Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who Knows Best?

I was speaking with a friend today who
was advising another friend (that I
don't know) on how to do something.

What she told the friend was in
direct opposition to what a "so-called"
professional had told her to do.

I say "so-called" because while some
would say experts are supposed to
know enough to know better than others,
it isn't absolute.

I remember reading a book by a hypnotist
who was doing Past Life Regressions and
when he started, he didn't even know
what was happening. In his book he
suggests/recommends that people only
work with those who know what they are

Anyone see a potential contradiction of
sorts there?

I have taken a slight detour here, talking
about experts, but it fits the ultimate
point of this post.

How does anyone know who knows best/better?
There might be some cases where/when one
might, but how often is there contradictory
information that is supposed to be right?

The key - as I see it - is to find the
solution/path that works for the person.
No wonder my friend's friend might be
confused. Someone she sees as an authority
is in opposition to what her friend
emphatically believes to be true.

It is easy to be swayed by others, if what
we are doing doesn't seem to be working, or
if someone comes along and convinces you
that you are wrong. Are you truly convinced,
or are you just swept up in their logic?
Perhaps you just want to please them, or
avoid conflict.

As often is the case, there is a cost with
not following the tune of your inner piper.
There may things that work for others, but
not for you.

Some people can smoke heavily their whole
life, and never have any lung or respiratory
issues. Some people may drink regularly
and never have any liver issues. Some people
can eat everything in the fridge and never
gain an ounce.

Some people.

I am not sure that there is a "one sized fits
all" approach to life, and yet there are some
who would say otherwise. If it works for them,
and especially if it works for many others,
then it has to work for anyone who tries it.
If it doesn't, the person may not be trying
hard enough. What's wrong with them?

Things like this happen in a grand scale with
those who market and sell things, or in a
more intimate way with those who are close
to us.

It takes a special effort and willingness to
carve out your own best way, and it may even
be a hybrid of others' best ways. It might
also be that your best way aligns with what
another believes to be true - in direct
opposition to what another says.

It may at times be easier to let someone
else tell you what to do, but the results
may not be so easy to live with. The next
time you feel conflicted about what is
best to do, consider taking a step back
and looking at the pieces, and see which
ones truly fit YOU.

Sometimes it is difficult to get clear
about what those things are. If clarity
is an issue, hypnosis and I may be
of some help. Just give a call.

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