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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Truth, Lies, Acceptance and Respect

Gavin Rossdale has admitted to being with a man.
Apparently, his wife Gwen Stefani didn't know
to what extent

I hope when everything is said and done all will
be well between the two of them. I know many
people who would prefer the truth to a lie, but
not all would be truly OK with truth, which is
what often leads people to lie.

It is most unfortunate that people feel the need
to lie about things so that they can be accepted.

In Gavin's case, he probably figured it was the
past, and didn't want it to influence his present
possibilities. To some degree, in the culture in
which we live it would seem to make sense to cover
that tidbit up. However the question becomes
which is worse: the lie or what happened?

As for myself, I like to know what I am walking
into. If one truly has a love and respect for
another, much is possible, and sometimes the
things that happen for me are what others would
deem impossible.

Until we as a culture of people can find a way
to embrace people for the whole of who they are,
we unfortunately should expect situations like
these. The irony is, though, that even though
there are some that are more open and accepting
than others, we've been trained to believe

So many times I will say something, and mean it,
and I am still treated as though I said something
else, or that I couldn't possibly mean what I
have said, or that it must be a trick or a
manipulation. After all, that is a ploy that
is used by some - who aren't telling the truth,

In a world with respect, we will respect each
other enough to tell the truth, AND respect the
other enough to choose what works for them, even
if it's not what we would like, want, or hope for

In my estimation, anything less is to some degree
swimming against the tide and forfeiting a part of
ourself and those we love and care about. Is it
OK? That is only for you to decide. Everything
has a cost.

In the end, is it worth it?

1 comment:

  1. "Is it worth it?"

    I'd say yes. Not 100% yes, but in many cases I could say yes. It's hard enough to maintain a marriage today as so many (too many) examples out there prove. To love someone entirely whole is an exercise I think many still aren't equipped for. Not that they can never do it, but the circumstances that can bring people together may be a little to pristine or perfect; it's unfortunate considering how ugly the relationship status people thrust themselves into can end up being.

    And depending on the circumstances, some lies are necessary than the truth. A classic one among males is "if you're woman ask you 'does this dress make me look fat' and your answer is anything but what makes her happy, may God be with you." An easily paraphrased quote, but very true. In Gwen and Gavin's case, that's tough decision to make. Could've ended up a few ways, but all understandable as unique as that circumstance was. We all come with baggage; whether we check it, carry it, or lie about it's contents will determine how the flight will end.
