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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Friday, December 24, 2010

A Tale of Two Christmases

I was thinking today about how there
are two versions of Christmas that
are commonly considered to be one
(especially in the United States -
as I can't really speak to the
experience of Christmas in other
countries): The Commercial Christmas
and The Religious Christmas.

In thinking about it, I thought it
was a perfect example of how our
thought processes can collapse and
become a hybrid of the things that
have come before.

Since I am not old enough to know
how things truly evolved first hand,
the best I can do is speculate.

It seems to me that many people I
know don't give presents because
they want to, they give them because
they are expected to.

Along with that expectation comes
disappointment if the gift doesn't
match what is expected. I find that
there are many things bought, just
to have something to give. Often
not much thought is put into a
gift in the effort to buy a gift to

I am sure the original gift giving
was in some part "justified" by the
gifts that were given to Jesus.
But think about it. It was HIS
birthday. How many other birthdays
do you know that other people besides
the person celebrating gets a gift?

I have to wonder if Jesus was around
and saw what was done in his name if
he'd be a very happy camper.

It's nice to know that people care
about one another, but they can do
it without gifts, and they can do it
any of the 365 days in a year. Why
is it that everything leading up to
one day that is supposed to be so
special is so incredibly stressful,
overwhelming, and oftentimes forced?

Kinda counterbalances the idea of
the good, don't you think?

The "funny" thing is that if one
speaks in a non-RA-RA Christmas way,
one can be labelled a Scrooge, and
no one wants to be labelled that,
so great efforts are made to avert
it, to sometimes great cost (both
monetarily and otherwise).

If you give because you want to,
if you give because it is something
in your heart to do, if you give
because something inside of you is
speaking, then what you give is
truly a gift of Love.

If you give because someone wants
something, if you give because your
mind says you should, if you give
because some retailer has convinced
another that you don't love them
unless you get them a certain pricey
gift, then what you give is "some

I don't know about you, but I would
rather have many gifts of love during
the course of the year than "some
thing" the one day everyone else is
getting their "thing."

Perhaps consider which holiday you
experience, and see how you feel
about it. If it works for you,
great. Leave it alone.

But if it doesn't, consider what
you might do differently in the
upcoming 364 days, and how Christmas,
2011 might look different than
Christmases past, while retaining
the "best of" what has come before.

As always I look to observe things
and ask questions. If you are
happy with how things are, that
is what matters. However, if you
are not, then a change has to begin
somewhere. And it may just come
from a blog entry like this one.

I wish you a very special night
and all of what is best of what
this holiday is for you and
those you love and have around you.

And for those who don't celebrate
any form of Christmas, I wish for
you to bask in the glow of all of
the good that does come this time of
year from those who do acknowledge
the day and holiday - even in its
hybrid form.

As the Beatles said, "All we need
is Love. Love is all we need."

I don't know if that is TOTALLY
true, but with love comes so many
possibilities, including money
spent on tokens that represent
that love.

We just might want to be careful
when considering those tokens to
be one in the same as love. I
have received some delicious gifts
that cost little or no money, and
the thought that went into them
was more the gift, than the thing

Love can be represented many ways,
and not just in the way that
retailers may lead you to believe.

Sweet dreams tonight. I hope you've
been a good boy (or girl) this year,
and that Santa gets you the greatest
desire of your heart. It is likely
something that is priceless, but I
believe Santa has deep pockets and
magical powers, so you never know,
you know? :)

And, if by any chance he misses you
or your request, consider that he
may have something even better in
mind for you next year, and you'll
have 364 days to work on creating
what it is that you desire. Maybe
it isn't something that is ready for
you - yet.

In the meantime, love and appreciate
all that is you and what specialness
your world has to offer, and be
thankful for the every day kindness
you are fortunate to witness and to

Thank you for being in my life. It
is a MOST special gift. (The other
gifts are more than fine, too, LOL).

with Love,

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