time to make some different choices.
And, if that is the case, odds are you
already know some of the options (really,
you likely do - you'd be surprised how
we hide things from ourselves sometimes),
you just have to be willing to acknowledge
them and choose them for them to
become viable options for you.

As with most things...easy? Ha!
But worth it? Can't say for sure, but
odds are, yes.

A new calendar year is almost upon us
so you may even be considering resolutions.
While I am not really a fan of them, any
opportunity to review where we are and
where we're going can be a good thing.
There was a time I was working in NYC,
and we had an incredible storm. It
essentially shut everything down for
2 days.

I am reminded of this with news of
the blizzard in NYC and other places
in the northeast.

I share my memory because it is a
great example of "everything is

I lived in Queens at the time, and
my boss lived in Manhattan. He was
the type of boss - for various
reasons - I would never wish for

Back to the point...

Within a day of the storm the NJ
Turnpike was plowed and open, and
people in NYC itself were able to
get around.

However, in places outside of NYC
things were a very different story.
It took a lot to get to work that
day, and I went as we didn't have
a snow plan, so as far as I knew
I was expected to be there.

As it turned out, I was the first
of our small office to arrive,
and I would have likely have been
the only one that day, if it
hadn't been for my boss (who was
on his way to our client in NJ)
telling me to tell all the others
to get into work (no easy feat given
the state of public transportation)
or they wouldn't be paid.

I had to be the messenger, and
believe me, it sucked.

The reason that my boss was so
adamant about everyone getting into
work was because he felt that there
was no reason they shouldn't be
there. In his experience, everything
was "fine." Plus, I was in the office,
so why couldn't everyone else be?

My commute was different than the
rest, so I probably had the easiest
time of our small group. But I had
some incredible snow mountains to
navigate on both sides of the subway
to get where I was going. I even
landed on my butt as I was going over
one of them. It was a dangerous trek.

I tried to tell him of some of the
issues, but he wasn't going to listen.
He had no issues, therefore no one
else should, either.

After the storm was over I showed him
pictures of what things looked like
outside of his world, but instead of
giving the situation we faced credence,
he was indifferent. After all, he
was "right" about his actions that day.

He never was one for entertaining ideas
that weren't his own, and his reality
was so far removed from those who
worked for him, it was difficult to
be his employee.

We all have our blind spots, and as
long as they work somehow, we don't
really need to see another's reality.
For some people it is when they cease
to work that there is an abrupt wake
up call.

It might be easier in general if we
were more mindful of another's situation
before it directly affected us.

Being mindful is more loving and
considerate. The other is more
reactionary, and often times is more
selfishly motivated as a result.

Of course we usually have the freedom
to go any way we want. Consider, though,
that you might just be taking better
care of yourself by taking care of (or
at least being mindful of) another.

People might like you a little more,
too. Not a bad side effect, if you
ask me. :P

Sunday, December 26, 2010

On My Mind...

Have you ever had someone on your mind
that wouldn't get off your mind?

Today I am thinking about someone that
I am no longer in contact with, and
can't seem to stop the thoughts.

I'd like to say they're good thoughts,
but the feeling of missing the person
is stronger than the good stuff, and
it's the good stuff that is creating
the "missing feeling."

Kinda ironic, don't you think?

Life certainly is bittersweet sometimes.

Hope you're having a wonderful day
yourself, and appreciating every
wonderful moment as the precious
and unique diamond that it is

At times it's easy to forget how
valuable each one is in the midst
of everything else, so here is my
gentle reminder to you to enjoy
them while you can, as you never
know when you will receive your
last one.

Of course there are always diamonds
to be had, but none quite like the
ones we've had before.

Also consider that once you've
touched someone's heart, you still
live there in the same way that once
someone has touched your heart,
there, too, that person will remain.

The way things go sometimes, I can't
help but wonder if I am being thought
of today, too...


I once heard...

something to the effect of nothing
can stand in the way of the desire
of your heart without your assistance,
even if the assistance comes in the
form of apathy.

I was reminded of it as this holiday
comes to a close, and wanted to
share this belated "present" on the
day after Christmas.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday,
and are enjoying the remainder of
the weekend. :)
The following is quite a beautiful piece.
It mentions God, which might be a turn
off for some, may be inappropriate for

I know some of my callers believe in
God, and have even turned to their belief
in God and their relationship with Him/Her
when feeling lost, or needing some help
or direction. (It was even brought to my
attention by a caller.)

It took reading it a couple of times to
for me to attempt to absorb the message
that is offered, and I am not sure what
I think of the "fear" part of the message.
I wouldn't even begin to say that I know
all that is intended with the writing,
however since things like this often have
personal resonance and meaning, I believe
that there is something in it for anyone.
At the very least, (be forewarned :P) I
suspect it will very likely give you
something to think about.

Should you choose to pursue it, please
let me know what your experience is,
and if you'd like to read a discussion
on this writing click this link.

The Ladder of Divine Graces
which experience has made known to those inspired by God
by Theophanis the Monk

The first step is that of purest prayer.
From this there comes a warmth of heart,
And then a strange, a holy energy,
Then tears wrung from the heart, God-given.
Then peace from thoughts of every kind.
From this arises purging of the intellect,
And next the vision of heavenly mysteries.
Unheard-of light is born from this ineffably,
And thence, beyond all telling, the heart's illumination.
Last comes—a step that has no limit
Though compassed in a single line—
Perfection that is endless.
The ladder’s lowest step
Prescribes pure prayer alone.
But prayer has many forms:
My discourse would be long
Were I now to speak of them:
And, friend, know that always
Experience teaches one, not words.
A ladder rising wondrously to heaven's vault:
Ten steps that strangely vivify the soul.
Ten steps that herald the soul's life.
A saint inspired by God has said:
Do not deceive yourself with idle hopes
That in the world to come you will find life
If you have not tried to find it in this present world.
Ten steps: a wisdom born of God.
Ten steps: fruit of all the books.
Ten steps that point towards perfection.
Ten steps that lead one up to heaven.
Ten steps through which a man knows God.
The ladder may seem short indeed,
But if your heart can inwardly experience it
You will find a wealth the world cannot contain,
A god-like fountain flowing with unheard-of life.
This ten-graced ladder is the best of masters,
Clearly teaching each to know its stages.
If when you behold it
You think you stand securely on it,
Ask yourself on which step you stand,
So that we, the indolent, may also profit.
My friend, if you want to learn about all this,
Detach yourself from everything,
From what is senseless, from what seems intelligent.
Without detachment nothing can be learnt.
Experience alone can teach these things, not talk.
Even if these words once said
By one of God's elect strike harshly,
I repeat them to remind you:
He who has no foothold on this ladder,
Who does not ponder always on these things,
When he comes to die will know
Terrible fear, terrible dread,
Will be full of boundless panic.
My lines end on a note of terror.
Yet it is good that this is so:
Those who are hard of heart—myself the first—
Are led to repentance, led to a holy life,
Less by the lure of blessings promised
Than by fearful warnings that inspire dread.
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
You who have written this, hear, then, and take note:
Void of all these graces,
How have you dared to write such things?
How do you not shudder to expound them?
Have you not heard what Uzzah suffered
When he tried to stop God's ark from falling?
Do not think that I speak as one who teaches:
I speak as one whose words condemn himself,
Knowing the rewards awaiting those who strive,
Knowing my utter fruitlessness.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

One day a year...

*One day a year*
*we are reminded*
*of how we should be*
*every day.*

*If I remember correctly,*
*today is that day*
*for a good number of us, LOL.*

*All the best to you today,*
*in every way.*

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Being Different Saves the Day | Video

The author of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
reportedly wrote about his times growing up,
feeling different and like an outsider.

Wouldn't it be great if we could all see
how we should be celebrated for our
differences instead of being ostracized?

It seems we don't often see the value of
something until we need to see the value.
Hopefully it's not too late when that
happens, because that is prime soil for
regret. Imagine how Santa would have felt
Christmas Day if he hadn't realized the
potential of Rudolph on Christmas Eve. :P

Here's to the strength within our

A Tale of Two Christmases

I was thinking today about how there
are two versions of Christmas that
are commonly considered to be one
(especially in the United States -
as I can't really speak to the
experience of Christmas in other
countries): The Commercial Christmas
and The Religious Christmas.

In thinking about it, I thought it
was a perfect example of how our
thought processes can collapse and
become a hybrid of the things that
have come before.

Since I am not old enough to know
how things truly evolved first hand,
the best I can do is speculate.

It seems to me that many people I
know don't give presents because
they want to, they give them because
they are expected to.

Along with that expectation comes
disappointment if the gift doesn't
match what is expected. I find that
there are many things bought, just
to have something to give. Often
not much thought is put into a
gift in the effort to buy a gift to

I am sure the original gift giving
was in some part "justified" by the
gifts that were given to Jesus.
But think about it. It was HIS
birthday. How many other birthdays
do you know that other people besides
the person celebrating gets a gift?

I have to wonder if Jesus was around
and saw what was done in his name if
he'd be a very happy camper.

It's nice to know that people care
about one another, but they can do
it without gifts, and they can do it
any of the 365 days in a year. Why
is it that everything leading up to
one day that is supposed to be so
special is so incredibly stressful,
overwhelming, and oftentimes forced?

Kinda counterbalances the idea of
the good, don't you think?

The "funny" thing is that if one
speaks in a non-RA-RA Christmas way,
one can be labelled a Scrooge, and
no one wants to be labelled that,
so great efforts are made to avert
it, to sometimes great cost (both
monetarily and otherwise).

If you give because you want to,
if you give because it is something
in your heart to do, if you give
because something inside of you is
speaking, then what you give is
truly a gift of Love.

If you give because someone wants
something, if you give because your
mind says you should, if you give
because some retailer has convinced
another that you don't love them
unless you get them a certain pricey
gift, then what you give is "some

I don't know about you, but I would
rather have many gifts of love during
the course of the year than "some
thing" the one day everyone else is
getting their "thing."

Perhaps consider which holiday you
experience, and see how you feel
about it. If it works for you,
great. Leave it alone.

But if it doesn't, consider what
you might do differently in the
upcoming 364 days, and how Christmas,
2011 might look different than
Christmases past, while retaining
the "best of" what has come before.

As always I look to observe things
and ask questions. If you are
happy with how things are, that
is what matters. However, if you
are not, then a change has to begin
somewhere. And it may just come
from a blog entry like this one.

I wish you a very special night
and all of what is best of what
this holiday is for you and
those you love and have around you.

And for those who don't celebrate
any form of Christmas, I wish for
you to bask in the glow of all of
the good that does come this time of
year from those who do acknowledge
the day and holiday - even in its
hybrid form.

As the Beatles said, "All we need
is Love. Love is all we need."

I don't know if that is TOTALLY
true, but with love comes so many
possibilities, including money
spent on tokens that represent
that love.

We just might want to be careful
when considering those tokens to
be one in the same as love. I
have received some delicious gifts
that cost little or no money, and
the thought that went into them
was more the gift, than the thing

Love can be represented many ways,
and not just in the way that
retailers may lead you to believe.

Sweet dreams tonight. I hope you've
been a good boy (or girl) this year,
and that Santa gets you the greatest
desire of your heart. It is likely
something that is priceless, but I
believe Santa has deep pockets and
magical powers, so you never know,
you know? :)

And, if by any chance he misses you
or your request, consider that he
may have something even better in
mind for you next year, and you'll
have 364 days to work on creating
what it is that you desire. Maybe
it isn't something that is ready for
you - yet.

In the meantime, love and appreciate
all that is you and what specialness
your world has to offer, and be
thankful for the every day kindness
you are fortunate to witness and to

Thank you for being in my life. It
is a MOST special gift. (The other
gifts are more than fine, too, LOL).

with Love,

Gotta Feel Bad for this Guy... | Video

Apparently this guy has a foot fetish,
and there are public videos to "prove"
it - or so some would say.

All I know is that it is incredible to
me that they're asking him those
questions. It really is no one's

Some say being a public figure he
shouldn't have done what he did.
I can't imagine why not. He hasn't
done anything harmful or illegal.

What he has done (likely inadvertently)
is call attention to a personal matter
because the news outlets are just so
dang nosy.

I wish this stuff could "come out of
the closet" so that people wouldn't
have to feel embarrassed by their
interests or feel in some way
compromised by their discovery.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Are you really needed? (and making an effort to change)

Here is an old "essay" that has
no author that I know of. The
original spoke of a typewriter
(you know...the predecessor to
the computer? The original ones
didn't even need electricity to
work...) but I decided to update
it a bit.

It may be a little corny, and
when you're having a bad time
it's likely very little can
help...but at those times,
some of the times, even the
smallest of things can make a
difference and/or help.

So...with the best of intentions,
here it is:

Am I really needed?

Xvxn though my computxr kxyboard
is an old onx, it works wxll,
xxcxpt for onx of thx kxys. I'vx
wishxd many timxs that it workxd
pxrfxctly. Trux, thxrx arx 42
kxys that function, but onx kxy
not working makxs thx diffxrxncx.

Somxtimxs, it sxxms to mx that
our organizaion is somxwhat likx
my kxyboard - not all thx pxoplx
arx working pxrfxctly. You might
say, "Wxll, I'm only onx pxrson.
It won't makx much diffxrxnce."
But you sxx, an organization, to
bx xfficixnt, nxxds the activx
participation of xvxry pxrson.
Thx nxxt timx you think your
xfforts arxn't nxxded, rxmxmbxr
my kxyboard, and say to yourself,
"I am a kxy pxrson, and thxy
nxxd mx vxry much."

Whew! Geez...that was hard to

Intxrxsting um, Interesting how
our mind works. If you are used
to spelling a word, your fingers
seem to, too. It took great
effort to replace the spellings
I know.

Remind you of anything?

Kinda like when we want to make
changes to the things we know
about ourselves. Sometimes it
takes great effort.

I'd like to think my efforts
were worth it, just like any
changes you may feel you want
to make about yourself, and
persistence can pay off.

In case you don't know it,
hypnosis can help the rewiring
process, and what seems so
difficult at first might seem
almost effortless after a
hypnotic session, or two.

As always, a thought to consider.
Hopefully it's not as painful as
it was for me to type the above
couple of paragraphs. LOL.

Have a good night.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A thought on perfection and one's best

I find sometimes people want to
live up to impossible "perfection"
standards. For those that do,
consider this as a possibility:

No one ever wants to appear less
than the best of what they could be,
and sometimes the best
might not seem to be good enough,
when in actuality,
it is perfect - for who they are
and therefore as perfect as can be.

Are you that 1 in 3 man? | Site

I saw an internet commercial today
for a product for men who have
low testosterone. According to
the statistic they quote 1 in 3
men over 45 have this "issue."

I was curious, so I looked at the
page that describes the medication
and can't believe all of the
possible issues/side effects.

While certain things may be
medical issues that need to
be addressed by a doctor and
medication, I can't help but
wonder what is possible with
"just" hypnosis.

Now you will never hear me tell
you to side step a doctor and
treatment. It wouldn't be
right for me to do, and besides
it would be illegal for me to
do so. (Not that I need the
"incentive" of the illegality
to have you be wise about any

It is always good to get a
doctor's take on what is going
on, and then once you do, make
some choices and decisions that
may include other information
and input from other people with
knowledge that varies from the

I say this because sometimes
one thing can complement another.
You could be treating something
with a doctor, and complement
it with hypnosis. Or you could
even treat something differently
than what a doctor suggests with
their supervision.

There are interesting things -
that defy "knowns" that can
happen with hypnosis.

One time I had a caller who I
had a call with who at the end
of our call told me that he
was on medication that should
have prevented certain physical
things from happening, however
despite what he was told, our
call defied his expectations.

I have also have had callers
of a certain age who have been
amazed by how much they experience
with me, or how many times they
are able to respond to me.

These are things that happen
without a little blue (or any
other color) pill. These are
things that don't have possible,
life threatening side effects.

Our mind is very powerful, and
there is so much we really don't
know about it, but it seems
capable of things that some
medications only could only wish
they could do.

So the next time you have an
issue consider reaching out
to a hypnotist who could assist
you with what is going on. A
qualified hypnotist will always
confirm with you that you've
determined what is up with the
doctor first before proceeding
to help. If someone side steps
this step, be wary as you could
be hypnotizing yourself out of
an early warning system of a
problem that does need to be
addressed. Sometimes symptoms
are signs of a more serious
problem which, if left undetected,
could cause death.

I realize that many times those
who come to erotic hypnosis want
to focus only on the pleasure.
However, the thing that makes
for those amazing erotic pleasure
trips is the same thing that can
have some incredible real life
benefit - given the chance.

Perhaps it's something to consider.

Fantasy Photos | Site

Came across this interesting site
today reverierealm.com/theimages.aspx.

The artist does some very cool
things with his work. For
those who love fantasy, or
just great Photoshop work,
or photography, you may want
to check out the images.

Let me know what you think.

The work most certainly
appears to be a labor of

Time is Running Out...

You can make your Christmas
EXTRA SPECIAL by calling me.

The sooner you call, the
better it will be.

You want to be sure to take
me up on this.

Remember, if we have spoken
before, we can do a quickie.

Talk to you soon!?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On the Subject of Love & Me | Recently I have had a few callers tell me that they love me... | About Me

Recently I have had a few
callers tell me that they
love me.

As far as I am concerned,
I will take all the love
I can get. However
whenever someone tells me
that I always seek to
determine what kind of
love it is, and what it
means to the person.

If you've been reading my
blogs, you know that I
look at things differently
than most. I believe
without question that a
person can love more than
one person simultaneously.

I believe love, in and of
itself, is a beautiful thing.
However, most people will
add things to what they
believe love is, and that
is when there is trouble
and confusion and sometimes

I am more than happy when
a person feels a sense of
love with me, as long as it
doesn't interfere with their
"real" life situation.

I would hate to think that
someone would get so caught
up in me that they would
either ignore the person
they are with, or not want
to be with someone, if they
are single.

In addition, when the type
of love that is felt is
not reciprocated, it can
get kind of difficult, and
sometimes even "weird" for
those who are in the current

I also want to be careful
about people falling for me
because of the hypnosis.

If I was to be interested
in someone as a client, a
friend, or even a potential
partner, I would always want
to be certain that the hypnosis
didn't bias how they feel about
me. I am OK if it is an
enhancement of otherwise
"natural" feelings, however
even then I tend to want to
be careful.

I like the idea that someone
likes me for who I am, not
because someone or something
told them to feel a certain
way. Call me silly, but if
it's supposed to mean something
to me, I want it to be genuine.

The best part of looking at
things this way is that it
is less likely to make issues
for those who feel love
because they're interacting
with love and not the things
we associate with love.

I mention this to you because
some have such a strong desire
to please me they may go off
on a tangent, thinking that
where they are going would
please me.

I am only pleased when those
I interact with take care of
themselves and do what is in
their own best interest. To
do something for me/in my name
that is harmful or detrimental
or compromising in some way to
you would never please me.


Should you feel you love me.
Wonderful! and thank you.


If that feeling in any way
inhibits your ability to be
who you need to be to your
significant other, or diminishes
or wipes away your desire to be
with anyone else, we should talk.

In addition, you might want to
consider my "Turn Off Recording"
just so you can get some perspective
on how you feel truly about me.

There was someone who seemed to
have feelings for me, and he asked
me to turn off the suggestions so
he could see how he really felt
about things. It was a helpful
exercise for him. It was also
interesting for me, as the warmth
I had come accustomed to from him
was gone.

However it was an important thing
for him to do for himself, and I
wholeheartedly endorsed and
respected the choice, and would do
it again in a heartbeat for him
or anyone else. It also might be
interesting to note that I had
actually encouraged him to do just
that for a time before he finally
agreed and saw how knowing how he
truly felt would be beneficial
for him.

If someone was to feel that way
about me, I could see why one
might have a reluctance to turn
off whatever might be creating the
wonderful feelings. At the same
time, the beauty of knowing is
being able to craft what works
with all of the available information,
and come up with something even

I love what I do because I see
what goodness it can provide those
I interact with, and I strive to
keep it in a place that takes care
of, and empowers, those I come
into contact with.

As always, if you have any questions,
please feel free to ask and if any
of this resonates for you, let's
talk about it on our next call.

Have a great night.

Ideas, Foundations, and Survival | Quote

"Strange thing about an idea,"
he said. "You can never tell
whether it is so totally obvious
it seems simple-minded, or
whether it is composed of
relationships you should have
seen before. Most ideas are
merely structures-things built
on bits of knowledge and insight
you already possess. If the
knowledge you possess is in error,
the structure will be flawed."

from Reading for Survival
An Essay by John D. MacDonald

Interesting how he describes
the firing of neurons in our
brain that are our thoughts.

Sometimes it is difficult to
tell how much we are influenced
by things unconsciously...so
much so that the things we think
seem to be one when they're
actually bits and pieces that
have come together and appear
as one.

I do like the structure metaphor,
as the life we live is indeed
built upon a foundation, for
better or worse.

How do we know which?

By how your life is going.

If things aren't working, there
are likely some cracks in the
foundation that have gone

Consider re-evaluating what you
think you "know."

It was only a matter of time... | Humor

It was only a matter of time
before this erotic tidbit
was written:

"Just relax"

He Grasped me firmly but gently just above my elbow and guided me into a room, his room. Then he quietly shut the door and we were alone.

He approached me soundlessly, from behind, and spoke in a low, reassuring voice close to my ear. "Just relax."

Without warning, he reached down and I felt his strong, calloused hands start at my ankles, gently probing, and moving upward along my calves slowly but steadily. My breath caught in my throat. I knew I should be afraid, but somehow I didn't care. His touch was so experienced, so sure.

When his hands moved up onto my thighs, I gave a slight shudder, and partly closed my eyes. My pulse was pounding. I felt his knowing fingers caress my abdomen, my ribcage.. And then, as he cupped my firm, full breasts in his hands, I inhaled sharply. Probing, searching, knowing what he wanted, he brought his hands to my shoulders, slid them down my tingling spine and into my panties.

Although I knew nothing about this man, I felt oddly trusting and expectant. This is a man, I thought. A man used to taking charge. A man not used to taking "No" for an answer. A man who would tell me what he wanted. A man who would look into my soul and say ... "Okay Ma’am," said a voice, "All done."

My eyes snapped open and he was standing in front of me, smiling, holding out my purse. "You can board your flight now."

If you don't laugh...
what'ja got left?

Being Authentic & Creating One's Own Life | Quote

"When we are authentic,
we author ourselves."

Someone told me that
yesterday, and I LOVE
that statement.

It makes perfect sense.

When we are anything
less than who we
authentically are, we
are being someone that
another thinks we should
be. We hold ourselves
in reserve or distort
ourselves, based on what
others think we should
be. In essence these
people and things are
"authoring" who we are.

When we decide to be
who we are, and show
the world without
reserve and editing,
then that is when we
get to create who we
are. That is when
we get to be the
authors of
our own lives.

Can I just say...

PS I have no idea who
said it. If there is
a known attribution
that you know of, please
let me know. Always
want to give credit
where credit is due!

You can't help who you fall in love with...

I just heard about a couple in New York
that were featured in the New York Times
Wedding Section

When they met they were both married,
and had children. At first they were
friends, and over time they fell in
love with the other, without the other's

Then one day they felt that to live a
life apart wasn't what they were supposed
to do, and it meant breaking up their
current lives and families.

The wife of the two doesn't regret the
article, but the husband appears to
because of the the big brouhaha that
seems to have developed around it.

Of course many people are upset; it
triggers many people's own fears and
hurts. Marriage is supposed to be
forever - right? right?!

I have seen countless times (including
one in my own life) when a couple will
attempt hold onto something that is on
its last legs, only to watch it crumble
right in front of them.

The reasons for it may vary...children,
finances, commitment, fear of being
alone. Those are some of the more
common ones.

However the reasons for staying together
are as unique as the individuals involved.
The problem with these reasons is that
they often don't align with the heart
and soul of a person.

Some would say if a person had a heart
s/he wouldn't walk away, but sometimes
it is the heart that knows when to walk,
and does. To hold on longer would cause
more pain and more discord, and more

The article about this couple seems to
be very honest, and I would think that
it might just be "permission" for others
to do the same thing they did.

For some that would be a terrible thing.

However, when we stop trying to put people
in their boxes and start letting them be
I think we will have a much happier world.

When people try to conform to the
expectations of others (especially
Almighty Society) there is a lot of
unhappiness. And don't think the
children in those situations are
fooled. Children can often sense
when something is off from what is
said. If you think you are helping
them, or protecting them, you may
want to think again.


This IS NOT TO SAY that everyone should
walk away at the first temptation.

This IS NOT TO SAY that every flirtation
a relationship makes.

This IS NOT TO SAY a lot of things that
those who are aghast at this type of
behavior and story would thin I am

What this IS TO SAY is that sometimes we
need to choose something because it is
truly the thing we need to do, and the
only person who is going to know if that
is the case is the person him/herself.

The minute that outside influences come
into play, is the minute that there is
greater potential for pain.

There is a difference between selfish
and doing the right thing by another.
Disturbingly for some, it may only be
defined by which side of the fence one
is on.

You can't help who you fall in love
with, and not all love needs to look
a certain way. But what you can do
is pay attention to that voice inside
of you that has a calm and inner
knowing of what the right thing is to
do for you.

I promise you there is a very good
chance if you don't...it won't go
away. It will just get louder and
as you find yourself less and less
happy, and your situation more

There are many things that we do for
ourselves that make no sense to
others and we may even disappoint
others in the process.

But in the end, the best we can do
for anyone is to be true to our own
path. There is much more hurt that
comes from denial over a long period
of time. Oftentimes denial combined
with time only feeds the hurt you
were trying to avoid.

As always, I know it sucks.

Much of life sucks, but the more
that we can allow ourselves to
"embrace" the sucky moments, the
less sucky our life will seem to be.

As much as we'd like to, we can't
avoid pain and disappointment. But
what we can do is interact with the
situations that bring those feelings
on in a way that is helpful rather
than hurtful.

It is a choice. Not an easy one,
but a choice none-the-less. Which
is more than I can say about those
we fall in love with. We certainly
don't seem to have any control over

Ironically, I'd say many of us think
of it in the opposite way - that we
don't have a choice regarding the
situations we find ourselves in and
that we do have a choice who we fall
in love with.

I love how we seem to think we can
control the things that are uncontrollable
and relinquish control in the things
that we can affect.

You just gotta love being human!

PS To see some interesting comments
about this article visit this link.

Monday, December 20, 2010

An Opportunity for You

Occasionally I will have those I
hypnotize want me to "encourage"
them to be the generous, giving,
loving people they are.

When they act upon my suggestion,
and then tell me about it, I love
hearing about what they did and
how it affected another person,
or other people.

I got to thinking today that the
world is a better place one kind
act at a time. If your world is
a better place, then mine is, too.

For that reason, I'd like to try
something, and see if I might be
able to create more opportunities
for those who want to make a
difference in their world.

I am going to offer anyone who is
a caller of mine one free file
a month in exchange for one good
deed done for a stranger.

It has to be something "personal"
in nature, not just writing a check
for charity. While those are helpful
and - I am sure - appreciated, I am
looking for something with a bit
more of a personal connection with

The date that the monthly cycle
will end on is the 8th of each
month. So if you would like to
take advantage of this offer, I
request that you comment in this
blog about your experience by
that date each month.

I find that people often benefit
from the experience of others, and
that is why I would like for you
to share. You can feel free to
alter anything that might seem
overly personal or that might
give away your privacy.

I ask that you sign your comment
with your NF name (or let me know
ahead of time what name you will
use). If you aren't a NF customer,
then make sure I know who you are
when you do sign. Then email me
privately and let me know which
file you would like for your good

I am going to limit it to one file
per month, however feel free to
let your generous spirit move you
as often as you may feel inspired. :)

Anyone who does something consistently
for 6 consecutive months will receive
an extra something special from me.

I am sure I will be working out more
details as time goes by, and perhaps
editing the details...but ya gotta
start somewhere, you know?

Anyone who has any ideas or suggestions
of things that can be done, feel free
to comment below to inspire others.

To get you started thinking about this,
I'll tell you about one of the things
that was done once.

The person doing the good deed paid
for the groceries of the person behind
him in line. He then suggested that
that person - in turn - do the same.

Somewhere I have what he said his
experience was, and should I come
across it again, I will share it.
One thing I remember was that he was
slightly reluctant to act, at first.
But when he did, he said he felt
pretty great about it.

This is not to break anyone's wallet
or create any problems or hardships.
What you do can be as simple as
offering to mow the grass or shoveling
snow of an elderly neighbor.

I know I said an act of kindness for
a stranger, however, if you find yourself
able to help another in need, and wouldn't
normally extend yourself, I'll let you
use that experience to receive your
free file.

I also suggest that you consider the
idea of "paying it forward" when helping
the person...asking them to help another
when an opportunity presents itself, as
a way of keeping the good energy going.

Of course there is no way for me to
validate what you do, so this is on
the honor system, and also why it is
also only extended to those who are
my callers (in addition to the fact
that most of my files are for those
who have previously been hypnotized
by me).

If you have any questions, feel free
to ask. I am also looking for a name
for this endeavor. If you have any
suggestions/ideas, please let me know!

First due date: January 8, 2011

Some people just don't get me...

It has been raining like crazy the last
several days. It probably rained more
in one day than it did in all of 2007.

I was out earlier, and it was pouring.
I went to buy something, and I asked
the person I was paying, "Have your
ticket for the Ark, yet?"

It landed flat.

Oh well.

Loving the Moment | Link

When love speaks...people take notice.

I heard of this story the first time
today, and thought about how when we
truly connect with another, the
superficial pieces and parts don't
seem to matter as much as people
might think they would/should.

There is something to be learned from
situations like these, not the least
of which is to appreciate the beauty
and love within the moment. No one
knows how many moments we will have,
and one moment fully lived is likely
to be more fulfilling than the
accumulation of a lifetime of moments
that aren't.

If you'd like to read what I am referring
to click here for the touching story.

Here's to the love of life and the
incredible opportunity within each of
its precious moments.


Light of Love | Image

Squirrel: Mission Possible | Video

Apparently this squirrel was tantalized
by nuts in each one of the sections
that was built after the squirrel
learned the previous ones.

It took 2 weeks to get to what you will
see below. Interesting ways people
entertain themselves, and then us, LOL.

It is interesting to note that humans
aren't much different. Give them a
little incentive and watch them reach
farther and farther to get the reward.

Bet the squirrel didn't know about the
masterplan, or even care about anything
but the nuts...and bet you often don't
notice much of what's happening either
when nuts are tantalizing you.

(Sorry, I know it's bad...LOL...but also
somewhat appropriate, don't you think?)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Year Ago Today...

One of the comments
left by a caller was

"Treat yourself to a
Christmas present call
Isis!! You will be glad
you did!!!"
- MarylandMan44

Sounds like good advice,
even a year later.

I'm betting you WILL
be MORE than glad you did.

Video | Music | Seal

This song is about something different
than what the video may imply.

both are beautiful.
See what you think.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Real or Fake? | Site

I just saw an article in the New York Times
about Christmas trees
. It seems to make
the case that real trees in many cases are
the best option when being "green."

I find it interesting to consider the things
we are told. The article mentions how some
would say that a fake tree is better for the
environment because it is saving a real tree,
and it could be a convincing argument, except
for the fact that fake trees take energy to
make and have not so good chemicals in them.

I would imagine it is difficult sometimes to
know what the best or right thing is to do,
however I find that the farther away something
is from "natural," (as in what came into being
without us messing with it) the less likely it
would seem to be a good thing, in many cases.
I'd like to say all, but have no way of knowing
if that would be accurate, so I can only
speculate based on the things that are presented.

Of course, arguments can be made for almost
anything, but I do wonder why (beyond money)
we'd want to argue for something that even
remotely seems to be harmful.

The above article reminds me of the website
StoryofStuff.com. Have you ever seen it?
If you have the time, check it out. It'll
give ya something to nibble on.

The Perfect Present

It must be difficult at times to live
as a public persona - especially one
that is an entertainer.

You get all kinds of people talking
about your failures probably more
often than your successes.

You get people assessing your every
thought, your every move, your every

All businesses have their brands and
their brands need to perform or they
are laid to rest.

While the the branding thing is more
noticeable in things like toothpaste,
it most certainly applies to celebrities,
and even those who aren't a celebrity.

People have become most fickle. In
some ways we have been hypnotized to
be that way. We have been taught
that new is better than old. We have
been taught new is cooler than old.
We have been taught that to be "in"
we have to be with whoever and whatever
the hottest and newest "thing" is.

It takes a special kind of attitude
to remember that what one does is not
who one is. It takes a special kind
of effort to recognize that if
something fails, it does not a failure

It takes us being able and willing to
be aware that the qualities of the
things around us are not who we are.

Someone can be outwardly beautiful
and still be a very ugly person.

Someone can be outwardly rich
and still be a very poor person.

When the going is good, the connection
will feed us, but when it is not so
good it can destroy us.

It might be difficult to know who you
are separate from all of the labels
you wear. However, to have the best
chance of being peaceful and accepting
of yourself, it is best to distinguish
yourself separate from those labels.

For some it is easier to wear the
labels, as uncomfortable as they may
be, than to figure out who they are.

As with all of life's experiences,
that can work for some. However, for
others there will come an inevitable
time when who that person is must be
reckoned with.

It is likely a better experience overall
when it is done by choice rather than
when it is thrust upon someone by the
things that are happening in that
person's life at the time.

There was a particular time in my life
when I came face to face with a facet
of myself that was long hidden by its
perceived pretty side.

It was VERY uncomfortable to recognize
it and even harder to claim it.

BUT...once I did, something quite
magical happened. I found that I was
less inclined to be that way over time.
By turning the metaphorical light on it,
it made it mostly disappear, almost like

At the time, though...it was painful
beyond words. We work hard to protect
those things we think we know and it
can be difficult beyond words to tear
down the old and make way for something
new and unknown.

For me, it was worth it, and I am sure
that there are other parts of me that
are now on alert to prevent that from
ever happening again!! LOL.

Who you are - when stripped naked of
all that things say you are - is quite
vulnerable and it can be very scary.
And yet when you are stripped bare you
have possibilities unlike any other
you've ever had and nothing weighing
you down, stopping you.

Ever wanted the perfect Christmas
present? It isn't one that anyone else
could ever give you. It is one only
you can give yourself.

Consider giving yourself you this
Christmas. Others in your life might
not be so sure it's such a good thing,
as they become dependent on who they
think you are...but that is a discussion
for another day.

One step at a time.

Shake it up | Christmas | Video

So few songs seem to have much
substance these days. A few
words, a few lines, and repeat.

I love the concept for this video,
and I love that there is some
substance to the song.

Perhaps you'll enjoy it, too. :)


Friday, December 17, 2010

Playing in the Erotic Hypnosis Rabbit Hole

When I began to do erotic hypnosis,
I did it because I was sensual
and I enjoyed the idea that it
could be used in a way that could
make someone feel good.

When I first started I never used
the words "Good Boy" and I didn't
really do recordings or sessions
that were more than just some
immediate form of control.

I was never one to do things that
would inhibit another's enjoyment
of the art form by suggesting that
they be with ME exclusively.

As time went by, the "market"
was clamoring for me to be more
"domme-like" so I started to
include certain facets in the
mix, always mindful of the life
of a person outside of the
environment we had between us
(sometimes to the chagrin of
those who wanted to see how
far things could be pushed).

I have played a role of sorts
in what I have done, and have
been more and more careful and
specific about how I attempt
to classify myself, as the labels
I have attempted to wear have
been used against me on occasion
when someone has gone with the
perception of the label instead
of going with who I am.

It is a difficult position to
be in at times. If I didn't
"pose" a certain way, those who
would "need" someone like me
wouldn't likely find me.

There seems not to be much
middle ground - just a very
narrow ledge...one that I
would very much like to widen.

Being dominant is what I do,
it isn't who I am.

For some, that is a huge block
as they want the "real thing."
And, while some may think they
want the real thing, there is
a good chance in a number of
situations that when reality
meets fantasy, there will not
only be disappointment, there
will be even more significant

If you are new to this type
of hypnosis you may want to
taste the many flavors, going
from hypnotist to hypnotist.

If you do, what you may not
realize is how affected
unconsciously by the suggestions
that have been given.

It won't necessarily be a bad
thing, until or if it becomes
a bad thing.

The problem is that there are
so many variances in the equation
of erotic hypnosis, not the least
of which is the originating
mindset of those involved.

If you think you're just going to
dip your toes in the water, be
careful about walking up to
someone who may have a reputation
for pulling people into the pool.

Just because you have your beliefs,
desires, and ground rules and limits
does not mean that someone else will
respect them. Just because you only
intended to spend 30 minutes doesn't
meant you won't find yourself
awakening 90 minutes later having
spent an additional amount of money
on files, in tributes, or in gift

I know that there are some who will
read this and get all turned on by
the idea that someone could do that
to you. However consider that what
might be a one time thrill could
become a self-destructing habit
guided by the type of person who
knows what they're doing and can
take you places you never imagined
(and *not* in a good way).

Sometimes we need to lose what we
have to appreciate what we had.

Occasionally someone will get side
tracked from sessions with me by
another hypnotist. It is interesting
to hear about what happened in their
absence. Often the sessions were
taking a turn that was undesired.
In addition, they come to discover
that they were much more affected
by the other person than they realized
(also *not* in a good way).

So why am I telling you all of this?

Because it is important to go into
sessions with as much knowledge as
possible...asking as many questions
as possible (even if just in your
own mind).

Many come to me with a "do me" attitude
that could very likely one day get them
into trouble if they speak to the "wrong"
type of hypnotist for what they may want.

For several reasons, erotic hypnosis is
very much a rabbit hole...you really never
know just where you will wind up. Well
done hypnosis becomes who you are and is
no longer what you do.

It is possible you could lose sight of
the person you once were, and have no
idea how to get back. You may not even
know that there is "someone" to get back

I personally am uncertain about those
types of changes, as I believe we all
have a purpose in being who we are.

And, while at times, there may be things
to enhance and tweak, I find it difficult
to believe that the whole of a person
being washed away is a good thing.

But that's just me.

Your mileage may vary, and
I certainly respect that.

If you take a turn and find yourself
in a place you don't want to be,
I might be able to help, although
I hope never to meet you under those

May all your rabbit holes be safe ones.

What if you could talk to the you you will be this time next year? | Site

Apparently, you can.

I heard about an organization recently
that will take a letter that you write
to yourself about the upcoming year
and mail it to you the following year.

I have done things like that...although
some have been more "official" than
others. It is interesting to be able
to reflect on what has come before
(although sometimes I don't always
remember why I wrote what I did).

It reminded me of a site that I had
heard of futureme.org. You can email
yourself and set a future date for
delivery. Provided you maintain the
email address that it is supposed to
be sent to, you might receive an
interesting surprise one day.

This time of year is common for making
wishes and making plans and this
might be an interesting thing to use
to keep tabs on yourself and where
you've been and where you intend to be.

You can also send a message to another
also for future delivery.

It's free so, of course, you have to
figure that there may be some quirks
or bugs. But if it comes through, it
might just be pretty cool.

From a Letter Unsent

Earlier this year I wrote a letter to
someone. It was a letter I wasn't
sure I was going to send.

In some ways it was an attempt for me
to say the things I wanted to say.

The letter as a whole was never sent,
and a few pieces were shared other
ways. Ever wish you could say what
you really feel? I wonder sometimes
if we are meant to say all that comes
to mind to another, or if some of it
is just for us.

Either way, odds are the letter will
never be shared directly with the
person it was intended for however,
like a couple of the previous entries,
it seems to me to be a message that
can speak to others.

Once again, I share some of my
heartfelt words with you.


You are a very special person. There
is zero doubt about that in my mind,
in my heart, in my soul. You may have
quirks, imperfections, doubts, however,
there is every indicator within me that
you are an incredible and passionate
person. A person who has known the
restraint that society has put upon
you, and a person who has other pieces
and parts to himself that seek acceptance
from the only person that truly matters -


Once again, if these words resonate for
you, imagine that they were written
to you, and feel free to take them in.

It's all about Perspective | A frivolous Gal

This has been passed around for
quite some time. It's pretty
humorous, and even if you're too
young to appreciate it personally,
you might know someone of that
"right" age that could identify.

"She" makes her life sound so
grand...not sure how the person
who wrote it really felt, but I
could see that person in the
midst of discomfort with a smile
on their face.

Circumstances are one thing and
often something we may not be
able to change. How we look at
them is another, and is often
the one thing we do have control

I hope this brings a smile. :)

Old folks are worth a fortune.
With silver in their hair,
gold in their teeth, stones in
their kidneys, lead in their
feet, and gas in their stomachs.

I have become a lot more social
with the passing of the years;
some might call me a frivolous
old gal. I'm seeing five gentle-
men every day.

As soon as I wake, Will Power
helps me get out of bed. Then
I go to see John. Then Charley
Horse comes along, and when he
leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up
and stays the rest of the day.
(He doesn't like to stay in one
place very long, so he takes me
from joint to joint.) After such
a busy day, I'm really tired and
glad to go to bed - with Ben Gay.

What a life!

PS The preacher came to call the
other day. He said that at my age,
I should be thinking about the
hereafter I told him I do, all
the time. No matter where I am
- in the parlor, upstairs in the
kitchen, or down in the basement -
I ask myself, "Now, what am I here

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What YOU deserve (perhaps this will resonate for you)

Here is something else that I
wrote to another. I suspect
that this is the type of thing
that would resonate for more
than just the intended person.

For that reason, I share it,
just as I shared the other
words (in this blog entry).


Do not shortchange yourself.

While you may have questions
about who you are...remember
that who you are is never
what you do. You deserve
love beyond your wildest
dreams and desires. You
deserve the respect that
goes along with it. You
deserve someone who is a
true partner, someone who
will not take advantage -
or take for granted - your
willing nature, and someone
who knows how to balance all
aspects of you and your
relationship, without
expecting you to compromise
who you are.

You believe in yourself
professionally, and it is
just as important to
believe in yourself

People make the mistake of
believing that what they
deserve has to do with what
they have or haven't done.

The mistake you would make
would be to be one of them.


If it resonated for you,
might I suggest you
go back
read it again,
and take it in,
as though it was
written just for your
eyes and your heart,
and for the love
of who you are and
what you stand for.

If it didn't
resonate for you,
perhaps you know
someone who could
appreciate these
words, and may
even need to
hear them.

If you didn't know
what to say before,
perhaps you will
know now.

Have a good night. :)

On Trusting Impressions

Have you read Blink? I have, but
not recently. I was reminded of
it now, and need to go back and
revisit it.

I mention it because I was thinking
about impressions and gut feelings.

Apparently, the physical image we
present provides people with 55-80%
of what they believe about us.

Interestingly, Malcolm suggests that
the more complex something is, the
more we should trust our first
impression. The more simple it is,
the less facts there are, the more
he would suggest further analysis.

In some way, that makes sense to me.
Some things are so big, so much,
they can overwhelm. In some cases
you could never know enough. It
could cause serious paralysis and

I would suggest that people are one
of those complex things which means
your first reaction to someone is
likely to be the best one. You can
possibly access by the appearance
of a person, but often the appearance
won't align with the nature of the
gut feeling.

In addition, this can tie into my
last blog entry about going on what
we know from the past
. Sometimes
it might be correct, but there could
be times our past-based assessments
could short circuit our efforts or
cheat us out of an opportunity.

While our appearance may "tell"
someone who they think we are,
it could be lying. The person's
assessment tools may also be

The physical things around us may
say something, but it often will
not relay who we truly are. Just
like the other blog entry about
what makes a good man
, the things
and who we are may at times be
connected, but the things themselves
don't often equate to who we are.

(By the way, it is the unconscious
mind that likes things to be known.
It seeks out those things because
it finds comfort in it.

It is likely to be a good thing at
times, however when it rules it
may choose things that don't really
work for us, at all.)

Confused yet?

One thing gives one message. Another
thing gives another message. Which
one is the "right" one?

YOU know, and when you pay attention
to that inner voice and direction you
will find that the things people say
won't matter as much any more, unless,
that is - you want them to.

Would you like to read more about
Blink? See this link, and tell me
what you think.

I am the poet,
don'tja know it?


How Perception Can Shape Interpretation of Reality

Ever been to a museum of Science and Industry?

They are some cool places to visit.
Many of the things you see will
challenge you to think.


Any way, I came across a note I had made of
an exhibit I had seen on one of my visits.
I believe it was at the museum in Queens, NY.

If I remember correctly, I wrote exactly what
the exhibit explained, because it just was
so metaphorically perfect for other things
that we do.

I share it (if there is some reason I
shouldn't in this crazy world we live in
now someone should let me know) as a way
of being potentially helpful to another.

The emphasis of some words below is mine.


Most windows are rectangles. When a rectangle
window is angled away from you, the farther
edge seems smaller. Because of your past
, your brain assumes the window
in the exhibit is rectangular and that one edge
appears smaller only because it is farther away.

But one edge really is smaller. When the smaller
edge moves closer to you, the brain refuses to
it closer. Instead, it assumes that the window
is now rotating in the opposite direction -
therefore it appears to swing back and forth.


From the blurb you might get that beside this
description there was a window shaped object
hanging nearby that was moving in such a way
to create the illusion.

Best if you can actually see in action, but
it still may give you something to consider.

How many times do we act - based on past
experience, in some way refusing to see the
present because of what we think we know,
making assumptions that ultimately get us
into dilemmas because what we believe to
be "true" is inaccurate?

If you can say you've never done that, I
would LOVE to meet you! :P

Have a great day.

Trying to Prove Something in an Inappropriate Context

This is something I wrote to
someone regarding a situation
he was in. I share it in case
someone else might find the
perspective helpful.

It's like saying 2+2=metal.
Metal has nothing to do with
2, and you'll never prove it,
no matter how determined you
are, or how many times you try,
or how long you stick with it.

There are times you may feel
that you need to prove that
you are a good man by staying
in an unhealthy marriage.

Your equation is something
like me+staying with my wife
=me being a good man.

It doesn't work that way.

You are a good man, and
you don't need proof, and
you don't need to feel
like you need to stay
unhappily in a situation
to prove it since it is
impossible to prove that
you are a good man.

It is something that
you just are.

It is something that can
coordinate with your actions,
but is actually separate
from them.

You can still be a good man,
and refrain from doing what
others (or even you) believe
a good man "should."

And - if by some chance
you actually want to try
any way - a good man will
always take care of himself
first - and is always honest
with himself - or else what
does he truly have to give

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From a Satisfied Caller | About Me

"After a session with you I'm always
left with a feeling of satisfaction.
As a very shy man who has been
fixated with hypnosis from old vampire
and witchcraft movies, I have always
fantasized about being taken by an
erotic enchantress. Since I first
joined Niteflirt I have contacted many
mistresses but most of them have been

You, however, have never failed to meet
my expectations. Most of the others
seem only interested in phone sex.
While I find the erotic side of the
conversation important, I always prefer
a strong hypnotic induction as a teasing
foreplay. Many others are into
feminization and homosexuality. I am
completely turned off by just the thought
of that. While I know in contacting a
mistress I have to do as I'm told, I hate
to be put into a situation that makes me

In short the reason I keep returning to
you is you listen to me and try to meet
my wants."

Thank you!