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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If you're going to take a stand..

I was reading that many who elect Tea Party
candidates insist that they stand on whatever
principles they stand for, whatever the

When I heard that, the song by Kenny Rogers
came into my mind: "You got to know when to
hold them, know when to fold them, know when
to walk away..."

There's more to the song, too, saying that
every hand can be a winning hand, if you know
how to play.

While what is going on with the wrangling
in DC is not like playing poker, it is
certainly a form of game playing and gambling.

It would seem to me that what the song says
is helpful in the context of other things
in life. I would imagine that there are a
few things that are never worth compromising
on, however is this truly one of those things?

When so much is at stake, it would seem to me
that there has to be a way to broker a
compromise. Some say that things sometimes
have to break all the way for them to get
fixed. Makes me wonder if this is one of them.

When things break, there is no more bandaging.

When things break, people start to look at
other things.

When things break, what is happening has to
change, as by the nature of the breaking, it
already has.

At the same time, there are things that if we
care for them can last a pretty long time.
Some might even say "forever," or at least it
gives that appearance. The key is "taking
care of them."

Have we taken care of what we have?

When a person or ideology says "I am RIGHT,"
at the expense of other persons or ideologies,
there are going to be upset parties involved,
especially if those who say they are right
stand in the way of those who think they're

It is difficult to know what is right or
wrong here. The hole we are in is deep.
We will however be at the effect of those
decisions for a long time to come.

I kinda feel like this is like a ship that
is on the waters. People are on it
because it can carry them. Ships and boats
are made to carry people. But then, the
ship begins to sink. The principle of
staying on the boat is no longer valid,
and someone who was adamant about everyone
staying aboard because - in principle -
ships float is going to go down and
bring everyone with him.

I know it's not exactly the same, and
if it wasn't for the standing for
principles of our forefathers we
wouldn't be here. So there are times
we must take a stand.

So my question of those who support the Tea
Party candidates - and what their desire is
from their representative - is - with so
much at stake, is this really one of those

What if we truly believed that every hand
is a winner? Might there be another
way to go?

This, by the way, is not to pick on the Tea
Party, but rather is just used as an example
of someone who stubbornly refuses to make
any other choice but the one s/he is making.

In the end, we all will have those moments
in life. And it would be wise, perhaps, to
take a step back and truly consider if the
choice is an action to be taken, or a
reaction to something undesirable. If it
is a reaction, it might be leading in the
wrong direction. Actions are much more
powerful than reactions because they have
a core from which to build and refer.
Reactions can sometimes leave one swinging
in the air. Of course, an initial reaction
can create the foundation for an action.

As always, awareness can be a helpful
first step to a successful and satisfying

I am guessing one way or another things will
work out. I just hope that those of us on
this ship don't have to sink in the process.

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