Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Love Power and Control

I keep hearing about the issues that our
government is having about the debt ceiling.
While I know that there can't be any easy,
quick fixes for the dilemma, and I also
can't possibly know what all the facets
are, there are a few things I do know.

What I do know is that when people are in
power people will likely either act with
compassion, or they will act to control.
I don't get a sense that much of the
current wrangling is about compassion.

With compassion comes appreciation. What
we have a appreciation for, some would
say appreciates. We have had an incredible
country, one that people have died to give
us, and one that other people have died to
get to.

It seems to me that somewhere along the
line we have lost sight of what we have.
To protect what we have, we must appreciate
it, and we must come from a place of Love.
With Love can come power, but power alone
can be tyranny and destructive.

"There is no reality except the one contained
with us. That is why so many people live
such an unreal life. They take the images
outside them for reality and never allow the
world within to assert itself."
- Herman Hesse

Where is the HEART in the budget talks?
It seems to me that we are trying to solve
a problem mechanically, and without heart;
it is no wonder we don't seem to be able
to get anywhere fast.

Human beings seem to really need and want
LOVE at the core of who they are, and yet,
like Herman says, they interact with the
world outside of themselves in the process
of living their life.

So many things we do seem to be destructive,
unhealthy, unhelpful, and yet an argument
is presented to the contrary. So wonderful
that we are so creative, but at what cost?
Is it really worth arguing, supporting, and
fighting for a solution that might only be
a band aid to a bigger problem that needs
to be addressed?

We want a better world and better life,
and yet we keep looking anywhere but within
OURSELVES. Mother Teresa was once asked
for something that would change people's
lives. Her answer: "Smile at each other.
Make time for each other. Enjoy each other."

What if we took the time to really explore
our heart's desire, and better yet, ACTED
on it? Confucius (and I am sure others over
time have) identified the chain that ties
all of life together, starting with our heart.

Our heart -> Our family -> Our city ->
Our state -> Our country -> Our world.

And there are even more ways this could
break down, if you think about it.

In speaking with as many people as I have
the last several years, it is clear to me
that MANY are not living heart based lives.

As a result, there is much unhappiness in
their lives and in their homes. Is it no
wonder that the state of affairs in this
world that we live in is hurting as much
as it is?

If we do not come from heart, we do not
come from Love, and if we do not come from
Love, the only power we will wind up
interacting with is the kind that will
seek to control.

If you truly want to effect a change in
your life, start within. Start with your
heart. Ask it what it wants, and then
LISTEN. After the heart speaks is time
for the knowledge, not before.

Knowledge has a way of denying the heart.
We are so creative, odds are good if you
listen to your heart first, you will find
the way to use your knowledge to get you
where you want to be.

We are using what we know to minimize
our reality more and more every day.
Imagine what it would be like if we
could use it to expand our possibilities,
and create fixes instead of temporarily
bandaging our wounds.

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  1. As we used to say in the Old Country: "Truer words were never spoke!" You are so on the beam with this post, Isis! Living heart-based lives would go a long way towards helping us solve a lot of problems in the world. I'll add a couple of quotes for emphasis: "Love Is All You Need" and ""Who imprisons me here? Who keeps me here? Who can release me? Who's controlling my life, except...me?" The former is obviously Lennon/McCartney. The latter is from Alan Moore's "V For Vendetta" -- the graphic novel, not the godawful movie.

    Have a great day!


  2. Thanks for your few cents, as always, cdbtoo.

    I am always open to the idea that for different people, mileages may vary; however I can't help but think that with Love it is hard to go wrong.

    Have a great night.
