Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Friday, September 30, 2011

Tomorrow is the Day...are you ready?

Just finishing up the finer details of
the IsisFest that starts tomorrow.
I am kind of excited about this. I
feel like some of the images are some
of my best work yet.

There are several images that are
wallpaper size. There are images
with fishnets, legs, stockings,
heels, cleavage, costumes, some
are fun, some are artistic, some
are just hypnotic..and at the moment
there is one movie file and one MP3.
I may throw in more at some point,
but 25 files is the starting point.

I will post the page shortly...
within the next few hours, likely.
There are day-to-day instructions,
and you'll want to know that there
will be updates daily in Eastern
(East US Coast) time. You'll want
to go by what day it is there when
"Trick or Treating."

This is an ambitious event on my
part, and there may be bugs, so I
know you will work with me, if
necessary. I will always make
things right. I know you know
that, and if you didn't, now you do.

Any questions, or problems, just
let me know.


Just a bit longer...

Can you stand it?

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