Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I was speaking with someone today about Types.

As with anything there are pluses and minuses
in regard to types. When you know what you
want there is a chance you are better able
to get it. However it also limits your options,
and there may be better ones, you just aren't
aware of yet.

There have been a few cases when I met someone
and they weren't what I thought they'd be. In
a couple of cases I had even seen pictures, but
the in person vibe was different than expected.
However in both cases, there was a connection
with the person that trumped what I thought of
them physically. It wasn't that I was unattracted,
it was just that I wasn't initially attracted.

I know people who are adamant about their "type,"
and feel that nothing else will do. If they are
that certain, then one of two things will usually
happen, they'll either be right, or they'll be
knocked off their feet by someone who doesn't fit
the model at all. I personally think the second
option so much more fun and appealing from an
observer's point of view. :)

People often ask me if I have a type, and I do.
However my type has been side stepped many times
to the point that I have been attracted to a range
of types physically. Sometimes my interest has
even surprised me.

But it just goes to show that when you are truly
connecting with someone it is the soul that you see
first, and it leads you to the rest. I am sure is a
place like that that the saying "beauty is in the
eyes of the beholder" must have come from.

So...if you are having any difficulty finding what
you are looking for, consider what effect your
typecasting has. If the things you want are things
that are important to you then I would never suggest
that you give them up. However, consider that there
may be other ways to accomplish what you want, and
with a willingness to adjust you may enhance your

Also consider - as a side note - that you may have
been hypnotized to feel the way you do about what you
do. And, as with anything hypnotic, it can be rewired
in a way that can be beneficial for you if you find
that it limits you, is a detriment to you, or is
something you would like to change for one reason
or another.

Of course this conversation (as with any conversation)
has many angles and perspectives. There will be those
who can and will disagree with the idea of what defines
beauty. For the record, this conversation is more
about attraction (which is much more elusive) than
beauty. And attraction, which is something that is
very difficult to define, is not exclusively linked to
what some may deem (physically) attractive.

The beauty of life is that we all get to make our own
choices, and when we get caught up in trying to define
absolutes that we can all agree upon, it is easy to
lose sight of what is important. In the end, the thing
or things you are best suited to be doing are the things
that work for YOU.

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