Who wants to be hypnotized when they could be hypnotouched*?

(It's ALL) About Me (yeah, right!)

I am about many things...to box me into ONE would be a very big mistake.

People experience me as intelligent and offbeat, with a perspective that is NOT down the worn path.
Those who enjoy speaking with me quite frequently find things they didn't even know they were looking for.
If what I have to say seems interesting or might be helpful to you, let's talk!

There is a chat box in the right column,
feel free to chat with others when I am not there, or with me, when I am.
(If you're hearing *blips* while visiting, there is likely to be conversation going on at the time).

Monday, September 27, 2010

Expression as an Art Form

When I first wrote anything that
resembled poetry, it was like a
distant cousin - very distant.

It was nothing like the abstract
words that were in textbooks and
the works of literature that have
endured through the years.

When I wrote, I wrote for me.

Occasionally I would share what
I wrote with others, and if they
appreciated it, it made me feel
good, but it wouldn't have stopped
me from writing what I did if they
didn't like my works, as I truly
wrote what I did for myself.

Today I saw something that made me
think about this. Someone didn't
seem too happy about what seemed to
be a lack of response to a well
thought out and lengthy post.

I am not sure what he was hoping for,
but it seemed apparent that one thing
he didn't get was the acknowledgment
of being heard.

I got to thinking about those who
consider themselves artists. Yes, it
would likely be great to make a living
with one's art, however a great many
seem to do it for what it inspires
within, and what it helps to nurture
or release. The artists would continue
to create, even if there was no money
involved (no acknowledgment) because
the value comes from an internal
dynamic. It also wouldn't matter what
another person thought of the work,
because it came from - and was for -
the same individual. Any additional
input and acknowledgment and liking
would possibly be gravy.

It can be difficult to put one's internal
self into the external world. The minute
that something internal manifests externally
the person might be - or feel - vulnerable,
among other things. In addition, words of
any kind (written or spoken) are bantered
about constantly so we often don't think
of them as an art form (and then again not
everyone views art the same way, but that
is a different conversation).

It is wonderful to be heard and appreciated.
There is no denying that. I love when I
hear from people that they appreciate the
works and words that I share. And, yes,
there are times I think certain things glow
a bit more than others, and I want them to
be noticed and acknowledged, but it doesn't
always happen, and certainly not as frequently
as I might like.

The beauty of coming to the point where I am
at the moment is that I can see what I put
out there, I can see what I'd like to have
happen, I can see what does happen, and I can
observe my reaction to it.

Who am I writing/creating for? Mostly me.
Sometimes I will write/create just for my own
information, my own clarity, my own thought
processes or expression.

Sometimes I create because I want to hear what
others might say about my expressions. When
people disagree with me (or don't appreciate
what I have done) I sometimes solidify my
position and sometimes I change it. I always
learn something from it.

Would I like for people to pay attention to my
words and works? If it could make the world a
better place, absolutely. Does everyone care
who the heck I am or if the world is a better
place? Absolutely not.

I create because I want to, and I create because
there might just be someone out there who can
relate to my expressions, and who might just care
about and appreciate how I look at things.

Yummy gravy.

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