Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2 Callers | the Experience of Being Isis

Caller Number One:

Someone calls me. We speak a couple of minutes.
He's someone who has called before, but it has
been a while, and I didn't immediately place him.

I ask some questions. Par for the course. I
need to know a few things before we begin. I
ask the questions I do to seek to understand
why he hasn't called in a while. It may not be
anything, but if he has run scared, which some
do at times, it would be important for me to know.

I asked one too many questions,
and he hung upon me.

Today I get an email in which he explains to me
that my questions are only for my curiosity, and
that they are "secondary" to the issue at hand.

He also takes issue with how I approached previous
sessions, and the questions I have asked previously.
He is not calling to spend his money for me to ask
my questions. He is horny.

Apparently my questions ruin his mood. I should
just "do" him (my words, not his). He also seems
to like to be taken on the whim of a hypnotist.

That's all fine, and it is fine that he doesn't
want to approach things as I do. I might be able
to adjust, if I know what someone wants and doesn't
want, but to expect me to know that something isn't
working without telling me seems at least a "bit"

In the end, I say my few cents, and explain that
I am not for everyone and that what he considers
"secondary" and idle curiosity is not the case,
and that I am not for everyone. I thank him for
his interest, however, suggest that if my approach
troubles him that much he can avail himself of
the refund policy.

Which leads me to Caller Number Two:

This guy has called me before - more than once,
and at great length. He has tried to steer the
conversation in a way that I am uncomfortable with,
and I have always said to him how I am unwilling to
go a certain way, and that phone sex is not my thing.

He has just gone with what I have given him in the
past. He had stopped calling, so I thought perhaps
he had found other, more suitable options.

Today he calls, and he starts in again, and I am
consistent in my approach. He seems surprised, and
tries to dom me more than once. I tell him we have
spoken more than once, and at length, that he
shouldn't be surprised. He backs down a little,
but then begins the "climb" again.

I suggested more than once that he speak with someone
else, but he keeps going. At some point, he wanted
me to do something which I wouldn't. At that point,
he gets abrupt and says that he should have called
someone else.

The funniest part about this was that when I suggested
that since he seemed to have forgotten that I wasn't
into phone sex, and seemed to have forgotten what
I was about, he should take me off his list so that
he doesn't make a mistake and call me again he told
me I should take HIM off MY list.

So now it's my responsibility to make sure he never
calls me again. Priceless.

PS When I went to block him, it showed that he only
called me once under the account he used. I have
done all that I can as I can only block account names,
and not his name specifically. Won't it be funny if
he calls again at some point in the future? Somehow,
I don't think HE will find it too humorous, but I
know I will.


  1. Priceless is right for both of them. Sorry (yet unsurprising) that a voice like Yours can attract such guys that don't listen or won't take "no" for an answer. Must've been very horny to handicap their logic and understanding like that. Isis' voice and suggestions by themselves arouse easily enough for me. Too bad not everyone can embrace that.

  2. It's the nature of the "beast," I'd say. There are so few ways and places to present me and the type of work I do. It is a niche that needs to be carved - often. The day that it doesn't have to be will be the day that there are likely too many people doing this type of play.
