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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

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People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
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Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday USA

Just like people, countries have their
quirks. Just like people, countries
have things that can empower and build
up and things that can tear down and

It is often easier to focus on the
troubling things than it is to focus
on what is good. It is often easier
to focus on our fears than it is to
cherish the safety we do have.

On a day like this, it might be worth
taking a moment to consider that every
moment is a choice. Some choices
will weigh more than others, and
seem more significant, while others
maybe not so much.

The fact is that every choice is an
important one, even the ones that may
seem small. If it wasn't for those
seemingly small moment to moment
choices made by those who came before
us, we might not be standing here now.

The future depends on
what we do in the present.
- Mahatma Gandhi

They were able to see that true
independence came from their willingness
to think it, believe it, act on it,
and acknowledge it by their choices.

It might not have been in that order,
but all pieces came together for there
to be a United Stand.

We can do that in all facets of our
life and our world, if we are willing
to find those things we believe in,
think it, believe it, act on it,
and acknowledge it with our choices.

Some would say "United we stand,
divided we fall," perhaps that
applies on a much larger scale than
most people would realize. Because
we are so connected these days to
the world, perhaps the rise and fall
of countries, leaders, and beliefs
have a much greater benefit - or
cost - than we have ever considered.

Birthdays are a time to acknowledge
those we love and care about. But
it is just one day a year. The other
364 (and sometimes 365) days matter, too.

What can we do every day to take a
stand for those we love and care about,
not the least of which is OURSELVES?
After all, as we go, so does our
country, and ultimately the world.

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