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(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Judging Lindsay Lohan

Judging another. We're all good for that.

Right now many are judging Lindsay for
how she lives her life. Some are astounded
by the recent drug test that she failed which
likely means she'll be going back to prison.

Does she want to go to prison? Odds are
likely a big, fat NO, and yet she has done
something she knows was possibly going to
take her there.

Most people not in her situation would likely
call her stupid and array of other things
including, perhaps, arrogant.

Since no one is in her shoes, no one truly can
judge her or her actions by the source. They
can only judge by the result. Even standing in
her shoes odds are good that she either questions
things herself and doesn't know why she does it
or thinks she knows why and continues to do it,
justifying it in some way.

What has happened with her has happened with
each of us. We all have something at some time
or another that we are drawn to that isn't good
for us. And even though doing that thing, or
being involved in that thing, isn't in our best
interest we are drawn in like a magnet. Fortunately
for most of us we don't have the public scrutiny of
someone "known."

The good thing about a situation like this is that
things CAN change, but it can sometimes feel like
an uphill battle. If there is something that weakens
you and/or is harmful to you that you are actively
doing to yourself, odds are there is something
unconsciously driving you that believes that thing
is somehow to your benefit.

Getting someone to help you see things more clearly
is one step you can take to find a different (and better)
way. Many times the unconscious mind doesn't want to
give up what it knows as the known aspect can be a form
of comfort and/or pleasure. Because of that, logical
explanations do very little to sway a person's actions
to change. What the unconscious part of us often doesn't
realize is that it can trade up and have something that
is able to be what we need without harming ourselves
in the process.

If you're unhappy it is a sign that something better IS
possible. You just gotta allow yourself to get there,
and "all" it takes is consistently taking one step at a time
starting with the first one.

The fight to keep things intact will want to derail you
and stop you in your tracks and/or have you run back
to your original comfort zone, and there may be times
you're so uncomfortable you may think you're not
doing the right thing. It may be hard to tell what the
"truth" is at times like that. But if you chose to make
the change because of the harm of your previous choices,
know that the discomfort will be temporary, and an
altered reality that you'd prefer may be closer than
you think.

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