Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Friends that Disagree

A friend recently told me about a time
in college when a long time friend told
him he was going to get married, and
that he wanted my friend to be his Best

My friend always knew that is what his
friend wanted and intended when the time
came but, in this particular case, he
felt the choice wasn't one that he could
support, and told his friend that if he
married her, he could not be his Best Man.

His friend was pissed. His friend also
is now happily married to someone else,
and has a couple of kids. He chose not
to marry the other woman.

Did my friend have anything to do with
his choice? Who knows what happened
exactly? However, when the conversation
was had my friend pointed to some very
serious issues and considerations and
took a stand for the sake of his friend.

I was watching an interview with Lisa
Marie (Presley) recently in which she
said she was upset with how those in
her dad's life didn't help him until
she realized that he had (in essence)
an "agree with me" or "get away"
attitude. She also noted that Michael
Jackson had a similar situation as well,
surrounding himself apparently with
"yes" men.

While it is important for us to be true
to ourselves, it is also important that
we have friends who will stand up for
us in spite of what the consequences
might be. Someone might stand up and
be wrong in regard to what is indeed
right for us, but that friend might also
be a saving grace in some circumstances.

Who knows what the right balance is, as
it will vary from person to person and
situation to situation, so knowing what
the "right" thing to do falls again on
being connected with oneself and respectful
of another and his/her choices.

We can be at odds and be combative, or we
can be at odds and be respectful. There
is a big difference between the two, and
the difference can make or break a
relationship between people, organizations,

A challenge to what we believe and what we
want can really suck, but it can also be
the very thing that gets us where we need
to be.

Silencing those who look at things differently
than we do can be one of the greatest things
we can do to cause ourself harm, and so is
being swayed too easily by another's idea of
what is right for us.

Who ever said being human made sense, or
was easy? LOL. But the "funny" thing is
that it is easier than we think it is. It
just so happens that being human often
includes making things complicated.

But...odds are this would never apply
to YOU now, would it? :P


  1. If everyone could only express one opinion all of the time, it would be so wrong. Without debate and opposing opinions, one ideal and or phylosophy would be imposed on all others. This is called fascism and is practiced by dictators around the globe throughout history. The systomatic brainwashing of a society towards one belief usually results in genocide of those in opposing factions. in the 1500's it was the crusades, in the 1940's it was WW2, today it's Jihad.
    Getting along with acceptance of others rights to: opinion, religion, personal orientation, race, disabilities and persuit of happyness etc. are the liberties and principals that this country was founded on.
    Today the political powers that be are constantly pitting a continual class warfare of rich vs poor, color vs color, white collar vs blue collar, conservative vs liberal, etc.
    just so that the people believe how much they need the government. This is called political correctness and is terring this great nation apart. Why is someone a -american instead of just a plain American?
    I say, ney ney. this government is too big, bulky and bloated. cut cut cut, start at the top, and work down. Too many assistants to assistants. Too many czars of this and that. consolidate duplicated services, make government a service, not a lifetime trough to feed at. Why are senators and representatives exempt from the laws they pass? Give these scumbags Obamacare instead of their cadilac health care, make them earn a living wage salary instead of hundreds of thousands a year.
    If the people represented the people, instead of the individual representing his/her own political agenda, this would be such a better place to live!!
    Ok, sorry to vent, had to get that off my chest. Hulk better now!!!

    xoxo BuffaloFire

  2. Hey BF...

    Sorry I haven't replied to your comment - til now. Somehow it was missed.

    People who look at things the way you do have a chance of making changes in this world. Often the thing that is troublesome is so big many won't even touch it, or give up. If we can act on an individual - or smaller scale - we will likely see difference little by little.

    Thanks for being so passionate. The world needs people like you.
