Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

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Monday, August 29, 2011

The Financial Fetish & Me

Just a few minutes ago someone I have been
talking to for years bought me a necklace
and earrings (a necklace you will likely
see on me at some point).

I love those who are generous with their
time and money when it comes to me, and
generous doesn't have to be defined by a few
thousand dollars; it could be just a few

I know some have a financial fetish, but when
it comes at the cost of the money that one
doesn't have, or at the expense of a
relationship, it is not something I would
want to be a party to.

I realize that people have their own choices
to make, and need to be as responsible, or
as lacking, as they see fit, but they don't
need to bring me into a potentially
destructive and disastrous situation with

It is for that reason, I am cautious who
I do anything remotely financial with.
In addition, I always make it clear that
I never want someone to do more than they
reasonably can, and that I will get zero
enjoyment out of someone who compromises
themselves in the process of doing something
for me.

I never used to even touch things like this
when I first started, despite there being
what seemed to be an eager market for it.
But one day I realized that situations like
this can be advantageous for both parties.
When done right, both parties get what they
want, and feel good about it in the process.

I'd like to think that if someone has a need
or a desire to do something in this way, the fact
that they can do it relatively safely and sanely
with me, it might even be of some greater benefit.
Of course, it could just seem like a justification
for what some would consider objectionable behavior,
who knows?

At the same time, I know what is in my heart, and
I do my best to respect what is in another's
heart and experience. We all need outlets, and
some are better or worse than others. Perhaps
if you do something in a way that doesn't destroy
you and isn't destructive you will even get
to a point when you feel like you've "been there,
done that." And if that was ever the case,
wouldn't it be nice to know that the person
you've done it with wishes you well, and doesn't
make the act of leaving difficult, if not

If, by any chance, what you are doing you know
isn't good for you, and you don't want to do it
at all, it is probably best to stay away from most
on NF who say they will help, as they will
likely help you, alright, right into a bigger
mess. Of course, it feeds right into what some
people say they want, in which case this
conversation may not be for you.

On the other side of the spectrum, if you want
to stop, hypnosis at its best can certainly be
an aid. I am happy to help, if you think I can.
(You can certainly check me out, and see if I
am for real, after all, I could say anything).
However, there are those who hypnotize in the
vanilla world who could likely help as well, so
there are options.

You get something from what you do, and there is
a part of you that will do anything to preserve
it, no matter the cost. Worst part is that it
somehow thinks it is doing you a favor. But you
CAN change things; you just need to be willing to
take the steps along the way. Stopping may seem
impossible right now because it is too big and
unwieldy in its totality, but take it one step
at a time and you may find it not only to be much
more manageable, but you may also find much safer
and better alternatives along the way.

As always, your course is made by the choices you
make...so you may want to think about what you
do before you do it, and what the repercussions
could be.

I once received a message from the wife of a man
who had spent some money on me. I wouldn't say
it was a lot, and I was always telling him the
things I have said here. However, it was apparent
from his wife's "note," that he had spent
thousands of their family's money on people
like "me." Likely it is needless to say she wasn't
happy, and it sounded like their marriage was over,
and who knows what effect it had on the kids.

I never knew any more, as I never heard from him
again, but I have always hoped that he was OK.
In many ways he seemed to be no different than
many of those I have spoken with, so I know that
the chances of others having a similar outcome is
not that improbable.

I am sure she saw me as one of the bunch, and for
that I am truly sorry. However, while I don't
believe that to be the case, a portion of what
was spent, was spent on me. I am fairly certain,
(but have no way to be sure) others were happy
to help themselves to whatever they could get
their hands on.

As with anything in life, we can't always - and
shouldn't always - be responsible for the choices
of another, but that doesn't mean we should not
consider how our interactions play into the
unseen/unknown mix. For some that may be a
minimal consideration, if even one. For those
who draw lines, given the complexity of people
and situations, many may be drawn in murky waters,
so be careful where you go swimming; you might be
in the deep end before you know it.

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1 comment:

  1. It's blogs like this that are worthy of the "Thanks Isis (Click Here)" button where you can tribute Isis. Isis' blogs are consistently worthy of it, but this one especially. By comparison to how a lot of other ladies regard the financial fetish, I love how Isis handles things the most - effort can be it's own courtesy, and any amount I can give that hurts me is something She doesn't want a part in.
