Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Saturday, July 23, 2011


You are taking a trip, and hit road construction.
You may never get to travel the new, smooth road,
as it the creation of it will be completed after
you have gone, but you can still say you
travelled that road. Each traveller experiences
the road by its conditions at the time of travel,
and therefore each traveller may have a different
experience of the road.

If you need to get somewhere, you check the maps
and your options, and then you choose the path
that seems to be the best. Even if you just use
a GPS it, too, is choosing which option seems
best. However, you never know until you get
on the road just how things will be. Some
obstacles may have been averted, while others
are just there, waiting for you.

Life is like the road. We make choices hoping
to avert certain obstacles, but we still find
ourselves in the middle of one. And, like
travelling the road, the only way through it
is to just keep going. We're all travelling
the road called LIFE. Some of us find the
road smoother, some bumpier, for some there is
an occasional storm that obstructs our vision.
As long as we live, we need to be checking our
life map, planning, and changing plans, as

In addition we often think that our experience
of the "road" is the same as others, even though
it may be quite different. New exits could be
added to the road that weren't there when we
were. We are unable to judge how another person's
experience of the road was, even though in life
we often assume that we know, and as a result
know what option is best for another.

Most road trips have a specific destination.
Life is perhaps not as clear cut. But like
the highway, there are signs that give us
direction, and sometimes we are forced off
the road onto another, and sometimes we have
a choice, and sometimes the choice precedes
being forced off the road.

The question rarely is whether or not we
should travel the road, but rather what
choices will we make along the way. The
choices made will determine how you wind up
at the end: Will you be irritable and
exhausted, ready to give up, or will you
be grateful for all the sights, sounds,
and experiences along the way?

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1 comment:

  1. Yet another post full of insights and wisdom :)

    I especially like the part where you point out that we should be careful assuming we know how other people experiences are.
