Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You may want to give it a second (or third) thought...

Previously I have written about HPV. Many
people have told me they don't know anything
about it. At the same time, it is something
that people should be aware of. In its worst
forms, it is what is responsible for cervical
cancer in women. It is also speculated that
it can cause oral cancer. And...it is
something that there is often no physical
sign of infection. And...it is something that
is transmitted from genital skin contact, so
a condom won't necessarily protect you from
getting it.

Now there is a new gonorrhea "superbug" that
seems to be making a name for itself.
Apparently when one is first infected there
may be no symptoms, so you may not know if
that person you are playing with is infected.

Once infected, it is untreatable, and can
cause some serious health problems that
could lead to death, according to one source.

I am sad that there are things that can
minimize the pleasure of something so
wonderful as sex, but I am even sadder
when I see some people throw all caution
to the wind and play a game of Russian
Roulette. I even had a guy once who
wanted me to encourage high risk behaviors
hypnotically. I wouldn't, but I have no
doubt there are some that would.

If you are in a relationship, and care
about the one you are with, or aren't in
a relationship and think you may one day
want a special someone to care about, I
ask you to please consider what you are
doing sexually - before you do it.

There are some serious implications that
might be worth taking a step back. As
much as I believe physical, intimate
contact is one of the most beautiful
things we have, another beautiful thing
we have is hypnosis. You can experience
a lot safely under hypnosis. If you want
to experiment, consider doing it in an
erotic, hypnotic context.

I even know of someone who had a health
scare so he went back to the safety of
hypnosis. It's not a place to hide, but
it can be quite complementary playing
with your desires, safely.

When I first got sexually active with
someone without using a condom I remembered
thinking that I was even more vulnerable
than ever. When a woman and man trust
each other enough to have unprotected
sex, there is a lot more at stake than
an orgasm.

You will do whatever you do, however
perhaps consider that what you do may
have more far reaching consequences than
you'd like for it to have.

I hate to be so serious. But occasionally
someone has to talk about the things no
one wants to talk about.

Be safe.

(to find out how gonorrhea is
transmitted click here

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1 comment:

  1. Please, Isis, be as serious as you think you need to be whenever you want. I for one think you're right on the mark posting about this issue. We live in a nation which seems to be terribly afraid of talking about sex and adamant about keeping people uninformed about ways to be safe while doing what is so natural to us. (I won't even go into the psychological damage our Puritan heritage has visited on us.)

    If more people were able to have this discussion, there would be fewer problems that had roots in sexual behavior.

