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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Friday, October 15, 2010

It Gets Better...? | About Being Who You Are | Video

With the recent number of deaths of
teens who have been bullied, there
has been an outpouring of videos that
speak to how "it gets better."

Most of the cases have been children
who are GLBT, however it isn't universal
as bullying in general seems to be a
big problem.

What I find interesting about all of
those who are speaking to how it gets
better is that even though they are
talking about issues that relate to
not fitting in and being bullied in
regard to being GLBT, but it the
message fits for more than just them.
It fits for so many who don't feel
like they fit, or made to believe
that they are a misfit in some way.

There are things about myself that I
used to want to hide when I was
growing up...things that made me
different...things that I now revel
in because they are the things that
make me, ME.

It has taken time to find that
perspective, and to appreciate who
I am, and sadly the kids who take
their own lives will never get a
chance to see how wonderful their
uniqueness truly is.

Many adults - as good as they may
say life comes to be - even struggle
to be who they truly are. For some,
the stigma may have faded, but the
scars remain. For others, there is
a constant struggle to stay within
the range of what is considered the
norm and acceptable.

While I do not have statistics, I
am fairly certain that the problems
highlighted by these recent events
are not unique to a particular
demographic. I am fairly certain
that lives are lost every day and
new pains inflicted everywhere -
we just don't hear about it all.

Being true to oneself is one of the
best things that we could ever do,
but it is also likely to be one of
the most difficult especially when
someone is in your face, tormenting
you. Is it no wonder that many
adults have difficulty being who
they truly are after a foundation
of being told that who they are is
not good, right, perfect, etc...?

Who we are is built on the foundation
what has come before. If we are
unable or unwilling to discover what
is in that unconscious foundation, we
just build over it and pretend that
everything is OK when it really isn't.

Every day I hear people tell me that
they want something that will
effectively cover up something they
don't like. Often they don't realize
that that approach won't net them what
they want, and might likely cause more

So the adults have issues that haven't
been dealt with, and the adults are in
some ways no better equipped to deal
with things than their kids. We are
taught many things in school, but not
taught about ourselves.

My heart goes out to anyone who is, or
has been, affected by bullying of any
sort, for any reason. It just goes to
show we have a long way to go...and
very little to go on to get there.

While programs like "It Gets Better"
are not likely to stop the crisis,
every little bit can help as conversation
helps to create an awareness, and with
awareness comes opportunity.

Below is the video that prompted today's
thoughts. If you have the time, consider
watching, and see if there is anything
you might get out of it for yourself, or
someone you care about.

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