Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Procrastination Pays Off

I just read an article about a guy who made
$41,300 off of a Nintendo Game that cost
$29.99 originally

He never opened the game because it couldn't
be used, and he never returned it. It sat
in his basement for years, and was about to
go to Goodwill.

Could he have been kicking himself for
procrastinating? If so, it was a lot of
abuse, for nothing.

Why do I mention it here?

Because I often get asked about behaviors.
I get asked if such-n-such a thing is a
bad thing. I get asked if a person "should"
do things differently.

If I was to go by the "industry" standard
(what society says) then the answer might
often wind up being a "yes" because whatever
that thing is doesn't fit the way into how
things are "supposed" to be.

However, I don't go by the "industry" standard.
I go by the "individual" standard, and that
standard is the one in which the individual
(as the name would imply) gets to decide.

The problem is individuals decide all of the
time, but there is often an inner conflict
because of societal Hypnosis. There may be
times that something doesn't work, and it could
possibly be a good idea to alter it, but in
my opinion it is best never to base it on a
"should," as it is my belief that anything
built on a should has been built on a shaky

The minute that someone says "I should..." is
the minute I suspect that he is either at odds
with his own subconscious, and/or he is at
odds with what his subconscious has been
trained to believe from others. (This is not
to say changes aren't to be made, just that
it is best to make them from a "does it work"

Some people believe that everything is just as
it is meant to be. This life, after all, is a
playing field. We don't always know why
something is the way that it is, and may rarely
see the benefits of what something may bring
to us in the form of a seeming error, or mistake.

(Did you know that
Post-it Notes were a mistake?)

It would be great if we were all be so fortunate
to see positive results from our seeming errors
and perceived deficiencies. Sadly, life doesn't
seem to work that way.

For that reason, in the process of living it
might just be worth being kinder to ourselves,
and exploring the world more through the lens
of what works and what doesn't work for us,
and being kinder to ourselves when something
doesn't seem to work. Maybe there is some
other purpose ("pay off") in the offing (even
if it is "just" a lesson).

Some may take this to mean that they could do
anything that works for them, and it would be
contrary of me to say otherwise. However, it
distresses me when I see that some may already
be using this style of thinking to manipulate
and negatively affect others.

However context is everything.

In this case, it is meant to be something for
another to consider and explore for their own
inner peace and understanding, and hopefully
that point will come across. (One might think
that this could go without saying, however I
like to cover the bases).

Anything can support a case for anything else
(just as I spoke about in a previous blog
entry). So these words can be used in any
number of ways.

Of course, if you know me, you know
my choice: Use them for good.

Play (and stay) safe,

1 comment:

  1. I have heard it said once...."Don't Should on yourself..." (with of course the inner meaning that "should" could be substituted for another "S" word)
