Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, December 17, 2010

Playing in the Erotic Hypnosis Rabbit Hole

When I began to do erotic hypnosis,
I did it because I was sensual
and I enjoyed the idea that it
could be used in a way that could
make someone feel good.

When I first started I never used
the words "Good Boy" and I didn't
really do recordings or sessions
that were more than just some
immediate form of control.

I was never one to do things that
would inhibit another's enjoyment
of the art form by suggesting that
they be with ME exclusively.

As time went by, the "market"
was clamoring for me to be more
"domme-like" so I started to
include certain facets in the
mix, always mindful of the life
of a person outside of the
environment we had between us
(sometimes to the chagrin of
those who wanted to see how
far things could be pushed).

I have played a role of sorts
in what I have done, and have
been more and more careful and
specific about how I attempt
to classify myself, as the labels
I have attempted to wear have
been used against me on occasion
when someone has gone with the
perception of the label instead
of going with who I am.

It is a difficult position to
be in at times. If I didn't
"pose" a certain way, those who
would "need" someone like me
wouldn't likely find me.

There seems not to be much
middle ground - just a very
narrow ledge...one that I
would very much like to widen.

Being dominant is what I do,
it isn't who I am.

For some, that is a huge block
as they want the "real thing."
And, while some may think they
want the real thing, there is
a good chance in a number of
situations that when reality
meets fantasy, there will not
only be disappointment, there
will be even more significant

If you are new to this type
of hypnosis you may want to
taste the many flavors, going
from hypnotist to hypnotist.

If you do, what you may not
realize is how affected
unconsciously by the suggestions
that have been given.

It won't necessarily be a bad
thing, until or if it becomes
a bad thing.

The problem is that there are
so many variances in the equation
of erotic hypnosis, not the least
of which is the originating
mindset of those involved.

If you think you're just going to
dip your toes in the water, be
careful about walking up to
someone who may have a reputation
for pulling people into the pool.

Just because you have your beliefs,
desires, and ground rules and limits
does not mean that someone else will
respect them. Just because you only
intended to spend 30 minutes doesn't
meant you won't find yourself
awakening 90 minutes later having
spent an additional amount of money
on files, in tributes, or in gift

I know that there are some who will
read this and get all turned on by
the idea that someone could do that
to you. However consider that what
might be a one time thrill could
become a self-destructing habit
guided by the type of person who
knows what they're doing and can
take you places you never imagined
(and *not* in a good way).

Sometimes we need to lose what we
have to appreciate what we had.

Occasionally someone will get side
tracked from sessions with me by
another hypnotist. It is interesting
to hear about what happened in their
absence. Often the sessions were
taking a turn that was undesired.
In addition, they come to discover
that they were much more affected
by the other person than they realized
(also *not* in a good way).

So why am I telling you all of this?

Because it is important to go into
sessions with as much knowledge as
possible...asking as many questions
as possible (even if just in your
own mind).

Many come to me with a "do me" attitude
that could very likely one day get them
into trouble if they speak to the "wrong"
type of hypnotist for what they may want.

For several reasons, erotic hypnosis is
very much a rabbit hole...you really never
know just where you will wind up. Well
done hypnosis becomes who you are and is
no longer what you do.

It is possible you could lose sight of
the person you once were, and have no
idea how to get back. You may not even
know that there is "someone" to get back

I personally am uncertain about those
types of changes, as I believe we all
have a purpose in being who we are.

And, while at times, there may be things
to enhance and tweak, I find it difficult
to believe that the whole of a person
being washed away is a good thing.

But that's just me.

Your mileage may vary, and
I certainly respect that.

If you take a turn and find yourself
in a place you don't want to be,
I might be able to help, although
I hope never to meet you under those

May all your rabbit holes be safe ones.


  1. This is something that needs to not be forgotten for those interested in Erotic Hypnosis. Even for those who don't agree, it's always worth considering.

  2. Isis!

    Once again, you write truth from your caring perspective and I thank you for that. You're a rare person in this rarefied playground we're in and I hope others will find these words and take them to heart. I know I did.

    Though it's exciting to fantasize about someone being able to hold me captive in some of the ways you describe, I find it too important to continue being who I am to give those fantasies serious life. What you've written here, and in other places in your blog, has been a touchstone for my own investigations into hypnosis and they've helped me a great deal.

    Peace and Happy Holidays,


  3. If a hypnotist comments in the forest of the internet and no one reads it, has she commented at all? Your (and others) feedback is helpful to me, and I love that you take the time to comment.

    As you can tell, I am quite passionate about what I do and what I believe. Sometimes it just flows out like it did in this entry.

    I wonder sometimes what people think, and if anyone pays attention to what I say, as we all have our own paths to forge. However, if there is a chance that one person stumbles into me in the woods and is helped by the perspectives shared, I'd say it was worth it.

    Happy Holidays to you, too!
