Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Me? A Phone Sex Operator?

I received a call from a first time caller
today. I knew it wasn't going to go well
pretty quickly.

For starters, he asked me my "real" name.
When I told him I go by "Isis," he said
that was disappointing because he liked
talking to "real" people.

At that point I actually encouraged him
to go elsewhere, because I already had a
feeling things weren't going to click,
however he said he might be OK, depending
on how good I was. He also made a point
of telling me he wasn't submissive (not
a big deal, really, but I was getting the
feeling he was anything but).

He started to tell me how freaky he was,
and it seemed as though he didn't know
I was a hypnotist, so I clarified that
point, and that was when the call pretty
much abruptly ended.

I've had several calls like that recently,
and it has gotten me thinking about the
arena of phone sex, in general.

For a long time I have been told that I
have a "voice for phone sex." That was
before my voice ever showed up on any
phone sex sites.

I have always said that I would never want
to do phone sex, and have never considered
what I do to be phone sex, at least not in
a "traditional" (kind of an ironic word in
this context, don't you think?) sense.

This is not to put it, or those who do it,
down, or make any judgments of it, but
rather just a personal assessment of what
I believe is expected in contrast to what
I believe I can deliver. I never prolong
a conversation in which the intended
outcome is something I am unable to
accommodate - in any context - hypnotic,
or otherwise.

And...in a "traditional" phone sex situation,
I guarantee you, I would suck - lol - and
not in a good way, for those whose mind just
went in "that" direction.

I know labels help us to know how to
interact with someone, and help us to know
what to expect, but it is that same
"knowledge" that can get in the way of
effective communication.

Maybe someone knows what he wants, and
what he likes, and I can appreciate that,
however it is unfair to expect me to
conform to what he thinks I should do,
and how I should be. I could hang a sign
out that says I cut hair, but I guarantee
you just because I have that label, doesn't
mean you're going to like what I do for you.

If you've read my blog for a while, or have
spoken to me at any length, odds are you know
how I feel about labels. Maybe this is a
label I need to deal with and accept, however,
it needs to be on my own terms.

It did get me wondering, though, how others
experience/view things.

So...for those who know me, and have called
me, I would like to ask you three questions:

Do you consider what we do "phone sex"?
Do you consider me a PSO (phone sex operator)?
How do you define phone sex?

I'd like to know whatever your answer may
be, privately or within the comments, it's
up to you. As always your comments and
thoughts are welcome.


1 comment:

  1. It's really sad to see labeling go that far. A lot of what I'm about to say comes from just my interaction with Isis. I don't believe however that it's just me getting such a great inteaction with Her though.

    Whomever said to You (Isis) that "You have a voice for phone sex," I'd think there was a better way to say maybe what they were really trying to say. "You have a very sensual and pleasant voice" also works. While Isis could do phone sex, as good as She is, any callers would miss out on everything else that makes Her special. Limited desire gets you limited results.

    To answer the questions posed:
    1) I don't consider my interaction with Isis "phone sex." I can become aroused by what goes on, but it's never just about the arousal. With a mind in Isis' care, all sorts of things can come. Just because she tries to make it all engaging and pleasurable doesn't qualify for phone sex.
    2) Isis is not a PSO. By comparison to other PSO's, Isis feels more akin to a therapist - kind, caring, and willing to keep track of what goes on from session to session.
    3) Oversimplyfying it (probably), phone sex would be a man experiencing pleasure as a woman (or man) on the other end vocally dominating, teasing with clothing removal or bodily caresses, etc. When I think of Isis, phone sex doesn't ever come to mind. Hypnosis does. Hypnosis wouldn't be the great divide separating someone from a PSO title though; plenty of NF ladies seem to use hypnosis, whether they're using it because there's more of a market for it now or otherwise.

    One last thing to say - I believe phone sex to be a two-way street. Meaning it's not just what Isis does that makes it like that; the caller's attitude and interaction makes a world of difference. To treat Isis like a phone sex operator instead of maybe a hypnotist or (gasp!) a person, you're bound to get less than a satisfactory experience. And as with anyone (hypnotist, phone sex operator, or whatever), try reading any info on someone before contacting them. Knowing what they're about is a good tale-tell sign of if your 'wants' will be met. I got into Isis in part because of labels such as "sensual hypnotist" or "hypnotist with heart". She's even more than that honestly, but I knew how it might start, and I've loved ineracting with Her ever since.
