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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Is this all there is? | Video

Lately I have been speaking with more and
more people who are less than satisfied
with their life. Even in some cases
nothing seems to be "wrong," per se, but
there is an unsettled feeling that they

Is this all there is? Is this what life
is supposed to be?

It is easy to get caught up in the mechanics
of life, and lose sight of the experience
of what life has to offer.

In a previous video, it was suggested that
how we experience life has everything to
do with who we are and what we need to know
about ourselves, and has nothing to do with
another's experience. The contrasts offered
by others gives us help us to be clear about
who and how we are.

In the videos below there is a woman who
channels someone named Dr. Peebles. Before
you go running away (if that is something
that isn't quite your cup of tea) I would
like you to consider that while the messenger
might not be exactly what fits your belief
system, there might be a message worth
listening to.

S/he talks about the subject of Committing,
and within that context is a conversation
about the types of things I often speak
about myself, including love, and the
discovery and expression of what is in
your heart.

It speaks of bringing value to another person's
experience of life. If you go along with the
previous video, and about how life is about us,
then adding value to another's experience of
life is something we do for ourselves.

Perhaps that feeling you have inside is telling
you there is more to life than what you have
so far let yourself experience. Perhaps there
is an experience of life that means
experiencing others in a different way because
you are experiencing yourself differently.

The video doesn't really say "how" to do it.
That is always the tricky part. We are always
looking for the "magic pill." However, one
thing you can do - even if you don't know
specifically what you want or can do - is
figure out the essence of what you think it
could or should be.

For instance, when I got laid off from a job
several years ago, people would ask me what
I wanted to do. I was trying to figure out
what to do next. I was reading books,
talking to people, but had no idea what
"next" could be. I knew better what I didn't
want it to be, and I also knew that I wanted
to "get paid to talk to people."

Interestingly, and frustratingly, I was told
by many that it wasn't specific enough.

Well...not long after, I took a hypnosis
course (because I was curious about the
topic), and one thing let to another.
Given that you are reading this, I am sure
you figured out that I got exactly what I
wanted. I *WAS* specific in my general
statement, because I had the essence of what
I wanted to do.

Sometimes we get caught up in the details,
or in the frustrations of the details we don't
have, and find ourselves going no where fast.
If things are going to move, they have to
start somewhere, and odds are your heart
knows the essence of where there is.

So...if you have the time, check out the
videos, and see what you think. See if you
can cherry pick some nuggets for yourself.

As always, if you want to explore this idea
in a hypnotic context, we should talk.

Have a great day!

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