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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delaware's Dilemma has to do with us, too | Video

Interesting ad the following is.

Perhaps you have heard of Christine O'Donnell?

I don't know more than the snippets I hear
in the media, and am not sure I want to, LOL.

Apparently a video has surfaced that has her
speaking about Wicca or being a witch, or
something like that.

It doesn't really matter what the fact is for
the purpose of this entry because all I want
to say that if it says something about Wicca,
it is one very misunderstood practice. It
is actually quite beautiful in how it looks
at things (at least from what I know of it).

As with anything, even the good can appear
bad depending on its use, and depending on
who's using it, and how. Once again, we
should be careful about labels, as things
and people aren't always what the label
implies, and can even sometimes be mislabeled.

Christine makes a good point in the video
about how no one is perfect, however to
label witch as "bad" isn't necessarily a
solution in my mind, either. Much that
isn't understood is labeled in such a way
that it is often feared, and sometimes

In some way the message of her video also
aligns with my previous blog entry. In so
many ways we are alike, but it's hard to
remember that while the differences are
tearing us apart.

The voters of Delaware will do themselves
a favor by investigating the facts, and
also looking at the labels and what they
mean. Taking things for granted (with
very few exceptions) is rarely helpful.

I wonder what the outcome of the Delaware
election will be. I wonder if any of
these types of things could be happening
to have us pay closer attention to the
things we believe, say, and do. If so,
I am not sure if getting caught up in
certain pieces of what is going on is
productive as it can take the form of a
distraction, as we go off on paths that
divert us from the things that we should
really be paying attention to.

Not to say the details don't matter,
but sometimes being so focused on the
smaller pieces, we lose sight of the
bigger ones. Given what is going on
the world-at-large, perhaps there is
a bigger picture we're missing?

What do you think?


  1. i don't disagree with any of the points you make, but have to say that i think O'Donnell is a total idiot...take a look at the link below showing her expressing the view that evolution is a "myth"...i think it's a disgrace that someone so ignorant is even being considered for political office.....

  2. Guess you're not one to mince words, anon.

    One great thing about the country that we live in is freedom of expression. It, like most things, has its up and down sides.

    Personally I'm careful of words like "idiot" only because it might imply other things and affect the listening of anyone I might want a chance to influence in some way.

    I know this conversation is a loaded one, and that is why I was specific in what I addressed. Conversation is always a good thing - as long as what is said is in some way heard.

    Have a good one. Thanks for stopping by and adding your few cents. :)

  3. Dear Isis,
    A very wise reply....and i would not have used the term "idiot" if i was trying to persuade people....rather i was venting my frustration about how, with all the complex issues we as a society must deal with, requiring intelligent and informed minds, we are still at the stage of debating evolution, or the existence of atoms or other critical pieces of information that people who run the government ought to be expected to have at least a minimal knowledge of. It's comparable to having someone illiterate run for office....such a person would not be an effective member of government because they would lack the basic skills needed to deal effectively with the complex problems that face us all.
