Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, December 20, 2010

An Opportunity for You

Occasionally I will have those I
hypnotize want me to "encourage"
them to be the generous, giving,
loving people they are.

When they act upon my suggestion,
and then tell me about it, I love
hearing about what they did and
how it affected another person,
or other people.

I got to thinking today that the
world is a better place one kind
act at a time. If your world is
a better place, then mine is, too.

For that reason, I'd like to try
something, and see if I might be
able to create more opportunities
for those who want to make a
difference in their world.

I am going to offer anyone who is
a caller of mine one free file
a month in exchange for one good
deed done for a stranger.

It has to be something "personal"
in nature, not just writing a check
for charity. While those are helpful
and - I am sure - appreciated, I am
looking for something with a bit
more of a personal connection with

The date that the monthly cycle
will end on is the 8th of each
month. So if you would like to
take advantage of this offer, I
request that you comment in this
blog about your experience by
that date each month.

I find that people often benefit
from the experience of others, and
that is why I would like for you
to share. You can feel free to
alter anything that might seem
overly personal or that might
give away your privacy.

I ask that you sign your comment
with your NF name (or let me know
ahead of time what name you will
use). If you aren't a NF customer,
then make sure I know who you are
when you do sign. Then email me
privately and let me know which
file you would like for your good

I am going to limit it to one file
per month, however feel free to
let your generous spirit move you
as often as you may feel inspired. :)

Anyone who does something consistently
for 6 consecutive months will receive
an extra something special from me.

I am sure I will be working out more
details as time goes by, and perhaps
editing the details...but ya gotta
start somewhere, you know?

Anyone who has any ideas or suggestions
of things that can be done, feel free
to comment below to inspire others.

To get you started thinking about this,
I'll tell you about one of the things
that was done once.

The person doing the good deed paid
for the groceries of the person behind
him in line. He then suggested that
that person - in turn - do the same.

Somewhere I have what he said his
experience was, and should I come
across it again, I will share it.
One thing I remember was that he was
slightly reluctant to act, at first.
But when he did, he said he felt
pretty great about it.

This is not to break anyone's wallet
or create any problems or hardships.
What you do can be as simple as
offering to mow the grass or shoveling
snow of an elderly neighbor.

I know I said an act of kindness for
a stranger, however, if you find yourself
able to help another in need, and wouldn't
normally extend yourself, I'll let you
use that experience to receive your
free file.

I also suggest that you consider the
idea of "paying it forward" when helping
the person...asking them to help another
when an opportunity presents itself, as
a way of keeping the good energy going.

Of course there is no way for me to
validate what you do, so this is on
the honor system, and also why it is
also only extended to those who are
my callers (in addition to the fact
that most of my files are for those
who have previously been hypnotized
by me).

If you have any questions, feel free
to ask. I am also looking for a name
for this endeavor. If you have any
suggestions/ideas, please let me know!

First due date: January 8, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Dear Goddess Isis;
    I took your advice and with a portion of my holiday bonus I purchased 15 new board games and toys and donated them to Haven House. Haven house is a local house that takes in battered women and their children to escape abusive relationships. I know one of the resourse coordinators and she was more than happy to deliver these to the unit for Christmas.
    Happy New Year!!
